General properties of the Structure:
- Multi-level. It means the presence of an infinite number of levels, nested in each other, going sequentially or both together. As a result, fractality is one of the properties of the structure.
- Connectivity. It means that all levels or other structures are interconnected internally and externally, without gaps (the world is full).
- Uncertainty. You may have the illusion that, with long observation and work with a specific structure, you all know about it, but this is always a deeply erroneous opinion (take control of the FAQ), because in any structure there are both visible levels / parts and invisible, the lack of knowledge of which introduces a certain uncertainty in the properties of the structure.
- Traffic. This property is due to the fact that everything in the world is energy. Whatever part of the world you take for consideration, there will always be some amount of energy (visible or not), and where there is energy, there is movement. You can try to stop the movement (I have done many similar experiments on myself), but usually more energy is generated to oppose your will, so it makes sense not so much to do it as to harmonize and balance more and more energy, which contributes to the development of volitional qualities , especially if you always set yourself the ultimate goals of self-knowledge and gradually push the boundaries beyond.
- Memory. The presence of a structure is connected with the existence of information about it; therefore, in fact, any structure (like matter, for example, water) is a memory. Esotericists say (just don’t
throwtomatoes) that any rationalpersonhas an owner and keeper of a certain “flash drive” called an egg-ochore (or the devil’s seed is a repository of information about the development of all universes, both divine and demonic), which he will reveal during evolution in itself, while retaining its negative qualities with its positive properties, and thus reaching the prototype of God in the limit. But, of course, the concept of memory is not only in esoterics, but also among ordinary computer scientists, which is most noticeable in the device of the computer itself - almost any part of it can be called memory to a greater or lesser extent, both on the physical and logical levels. SSD, RAM, caches - all this is memory at different levels, but not only that - there is also “memory” between them, because between different levels of memory information is transmitted using another memory; the same transistors are also a memory of what needs to be done when certain signals are supplied to the inputs and the formation of the desired signal at the output. - Eternity. The most important property (otherwise why discuss all this?). Ultimately, it means that you can erase a circle drawn on a sheet with a pencil (as a structure), but you cannot destroy the very idea of ​​a “circle” and it must manifest itself in the world around you, visible and / or invisible to you ...
- Beauty and harmony.
- Nucleus. In the computer world there is an analogy of the concept of the Kernel as the kernel of the Linux OS, but here it is more of a static concept - it can be changed, but it makes a reasonable, automatic change of the kernel is impossible (otherwise it will be called a virus). Therefore, this analogy is flawed - in reality, the Core automatically changes to your perception (as a ratio) and tries to put you out of balance. The secret of balance in such a system is a flexible perception that adapts itself to changes - in fact, you take on the qualities of the Kernel for yourself - this is precisely the goal. If you can become the bearer of such a changing Perception at least for a while - then you will feel the beauty of the whole world in full (tested on yourself) even (and especially) in the details.
Here is what one of the readers writes on the Kernel topic:
I (we) perceive myself as two creatures that form a single system, we can conditionally call consciousness and subconsciousness, one way or another, this duality is reflected in many teachings, (logic / mind / spirit / consciousness) and (feelings / intuition / heart / soul / subconscious). Because when infinity tries to look at itself, it is as if pseudo-divided into the beholder and what they are looking at, but the way it is essentially the same infinity, it turns out that two parts are looking at each other. One self-modifying program can rebuild everything except its core, the basis of which it is modified, two can rebuild anything, being a dynamic basis for each other, and this ensures platform independence. One way or another, this is even in all religions, such as the unity of mind and heart. Double awareness allows you to move your context.
Of course, these are not all the properties of the Structure, but the most basic of them, leaving the rest to the regular reader as homework (with a certain mood and concentration, this is very interesting).
What conclusions can be drawn from the general properties of the Structure?
- Ignorance. It follows directly from the property of uncertainty - no one knows anything about the foundation of the world. Physicists have been struggling with microparticles for decades, but still there, although there are some advances in the construction of quantum systems (but is this so fundamental?). I will say more - the world of matter is more difficult to understand with the help of matter, it is much easier to use the mental approach in addition, it is more pragmatic and is applicable in many cases using the associative approach. This method is much more flexible.
- Inability. Whoever says anything, but we are slaves of tools, which contradicts the fact that life originated in the void, that is, life is obtained in the void, and the person is “in the tools”, this creates a conflict. Therefore, the rational will have to fight the world until they fully realize what is important and what is not. Have you ever been interested in the topic of survival in extreme conditions? Such people (survivors) have a very interesting type of thinking. I will give an example. What will you do under such conditions: you have been placed in the center of a large room in zero gravity in orbit; only your naked body, there is nothing else, there is no way to reach the walls / ceiling (and it does not make sense): gradually the temperature in the room drops to the limit; you are given a certain time ... What will you do to keep warm? What skills would you prefer to develop outdoors to one day solve the problem of a cold room?
- Purpose. Information from the properties of the Kernel can give a Great Purpose to a person in self-knowledge and transformation of the personality, as an individual, on the path to merging.
- Method. The most general description of the Structure gives a hint to understand the principles underlying the device \ changes in the world, and the method of achieving a self-adjusting Perception. Which leads to unity with the world, but easier to happiness or nirvana, as the yogis say.
- and much more...
I will be glad to any feedback on the information collected here. I read your comments.
“I will invoke the legion under my banner and crush your bastions no matter what it costs me — I will spend all my time, energy and money on this ...”
- I'm telling you. You yourself will become these bastions and will be with me and people like me hand in hand to protect them forever ...