October 19th Badoo Techleads Meetup # 5. Difficult situations

My name is Denis Chernobay, I am responsible for front-end development at Badoo. Three years ago, for the first time, we brought together a community of IT leaders to discuss the topics that unite it, and we continue to monitor what concerns our colleagues in the workshop.

It's great that team leaders and CTOs share success stories about building processes and motivating people. However, behind most of these stories are stories of failure, error and pain. It’s usually not customary to talk about them into the microphone, and (we’ll be honest) is just hard. But we still try!

On October 19, we invite you to the fifth community meeting at the Badoo office. We want to conduct it in the most open format of non-invented stories of leaders. There will be an analysis of complex cases, reflection on the experience gained and everything that usually remains behind the scenes.

Important: the reports are primarily aimed at practicing leaders. Experience provides the context necessary for understanding. Those who are just planning to move to a leadership position will be able to watch the online broadcast and chat .

Registration by reference , more about speakers under the cut.

Anatoly Panov, Head of Verticals Cluster Development (Avito)

Situation: Where are the candidates?

When I was a beginner team lead in a company with well-established recruitment processes, life was easier - you conduct technical interviews and close a couple of vacancies in a quarter. But now it's time for intensive hiring in another company. It seemed that if you just say HR “you need it faster”, then magic will happen and will be faster. But magic did not happen.

My story will be about how I plunged into the jungle of recruitment, negotiated with HR, dealt with funnels, refusals and faced with internal competition for candidates. As a result, I will answer the question why all this marketing is necessary for the IT manager.

Denis Chernobay, Head of Frontend Development, Badoo

Situation: a good engineer, but not a manager

You have a wonderful engineer in your team - responsible, executive, gets along well with people. You, his manager, are going up and leaving him in your place. There are many new tasks, horizons, the time for verification is not always enough. And only after some time you understand that things are not going very well, the processes are broken, there are conflicts in the team.

Congratulations, you made a classic mistake - you made a bad manager out of a class engineer. What to do? Transfer to development, fire, teach? And if at the same time you just took office, and the decision on the appointment was made before you? And if we are talking about a large international team?

There are many options for the development of events, and we’ll talk about them.

Alexey Shagraev, Head of Development, Yandex.Search

The situation: how I fired

It is not for me to explain to you that any leader must constantly make his team stronger. Fortunately, managerial science has come up with a sea of ​​tools for this. Using them, the main thing is to respect the interests of the employee: people should always get better and never get worse. Purely intuitively it seems that it is in the case of dismissals that this principle is difficult to observe, but I know for sure that this is possible. How - I will tell you by examples from my own experience and the experience of some of my friends.

We will also talk about how, in the process of dismissal, you can destroy everything and make everyone unhappy.

If you also have an instructive story that you can share, write to me in PM and discuss.

Address: Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 2, entrance A, Cafetera (1st floor)

The reports start on October 19 at 12:00.

We will begin to meet guests at 11:00, come have a drink of coffee and take a seat closer to the screen.

During breaks, you can see the Badoo office, after the meeting - afterparty for those who wish.

Please, when registering, indicate your first and last names in Russian. For admission to the business center, take an identification document with you.

The number of seats is limited, be sure to wait for confirmation of registration (will come a few days before the meeting).

The broadcast will be on our YouTube channel , the announcements will be in VK and FB groups. Entries will be published there on the Habr blog.

Join the mitap chat .

See you!

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