Slurm: Moscow intensive by Kubernetes and other announcements

Slurm is a Kubernetes training course.

Slurm Basic: create a cluster and deploy the application.

Slurm Mega: We look under the hood of the cluster.

Report from the past Slurm

Slurm's story

We are the only Kubernetes Training Partner CNCF in Russia.

Moscow Slurm

Slurm Basic will be held in Moscow on November 18-20. Half of the seats have already been booked. Last time, places ran out 2 weeks before the start, this time there is a chance that they will end in a month.

Slurm Mega will be held there on November 22-24. There will definitely be places on it. Last time, a dozen people bought Mega, sitting on Basic Slerme. In order not to change plans on the go and not look for money, it is better to book both courses at once.

There is still an unconditional moneyback on the first day: if you understand that Slerm is not suitable for you, inform the organizers, we will disable access and return the full amount.


Basic and Mega courses cover all exam topics at Certified Kubenetes Adminstrator . The exam takes CNCF. An exam voucher for Mega participants costs 10 000 ₽ (and 20 000 ₽ for the rest, or $ 300 when buying directly from CNCF).

Slurm Online

For those who can’t completely break away from work at the time of intensive work, we have done online courses . They substantively repeat the intensives, only instead of a live speaker, studio recordings of lectures. For practice, we also allocate cloud power in the same way, and if something does not work out, you can ask support for help.

We are testing a corporate semi-intensive: online courses + chat + conferences with speakers. A good option for companies who want to immediately train 10-20 people, but cannot simultaneously tear everyone away from work or send them to Moscow.


Thanks to Selectel for the cloud for practice and for providing us with our conference room for St. Petersburg Slurm in September. In the evening of October 3, they hold a meeting on system administration .

Speaker Slerma Pavel Selivanov speaks at DevOpsConf with the report “Closing the holes in the Kubernetes cluster”. If you go to DevOpsConf, come on Monday at 16:00 to the hall "At the edge of the universe."

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