We at Wrike are very fond of Dart and Flutter. On the Dart + Angular bundle, we write the frontend of the main product, SPA Wrike, and we simply support the flutter unselfishly and create internal tools on it. Two years ago, we came up with the
Russian-speaking community of dart and flutter developers (now there are more than 2,000 people in it), we annually hold DartUP, a major conference on these technologies in St. Petersburg, make presentations, and on September 26 decided to organize a tube informal meeting in St. Petersburg. What will be on it? Speeches from the community, knowledge sharing, communication and, of course, craft Wrike Dart beer, brewed by us on this occasion.
Andrey Smirnov - Work with graphics in Flutter
Using Flutter, you can create beautiful interfaces, but the built-in capabilities are not always enough for the most unexpected requirements of our applications.
In this report, we look under the hood of the Flutter graphics engine. Let's see how the animation works. Let's write a custom widget using Dart. Draw a custom widget using Flare.
Daniil Surnin - Why bloc in the classic view may not always be suitable for your application. An example of combining redux and bloc.
Sergey Lavinov - Isolates in battle
How using isolates simplifies the life of the developer, how to use them, and why compute is not always good.