Lecture by Richard Stallman at the Moscow Polytechnic. August 2019

Before this morning to write a short squeeze of yesterday’s significant event, designated in the title of my article, I decided to search before here on the hub for any text on this topic. As it turned out, no. But I found a post from 2014 called: Richard Stallman's lecture in Chisinau and ran through his eyes. In principle, it fully reflects what was happening in Moscow with the only difference being that the audience in Moscow was much larger and it was filled to capacity.

Richard was more cheerful than in Chisinau (he did not look sleepy and unaware where and why he was), changed his raspberry-colored t-shirt to green, lost weight in his face and increased in waist. He behaved frivolously, talking about free software: he took off his shoes, stretched out his legs, showing that he was suffering from gout; joked about the capitalist oligarchs and recalled during the speech a couple of times Stalin. At the same time, the audience, fascinated by the disheveled and unkempt (but no less cute) personality, listened to her slow and clear English speech, not honored by any translator, speech quite simple and understandable, and enjoyed it all. Than everyone? And this total “free” from any new-fashioned treasury and “tonirobinism”, in the form of an effective presentation and even more effective presentation. Richard, lounging in a soft chair, demonstrated, without rushing, modest hand-drawn slides and told, or rather talked about, that everyone already knew well in advance. They often clapped him a lot, smiling with clever admiring faces, and lovely beautiful girls threw flowers at their feet (a joke).


The event ended, which he freely copies himself for many years now, traditionally: Richard dressed in a dark robe embroidered on his chest, put on a “nibm,” which was possibly a hard drive in a past life, and devoted himself to the subject of the GNU religion / EMACS and sects vi. Then there was an auction that sold the GNU mascot in the form of a small soft toy. The victory over a man in a Red Hat Openstack shirt was won by a man in a light shirt without identification signs for an amount approaching 30 tr. Everyone enjoyed the auction for a lot of fun, Richard was in cash, and the winner was also a “mascot” with an aphograph by the founder of the defunct GNU sect of witnesses. At the very end there were questions.

Here, briefly, what I remember from what Richard Stallman said yesterday (free and free arrangement of his speech and some answers to questions):

- Non-free software is evil, which ultimately moves from the violation of personal freedoms, to the management and enslavement of all people, because not you control it, but it controls you;

- Everyone not only has the right to refuse such software, he must do it for the sake of saving himself and others. Personal freedom, and in the future, the freedom of others, is much higher than the temptations that commercial products are fraught with;

- Free software and Open Software are not the same thing. The latter is a compromise deception leading people away from true Free;

- GNU is a movement, a philosophy that Linux has become an integral part of.

- I went the wrong way in the GNU OS architecture, so Linux appeared earlier;

- Linux was not originally free. He became so later, in 1992;

- In Western countries, not democracy, but a heavily disguised oligarchy;

- Copyright was absent before, then it was more than liberal, but with the strengthening of the capitalist oligarchocracy, it more and more takes away our rights;

- The society is opposed to this, but the convenience delivered by online services such as Google, Netflix, iTunes leads to general agreement and the renunciation of their rights;

“It's no secret that they spy on us.” But they sell us their spyware, then they sell what they spy on and in the end they have already led us to the fact that we pay a monthly subscription to total spyware control;

- The era of online has come, where already web pages are using might and main proprietary code that can control your computer in the future;

- The next step to enslavement is IoT;

- I proposed to reduce the copyright term for works of art from 50, 70, and in some countries from 100 years to 10 years. Most interestingly, some writers at one of the forums told me: 5 years is enough;

- Bitcoin, although it is built on the principles of free software, is bad because it does not give anonymity and records all transactions. In contrast, there is a completely anonymous payment system GNU Taler;

- Iron and art products find it hard to be completely free due to the difficulty of copying;

- Not only programmers can maintain and improve free software, but also all those who understand and accept its spirit: designers, translators, speakers, teachers and ordinary users making informed choices;

- Support GNU, go to the site , participate, make donations;

- Be free;

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