| 2017
| |
Total publications
Of them: - Through the sandbox - Translations - Tutorials - News - Megaposta | 7,374
308 443 125 768 eleven | 5,509
247 676 124 348 eight |
Of them published
| 7,078 (~ 19 per day)
| 5,291 (~ 15 per day)
Hidden in drafts
| 296 (~ 4% of all entries)
| 218 (~ 4% of all entries)
With a positive rating
Negative rating | 6,870 (~ 93% of all entries)
318 (~ 4.3%) | 5,207 (~ 94.5% of all entries)
218 (~ 4%) |
In the marcdown
| 114
| 214
In recovery mode
| 310
| 335
Have a vote in the publication
| 467
| 257
Had comments
| 7,076
| 5,313
There are voices
| 7,276
| 5,462
| 7,244
| 5,434
The total length of all publications
| 58 856 586 characters
| 59 001 434 characters
The total rating of all publications
Of which total votes That is all the advantages And cons | 114 324
171 330 142 827 28 503 | 105 843
146 183 126 013 20 170 |
| 2017
| |
Registered for the year
Full rights ReadOnly Read & Comment | 56,728 (~ 112 per day)
807 (~ 2 per day) 52,378 (~ 143 per day) 3,235 (~ 9 per day) | 63,784 (~ 175 per day)
600 (~ 2 per day) 61,066 (~ 167 per day) 2,027 (~ 6 per day) |
Karma newbies
Positive Negative |
492 679 |
364 337 |
Transferred to RO (sanctions)
| 83
| 52
| 2017
| |
Total invitations issued
| 1,827
| 1 966
Of these, users and UFOs issued
| 1,741
| 1,889
Issued by companies
| 86
| 77
Hung up
| 757
| 1,047
2016 year
| Number of publications
| Number of comments
| Average comments
| Average text size in characters
| Average rating
| |
| Popular science
| 1,609
| 101 491
| 63
| 8 105
| 20
| Gadgets
| 920
| 42 501
| 46
| 9,732
| eleven
| Future here
| 692
| 46,799
| 68
| 7,672
| 14
| Computer hardware
| 652
| 33,799
| 52
| 10,899
| sixteen
| DIY or DIY
| 631
| 27,725
| 44
| 10 371
| nineteen
| Information Security
| 603
| 40,224
| 67
| 5,783
| sixteen
| Cosmonautics
| 550
| 34 390
| 63
| 6,986
| 23
| IT companies
| 521
| 37 180
| 71
| 5,675
| 14
| Health geek
| 430
| 34 399
| 80
| 7,961
| 17
| Regulation of the IT sector
| 428
| 48 576
| 114
| 4,005
| 17
2016 year
| Number of publications
| Number of comments
| Average comments
| Average text size in characters
| Average rating
| |
| Popular science
| 1 106
| 78,416
| 71
| 11,903
| 26
| Gadgets
| 589
| 29,798
| 51
| 11 182
| 13
| Future here
| 535
| 40 280
| 75
| 10,111
| 17
| Computer hardware
| 460
| 22 505
| 49
| 10,480
| 18
| DIY or DIY
| 438
| 26,408
| 60
| 12,877
| 28
| Finance
| 414
| 27,909
| 67
| 7 530
| 15
| Health geek
| 388
| 35 121
| 91
| 12,529
| 23
| Regulation of the IT sector
| 385
| 46,267
| 120
| 5,284
| 23
| Information Security
| 379
| 30,617
| 81
| 7,138
| 24
| Cosmonautics
| 343
| 39,552
| 32
| 10,329
| 32
| 2017
179 - Dronk.Ru
| 119 - Medgadgets
106 - ua-hosting.company
| 116 - Madrobots
105 - iCover.ru
| 91 - Audiomania
94 - Audiomania
| 90 - Mail.Ru Group
81 - Dj
| 76 - Top 3D Shop
80 - Mail.Ru Group
| 69 - Pult.ru
73 - Medgadgets
| 64 - Wirex
66 - Kingston Technology
| 61 - NAG
53 - IBM
| 51 - Kingston Technology
49 - Top 3D Shop
| 49 - Smile-Expo
| 2017
2 072 - Mail.Ru Group
or 4.33% of the total rating of all publications for the year | 2 527 - Mail.Ru Group
or 22.6% of the total rating of all publications for the year |
1 371 - ua-hosting.company
| 1,210 - Medgadgets
1 132 - LampTest
| 1 087 - Audiomania
1,094 - Dronk.Ru
| 1 059 - Pult.ru
1,013 - Audiomania
| 986 - Madrobots
773 - Kingston Technology
| 981 - LampTest
766 - iCover.ru
| 976 - NAG
603 - Wirex
| 814 - MakeItLab
552 - Intel
| 788 - Wirex
543 - Gearbest.com
| 778 - Lakhta Center
| 2017
| |
| 428 572
| 356 454
Negative | 137,071 (31.98%)
25,503 (6%) | 111,782 (31.36%)
22,921 (6.43%) |
Total rating of all
Votes were cast Of these advantages Of which cons | 320 896
606,788 463 842 142 946 | 221,135
423 833 322 484 101 349 |
| 1161
| 774
Total Comment Length
| 107 769 871 characters
| 122,292,242 characters
Top commentators
| 2 952 - vconst
2 778 - Mad__Max 2 166 - black_semargl 2,137 - 0xd34df00d 2 017 - Pakos 1 921 - Meklon 1,832 - VenomBlood 1,822 - saboteur_kiev 1,750 - idiv 1 597 - MTyrz | 5 166 - BigBeaver
3 307 - vconst 3 192 - Valerij56 2 873 - black_semargl 2 662 - Zenitchik 2,062 - dimm_ddr 2 054 - sumanai 1,706 - u010602 1,659 - VenomBlood 1 579 - JohnHenry89 |
As you can see, to get the top commentators, it is enough to leave 5-14 comments daily for a year.