It all started, perhaps, with
Hashtapad - an Indian board, 8x8 fields, used for "
combat races ". Games of this kind are common in India to this day, but the rules of Ashtapad itself, unfortunately, have been lost. It is clear only that the layout of the board itself is connected with this game. D4 bones (with four edges) were used to determine the range of the pieces in the game. The figures themselves should have been spiraling around the board to the center of the board.
At some point, on this basis, the difficult tactical game "
Chaturanga " was born, dividing the figures into four types of troops (the name "Chaturanga" translates as "four-piece"). Somewhere on the net, I saw (and since then I can’t find it) an explanation of the course of the figures, based on the result of the roll of the bones (recall that the bones with four edges were used in the game).
- " 1 " (in some sets of " 5 ") - Pawns and kings, moving just one step. The pawns moved “only forward” and (the only ones of the pieces) did not take it as they walked (one field forward, diagonally).
- " 2 " - Elephant (in some sources, "boat"). This figure is most confusing. Apparently, he initially walked into two cells in the orthogonal direction. Then the direction changed to a diagonal (there is another version of the movement, preserved in Thai " Makruk " - one cell in four diagonal directions or one cell forward, like the legs and trunk of an elephant). Moving into two cells, the elephant, like the chess knight we were used to, could “jump over” the pieces (in Indian combat races, the pieces jumped without blocking the movement).
- " 3 " - The horse moved three steps (two forward and one sideways). Such a bizarre way of moving is associated with the fact that in Ashtapad, performing a move in three steps, the figure quite often moved in this way (on turns). Of course, a horse, like an elephant, could jump over other figures.
- " 4 " - The Chariot (in some sources the elephant) is the most long-range figure. Moved to any number of cells in a straight line (in the orthogonal direction), but could not “jump over” other figures.

The theory that Chess evolved from the game of
four players is, apparently,
erroneous . This version of the game is also found, but, most likely, appeared much later. In a two-player game, the king was supplemented by a “minister” who also moved only one field, but only in diagonal directions. Very weak and slow-moving figure.
The Persian "
Shatranj " outwardly almost did not differ from "Chaturangi." The rules for the transformation of pawns have changed, but, most importantly, the concepts of
shah and
mate first appeared In Chaturang, it was necessary to capture or “bare” a raja (leave him without figures). In Shatranj, the Shah became an inviolable figure. It was forbidden to leave him under threat, and to win it was required to put him in a hopeless situation (
checkmate or
stalemate ). Exposure of the king was considered a draw. Since, due to the total low-speed figures, the debuts in Shatranj were very slow, the
tabia became
widespread - they started playing with the positions specified by the players:

Step aside The problem of “leisurely debuts” in different countries was solved in different ways. For example, in the Ethiopian
Senterej , the players simply started the game at the same time and moved the figures without paying attention to each other, right up to the first contact with the opponent (I must say that this is in good agreement with the African temperament). Perhaps the most innovative way to approach this issue is the
Burmese .
In this game, which arose long before
Fisher , only the order in which the pawns are placed is strictly regulated. The player is free to arrange the remaining pieces (on his / her side) as he pleases (well, except that the first line is always reserved for the rooks). This rule gives the game an incredible tactical variety and makes it almost useless to “memorize” various openings.
Closely related to Sittuyin is the Thai "
Makruk ". Due to the fact that the transformation of pawns, in this game, takes place already on the sixth line (they all turn into the same weak “queen”), and the number of such transformations is not limited (unlike, for example, from Sittujna) the game in the endgame becomes very original and extremely interesting. The famous Soviet chess player and former world champion
Vladimir Kramnik was seriously keen on this game. Here is what he
said about her:
Makruk is more strategic than chess, ... You have to plan combinations in a more general context. Thai makruk can be likened endgame in international chess.
Most likely, it was Makruk that served as the basis for the
Chinese and
Japanese branches of the family of chess games. Of course, it is impossible to assert this with one hundred percent accuracy - these games have changed too much, but, in any case, the arrangement of pawns both in “
Syantsy ” and in “
Shogi ” most closely resembles the similar one in “Thai Chess”.
The next step on the way to Chess was the invention of the modern chess elephant in "
Courier Chess " - a game of the XIII — XVIII centuries. The appearance of long-range figures moving along the diagonal led to the need to use the famous chess board marking, which in turn played a huge role in the development and distribution of
Checkers . To play "Courier Chess", as a rule, also began with a kind of tabia:
After the invention of the long-range chess queen, the modern history of chess began. The latest changes in the rules were related to the addition of the rules of the "
Castling ", pawns jump two squares forward, from the initial position and the associated rule of "
taking on the aisle ". Regarding the latter, however, there is no complete clarity. In Malaysian
Mine Chator there is a similar rule, but you can only take a pawn, which forward is blocked by another player’s pawn (this is strangely similar to
cooperative capture in games of a “clamping” type, such as Tafl).