Few over 16 years old do not know his name. It is possible to study badly in school and not to love physics, but the most prominent mind of the previous century will still be known to you.
His name has become synonymous with genius, but not everyone is familiar with life and the emergence of a genius.
Many are familiar with his theories of relativity - complete and special, but what do we know about Einstein's biography? He was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany, then went to Switzerland and moved to the USA. Usually, this socially famous biography of Albert Einstein ends.
Today I will try to talk about his childhood and development and will be accompanied by thematic images from a biographical comic strip.
And I begin, perhaps, from scratch, or rather from the very birth.
Let's get started!
Today is March 14th, and this is a significant day for the entire planet and humanity, but no one has any idea about this yet. Today, in the German town of Ulm, a son was born in a poor Jewish family of Einsteins. Parents called the child Albert.
As a child, Albert was the most ordinary child, he was not much distinguished from his peers. Is that the fact that he began to speak very late.
Two years later, in the family of Einsteins, there was an addition - in 1881 Maya, the sister of Albert, was born. But this happened already in Munich, where the family had moved a year earlier, and where Hermann Einstein, the father, together with his brother, founded the company for the production of electricity.
But back to Albert. He grew up and soon went to school, where
all subjects were given to him with extraordinary ease by no means all subjects of the school curriculum yielded to the study of a future genius, and some resisted with all their might, the exception was Latin and algebra.
At about the same time, my father presented a small compass to little Albert, and, as the physicist later recalled, this was one of those things that shaped his personality.
The school system of mechanical memorization of the material and the authoritarianism of teachers to students oppressed him, and Albert believed that such an approach kills the desire for creativity, and because of his views, the young man often had conflicts with teachers.
However, home schooling continued, and with the help of a friend of the Max Talmud family, a young medical student, Albert was able to study new subjects such as philosophy, physics, and natural science.
It so happened that young Einstein was in school at a Catholic school. And of course, this could not affect his perception of the world.
So at 12 he experienced a period of religiosity, but soon, thanks to popular science literature and curiosity, he found some discrepancies in the church teaching that confused him, and, not finding answers to the questions raised in the Bible, Albert became an agnostic.

In 1894, the Einstein family moved to Italy - the father and his brother transferred the company to Pavia. Albert remained living in Munich, where he continued schooling.
But a year later, young Einstein dropped out of school and, without receiving a certificate of maturity, went to his family in Italy, evoking his act of dissatisfaction with his father.
Albert liked Italy for his views on science and the educational process, but in the same year he tried to pass the entrance exams to the Swiss Polytechnic, but to no avail - the exams were safely overwhelmed.
This concludes an article about Albert Einstein’s short biography, further studies and work in Italy, friends, being in love with Milev Marich and the death of his father, subsequent marriage and the birth of three children, as well as the greatest discovery of physics - E = mc².
I hope the story turned out easy and interesting, and will dilute your Friday day.
As always, if you have something to share on the topic of the article - I will be glad to discuss in the comments.
ps: Friends! I need your help - I am studying many new topics and literature now and would like to share with you all about it, but I do not know where to start.
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It will help me a lot.
Have a good day and coming weekend!
Source of illustrations:
“Einstein. Graphic biography "
By: Corin Mayer, Anna Simon
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2017
ISBN: 978-5-00100-838-5