A programmer with “perpetuated gender stereotypes" was fired from Google

Harvard graduate and former junior chess champion James Damore (James Damore) worked in Google since 2013. But all his positive qualities and intelligence could not outweigh the negative in the form of gender stereotypes, because of which Google had to dismiss him. The fact is that James tried to document that women are biologically less adapted to programming than men, so it will be difficult for companies to achieve the goal of 50% of women in the state.

He cited references to scientific studies that women are more interested in people than in things . In addition, Dimore walked through those other points where women supposedly differ from men. For example, extraversion, more pronounced sociability and inclination to agree with the interlocutor (hence their lower salaries), more pronounced neuroticism (hence more stress) and more. Tellingly, in his manifesto, Dimore gave evidence. Some theses are supported by links to research or articles. Sources include Wikipedia articles, blog posts, research papers, links to internal forums for Google employees, articles in The Wall Street Journal , The Atlantic , The New Yorker and many others, including minor publications like the libertarian magazine Quillette .

In general, the programmer showed extreme political correctness.

James Dimor outlined his position in the Google’s 10-page manifesto of the Ideological Echo Chamber ( pdf ), where he expressed his attitude towards Google’s politically correct policy, which does not allow open discussion of topics like the inferiority of people of the other sex. James believes that these topics need to be discussed. He is sincerely convinced that women are different from men.

One of the tables in the manifesto shows the difference between left and right ideologies.

According to James, Google adheres to the left ideology, that is, the company is initially biased. Although in words she constantly emphasizes the importance of equality and objectivity, in fact it is a leftist company.

The manifesto quickly spread among the staff, everyone began to discuss it. Worse, on Saturday, August 5, the Gizmodo website published the text of the manifesto , but without links and diagrams (they are all in the full version of the PDF from the link above). Some women expressed their indignation and demanded to take action against the sexist.

The management of the company did not find anything better than to dismiss James , because of which such a scandal broke out. The programmer confirmed the fact of dismissal and said that the cause was “perpetuated gender stereotypes”. At the moment, he is “exploring all possible remedies”.

After the dismissal, the scandal broke out with a new force. In support of James, Alt-Right right-wing sexist activists launched a powerful campaign on the Reddit and other forums, started collecting money and collecting signatures, and started the hashtag @BoycottGoogle .

One of the works of Alt-Right activists

On Monday, August 7, Google executive director Sundar Pichay sent out a letter to employees explaining the company's position on the manifesto. He said that the company respects the right of employees to express their opinions, but in some fragments of the manifesto, the author violates the Code of Conduct and crosses the line, promoting “harmful gender stereotypes in the working environment” and expressing the opinion that “a group of our colleagues are biologically less fit to work. " This should not be allowed. You can not judge people by their gender. It is impossible for a woman to open her mouth at a general meeting each time to prove that she is not the same as described in the manifesto - “compliant”, “unstable to stress” and “neurotic”, the CEO believes.

At the same time, Sundar Pichay assured the rest of the staff that they can safely express their opinions and not be afraid. Many of the other issues raised in the manifesto - criticism of Google’s trainings, the role of ideology in the workplace, debates that programs for women and minorities are not open enough for everyone - these are really important topics. Discussion of these topics is encouraged.

It’s very difficult to get information from Google because employees sign strict non-disclosure agreements. But some still agree on condition of anonymity to tell what is happening inside. One of them said that the James Manifesto received a lot of support among the employees . Many believe that the author has the right to express his opinion, some call him a brave man, and only women say that "this is terrible."

In the anonymous Blind chat on the Google channel (registration on google .com mailboxes), some employees say that Google has really created a “monoculture of political correctness” in which all opponents are silenced. And if a person refuses to be silent - we see what happens to him on the example of James Dymor. Others say that James is just an idiot who justifies his sexism, hiding behind pseudoscience.

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