In our blog, we have already published both provider horror and cable perfectionism. What to say irresponsibility and pofigizm - this is perhaps one of the fundamental features of the Russian character. However, we will not be about sad things, and even more so, as they say, we will not be “one size fits all”.
Today, once again, I would like to demonstrate a little bit of that cable horror sent by one of the readers. However, in some way, these photos are unique because the cable nightmare is present in the newly built and barely commissioned house.
It is customary to see the web of wires in houses that have already been seen, whose residents are difficult to surprise with the infrastructure brought to a deplorable state. But when horror comes to brand new homes, it becomes a revelation.
It seems that the operators crowded in the entrances, trying to hastily push the cable and connect subscribers. Of course, this is not the case, and this makes everything look even sadder. The providers went into these houses at the final stage of construction, and it was unlikely that something prevented them from doing their job with high quality and pleasing to the eye.
It is, of course, understandable: they save everything, they want everything cheaper, direct performers cannot even put a connector on a coaxial without a short stack, the input, output and passage on the splitter are confused (“What? I thought they were all the same” - this is from a real conversation) , I am completely silent about embroidering a twenty-five park, they don’t know the order of colors. And such a beauty, in the end.