NITU "MISiS" under the guidance of Georgy Frolov, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, together with experts from Vyatka State University, have developed a unique composition of dental rinse that significantly changes the composition of the microflora of the teeth, destroys the bacteria plaque and reduces gum inflammation. Clinical testing of the rinse aid solution was carried out on volunteers at the Department of Dentistry of the Kirov State Medical University.
Dentists today are actively solving the problem of caries prevention with the use of solutions that do not contain fluorine (an excess of NaF is harmful both to the teeth and to the whole body). At the same time, a toothbrush with toothpaste cleans up to a maximum of 61% of plaque and only from chewing, lingual and buccal surfaces. Only a few patients use dental floss, citing a lack of time. The most popular are rinses, because their particles penetrate into the interdental spaces. Russian scientists from NITU "MISiS", in partnership with medical specialists, developed a new type of mouthwash based on metal nanoparticles, which, when used regularly, suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the dental cavity by 83%, reducing the risk of caries and periodontal diseases.
Scientists of NITU "MISiS" under the guidance of Georgy Frolov, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, together with Vyatka State University, conducted a series of experiments on cultures of dental plaque bacteria. Already during the first 24 hours, the growth of plaque bacteria was inhibited (suppressed) when using different solutions of metal nanoparticles.
Clinical testing of the rinse aid solution was carried out on volunteers at the Department of Dentistry of the Kirov State Medical University, with the definition of hygienic and periodontal indices before the start of the rinse aid, and after 14 and 30 days of its use. The experiments revealed the sensitivity of plaque to various solutions containing nanoparticles of metal oxides, obtained in an innovative way in the laboratory of the university. The reduction in anti-inflammatory properties was confirmed microbiologically. Revealed penetration of the solution into the interdental spaces, where the toothbrush bristles with toothpaste do not penetrate. Data from clinical studies have shown a decrease in adhesion of microorganisms on the surface of teeth by 20%. With a higher dilution of the solution of 1: 100, the amount of fungal flora decreases by 30 days, which indicates normalization of the pH of the oral fluid.
“The death of a cell of a pathogenic microorganism occurs as a result of chemical destruction of the cell walls and various membranes, including the membranes of cell organelles. Chemical destruction occurs as a result of the interaction of the dispersed system “magnetite in an aqueous solution of cetylpyridinium chloride” with microbial cell biopolymers. As a result, lysis occurs (yield) the contents of the cell into the environment. Apparently, metal oxide nanoparticles are biocatalysts for enzymes of hydrolysis of peptide and glycosidic bonds in polymer molecules of the cell wall and membranes. In relation to Staphylococcus aureus and most of the cocci, the bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties of the drug sometimes significantly exceed the effect of antibiotics in their severity, ” said
co-author of the project Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Kirov State Medical University, Ph.D. Svetlana Gromova .
The head of the research group, Georgy Frolov, spoke about the scientific conclusions of the experiments:
“Metal ions and their dissociated compounds cause the death of microorganisms, silver has the most powerful bactericidal effect, while copper and gold have the least. During the study, we recorded that using a metal oxide based rinse significantly reduces the amount of soft plaque on the surfaces of teeth (up to 83%), and the number of pathogenic microflora decreases until it is completely destroyed. Accordingly, inflammation of the gums is reduced. All processes are more pronounced at a dilution of a solution of 1:10. Solutions containing nanoparticles are recommended for use in mouthwashes in combination with traditional hygiene products. ”
Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry of NUST "MISiS" Georgy Frolov.
Currently, the first experimental batches of the drug are created in the laboratory of NITU "MISiS", the developers are engaged in the registration of the composition and the official patenting it as a conditioner.
List of publications on the topic:
1. Pogorelsky I.P., Frolov G.A., Leshchenko A.A., Lazykin A.G., Logvinov S.V. The biological focus of clusters and nanoscale metal particles. Biology - the science of the XXI century: Proceedings of the international conference. Moscow, May 24, 2012 / Ed. R.G. Vasilov. - M .: MAKS Press, 2012. - 711 - 713.
2. I.P. Pogorelsky, G.A. Frolov, K.I. Gurin, A.V. Chernyad'ev, E.A.Durnev, I.A. Lundovsky, S.N. Yanov, A.V. Kungurov. Microbiological aspects of the selection of metal nanoparticles to create on their basis antimicrobial disinfectant compositions // Disinfection Case, 2012. - № 4. - P. 37 - 40.
3. I.P. Pogorelsky, G.A. Frolov, K.I. Gurin, I.A. Lundovsky, A.A. Leshchenko, E.A.Durnev, V.S. Menuhova, G.G. Smirnov. The combined effect of silver nanoparticles and hydrogen peroxide on the viability and ultrastructure of Bacillus cereus cells // Disinfection Case, 2014. - No. 2. - P. 35 - 38.
4. Leontyev V.K., Pogorelsky I.P., Frolov G.A., Karasesenkov Ya.N. Antibacterial properties of samples of filling materials with embedded particles of silver and iron oxide (II). Modern dentistry - the effectiveness of prevention and treatment. Nanotechnologies in dentistry: Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation. Tver, November 27-28, 2014. / Under Ed. M.N. Kalinkina, V.A. Rumyantsev, I.A. Zhmakin and others. - Access mode: http: // - Title from the screen. - 172-175.
5. Leontyev V.K., Pogorelsky I.P., Frolov G.A., Karasesenkov Ya.N. Antibacterial activity of colloidal solutions of metals and their oxides on microorganisms of dental biofilm. ). Modern dentistry - the effectiveness of prevention and treatment. Nanotechnologies in dentistry: Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation. Tver, November 27-28, 2014. / Under Ed. M.N. Kalinkina, V.A. Rumyantsev, I.A. Zhmakin and others. - Access mode: http: // - Title from the screen. - 175-178.
6. Metelkin A., Frolov G., Kuznetsov D., Kolesnikov E., Chuprunov K., Kondakov S., Osipov A., Samsonova J.
Metal nanoparticles in DBS card materials modification. Nanobiotech. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, V. 98, Abstract No. 012020.
7. Godymchuk, A., Frolov, G., Gusev, A., Zakharova, O., Yunda, E., Kuznetsov, D., Kolesnikov, E.
Antibacterial Properties of Copper Nanoparticle Dispersions: Influence of Synthesis Conditions and Physicochemical Characteristics . Nanobiotech. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, V. 98, Abstract No. 012033.
8. Karasenkov Y., Frolov G, Pogorelsky I., Latuta N., Gusev A., Kuznetsov D., Leont'ev V. Colloidal metal oxide nanoparticle systems . Nanobiotech. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, V. 98, Abstract No. 012038.
9. All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Prevention of dental diseases - the basis of dental health." Kirov, June 23, 2016 The report "New dental composites with high strength and prolonged bactericidal effect." Frolov G.A.
10. Frolov G.A., Podvolotsky A.N., Lundovskikh I.A., Pogorelsky I.P. Modulation of the biological activity of Saccharomyces Saccharomyces Boulardii metabolites by manganese oxide nanoparticles. Modern trends in the development of science and technology. Proceedings of the XV International Scientific - Practical Conference Belgorod. June 30, 2016, periodic scientific collection 2016 № 6 - 4. - p. 26 -33.
11. 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Nanomaterials and Living Systems." Moscow, July 2-3, 2016 Report "Antibacterial properties of colloidal solutions of metal nanoparticles and metal oxides" Frolov GA
12. Frolov G. A., Leibo D. V., Senatova S. I., Kondakov S. E., Kuznetsov D. V., Kolesnikov E. A., Chuprunov K. O., Gusev A. A. Adhesive colloidal suspension: application 2016150737 Ros. Federation; declare 12/23/2016.
13. GA Frolov, YN Karasenkov, AA Gusev, OV Zakharova, AY Godymchuk, DV Kuznetsov, NV Latuta, VK Leont'ev, “Germicidal Adhesives with Recurrence of Caries”, Nano Hybrids and Composites, Vol. 13, pp. 39-46, 2017
14. GA Frolov, YN Karasenkov, AA Gusev, OV Zakharova, AY Godymchuk, DV Kuznetsov, VK Leont'ev, “Antimicrobial Activity of Differently Concentrated Nanoparticle Dispersions”, Nano Hybrids and Composites, Vol. 13, pp. 239-247, 2017
15. A.S. Tumanov, K.I. Gurin, I.P. Pogorelsky, G.A. Frolov, M.K. Bakulin, I.A. Lundovsky, V.S. Menuhova, A.V. Mironin, S.G. Kalinin, K.E. Gavrilov. Nanoparticles of metal oxides as potential components of disinfecting compositions // Disinfection Case, 2017. - № 1. - P. 15 - 29.
16. Leontiev V.K., Pogorelsky I.P., Frolov G.A., Karasesenkov Ya.N. Nano-modified dental materials with antibacterial properties. Dental health of children in the XXI century. Eurasian Congress: Collection of scientific articles. Kazan, April 20-21, 2017 / Under the general editorship of Professor S. Ksembaev. - Kazan. Publishing House Fatherland, 2017, pp. 112 - 117.
17. Eurasian Congress: "Dental health of children in the XXI century." Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, April 20, 2017. The report "Promising dental materials with antibacterial properties." Frolov G.A.
18. Frolov, G.A. Comparative analysis of rinses with silver and iron nanoparticles. / Gromova, SN, Kolevatykh, EP, Zabolotskikh, NA, Health // 21st Century: Electronic periodical. - 2017. - №1 - URL: http: // fh - 21. / download / 2017 - 1 - 8. pdf.
19. All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference “Problems in the training of doctors in dental practice. The role of the dentist in the prevention and treatment of dental caries ". Kirov, May 19, 2017 The report "New dental materials with a prolonged bactericidal effect." Frolov G.A.