Cherry is one of the most famous and healthy berries. And a joy for the eyes, and a delicious treat. Juicy ruby โโfruits are a real storehouse of health. But, unfortunately, the cherry age is short-lived. But you really want to enjoy tasty berries for a longer time! How to save? What to cook? You will learn about this, as well as the benefits and dangers of cherries from this article.
This is a fruit plant with pink flowers and dark green leaves. The fruits of the cherry are juicy, sweet and saturated, with acidity, a stone is required inside. Cherries have been known for over two thousand years. It was cultivated in the Crimea and Transcaucasia, in Ancient Egypt. The birthplace of cherries is Asia Minor. From here began her march through Europe. Today, more than a hundred varieties are known. They differ in size, taste, and frost resistance.

Cherry composition
The plant contains a lot of useful substances. Anthocyanin, the coloring pigment of cherries, is characterized by good digestibility. Coumarin is also found in its fruits, a substance that reduces blood coagulation. This property allows its use for the prevention of atherosclerosis of arteries. The vitamins contained in the berry are an excellent remedy for anemia: B 1 , C, B 6 , PP. There are also blood-forming trace elements in cherries: magnesium, cobalt, iron.
Found in the berry and sugar, tannins, dyes and pectin, inositol, acids - malic, quinic, citric. In addition, amber, milk, vinegar, aconite, formic, chlorogenic and neochlorogenic. The seeds of the berry contain essential oil, up to 30% fatty oils, amygdalin glycoside. In the bark of a cherry tree - tannins, glycosides, citric acid. In the leaves - coumarin, quercetin, citric acid, amygdalin, tannins. The stem of the berries contains tannin.
Benefit for health
Cherry has long been known for its beneficial properties. According to the ancients, cherry heals and strengthens a person. In addition, she was revered as a magic tree. They leaned against his trunk so that the ailment came out. Cherry ash cured skin diseases. She was raised with water and watered by children, it was believed that they would be less sick and grow better. Modern research has confirmed the healing properties of this plant. By its qualities, it is second only to strawberries.
Useful properties are possessed by all parts of the cherry: berries, leaves, branches, inflorescences. A rare combination of vitamins, trace elements and folic acid allows the use of cherries to treat anemia, prevents anemia and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Ascorbic acid, which is found in large quantities in cherries, protects the body from infections and strengthens the immune system. Cherry has an expectorant, laxative, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

Healing properties
Cherry helps with heart disease. Coumarin, which is part of the fruit, improves blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the heart muscle. After a stroke and a heart attack, it is advisable to include the fruits of the cherry in the daily menu - it contributes to a speedy recovery. Cherry prevents the development of atherosclerosis, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis.
An excellent antioxidant, it protects against premature aging and malignant tumors. Folic acid in cherries improves blood supply to the brain and strengthens nerves. Cherry juice is recommended for neurological and mental illness. From all these ailments, tea with cherry leaves will also help. The benefits and harms of this drink are indistinguishable from the properties of fresh berries.
- Heart and blood vessels. The coumarins and oxycoumarins that are part of the cherry normalize blood coagulation, which prevents heart attacks, coronary disease, and anemia. It also strengthens the capillaries, which can prevent heart attacks. Cherry normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of angina pectoris and thrombosis. No wonder cherry is popularly called "heart berry."
- Gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, bladder. Fresh cherry normalizes the digestive tract, improves peristalsis. Use it as a mild laxative. Cherry juice is recommended for poor appetite and dysentery. A decoction from the roots of cherries treat a stomach ulcer, a remedy from the bark is saved from poisoning, a decoction from the shoots of cherries helps with colitis, with diarrhea - an infusion of stalks. A decoction of cherry leaves is drunk for hepatitis. Chlorogenic acid in the composition of cherries, normalizes the activity of the kidneys and liver. Fresh cherry is useful for bladder inflammation. Pectins and fiber, contained in cherries, remove toxins from the body, lower cholesterol. With gastric problems, the benefits of cherries are obvious (the harm in some diseases is indicated below).
- Joints. Cherry juice is recommended for arthritis, joint diseases, rheumatism. Doctors offer gout patients to include fresh cherries in the menu - it enhances the effect of drugs. Also, for gout, compresses are made from crushed cherry seeds.
- Vision. Infusion of cherry blossoms helps with eye inflammation and sharpens vision.
- Nervous system. Cherry infusion relieves cramps, soothes and improves blood circulation in the brain.
- Cold. Cherry juice is an effective expectorant. It helps with coughing, bronchitis, tracheitis, and also reduces fever.
- Immunity. The valuable mineral and vitamin composition of cherries will cope with iodine deficiency and vitamin deficiency. Vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in cherries, and vitamin A will help strengthen immunity. Iodine normalizes the thyroid gland.
- Oncology. Recent studies have shown that there is ellagic acid in cherries that slows the growth of cancer cells.

Benefits and harm to the health of women
Cherries are very beneficial for women. A decoction of shoots and stalks acts as a hemostatic agent, it is used for bleeding.
- Losing weight. Low calorie content (52 kcal / 100 g) and nutritional composition allow the use of cherries for weight loss. In addition, it cleanses the body of toxins, improves digestion, and the essential oils that make up its composition break down fats. Cherry also relieves puffiness and removes excess fluid from the body.
- Pregnancy. Folic acid, vitamins and trace elements in cherries have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and the health of women. The benefits and dangers of cherries during breastfeeding are best known to the doctor. He will advise how and how many berries can be eaten so as not to harm the baby, because cherries are a strong allergen.
- Beauty. Cherry fruits tone and nourish the skin. For masks, cherry pulp and juice are suitable. It is necessary to soak the napkin with juice and hold for 15 minutes. Or make a slurry of cherry juice and starch, which is applied to the face and washed off after 20 minutes. Cherry with sour cream will help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Very useful hair masks - grind cherry and lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l starch. Spread the mixture evenly, wrap hair with cellophane and a towel. Wash off after 40 minutes. Such a mask improves the structure of the hair and makes them luxuriant. A decoction of cherry shoots will help to achieve softness, elasticity of curls.

Benefits for men
Cherry contains zinc (150 mcg / 100 g), which is why the benefits of cherries are obvious. It can bring harm to health only in case of individual intolerance. Cherry is the first mate for men. It normalizes the work of the prostate gland. Fruits and decoction of leaves are useful for prostate adenoma. Cherry juice is good for those involved in sports.
Cherry for children
The substances and iron contained in the berry are easily absorbed by the body. Cherry juice is not only a source of vitamins, but also gives a light sedative effect - the child will not have problems with sleep. Leaves brewed with tea are recommended at elevated temperatures.
Benefits and harm to the body
Cherry, for all its nutritional value, has a number of contraindications. It can provoke an allergy. Still get involved in this berry. For those who do not have individual intolerance, the optimal amount of fresh cherries is 200โ300 g per day. Excessive infatuation with fruits can damage tooth enamel. It is advisable to rinse your mouth after this treat.
Are cherry pits dangerous? Benefit and harm them to the body? If you accidentally swallow several pieces, then there will be no harm to the body from this. But the bones contain amygdalin glycoside. When decayed, it forms hydrocyanic acid, so the bones can lead to serious poisoning. You need to keep an eye on young children when they eat berries. Cherry is also contraindicated for those who are obese. With a stomach ulcer, gastroenteritis and diabetes, it is also not recommended to eat fresh berries.

A storehouse of vitamins
The berry is a real storehouse of vitamins, this is also the obvious benefit of cherries to humans. It will not bring harm to health if you do not abuse healthy berries. It is tasty fresh, but it has found worthy use in cooking. But all the preparations - stewed fruit, preserves, jams - destroy nutrients. How to be Respect what nature has given - to preserve vitamins. An excellent alternative to jams is frozen and dried cherries. The benefits and harms for the body of such berries are discussed below.
Dried and Dried Cherries
Experts note that to satisfy the daily requirement of the body for cobalt and magnesium, it is enough to eat a handful of dried cherries. Also, iron, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, potassium, selenium, calcium and vitamins A, B 5 , PP, B 6 , K, E. are stored in the berry. Protein contains 0.22% in dried cherry, 3 fiber, 2%, 0.34% ash, 41.9% carbohydrates, of which 38.8% mono- and disaccharides.
How does it affect the body? What are the benefits and harms of dried cherries? It has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and laxative effect. It improves blood, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart and nervous system. Enhances intestinal motility, normalizes blood pressure, boosts immunity and promotes skin regeneration.
Cherry has a beneficial effect on women's health - it restores hemoglobin with large blood loss, provides painless passage of menopause, strengthens blood circulation. In addition, dried cherries will help vessels and joints, which is beneficial for every person. Cherry strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques.
People with pancreatic problems need to pay attention to dried cherries, as they are an excellent digestive stimulant, neutralize free radicals and improve gastric secretion. It will also help restore sleep, improve attention, memory and thought processes. This is the use of dried cherries. It can bring harm with a stomach ulcer, patients with diabetes mellitus, with high acidity and obese.

Drying and drying
What are the differences? Drying is the process of removing liquid from a product by evaporation. Natural is drying in the open air. Artificial - in special devices. Drying is a type of drying at temperatures up to 40 degrees. In principle, this is one and the same thing, but drying gives the products elasticity and a more harmonious taste.
Dried cherries, like fresh ones, are not cooked. All vitamins and minerals are stored in it (the benefits and harms of dried cherries are indicated above). How to cook? From 1 kg of berries, about 300 g of dry product is obtained. Drying cherries on their own is not difficult. This can be done in the "old fashioned way": do not take out the seeds and dry the berry in the air until complete loss of moisture. Such cherries go mainly to compotes.
You can make a real treat from cherries. She will go both as a dessert and in baking. Fresh berries are washed, cleaned of stalks, leaves and seeds, and damaged berries are removed. It is advisable to use a solution of ascorbic acid, it will prevent darkening of berries, maintain a beautiful color and benefit. Cherry treated with such a solution will not bring harm. It is prepared simply: ascorbine is diluted with warm water. After the solution has cooled, place the cooked berries in it for 5 minutes. And proceed directly to drying the fruit. There are two ways to do this:
- Outdoors. Berries placed on a special screen on a gauze basis. Take them out daily in the sun until completely dry.
- In the oven. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, spread the cherry slices down. Preheat the oven to 60 degrees and dry for 2 hours. Then increase the temperature to 80 degrees, dry for another 3 hours. Then lower the temperature to 60 degrees and keep the cherries in the oven for a couple more hours. During this lengthy process, keep the oven door ajar so as not to โsteamโ the berries.
Collection and storage of cherries
Ripe berries should be dry, shiny, resilient. For drying and drying, fruits without mold and external damage are suitable. Fresh cherries are stored for no more than 3 days. For long-term storage, the berry can be frozen, while retaining its beneficial properties for six months. The benefits and harms of frozen cherries are no different from fresh ones. Drying and drying is a great way to preserve vitamins. But at a temperature of 60 degrees, vitamin C is destroyed - this should be taken into account.

Cherry Delicacy
Cherry cooked in this way is good not only in baking, but also as a separate treat.
- Sprinkle pitted cherries with sugar and leave for a day at a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees. Allow liquid to drain. Prepare syrup from 350 ml of water and 300 g of sugar. Once it boils, pour in the berries and boil for 5 minutes. Cool, strain and lay on a baking sheet. Dry for 10-12 days, stirring occasionally.
- Boil cherries in syrup, the amount of food is indicated above. Separate the berries from the liquid, put on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 80 degrees. After half an hour, remove the baking sheet, mix the cherries and put in the oven for another 30 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 70 degrees and repeat 2 times (half an hour in the oven, mix, dry again).
A delicious and nutritious treat is ready.