Despite the fact that vegetarianism was practiced several thousand years ago, the first official community of botanophages was created in the century before last, in the 47th year, in the UK. In Russia, however, to refuse meat food and to classify themselves with the European fashion movement began after 50 years. For a century, vegetarianism has only been heard: only a few are imbued with the culture and religion of the ancestor of the movement - India.

What helped vegetarianism become a full-fledged diet in the 21st century?
But here is the 21st century, and the vegetarian movement in a number of Slavic countries begins to gain momentum. More and more literature can be found on the shelves of bookstores, which describes in detail all the ins and outs of botanophages, provides many scientific articles and publications. And it turns out that the vegetarian movement at one time was imbued with many famous people. Who are these famous vegetarians? You will learn the answer to this question by reading the article.
Famous vegetarians of past centuries

Who are the famous vegetarians of the world? Whose names are on this list? Who knows the artwork Mona Lisa, The Baptism of Christ, or The Lady with an Ermine? Or who at least once admired the amazing work of Renaissance artists? Only a few know that the world famous artist, the genius of his craft, Leonardo da Vinci was a vegetarian. The following words belonged to him: "As long as people cut animals, they will kill each other." He who loved life and all life around, da Vinci bought animals in local markets, because killing them for food was wildness for him.
The next amazing representative of the vegetarian movement was Thiruvalluvar, who was worshiped in South India. He, like the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, also owns the following famous phrase, showing his attitude to killing animals for food: “How can a person eating meat and flesh of living beings show compassion?”
Famous vegetarian people have also been found among philosophers. So, in this list you can add a famous thinker, ancient Greek mathematician, mystic and philosopher - Pythagoras of Samos. Throughout his life, the diet of Pythagoras was exclusively vegetarian. But occasionally the philosopher allowed himself to eat fish.
Famous Vegetarians in Russia
TV presenter Olga Shelest for many years of her life has been actively fighting against eating animal and bird meat. On the Russian streets you can see posters of the opposing movement PETA under the leadership of this woman, on which you can see terrifying pictures of what the killing of animals leads to, how much the person became embittered and his attitude to the animal world worsened in principle.
Who are the famous vegetarians in Russia? The woman without whom the television series “Matchmakers” would not have gained such popularity in Russia and the CIS countries is Lyudmila Artemyeva. The actress, acting both in theatrical productions, and flickering in films with an enviable frequency, also refers to vegetarians and encourages people to remember their humanity and love for the flora and fauna in general.
Nikolai Drozdov is no less famous person for cameras. In the distant 2000s he was given the nickname "Man Encyclopedia" on the project "The Last Hero". From the pages of his books, from television screens, he offers his readers and listeners a huge amount of information about vegetarianism and veganism, and is also an ardent supporter of the latter.

The creator of the social network "VKontakte" Pavel Durov recently also ranked among the warring side of the botanophages.
The most famous vegetarians of Russia: Laima Vaikule, Yolka, Stanislav Namin, Sati Casanova, Victor Chaika and many others. All of them are supporters of the vegetarian movement, who in their work and on the pages of the blogs want to convey to people that vegetarianism is not just saving animals. This is the salvation of himself in the first place.

World famous vegetarians
Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Jim Carrey, Pamela Anderson, Uma Thurman, Ozzy Osbourne, Steve Wye, Tina Turner, Oksana Pushkina, Orlando Bloom, Shura, Faina Ranevskaya - this list of famous vegetarians can go on forever. Many stars of this magnitude will forever remain in memory not only as famous actors, directors, musicians or poets, but also as fighters of the famous VITA movement, which currently numbers tens and hundreds of thousands of participants. Their desire to live with our smaller brothers in harmony is strong and noble.

Sports celebrities in the fight for the life of animals
Among athletes there are a lot of people who try to adhere not only to a healthy lifestyle, but also to vegetarianism. They also fight for the rights of our smaller brothers, donate part of their income to various rescue organizations around the world and ask everyone to share their opinion on this matter.
Famous Vegetarian Athletes
Mike Tyson is a talented person and an Honored Master of Sports. The American boxer is not the first decade does not eat food of animal origin. This, however, did not in any way affect its results.

Bodybuilding is also famous for its athletes who support the vegetarian movement. So, received four times in a row the title of “Mr. Universe” Bill Pearl is one of its representatives.
Tennis represents among its legends Czech tennis player Martina Navratilova, who throughout her life has shown the benefits of sports and proper nutrition based on plant foods. Despite a respectable age of 58 years, Martina looks simply amazing. And this is not only an external state. Many athletes, whose coach is Navratilova, celebrate her spiritual beauty and incredible fortitude.
What other famous vegetarians-athletes will join our list? Prince Fielder and Tony Gonzalez are masters of sports, fit handsome men and just incredibly strong and powerful guys whose food is based on cereals, vegetables and fruits.
Among the famous basketball players, one should mention Robert Parish, Salim Studemire and John Sally, who urge their fans to always remember that animals are friends of a person, not clothes and food. Salim also notes that following a diet allowed him to achieve new records, because vegetarianism gives him more energy and stamina during serious basketball matches.
The great athlete, recognized champion in running at different distances, Carl Lewis refers more to vegans than vegetarians. Since 1991, Lewis has been following an incredibly strict diet, which does not include animal food in any way, which helped him become a ten-time Olympic champion.
And although this list is only a small part, but even on it you can see that vegetarian and vegan diets are not an obstacle in professional sports, but exactly the opposite. It should also be noted that the gladiators belonged to vegetarians.
The striking difference between the vegan movement and the vegetarian
Unlike vegetarianism, the vegan branch diet is more strict. Veganism excludes the use of animal products in general. Unlike vegetarians, vegans do not eat honey as well, which would seem to be a less critical product. However, this menu has a lot of restrictions that sometimes even vegetarians do not understand. The attitude towards vegans is less loyal than towards vegetarians, however, becoming a vegan or vegetarian is the choice of every person.
A strict diet of representatives of botanophages: what is strictly forbidden to eat, except for animal products
A sharp transition to such a diet is not recommended if before that there were no preparatory steps for a smooth transition from a full diet to vegetable. The body simply can not stand all the restrictions in food. In addition, without careful preparation, without familiarizing yourself with all the information available about the vegan movement, a person who has practiced meat-eating and has received the necessary list of minerals and vitamins from these products will quickly wither away without them. And it is precisely in our time that more and more often becoming a vegan without preparation has become a kind of misfortune. Rather, they can be attributed to the ideological ones, which only watched a few lectures by vegan professors and were inspired by this.
Of course, the cult of animal welfare cannot but rejoice, only a sharp change in diet leads to side effects. In addition, such people will not be able to survive for a long time on a strict diet. As practice shows, ideological vegans are able to observe the regime for several months, after which they again return to the standard human diet with an abundance of animal products. And it is precisely because of such “former vegans” that the reputation of botanophages is noticeably spoiled.

Celebrities whose desire to save life and significantly limit themselves in their diet outweighed the primitive urge
Patrick Babumyan, Adam Russell, Sky Valencia, Jenny Garth, Jessica Coffil and many others are famous personalities who have devoted their whole life to veganism. Benjamin Spock, a pediatrician whose medical articles and books have proved to be a valuable and useful contribution to the development of medicine, is an ardent supporter of the vegan movement.
The voice of the satellite channel Animal Planet, TV presenter Wendy Turner, has also in recent years attributed itself to the community of botanophages. Prior to this, Turner was actively practicing vegetarianism in order for the final goal on the way to the strictest diet to be achieved without fatal consequences for the body.
Famous vegans and vegetarians were introduced to your attention in this article. Who would have thought? Reading the names of some famous people was really a surprise. And these are only a few among world-famous personalities whose life the rejection of animal products has improved and given confidence, spiritual and physical strength to cope with daily difficulties and always come out victorious.