Many proponents of a healthy lifestyle, blood thickening products are called harmful. They include sugar and alcohol, everyone’s favorite fried potatoes with meat and sweet, delicious desserts. The use of unhealthy, but such desired food can lead to disturbances in oxidative and regenerative processes in the tissues of the body and most internal organs: liver, kidneys, brain, and others.

Reduced blood quality in this case due to its thickening, acidification, increase in cholesterol concentration leads to a deterioration in its transport function, which ensures respiration and nutrition of body cells.
Causes and consequences of blood clotting
Increased blood viscosity provokes the most dangerous ailments: cardiovascular and oncological pathology. These diseases, as a rule, are caused by disturbances in blood circulation due to its density, which lead to an increase in the load on blood vessels and the laying of clots on the walls of veins and arteries.
Factors leading to an increase in blood viscosity are:
- lack of fluid drunk by a person, or its poor quality;
- high sports loads;
- stay in a hot climate;
- prolonged exposure;
- regular and excessive consumption of sugar, fast-digesting carbohydrates;
- deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body (especially lecithin, selenium, zinc and ascorbic acid);
- the exclusion of salt from the diet or its excessive consumption;
- obesity and living in an environmentally disadvantaged area.
In addition, violation of the human diet, eating mainly fatty, fried, meat, salted, sweet, smoked and canned foods, as well as having a high concentration of starch, lead to the formation of dense cholesterol molecules that damage the walls of blood vessels. These blood thickening products cause malfunctioning of the liver, causing a change in plasma.

These violations are recognized as one of the main triggers for the development of thrombophlebitis, which affects people who regularly include junk food in their menu. It is very important for them to timely normalize the work of the biochemical mini-laboratory, in which metabolic processes take place, special substances are synthesized that can prevent an increase in blood viscosity and thrombosis.
When the blood is too thin ...
In order to regulate blood circulation, normalizing it, each person needs to know which foods that thicken the blood, you need to eat to increase the viscosity, and which to thin the living environment. In vegetarians and people who ignore the consumption of animal fats for food, as well as in certain diseases, blood may have increased fluidity, which negatively affects its coagulability when skin damage occurs. The liquid living environment of a person does not allow to cope with bleeding, it turns any scratch or surgical intervention into a real disaster. In this case, it is necessary to include in the menu products that increase blood density: sugar, salt, fatty dishes.

But people who eat plants or other light foods for a long time cannot eat such food without harm to their health, since it thickens the blood too much and can cause poor health. Therefore, the list of products that moderately increase blood density includes: fish - a source of well-being, youth and beauty, as well as a successful fight against extra pounds; cereals and cereals (millet, buckwheat and brown brown rice), with which you can stuff low-fat fish, and then bake in the oven. This also includes bran, rustic or custard bread. Cereals form a clot of mucus in the stomach, which helps to thicken the blood.
Sweet food harms the figure, but you shouldn’t completely remove it from the menu, it is more advisable to replace fatty desserts with dried fruits, honey, oriental sweets and homemade fruit jam. A morning teaspoon based on one teaspoon is a sufficient portion of pleasure to thicken blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
In the category of first courses, one of the leaders that reduce the concentration of liquid in blood plasma is freshly cooked borsch. Of greens, it is best to dilute, improving the consistency of blood, leek, sorrel, lettuce, and other vegetable dishes with garlic.
The main foods that cause high blood viscosity syndrome
According to doctors and nutritionists, giving up powerful blood thickeners (dairy products, potatoes, bananas) is not worth it, but you need to control the frequency of consumption and quantity. In rare cases, you can afford soda, smoked delicacies and alcohol. Some products contain vitamin K, which increases blood coagulability and neutralizes the action of anticoagulants, such as: pork liver, soybeans and dishes made from them, blackcurrant and viburnum, beans, watercress, cabbage, beets, broccoli and spinach, beans, green peas . In addition, products that thicken blood quickly and strongly participate in thrombosis: fatty meats, sausages, rich strong broths, hydrogenated fats, cream, canned food, smoked meats, white bread and baked goods, confectionery, walnuts.

The restriction for people prone to blood clots also applies to the use of sugar and sour cream, lard, salt and butter. Harmful habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking, negatively affect the liquid composition of the blood. Abuse of diuretics, contraceptives and hormonal drugs, their uncontrolled intake can also cause depletion of the liquid living environment of tissues and an increased risk of thrombosis.
Alcoholic drinks
Everyone knows about the dangers of this product. The use of strong drinks, wine in packs of tetrapack and cheap beer even once a week leads to the fact that alcohol thickens the blood: it becomes dark and viscous, and the concentration of liquid in it becomes significantly lower than 83%. In the blood vessels, red blood cells stick together in the form of coin columns, which adhere to the wall and form blood clots. Blood clotting is manifested at the initial stage by increased fatigue, memory impairment and drowsiness. Over time, alcohol abuse includes mental processes that destroy the body: stress, irritability or apathy, insomnia.
Is fried potato with meat in a pan dangerous?
In our age of sedentary lifestyle, nutrition plays a large role (more than 75 percent) in human health. The lack of a sufficient portion of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet that promotes an active metabolism, the use of such a fatty and high-calorie dish is associated with many risk factors for the development of pathologies. Blood clotting is one of them.

Therefore, the beloved by many fried potatoes with meat in a pan is not such a harmless dish. In addition to the fact that the dish has a high calorie content, it contains fatty meat, potatoes, which greatly increase the viscosity of the blood. But soft and tasty veal, pork or chicken with a golden crust and friable, sizzling in a pan, potatoes are cooked in almost every family. It is dangerous to do this daily or several times a week, combining a traditional dish with strong alcohol, marinades, pickles.

Such a dish can be allowed only occasionally, and instead of homemade preparations, it is preferable to set the table with a light salad of fresh vegetables.
Main dishes and snacks
With thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, nutritionists recommend including onion dishes, vegetable stews in which garlic and dill can be added. They are prepared from eggplant, zucchini, red bell pepper, tomatoes, seasoning them with oregano or paprika.

Second courses from oily fish, seafood and kelp are also good. All these dishes prevent the thickening of blood, thinning it. However, they cannot be combined with the use of anticoagulants without a doctor's prescription.
In dietetic nutrition for varicose veins , garlic salad takes pride of place, since its use reduces blood viscosity. Fragrant vegetable is added both fresh and dried, and also insist on cold pressed vegetable oil (sunflower, olive or safflower), getting a delicious healing infusion from high cholesterol, thick blood (including varicose veins) and hypertension. The addition of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, sprouted wheat, cabbage (except white cabbage), sweet red pepper, carrots and other blood-thinning ingredients to the assortment is a good prevention of thrombosis and other cardiovascular pathologies. This garlic salad is cooked in minutes. It can be served with the second dish or as an independent meal.
Excluding confectionery, sweets and baking, thickening blood, it is ideal to replace them with fruits and berries: oranges, apricots, grapes, lingonberries, cherries, plums, grapefruit, strawberries, blackberries, lemon, raspberries, tangerines, sea buckthorn. From dried fruits you can choose prunes, dried apricots and raisins. Honey, if there is no allergy to bee products, will be an excellent alternative to sugar.
Healing herbs
Most plants with diuretic properties have a thickening effect: corn stigmas, yarrow, St. John's wort and basil. The same effect on the body is exerted by: alfalfa and valerian, highlander and aronia. Nettle thickens blood, if you use the leaves of this medicinal herb. Of the berries, you need to carefully consider the use of aronia and kiwi, rose hip and pomegranate. They increase the blood viscosity of mangoes, avocados, walnuts and lentils.
Normalize blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing the appearance of clots on them, helps a balanced diet, healthy lifestyle, adherence to food regimen.

The diet should include a sufficient amount of blood thinning products, but their excess can also lead to negative consequences. Every day, to maintain a normal level of hydration, you need to drink one and a half or two liters of purified still water. In addition to the main fluid, you must also drink green tea, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Optimal physical activity, which must be included in the daily routine, will be a good prevention of diseases and help to keep fit.