Is it possible for a nursing mom cocoa? Of course, this issue is far from being of secondary importance to young parents, since there are plenty of prohibitions in the diet after childbirth . And so I want to pamper myself with something tasty. For some women who are breastfeeding, refusing coffee is hardly a disaster. Cookies, honey, nuts, marshmallows, halva ... The list of prohibited products goes on and on. Strong tea and coffee, by the way, is far from last in it. However, the world-famous "Brazilian" drink has a great alternative - cocoa. For a young mother, he seems like a delicious substitute for coffee. However, not everyone knows about whether it is possible for a nursing mother to cocoa from a medical point of view. Consider this issue in more detail.
Cocoa Benefits
Before finding out whether it is possible for a nursing mother of cocoa, we first decide on what benefits this spicy drink has for our health.

Firstly, it contains antioxidants in abundance. In particular, polyphenol helps lower blood pressure.
Secondly, cocoa contains special substances - neurotransmitters, which are natural anti-depressants.
Well, and thirdly, regular use of the above drink helps to reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol and increase the number of "good".
For or against?
Returning to the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to cocoa, it should be noted that this delicious drink is a taboo for women after childbirth. The fact is that for medical reasons it belongs to the number of highly allergenic products. However, this is far from the only answer to the question: “Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink cocoa?” Some inhabitants believe that the drink contains caffeine, which contributes to the excitability of the central nervous system. Naturally, for a baby, such an effect does not bring anything positive. In reality, there is very little caffeine in cocoa beans.

There is another negative argument as to whether cocoa is available to a nursing mother. The fact is that in the grains of the plant there is an alkaloid (theobromine), which negatively affects the functioning of both the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, it helps to remove calcium from the body, which is the building material of bone tissue. However, it should be borne in mind that the negative effect of theobromine appears only when too much cocoa is drunk.
Not everyone considers cocoa a bad drink for a young mother
Today, on the expanses of Runet, large-scale discussions flare up about whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink cocoa. Representatives of the weaker sex put to the public a variety of recipes on how to enhance lactation through drinks and food. It is noteworthy that some ladies believe that this can be achieved using cocoa with milk. At the same time, it should be emphasized that some new mothers consume cocoa without any harm to the baby’s health.

Here everything depends on the reaction of the latter: if after cocoa he does not have an allergy, his appetite does not disappear, his sleep is calm, then a small dose of the drink is quite acceptable.
In this regard, the question of whether cocoa is available to a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth is very relevant . A categorical negative answer will follow. Only after a few months from the moment a baby is born can one experiment with cocoa.
Recommendations and Tips
If, however, under no circumstances can you deny yourself a cup of cocoa, then when preparing the drink, dilute the powder with water or milk in a ratio of 2: 1 or 3: 1. You should also limit your sugar intake.
Make sure that the drink is consumed in the first half of the day in order to have extra time to observe the child's reaction to the innovation. To minimize the possibility of an allergy in the baby, it is recommended to drink cocoa immediately after the moment you have finished the feeding procedure. If the child suddenly has an itching, rash or redness on the skin, then experiments with cocoa should be stopped immediately.

When the peanut feels great, you can afford one or two cups of the drink per week.
The question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother of Nesquik cocoa to be haunted by many? Doctors do not give hard contraindications in this regard, but they caution that excessive use of Nesquik is fraught with problems with the health of the child, since a drink under this brand contains a huge amount of sugar, which, of course, is a negative factor.
Is it possible cocoa with milk
Again, some young mothers cannot overpower their addictions and, in spite of any prohibitions, drink the above drink with milk. Should they be reproached for this? Is it possible for a nursing mother to cocoa with milk?
And here, doctors are loyal, but at the same time emphasize that it is possible to introduce a product into the diet only a few months after the birth. As already noted, a low-fat cow product should be used in the preparation of cocoa.

It is not recommended to enjoy a drink in the afternoon, otherwise you may not notice the baby’s reaction to cocoa in time. And, most importantly, remember a sense of proportion.
Is it possible chocolate
Chocolate is on a par with cocoa, and many young mothers cannot deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying this sweet dessert. It's no secret that chocolate is made from cocoa beans.
It contains antioxidants, as well as substances that activates the release of endorphin (the hormone of happiness). It would seem that such a useful product cannot be harmful for a woman who is breastfeeding. In fact, official medicine does not recommend eating chocolate for young mothers. As an exception, you can afford only a small piece of this amazing delicacy.
What is harmful chocolate
What risks does this product carry?

Like cocoa, chocolate can provoke an allergy in the baby, so in the first month after giving birth, it is necessary to exclude it from the diet by 100%. The fact is that during this period all the vital systems of the body only get used to life, and the extra load is contraindicated for them. Only in the third month you can try the innovation, and even then do not forget to monitor the condition of the child. Chocolate can also cause diathesis. In this case, you must immediately abandon this treat. And of course, do not forget to consult a doctor about this before eating sweets.