The pioneer of the appearance in Russia of the miraculous product of โlazyโ weight loss was a surprisingly effective drink - Cafe Mince coffee. Reviews about him for several years have been featured on the most popular Internet sites - frequently visited forums and social networks, giving positive emotions to everyone who managed to regain their former harmony with it. This miracle product was developed in scientific laboratories in France, where natural active ingredients were added to the composition with specially processed coffee varieties - arabica and robusta: guarana and artichoke, inulin polysaccharide obtained from chicory, and the extract of the most powerful cleanser - green tea .

In addition, Cafe Mince often contains a fat-burning extract from pineapples - bromelain, which normalizes metabolic processes in the body, L-carnitine - a universal transporter that promotes the breakdown of fats and the production of vital energy, guatsuma - a substance that prevents the absorption of lipids, as well as an extract rhubarb, spices and pectin.
Coffee or a dietary supplement?
The whole complex of natural ingredients that help to easily lose centimeters on the waist and sides, sophisticated connoisseurs of beauty called Cafe Mince. Reviews of this product indicate that many people manage to lose up to 5-9 kilograms per month with it. True, this result can be achieved only by combining a low-calorie balanced diet and an active lifestyle. This product stimulates the acceleration of metabolism, improves digestion and removes all harmful substances: cholesterol, toxins and toxins. Its supplements - wheat germ extract, vitamin PP and chromium - significantly reduce appetite, suppressing the feeling of uncontrolled hunger, and also help to overcome cravings for sweets.

In what doses can I drink Cafe Mince ? Are there any contraindications?
The dosage, according to the instructions for this pharmaceutical product, is usually not more than 2-3 cups per day. A disposable bag of Cafe Mince coffee should be dissolved in a cup of boiling water. It is allowed to add a small amount of nonfat milk or sugar, if it is not intended to refuse it. It is better to drink this drink in the morning with a course of about 30 days. Slimming coffee is contraindicated for people with problems of the cardiovascular system, including hypertension, with liver and kidney diseases. It is forbidden to lose weight in this way to pregnant women and young mothers during lactation. The rest of the people before starting losing weight with "French coffee" need to get a doctor's consultation.
What is the difference between Green Coffee 800 and ordinary coffee ?

Green coffee Cafe Mince reviews collects mostly admired. Unroasted coffee tree beans contain an amazing substance - natural chlorogenic acid, thanks to which metabolism is accelerated three times. This natural oxidizing agent breaks down amino acids from protein foods, enhancing the effect of any of the diets. Chlorogenic acid combined with caffeine makes Green Coffee 800 a leader among slimming drinks.
Customer opinions on this wonderful โhealth drinkโ
Several hundred people were able to get rid of excess volumes and kilograms thanks to Cafe Mince coffee. Reviews admired and very useful for others indicate the effectiveness and reliability of this method of losing weight, since once lost weight does not return if you adhere to proper nutrition and perform a daily set of physical exercises or visit the fitness center a couple of times a week.