Thrush is a disease that is caused by a fungus belonging to the genus Candida. If the first symptoms of this ailment have arisen, then the woman should consult a specialist to determine the optimal method of therapy. But if a woman is going to self-medicate, then after taking some ineffective medications, a permanent, that is, a chronic form of thrush can develop. In this case, women do not understand why the thrush does not go away. There are many reasons for this.
Women quite often take another disease for thrush that cannot be treated with antimicrobial drugs. Before answering the question of why thrush does not go away, you should understand the main causes of its development, as well as consider the symptoms and signs of this disease.
Causes of the disease
It is customary to highlight several main factors for the development of this disease. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that thrush can occur due to a violation of the intestinal microflora. This is due to the fact that the female genital organs are located very close to the area of ​​the anus, which means that there is a risk of the transfer of various pathogenic microorganisms to the vaginal area. Those bacteria that are introduced into the vagina from the anus begin to multiply rapidly, disrupting the microflora of the female genital organ. Candida fungi, formed in a favorable environment, begin to become active for their existence, as a result of which thrush develops.

Hormonal changes in the body can also cause candidiasis. In most cases, thrush appears during pregnancy, since the female body directs all its forces to the development of the fetus, which is why the immune system is weakened. In this case, women begin to use some drugs during self-medication, but the disease cannot be cured. At the same time, patients do not understand why thrush does not pass during pregnancy. But this will be discussed below.
Provocative factors
Candidiasis can develop due to a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system. The provoking factors of this process are the following:
- the presence of colds;
- prolonged use of antibiotics;
- constant stress;
- lack of sleep;
- improper nutrition, which is based on the use of foods high in carbohydrates.
Chronic thrush can develop against the background of concomitant pathologies that are infectious and affect the mucous membrane of the vagina and genitals. In this situation, the use of only antifungal therapy will not help completely get rid of the disease. If concomitant diseases cannot be cured, then favorable conditions for the development of thrush will be created again.
In the presence of HIV infection, as well as in impaired metabolism, thrush does not go away and always affects the genitals in the female body.
Neglecting the rules of intimate hygiene can also contribute to the development of this disease. A provoking factor that activates the development of pathogenic microflora is the frequent wearing of too tight underwear. Also, the reason for the development of thrush can be the wearing of linen, which is made of synthetic materials.
Symptoms of the disease
If a woman is absolutely healthy and has good immunity, then candida fungi are present on the mucous membranes and epithelium in a small amount, but do not manifest themselves in any way. But for some reasons that have been described above, thrush may develop. This disease is characterized by symptoms, which are as follows:
- Discharges from mucous membranes that have an unpleasant odor and curdled structure.
- Crust-like structures arising on a partially dying epithelium. They occur in case of skin lesions.
- Swelling, itching, and redness in the area of ​​infection.
- Rashes, which are pseudo-allergic in nature.
- Mild pain during urination or intercourse.

Why thrush does not go away
There are many different factors that lead to a lack of effect from the treatment of this disease. So still, why does thrush not go away for a long time? It is worthwhile to become more familiar with the main causes of this phenomenon.
Incorrect treatment or lack thereof
Considering why thrush does not go away after treatment, it should be noted that many women treat this disease and its treatment quite frivolously. Most of the fair sex, suffering from this disease, believe that candidiasis can pass on their own. This is especially true in cases where the disease proceeds in a relatively mild form, in which the symptoms are mild. The lack of therapy in many cases provokes an aggravation of the problem, as well as the formation of various kinds of complications. Most often, these include secondary bacterial infections.
Another reason why thrush does not go away after treatment is improper treatment of the disease. As a rule, this happens if the treatment was prescribed or carried out incorrectly. Considering why thrush takes a long time, one should also take into account the fact that this can occur due to self-medication, when a woman uses only folk remedies, as well as ineffective medications. This reason is the most common.
Other diseases
Why does the thrush go for a long time if the patient follows all the recommendations and appointments of a specialist? Quite often, even the right treatment does not give any effect due to secondary infection with a fungal infection. This is observed when a woman neglects the rules of personal hygiene or regularly has direct contact with the carrier of this disease.
Weak immune system
Many women wonder why the yeast infection does not go away for years. This is possible if the patient has a weak immune system, which is in a state of shock and is not able to maintain protective natural barriers against various infections. In this case, experts recommend maintaining their immunity with the help of special immunomodulators.

Taking other medicines
Why does thrush persist after taking fluconazole? The absence of a positive effect from treatment can be observed if the drug is not taken according to the instructions. In addition, the use of antibiotics and corticosteroids in the parallel treatment of classical candidiasis can provoke a significant increase in the patient’s recovery period. Therefore, before asking yourself why thrush does not go away after candle treatment, you should consult a specialist who should tell you what medications are allowed to be taken with antibiotics and corticosteroids.
Thrush after treatment
Some women wonder why thrush does not go away after taking the pills that were prescribed by the doctor. This can be observed for the following reasons:
- The use of gels, suppositories, as well as tablets from candidiasis, which do not cause the death of yeast-like fungi. Sometimes pathogens are insensitive to the drugs used. In most cases, this is due to prolonged or uncontrolled use of some antimycotic drugs. In such a situation, you should again seek help from a specialist who will identify an active substance that can cope with this disease.
- The presence of a genital infection that has similar symptoms with thrush, such as genital herpes, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea. Why did the thrush go away and the itch remained? This can happen if the patient has the above diseases. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy, which is aimed at combating these ailments.
- The presence of renal failure, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, HIV. All these ailments can increase the duration of therapy, while creating favorable conditions under which pathology develops. For this reason, when contacting a specialist, all available diseases should be reported.
Considering the question why thrush does not go away during pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that women have a hormonal disorder during pregnancy, they often experience stress. All this can cause thrush, which becomes chronic.

Menstruation and thrush
If thrush develops after menstruation, then the cause may be the use of tampons and pads on critical days, which provoked irritation of the skin. Quite often, those women who are sensitive to various flavors suffer from this. Untimely change of pads or the use of those that have poor absorbency, provoke the multiplication of microorganisms on the skin. It is in such an environment that candida fungus quite often propagates.
However, sometimes it happens that candidiasis passes on its own with the advent of menstruation. Why does thrush go away during menstruation? It should be noted that this does not happen in all cases. This will depend on how strong the patient’s body is. For the thrush to go away on its own, it will take several days until the woman recovers hormonal levels. Thus, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
Thrush in men
It should be noted that thrush is not only a female disease. This disease is also found among men, although such cases are recorded very rarely. Answering the question of why a thrush does not go away in a man, one can indicate almost the same main reasons that are relevant for women in a similar situation. As in women, in most cases this is due to improper therapy, self-medication, and a weakened immune system. In order for a man to cure this disease, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of candidiasis.
Drug treatment
Treatment of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who will regularly monitor the condition of the female body using modern diagnostic methods and analyzes.

At the first stage of therapy, antifungal drugs of external and systemic action are used. In most cases, in such a situation, a specialist prescribes external ointments or vaginal suppositories together with oral tablets made on the basis of clotrimazole.
As additional therapy, immunomodulators based on interferons are used. The use of vitamin-mineral complexes and douching with the use of antiseptic components are also prescribed.
Intimate hygiene
Treatment also involves the complete cessation of any direct contact with the carrier of the fungal infection. Regular washings and showers with soap that have a neutral PH level should be used in conjunction with basic therapy. During menstruation, women need to change tampons and pads as often as possible, not to go to saunas, pools, and also open water bodies.
Diet implies a complete exclusion from the diet of muffin, fried or pickled food, spicy and spicy dishes, beer, grapes, fatty meats, yeast products, carbonated drinks.
In large quantities, it is recommended to consume fruits, vegetables, dairy products, as well as foods rich in fiber.

Prevention Tips
To get rid of candidiasis, as well as reduce the likelihood of relapse, you should adhere to some recommendations:
- Avoid any situations that contribute to a decrease in the immune system. Lifestyle should be such that immunity is always at a high level. To do this, you should regularly go to the gym or perform physical exercises at home, temper. It is also recommended to take vitamins and minerals.
- Maintain a balanced diet that is based on a limited intake of carbohydrate foods.
- Follow the rules of personal hygiene: timely change of bed linen, regularly take a shower, wear underwear, which is made only from natural fabrics.
Treatment recommendations
If the thrush does not go away, this suggests that it is not possible to cure the cause of its development. Therefore, the treatment of the chronic form of the disease should be comprehensive, using a phased approach:
- First of all, the main reason for the development of the disease is eliminated with the help of antimycotic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
- In the presence of diabetes mellitus, it is first necessary to lower the level of glucose, and then use antifungal therapy.
- With existing herpes, additional antiviral therapy is necessary.
- After this, a course of microflora restoration should be prescribed.
- If necessary, the patient is referred to other specialists. If the cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance, then a woman should visit an endocrinologist.
During treatment, several recommendations should also be observed:
- Refuse sex.
- Take vitamins, stimulants, minerals in order to strengthen the immune system.
- Exclude alcohol.
- Follow the rules of intimate hygiene.
- Adhere to the diet described above.
- Do not use tampons during menstruation.

As an additional treatment, you can use traditional medicine, but before that you should consult your doctor. To remove the cheesy plaque outside the genitals, an infusion based on herbs, such as lavender, nettle, and a string, is used. To remove the fungus from the vaginal mucosa, douching is done with a decoction of calendula, chamomile or oak bark.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that for the treatment of candidiasis, a full course of therapy should be taken, which is prescribed by a specialist. The course of treatment should be completed, even if pathogenic symptoms completely disappeared. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in no case should the dosage of prescribed medications be reduced. Otherwise, untreated pathology can provoke the development of relapse.