Do you like fruit? But who does not love them, you say. Moreover, now the choice is huge. The shelves of our supermarkets and markets are bursting with all kinds of exotic fruits that you really want to try. Scientists are questioning the benefits of some overseas fruits for our body, since we do not have many enzymes in our stomach that can digest these wonderful fruits.

But this does not apply to mangoes. The fragrant fruit not only has wonderful taste, but it is also incredibly useful. The mango has a wonderful taste: it has the aroma of orange and apple, the pulp is very juicy, despite the fact that the structure of the fruit is quite fibrous.
The birthplace of mangoes are India and Pakistan. There he is called the "Asian apple." According to legend, the god Shiva grew this wonderful fruit for his beloved. Indians love mango so much that they even put its image on the emblem of the country. Mangoes are grown in many countries with a very warm climate.
The ripe the fruit, the more useful it is. But itβs problematic to try absolutely ripe mangoes in our latitudes, as they carry it from afar, and, accordingly, they rip a little unripe from the tree. But this does not matter, wrap the fruit in black paper and put it in a dark warm place, in a week the fruit ripens without loss in

bite qualities and useful properties. Itβs not worth it to ripen mangoes in the refrigerators, it will become soft, but the taste will let you down.
No wonder adults and children love mangoes. The composition of this fruit is rich in vitamins: it contains a lot of vitamins D, E, A, C. Vitamin C in the fruit is 150-175 mg per 100 g of pulp. And vitamin A (beta carotene) in this fruit is more than in the most orange fruits and vegetables. It also contains amino acids that the human body does not produce (essential amino acids), that is, it must receive them with food.
So what is the use of mango - the fruit of the god Shiva?
The usefulness of mangoes was spoken by ancient Indian healers. With the help of this fruit in ancient times they treated cholera, plague and other diseases. Even now, pulp and mango juice are used for many health problems. What is more useful than mangoes is that it contains antioxidants, one of which is quercetin. It rejuvenates the walls of blood vessels, a very positive effect on the immune system. And, therefore, regularly eating mangoes in food, you will help your body stay young for many years.
Scientists have discovered for a long time why mango is useful in the treatment of cancer, and they have successfully used this fruit in the treatment of malignant tumors, since there are substances in the pulp of the fetus that can slow down the growth of cancer cells. If you have heartburn, then mango will come to the rescue. Another interesting fact is that dysentery and a friend

Digestive tract disorders can be treated with the unripe, green mango fruit, for this purpose it is eaten with honey, slightly salted.
For cosmetic purposes, mango pulp is used as masks. To do this, peel the fruit, mash the pulp with a fork and apply on the skin of the face and neck. The result will surely please you.
A lot can be said about the usefulness of mangoes. It is not for nothing that this exotic fruit was so fond of us. And even though the price of a mango βbitesβ a little, be sure to indulge yourself with it at least sometimes!