Today, proper nutrition is becoming the benchmark. Demand creates supply, and a variety of diet products appear in stores. A special place is occupied by bread, which is an alternative to the usual flour products. But can they be called uniquely useful? Today we have to understand this issue. Most often, a person on a diet refuses flour. If everything is clear with buns and cakes, then bread is still not enough. Therefore, on the second or third day of the diet, relaxation and a gradual rejection of the desire to lose weight follow. However, an alternative appeared - crispbread. There are a lot of them in stores today. We’ll talk about Dr. Korner. Reviews of nutritionists will be very interesting, because they will help to make the right choice.

All the best for you
Indeed, when you see several dozen brands in the store, each of which offers the most delicious and healthy products, it’s not easy to decide. However, after analyzing supply and demand, we conclude that many prefer Dr. Korner. Reviews nutritionists confirm that this is a quality product. The manufacturer is the domestic OJSC Khlebprom. He assures the consumer that the loaves contribute to effective weight loss, improve metabolic processes and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
Beneficial features
Are they really a valuable product for our body? Let's ask the experts. They say that, first of all, the presence of Dr. Korner. Reviews of nutritionists emphasize that, unlike bread, this product does not contain yeast, which means that it will not cause digestive problems. Due to the unique composition, the bread has the following properties:
- Normalize the functioning of the intestines.
- They inhibit the deposition of fat reserves.
- They have excellent taste, which means they can become a full-fledged alternative to bread.
- An undeniable advantage is the high content of B vitamins, protein and amino acids.
- Low calorie content is another plus. One loaf contains 4 times less calories than a slice of bread.
Let us dwell on the last point in more detail. It can be called into question if we are talking about a product such as Dr. Korner. Reviews nutritionists say that it all depends on the main diet. There are 220 kcal per 100 g of product. Of course, the products we are considering are very light, so eating such an amount in a day is difficult, while much more bread is consumed at a time. Apparently, this is the basis of the effect.

Consumer opinion
More and more people every year begin to acquire Dr. Korner. The views presented on the shelves allow everyone to choose the best option for lunch and tea. This is an ideal way to replace regular bread. Moreover, it is convenient and important not only for those who are constantly on a diet, but also for athletes and adherents of a healthy diet. Bread rolls perfectly complement breakfast, are very good as a snack, and are great for making delicious mini desserts. The composition is almost perfect: there is no salt and sugar, butter and everything else. You can choose the option that you like best.

Different tastes
There are several lines from which you can choose the product you like most. Classical includes four varieties. This is “Buckwheat” or “Rice” without gluten, “Seven cereals”, “Cereal cocktail”. For lovers of spicy taste, there are salted options. This is a terrific “Grain Shake” with a cheese flavor that easily replaces more high-calorie crackers. In addition, this line includes Borodino bread rolls with rye flour, brown rice with sea salt, and corn with spicy herbs.
As an alternative to the liver, you can consider Dr. Korner Cranberry. Reviews of nutritionists say that now there is no need to torment yourself by refusing dessert. There is no sugar in this product, only fructose, which means that it is perfect for those who suffer from diabetes. But most often people who adhere to a diet use it in the form of a dessert. These are bread rolls from a mixture of cereals with the addition of cranberries and honey, pineapple and blueberries or lemon. They cannot be eaten without measure, because they also contain calories. However, in comparison with cookies, they occupy a more advantageous position. Instead of 500 cal, 100 products contain 350 kcal, and due to the air structure are very light. That is, one or two loaves of bread will definitely not add extra pounds to you.

And again we’ll try to find out whether to buy Dr. Korner, or you can just as well manage with conventional foods, bread or biscuits. Bread rolls win the battle with confectionery, since they cost about the same, and they have a much lower chance of "being deposited". Therefore, if you do not plan to thickly spread them with jam, you can safely drink tea. And what about ordinary bread? It is much cheaper, so maybe it's better to choose a whole grain product and eat it in small quantities than to follow the fashion? After all, packing bread rolls weighing 100 g will cost you 50-65 rubles.
In addition, it should be noted that not everyone likes a diet product. Many people think that the bread is reminiscent of polystyrene, and they say that it’s better to cook unleavened cakes with bran, seeds and other tasty additives in the oven. It turns out both useful and inexpensive. Well, if you have a lot of time, and you are not averse to tinkering in the kitchen, this option deserves the right to life. But it's up to you to decide.

"Seven Grains"
Let's take a closer look at the composition and reviews. Crispbread Dr. Korner “Cereal Cocktail” is a classic option. They have a neutral taste, no spices, salt or sweets. They do not go well with tea, but easily replace a piece of bread. Those who are already familiar with this product are well aware of its dietary properties. A minimum of fats and calories is their main advantage. But what about the taste qualities that have Dr. Korner? Reviews say that they are neutral. That is to say the least. But as an addition to the soup - very much nothing. And put on top a gentle curd cheese - and you get a great sandwich.
What are weightless and crisp breads made of Dr. Korner? The composition, the reviews of nutritionists about which are very approving, is wheat and buckwheat, rice and millet, corn and oatmeal, as well as barley. A unique cocktail, very useful for the body, but the taste, according to consumers, is for everybody.

Buckwheat product
One of the most preferred species. They are inexpensive and low in calories, which attracts most buyers. Let's look at the opinions of experts and reviews. Crispbread Dr. Korner "Buckwheat" is the benefit of whole grains, as well as natural amino acids. The product contains highly nutritious protein, various vitamins and minerals. If you do not like buckwheat, but understand that this groat must be present in the diet, try these bread rolls. Perhaps they will be a new experience for you.
The bread themselves are standard flat cakes. They are airy and very thin, have a subtle aroma. Everyone notes that the bread is very fragile, they just crumble in their hands. The composition is the most modest, the taste too. However, the lack of salt makes them suitable for use during the diet. 100 g of the product contains only 200 kcal, however, it is definitely not possible to eat the packaging at one time.
Flavored Tea Bread
The hour of dinner has passed, and it's time to start the dessert. And if you are on a diet? In this case, Dr. Korner Cranberry. Reviews of nutritionists emphasize that it is sweets that do not allow you to have a slim figure, and here is a worthy alternative. It contains whole grains, fiber and no sugar at all. A pleasant taste is achieved due to fructose, which, although caloric in itself, is more preferable for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Let's look at a simple comparison. A bar of chocolate 100 g is 500 kcal, and a package of bread is 300 kcal. That is, the principle of measure has not been canceled. Having eaten a couple of packages of the most dietary loaves in the evening, you certainly won’t add harmony to yourself. Similarly, a cube of chocolate will not lead to weight gain.
However, there is one point that distinguishes Dr. Korner Cranberry. Reviews of nutritionists suggest that the composition contains a large number of insoluble and soluble dietary fiber. They have a positive effect on the entire digestion process, and also accelerate saturation.

Buyers Verdict
But the taste will disappoint those who want to feel the obvious presence of cranberries. You need to carefully listen to your feelings in order to distinguish it. And so it's just sweet bread that resembles popped rice. Nutritionists warn that losing weight simply because you eat this product will fail. But if you supplement them with a boring diet on a diet, you can withstand much longer without breaking.
What else do customers say about Dr. Korner Cranberry Grain Smoothie? Reviews emphasize that they are tastier than their classic counterparts, and at the same time are great for tea drinking. However, there is a minus: they are sticky, and if they lie in an open pack, they stick together. Nutritionists note that sweet varieties for people who want to lose weight are generally not suitable.
Instead of a conclusion
Despite the resemblance, the bread has a different effect on our body. For example, buckwheat is recommended for people with anemia, diabetics and overweight. If you are prone to colds and skin diseases, it is better to include oatmeal in the diet. For gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to eat wheat and barley products. Multi-cereal bread is a universal option for the whole family.