The importance of minerals to humans is very difficult to overestimate. They help to carry out a variety of body functions. That is why it is important to consume foods high in potassium so that no serious health problems arise.
Signs of Mineral Deficiency
A lack of potassium in the body can provoke a violation of metabolic processes in the cells of the heart muscle. As a result of this, violation of contractions occurs, which can provoke an attack. Blood pressure becomes unstable, mucosal damage is observed.

With a lack of potassium in the body, the risk of peptic ulcer formation increases. Women may develop cervical erosion and miscarriage. Among the main signs of a micronutrient deficiency in the body can be identified such as:
- dry skin;
- fragility of nails;
- muscle weakness;
- nausea, vomiting, frequent urination;
- neuralgia.
A feeling of fatigue, the formation of bruises, cramps, damage to blood vessels can indicate a lack. To make up for the deficiency of this microelement, it is necessary to introduce foods with a high potassium content into the daily diet, as this will quickly normalize your well-being.
However, it is preferable to consult with a doctor first, as well as conduct an examination, since an overabundance of this element can be much more dangerous than its lack.
Potassium Products
To normalize your well-being, you need to consume foods that are high in potassium. Most of it is found in apple cider vinegar and honey. Then come such foods as:
- raisins;
- any fresh berries and greens;
- wheat bran.
Most of all it is found in nuts and dried fruits. In 100 grams, the potassium content is from 450 to 1700 mg. A lot of this element in apples and bananas, as well as citrus fruits. That is why daily you need to consume a large amount of these fruits.

It is worth noting the benefits of baked potatoes, since in this form this product retains a significant amount of potassium. In addition, this trace element is present in fresh tomatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots, and legumes. Many are interested in how much potassium is in soybeans and how useful this product is. 100 g of legumes contains approximately 500 mg of potassium.
Beetroot or Swiss chard also contains a lot of potassium, namely - 961 mg of trace elements. It helps to normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system, strengthen immunity, remove toxins from the body. If desired, the chard can be completely replaced with beet tops.
Potassium is contained in spinach (590 mg), so you need to periodically consume this product to normalize well-being. In addition, chicken eggs and mushrooms should be in the diet. A properly composed menu will enrich the body with this mineral.
The high potassium content in avocados is 975 mg. In addition to replenishing the reserves of this mineral, this product contains many antioxidants, as well as fats that are good for the heart. You can consume avocados as an independent product or to prepare a salad, a snack.
The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are due to its chemical composition. 100 grams of dry product contains 1162 mg of potassium, in addition, it is very rich in fiber, vitamins, which affects the state of vision. In addition, the consumption of dried apricots has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive system.
Products containing potassium and magnesium
The daily requirement for potassium and magnesium largely depends on the weight of a person and his lifestyle. However, there is a certain average value of these trace elements, but it is worth remembering that the norm can vary depending on the presence of certain diseases. It can decrease or increase.
The main product, which contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, is considered seaweed. In addition to minerals, it contains many different vitamins.
Products containing potassium and phosphorus
Most foods high in potassium and phosphorus are of animal origin, as well as these trace elements found in legumes and grains. Lamb, beef and chicken contain about 300 mg of potassium and about 200 mg of phosphorus in every 100 g of product.

In addition, fish and dairy products are rich in this trace element, but it is worth remembering that they have much more phosphorus than potassium.
How to keep a useful trace element in products
Potassium is a mineral that maintains a stable composition with proper preservation of fresh foods. Minor changes in the concentration of this trace element may occur after prolonged storage of products.
It is worth noting that in fresh vegetables, potassium is contained in large quantities, but when it comes into contact with water, the mineral almost completely passes into it. To maintain the maximum amount of potassium after heat treatment, you need to use a little water and spend a little time cooking. Vegetables should be lowered only in boiling water or bake vegetables instead of boiling.
How much potassium is needed for a person
The dried apricot is considered the record holder for potassium, the benefits and harm to the body of which are due to its chemical composition. It is important to know how much this trace element must be contained in the body. In total, potassium should be in the body about 220-250 g. It mainly concentrates in the cells of the body.

Many nutritionists believe that an adult needs 3-5 mg of potassium daily, however, the exact dosages are determined individually, and this indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the person. The best way to provide yourself with the norm of this microelement is to consume vegetables and fruits daily. However, people with nephrological diseases need to consume potassium-rich foods with extreme caution and under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Oversupply: Consequences
An increase in potassium in human blood can be very dangerous. The limit value is 6 g of potassium. The state of hyperkalemia is accompanied by severe poisoning, muscle paralysis, and even greater concentration can be fatal.

One of the reasons for the overabundance of this mineral is considered to be a long unbalanced diet, in particular the consumption of foods with a high content of potassium. In case of kidney diseases, it is necessary to limit the intake of this trace element with food. This is due to the fact that it is the kidneys that remove potassium from the body.
Potassium Benefits
The benefits of potassium for the body are simply invaluable, as this mineral helps:
- activate the brain;
- to strengthen the muscles;
- protect the heart and blood vessels;
- normalize blood pressure;
- strengthen bones;
- eliminate muscle spasm.
Calcium deficiency affects brain performance. This is due to the fact that this trace element provides brain cells with oxygen, without which the functional abilities are sharply reduced. The very first signs of potassium deficiencies are fatigue, as well as inability to concentrate.
A balanced intake of potassium-containing foods helps protect the heart and blood vessels from diseases, reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack. This microelement is able to regulate the pressure and heart rate. Potassium plays an important role in strengthening muscles, so if you want to build muscle, you should pay attention to foods rich in this trace element.

The daily rate of potassium makes it possible to maintain an optimal fluid balance in the body, and this is required to maintain weight. Potassium helps to accelerate metabolic processes, promotes faster breakdown and absorption of food.
Potassium functions in the body
The daily need for potassium for a person is 2-4 mg, depending on the physical condition of the person, his weight and age. The need for this microelement increases with physical exertion, since the cardiovascular system begins to work much faster and a significant part of potassium is excreted along with sweat. Among the main functions of this mineral can be distinguished such as:
- normal functioning of cells;
- regulation of water-salt balance;
- heart rate normalization;
- supplying brain cells with oxygen;
- elimination of puffiness;
- removal of toxins and toxins;
- maintaining energy balance.
Potassium is important in the transmission of basic nerve impulses and the contraction of the heart muscle. The degree and frequency at which the muscles contract and the nerves become excitable depends largely on the presence of potassium in the body.
The value of potassium in sports
Potassium is especially useful for athletes, as well as for people whose work is associated with increased physical activity. This micronutrient increases stamina and physical activity, and also helps maintain energy balance.

During a workout, a significant load is placed on the heart muscle. Potassium for sports is simply necessary for the proper functioning of the body, the restoration of strength after a workout. Therefore, athletes are often recommended to take vitamin complexes with potassium.