The follicles in both the right and left ovaries have a very important role to play. Thanks to them, every woman gets the opportunity to experience the happiness of motherhood. However, this is possible only if their number meets the required norm, as well as in the case when they ripen and acquire the appropriate quality. Otherwise, a deviation from the required parameters may be fraught with the development of various pathological conditions or end in a state of infertility. Today's topic is devoted to a situation where there are many follicles in the ovary, as well as the possible consequences of this condition.
The role and importance of follicles

Follicles should be understood as certain sacs that contain immature eggs. Each female representative is endowed with her own stock of eggs from birth, which begins to be laid at the 6th week of embryonic development. The formation of these sacs ceases from the moment the fact of birth occurs. Their total number can reach 500 or more than a thousand, but during the reproductive age of an absolutely mature state only 300 to 500 follicles reach it. The rest of them die.
In the medical literature, such varieties of follicles are distinguished as:
- dominant;
- persistent;
- antral.
In the first case, we are talking about the main follicle, which, upon reaching maturity, breaks into the ovulatory phase. As a rule, in each cycle, only one dominant follicle can be observed. In some cases, the simultaneous maturation of dominant follicles in both ovaries occurs. In this situation, they talk about the ability to conceive twins.
In the case of a persistent follicle, specialists mean a situation where the capsule of the bag does not open and the egg is killed. In this case, fertilization is impossible.
Antral follicles mean all those follicles whose growth occurs at the beginning of each menstrual cycle and one of which subsequently becomes dominant.
Before answering the question, what does it mean - a lot of follicles in the ovary, you should consider what are the functions of these sacs, in which there are not reached the mature state of the egg.
Follicle function

The key function of the follicles, regardless of whether it is the right or left ovary, is to protect the eggs from the harmful effects of a number of factors.
It is on how the follicles fulfill the function assigned to them that protection, adequate maturation, fertilization and the further course of pregnancy depend. In addition to performing a protective function, follicles provide the production of female hormones, referred to in medicine as estrogens.
The established norm for the number of follicles

Before asserting that there are many follicles in the ovary, it should be understood what is their normal or adequate quantitative value, which takes place in a healthy state of a woman's reproductive system.
The calculation of the required number of follicles is carried out taking into account the day of the menstrual cycle.
For example, after 2-3 days after the completion of menstrual bleeding, the question of why there are many follicles in the ovary becomes irrelevant, since for this period a similar condition is considered adequate.
Toward the middle of the designated cycle, one or a pair of these bags becomes larger than the rest. And by the time of graduation, there remains only one, the so-called dominant follicle. It is from it that a mature egg ready for fertilization comes out. The condition in which a new menstrual cycle has begun indicates that a follicle rupture has occurred.
In some cases, a woman has many follicles in the ovary on day 14 of the cycle. In this situation, they are all small in size, i.e. maturation does not occur and the egg is ready for fertilization.
Temporary factors leading to a large number of follicles
Before discussing the topic of why a lot of follicles ripens in the ovary in a variant of the pathology, it is necessary to understand what temporary factors can trigger such a state, which is not a sign of any disturbance in the body.
So, the multiplicity of follicles in the ovaries can also be a variant of the norm. In some cases, this can be caused by a past or tolerated stressful state, prolonged mental stress, and emotional overstrain. Under such conditions, the number of so-called sacs comes back to normal after the next ovulatory phase.
However, the following reasons can lead to a condition in which there are many follicles in the ovary:
- intake of improperly selected oral contraceptives;
- violation of the thyroid gland;
- puberty process;
- hereditary predisposition;
- high prolactin levels, including lactation;
- sharp discharge or weight gain;
- violation of metabolic processes.
Pathological factors

So, it can be argued that there are a lot of follicles in the ovary and this can be considered a pathological process if more than 10 sacs are present in each appendage. And this can be attributed to a variant of the pathology if the patient:
- a similar condition persists for a long time;
- no ovulation or it occurs quite rarely;
- the thyroid gland or pituitary gland is disturbed;
- there are sharp fluctuations in weight up or down;
- irregularities during the menstrual cycle are observed;
- conception does not occur within 6-12 months with regular sex without the use of contraceptives and subject to the reproductive health of the partner.
When, subject to the above conditions, a large number of vesicles with ovules are observed in the ovaries, experts speak of multifollicarity. To consider such a condition as harmless is not always correct, since it can indicate the development of polycystic ovary syndrome. Thus, it is possible to explain what this means - a lot of follicles in the ovary, the diagnosis indicated above. The latter develops against the background of hormonal disorders and other clinical signs, including the manifestation of acne, an irregular menstrual cycle or a complete absence of menstruation, obesity, etc. Since ovulation does not occur with this pathology or is extremely rare, patients are diagnosed with the term βinfertilityβ in medicine. Confirm the designated diagnosis allows a number of diagnostic studies.
Clinical Research Methods

In order to assess the number and size of follicles, as well as to control their development, transvaginal ultrasound is performed. This method is called folliculometry. During the first half of the menstrual cycle, the state of the eggs and the endometrium is assessed, and already in the second half, the specialist monitors the development of follicles in the ovaries after ovulation has passed.
This diagnostic method is used to examine patients suffering from various kinds of menstrual disorders or infertility. It makes it possible to accurately calculate the date of ovulation, as well as determine the most probable day of conception, exercise control over multiple pregnancies, identify the cause of existing disorders and monitor the course of treatment.
In addition to folliculometry, diagnostic methods are also used, such as a blood test to assess hormone levels, as well as pelvic ultrasound. In the presence of medical indications, a puncture of the fluid, which is contained in the follicles, is performed.
If there are a lot of follicles in the ovary, get pregnant how?
At first glance, this situation seems more advantageous, since with a larger number of egg sacs in the ovary, the chances of having a baby conceive increase in direct proportion.
If there are many follicles in the ovary, is it possible to get pregnant? In practice, everything is a little different. In this state of affairs, ovulation may simply not take place, and existing follicles will turn out to be inferior, since a mature egg does not come out of them, and therefore fertilization is impossible.
Nevertheless, it is quite possible to combine conditions such as multifollicular ovaries and pregnancy, but only when ovulation still occurs in the menstrual cycle. So, if a woman has not had menstruation for three consecutive months, then this is one of the symptoms of polycystic ovary. In this case, you can not do without a visit to the gynecologist and appropriate treatment.
Many follicles and IVF

It is quite normal for a woman to have many follicles in the ovary during IVF. A greater number of egg sacs corresponding to the required quality is necessary in order to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome of this method of fertilization. To do this, specialists resort to the help of stimulant drugs.
The required number of follicles for successful conception in IVF

In fact, stimulating ovarian development is not so difficult. However, in some cases, the ovaries respond to such manipulations in a different way from what was supposed at the initial stage. Nevertheless, it is possible to predict with high probability the reaction of the ovaries, knowing the number of antral follicles.
In this case, the minimum number of these sacs required for a successful IVF depends on factors such as their size, age of the patient and the results of previous attempts. As practice shows, the chances of getting pregnant through IVF are small if the number of mature follicles is less than 3.
In conclusion, it should be added that each woman should pay attention to her own reproductive health and not neglect preventive examinations by a gynecologist. Only in this case will it be possible to identify any disorders, including polycystic ovary syndrome, if any, and to start treatment on time. Only under these conditions can everyone experience the happiness of motherhood.