

すべてはプロセスのためではなく、特定のニーズのために行われました。 テンプレートが役立つことを願っています。 カットの下のテンプレートのコード。

<?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  1. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  2. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  3. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  4. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  5. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  6. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  7. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  8. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  9. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  10. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  11. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  12. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  13. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  14. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  15. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  16. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  17. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  18. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  19. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  20. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  21. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  22. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  23. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  24. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  25. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  26. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  27. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  28. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  29. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  30. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  31. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  32. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  33. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  34. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  35. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  36. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  37. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  38. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  39. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  40. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  41. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  42. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  43. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  44. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  45. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  46. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  47. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  48. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  49. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  50. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  51. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  52. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  53. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  54. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  55. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  56. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  57. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  58. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  59. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  60. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  61. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  62. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  63. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  64. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  65. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

  66. <?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

<?php /** * Cloak is a good thing when we need to hide some public methods and properties. */ abstract class cloak { protected $__cloak_method = array(); protected $__cloak_prop = array(); final function __call($name, $args) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_method[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_method[$name](); } final function __set($name, $ value ) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name] = $ value ; else $ this ->{$name} = $ value ; } final function __get($name) { if (isset($ this ->__cloak_prop[$name])) return $ this ->__cloak_prop[$name]; else return $ this ->{$name}; } } class necromancer extends cloak { function __construct() { $ this ->__cloak_method[ 'zombie_invocation' ] = function() { print 'Dugonas aldere simopa' ; }; $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'inventory' ] = array( 'Kosparov\'s head' , 'Rusty knife' , 'Necromancer\'s staff' ); $ this ->__cloak_prop[ 'character' ] = 'necromancer' ; } } class inquisitor { function inspect_person($person) { /** * I am going to inspect this heretic. */ $prop = get_object_vars($GLOBALS[$person]); if (isset($prop[ 'character' ]) && in_array($prop[ 'character' ], array( 'necromancer' , 'witch' ))) $ this ->kill($person); } function kill($person) { print 'Die, ' . $GLOBALS[$person]->character . "!\n" ; unset($GLOBALS[$person]); } } class witch { public $character = 'witch' ; public function cast_damnation() { print "Let your left hand to dry off!\n" ; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $inquisitor = new inquisitor(); $necromancer = new necromancer(); $witch = new witch(); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'witch' ); $inquisitor->inspect_person( 'necromancer' ); if (isset($witch)) $with->cast_damnation(); /** * Zombies' time! */ $necromancer->zombie_invocation(); ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

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