負荷がかかっているサイトでのLINQ to SQLエラー(> 30ユーザー)

最近では、LINQ to SQLの使用を開始しました。サイトを読み込むと、この種のエラーに気づき始めました。




オプション3)SQL Serverは、MARSに関連するエラーも生成し、接続を切断します


using System.Linq;

using Kushatpodano.Ru.Models;

namespace Kushatpodano.Ru.Classes.BusinessLayer


public class CustomPages


private readonly KushDBDataContext context = new KushDBDataContext();

public static string PageText( string ActionResult)


return ( from p in context.CustomPages

where p.ActionResult == ActionResult

select p).Single().PageText;


public static string PageTitle( string ActionResult)


return ( from p in context.CustomPages

where p.ActionResult == ActionResult

select p).Single().PageTitle;




* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .


using System.Linq;

using Kushatpodano.Ru.Models;

namespace Kushatpodano.Ru.Classes.BusinessLayer


public class CustomPages


public static string PageText( string ActionResult)


string PageText;

using (KushDBDataContext context = new KushDBDataContext())


PageText = ( from p in context.CustomPages

where p.ActionResult == ActionResult

select p).Single().PageText;


return PageText;


public static string PageTitle( string ActionResult)


string PageTitle;

using (KushDBDataContext context = new KushDBDataContext())


PageTitle = ( from p in context.CustomPages

where p.ActionResult == ActionResult

select p).Single().PageTitle;


return PageTitle;




* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .



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