記事の完全版が作成され、ここで修正されます: asteriskpbx.ru/wiki/manager-interface-doc
AMIに接続するには、telnetプログラムを使用できます。 これはシステムグリーティングがどのように見えるかです:
$ telnet 5038
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Asterisk Call Manager/1.1
Action: login
Username: admin
Secret: passwd1234
Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted
これにより、AMIインターフェイスに正常にログインしたことがわかります。 AMIへのログインに成功すると、アスタリスクコンソールに次のように表示されます(1.4):
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'admin' logged on from
1.6では、AMIに接続するたびにディスクから構成を読み取る必要がなくなります。 これらはプログラムの開始時に1回読み取られ、再起動時に再読み取りできます(コマンドは上記のとおりです)。
*CLI> manager show connected
パスワードを変更して「manager reload」コマンドを実行しても、すでに確立されているAMIセッションの権限には影響しません。 これは、ファイルでパスワードまたはアクセス権が変更された場合、これらの変更がサーバーで既に動作しているクライアントに影響を与えないことを意味します
Events: off
Action: logoff
Response: Goodbye
Message: Thanks for all the fish.
== Manager 'admin' logged off from
注当然、AMIインターフェースは、管理者がtelnetクライアントなどを使用して手動でAsteriskサーバーに接続することを目的としていません。 ここでは、この例は、パッケージ、アクション、イベント、および応答の交換操作の機能と可視性のデモとしてのみ示されています。 ただし、このアプローチは、チームのアクションのトレーニングとデバッグには役立ちます。
注コンソールに入力することにより、AMI Asterisk CLI管理インターフェイスに関連するすべてのコマンドを表示できます。
asterisk *CLI> help manager
AMIインターフェイスに接続するときに送信されるパスワードはクリアテキストで送信されることを理解することが重要です。 これは、アスタリスクサービスの動作に対する脅威になる可能性があります。 送信されたパスワードを隠すには、md5アルゴリズムを使用します。 md5アルゴリズムを使用しても、上記のセキュリティ要件が削除されることはありません。 プライベートネットワークでもリモート接続を使用する場合は、要求/応答とmd5アルゴリズムを使用することをお勧めします。その原理は、HTTPおよびSIPプロトコルの同様の認証に非常に似ています。 これを行うには、最初にチャレンジアクション(リクエスト)を呼び出します。これにより、リクエストマーカーが提供されます。
Action: Challenge
AuthType: md5
Response: Success
Challenge: 84041345
その後、受信した要求のマーカーを取得し、最後に暗号化されていないパスワードを追加し、md5アルゴリズムを使用して結果の文字列のチェックサムを計算できます。 結果は、平文で秘密を渡す必要なく登録に使用できます。 次のようになります。
Action: login
AuthType: MD5
Username: admin
Key: qwf32r23p98yvdspa9h4o4woaewv7
md5入力アルゴリズムは、任意の長さの文字を受け入れ、アルゴリズムの入力に送信された128ビットの指紋またはメッセージプロファイル(メッセージダイジェスト)を出力します。 仮に、同じメッセージプロファイルを持つメッセージまたはメッセージによって生成された2つのメッセージには、特定のメッセージプロファイルがあると考えられています。
メッセージダイジェスト-特別なアルゴリズムを使用して長いメッセージから形成された、固定長の短いデジタル文字列。 md5アルゴリズムは、大きなファイルをRSAなどの公開キー暗号システムを使用して公開キーまたは秘密キーを使用して暗号化する前に安全な方法で「圧縮」する必要があるデジタル署名アプリケーション向けに設計されています。 デジタル署名-送信者の識別とメッセージが署名後に変更されていないことを保証するメッセージの検証を提供する一意の電子識別子であるデジタル署名。
アスタリスクがアクションパケットを送信する時点で、適切な実行のために追加のキーを提供する必要があります。たとえば、コール番号などを決定する必要があります。 さらに、アスタリスク番号計画にログインして、いくつかのパラメーターをチャネル変数に渡すこともできます。 この場合、キー転送プロセスは次のようになります。
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.
Action: <key 1>: <value 1>
<key 2>: <value 2>
, AMI ( Manager' ):
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
, SIP 2401 . Enter, SIP-. :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/2401
Context: incoming
Exten: 2401
Priority: 1
Callerid: 2401
Variable: ANSWER=1
Variable: _ACC=2
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Down
CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Newcallerid
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
State: Ringing
CallerID: 2401
CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301090.1
Cause: 19
Cause-txt: User alerting, no answer
, , CLI ;
asterisk*CLI> manager show eventq
Usecount: 1
Category: 2
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/2401-09a1f418
Uniqueid: 1237301603.2
Cause: 21
, Originate, AMI. AMI, CLI :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command [_]
read write
read write manager.conf AMI. , AMI manager.conf read write «command», , — privilege:command. , , AMI , :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command Command
Action: Command
Synopsis: Execute Asterisk CLI Command
Privilege: command,all
Description: Run a CLI command.
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
*Command: Asterisk CLI command to run
ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching.
(Synopsis) , . Privilege , manager.conf , AMI. Variables , . — *Command, ( ), ActionID — .
, manager.conf AMI — (access list). , (events) (actions), . read/write. Read , AMI.
Write , AMI , . read/write, :
system — , , SIP ; call — , , ; log — Logging information, , ; verbose - Verbose information, , ; command — CLI ; agent — , (queue); user — , , UserEvent. , , AGI, AMI ; config - ; dtmf - DTMF ( ); reporting - ; cdr - cdr_manager ( , ); dialplan - NewExten VarSet ( ); originate - ( ).
, AMI . , 1.4 1.6 AMI , - (flow control) , . AMI , AMI .
AMI. ActionID. AMI ¶
AMI , . :
asterisk *CLI> manager show command GetConfig
sip.conf :
Action: GetConfig
Filename: sip.conf
ActionID: 435430239485234
Response: Success
ActionID: 435430239485234
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: context=incoming
Line-000000-000001: language=ru
Line-000000-000002: allowguest=yes
Line-000000-000003: bindport=5060
Line-000000-000004: bindaddr=
Line-000000-000005: dtmfmode=info
Line-000000-000006: disallow=all
Line-000000-000007: allow=alaw
Line-000000-000008: allow=ulaw
Line-000000-000009: allow=gsm
Line-000000-000010: nat=never
Line-000000-000011: canreinvite=no
Category-000001: 2401
Line-000001-000000: type=friend
Line-000001-000001: host=dynamic
Line-000001-000002: username=2401
Line-000001-000003: secret=2401
Line-000001-000004: callerid=2401
Line-000001-000005: context=incoming
Action , , Response ActionID. AMI, ActionID «» , , , (Action-), , Response-. , Response- , AMI. , Action-, Action Response. , AMI .
sip.conf, AMI :
Action: Command
Command: sip reload
ActionID: 230432984582
Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: 230432984582
Event: ChannelReload
Privilege: system,all
Channel: SIP
ReloadReason: CLIRELOAD (Channel module reload by CLI command)
Registry_Count: 0
Peer_Count: 2
User_Count: 2
AMI . UpdateConfig. , 2402 sip.conf. UpdateConfig :
asterisk*CLI> manager show command UpdateConfig
Action: UpdateConfig
Synopsis: Update basic configuration
Privilege: config,all
Description: A 'UpdateConfig' action will modify, create, or delete
configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.
Variables (X's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000):
SrcFilename: Configuration filename to read(eg foo.conf)
DstFilename: Configuration filename to write(eg foo.conf)
Reload: Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module)
Action-XXXXXX: Action to Take (NewCat,RenameCat,DelCat,Update,Delete,Append)
Cat-XXXXXX: Category to operate on
Var-XXXXXX: Variable to work on
Value-XXXXXX: Value to work on
Match-XXXXXX: Extra match required to match line
, . , :
SrcFilename: UpdateConfig, ; DstFilename: , ; Reload: , , , , ; Action-XXXXX: , , . : NewCat, RenameCat, DelCat, Update, Delete Append; Cat-XXXXX: , ; Var-XXXXX: , ; Value-XXXXX: , ; Match-XXXXX: , , , ; ActionID: , , .
: config, all.