# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# .
download_dir = /home/bobathecar/scriptForPodcast/episodes/
download_episodes = 1
budam = budam.rpod.ru/rss.xml
= vasilysweekend.rpod.ru/rss.xml
Umputun = feeds.feedburner.com/Umputun
= it-thoughts.rpod.ru/rss.xml
iAnime = i-anime.rpod.ru/rss.xml
Radio-T = feeds.feedburner.com/Radio-t
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # url from xml.dom import minidom from UserDict import UserDict import time, urllib, sys, os, re class Podcast(UserDict): '''Class to repr single podcast item''' extentionsDict = { "audio/mpeg": "mp3", "video/mp4": "mp4", "video/quicktime": "mov", "video/x-ms-wmv": "wmv" } def __init__(self): UserDict.__init__(self) self["linkToFile"] = "none" self["fileType"] = "audio/mpeg" def download(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' download podcast into file ''' # make sure we have what to download if self["linkToFile"] == "none": raise LinkNotFound # default directory set to current directory outputDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) if len(args) == 1: # Only file name fileName = os.path.splitext("%s" %args[0])[0] elif len(args) == 2: # file name and output dir outputDir = "%s" %args[0] fileName = os.path.splitext("%s" %args[1])[0] elif kwargs.has_key("file"): fileName = os.path.splitext(kwargs["file"])[0] if kwargs.has_key("dir"): outputDir = kwargs["dir"] outputDir = outputDir.rstrip(os.path.sep) # if output directory not exist # try to create output directory if os.path.exists(outputDir) == False: os.mkdir(outputDir) u = urllib.urlopen(self["linkToFile"]) # strInfo = str(u.info()) try: # self["fileType"] = re.findall(r"(?<=Content-Type: )\w+\/?\w*", strInfo)[0] except: pass # self["path_to_file"] = os.path.join(outputDir, fileName + os.path.extsep + self.extentionsDict[self["fileType"]] ) # Content-Length LentgthHeader = re.findall(r"(?<=Content-Length: )\d+", strInfo) if len(LentgthHeader) == 1: # # +-10% NotDownloadedLength = float(LentgthHeader[0]) if os.path.exists(self["path_to_file"]) and \ NotDownloadedLength*0.9 < \ float(os.path.getsize(self["path_to_file"]))\ < NotDownloadedLength*1.1: print " %s , " % self["path_to_file"].encode("utf8") u.close() return self["path_to_file"] try: f = open(self["path_to_file"], "wb") f.write(u.read()) except IOError: print " " finally: f.close() u.close() def rewriteTags(self, **kwargs): # # # tag=value if self["path_to_file"] == "none": return False # default action if self["fileType"] == "audio/mpeg": # mutagen from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3 from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 import mutagen.id3 try: tags = MP3(self["path_to_file"], ID3=EasyID3) try: tags.add_tags(ID3=EasyID3) except mutagen.id3.error: pass for tag, value in kwargs.iteritems(): tags[tag] = value print("%s = %s" %(tag, value)) tags.save() except IOError: print " %s" % self["path_to_file"] return False class LinkNotFound(Exception): pass def _getFirstNodeOrNoneByName(obj, tag): els = obj.getElementsByTagName(tag) if len(els) > 0: return els[0].firstChild.data else: return "unknown" if __name__ == "__main__": from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser # config = SafeConfigParser() config.read("./gpds.conf") try: download_episodes = config.get("settings", "download_episodes") download_episodes = int(download_episodes) except: download_episodes = 1 try: download_dir = config.get("settings", "download_dir") except: download_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) links = config.items("podcasts") timePattern = re.compile(r"\w{2,6}, \d\d \w{2,6} \d{2,4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d") # for (author, rssLink) in links: try: rss = urllib.urlopen(rssLink) rssXML = minidom.parseString(rss.read()) items = rssXML.getElementsByTagName("item") for lastXMLPodcast in items[:download_episodes]: p = Podcast() p["title"] = _getFirstNodeOrNoneByName(lastXMLPodcast, "title") p["author"] = author.decode("utf8") enclosure = lastXMLPodcast.getElementsByTagName("enclosure")[0] p["linkToFile"] = enclosure.getAttribute("url") pubDate = _getFirstNodeOrNoneByName(lastXMLPodcast, "pubDate") try: p["pubDate"] = time.strftime("%d-%m-%y", \ time.strptime(timePattern.findall(pubDate)[0], \ "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")\ ) except: p["pubDate"] = "_downloaded_at_%s" % \ time.strftime("%d-%m-%y", time.gmtime()) print " %s - %s %s" %(\ p["author"].encode("utf8"), \ p["title"].encode("utf8"), \ p["pubDate"].encode("utf8")\ ) p.download( os.path.join(download_dir, p["author"]),\ "%s_%s" %(p["title"], p["pubDate"])\ ) p.rewriteTags( \ artist=p["author"], \ title=p["title"], \ album=u" %s" %p["author"], \ genre=u"Podcast" \ ) finally: rss.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # url from xml.dom import minidom from UserDict import UserDict import time, urllib, sys, os, re class Podcast(UserDict): '''Class to repr single podcast item''' extentionsDict = { "audio/mpeg": "mp3", "video/mp4": "mp4", "video/quicktime": "mov", "video/x-ms-wmv": "wmv" } def __init__(self): UserDict.__init__(self) self["linkToFile"] = "none" self["fileType"] = "audio/mpeg" def download(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' download podcast into file ''' # make sure we have what to download if self["linkToFile"] == "none": raise LinkNotFound # default directory set to current directory outputDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) if len(args) == 1: # Only file name fileName = os.path.splitext("%s" %args[0])[0] elif len(args) == 2: # file name and output dir outputDir = "%s" %args[0] fileName = os.path.splitext("%s" %args[1])[0] elif kwargs.has_key("file"): fileName = os.path.splitext(kwargs["file"])[0] if kwargs.has_key("dir"): outputDir = kwargs["dir"] outputDir = outputDir.rstrip(os.path.sep) # if output directory not exist # try to create output directory if os.path.exists(outputDir) == False: os.mkdir(outputDir) u = urllib.urlopen(self["linkToFile"]) # strInfo = str(u.info()) try: # self["fileType"] = re.findall(r"(?<=Content-Type: )\w+\/?\w*", strInfo)[0] except: pass # self["path_to_file"] = os.path.join(outputDir, fileName + os.path.extsep + self.extentionsDict[self["fileType"]] ) # Content-Length LentgthHeader = re.findall(r"(?<=Content-Length: )\d+", strInfo) if len(LentgthHeader) == 1: # # +-10% NotDownloadedLength = float(LentgthHeader[0]) if os.path.exists(self["path_to_file"]) and \ NotDownloadedLength*0.9 < \ float(os.path.getsize(self["path_to_file"]))\ < NotDownloadedLength*1.1: print " %s , " % self["path_to_file"].encode("utf8") u.close() return self["path_to_file"] try: f = open(self["path_to_file"], "wb") f.write(u.read()) except IOError: print " " finally: f.close() u.close() def rewriteTags(self, **kwargs): # # # tag=value if self["path_to_file"] == "none": return False # default action if self["fileType"] == "audio/mpeg": # mutagen from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3 from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 import mutagen.id3 try: tags = MP3(self["path_to_file"], ID3=EasyID3) try: tags.add_tags(ID3=EasyID3) except mutagen.id3.error: pass for tag, value in kwargs.iteritems(): tags[tag] = value print("%s = %s" %(tag, value)) tags.save() except IOError: print " %s" % self["path_to_file"] return False class LinkNotFound(Exception): pass def _getFirstNodeOrNoneByName(obj, tag): els = obj.getElementsByTagName(tag) if len(els) > 0: return els[0].firstChild.data else: return "unknown" if __name__ == "__main__": from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser # config = SafeConfigParser() config.read("./gpds.conf") try: download_episodes = config.get("settings", "download_episodes") download_episodes = int(download_episodes) except: download_episodes = 1 try: download_dir = config.get("settings", "download_dir") except: download_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) links = config.items("podcasts") timePattern = re.compile(r"\w{2,6}, \d\d \w{2,6} \d{2,4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d") # for (author, rssLink) in links: try: rss = urllib.urlopen(rssLink) rssXML = minidom.parseString(rss.read()) items = rssXML.getElementsByTagName("item") for lastXMLPodcast in items[:download_episodes]: p = Podcast() p["title"] = _getFirstNodeOrNoneByName(lastXMLPodcast, "title") p["author"] = author.decode("utf8") enclosure = lastXMLPodcast.getElementsByTagName("enclosure")[0] p["linkToFile"] = enclosure.getAttribute("url") pubDate = _getFirstNodeOrNoneByName(lastXMLPodcast, "pubDate") try: p["pubDate"] = time.strftime("%d-%m-%y", \ time.strptime(timePattern.findall(pubDate)[0], \ "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")\ ) except: p["pubDate"] = "_downloaded_at_%s" % \ time.strftime("%d-%m-%y", time.gmtime()) print " %s - %s %s" %(\ p["author"].encode("utf8"), \ p["title"].encode("utf8"), \ p["pubDate"].encode("utf8")\ ) p.download( os.path.join(download_dir, p["author"]),\ "%s_%s" %(p["title"], p["pubDate"])\ ) p.rewriteTags( \ artist=p["author"], \ title=p["title"], \ album=u" %s" %p["author"], \ genre=u"Podcast" \ ) finally: rss.close()
結局、私の自転車は、指定された数の最近のポッドキャストエピソードに乗っています。 ファイルの名前を変更し、タグを書き換えます。 最後に、私のmp3プレーヤーは整頓され、ポッドキャストは常に私が見たい場所になります。