
タスク :Java Webアプリケーションからオブジェクトとそのパラメーターを取得するための迅速で便利な方法を編成する必要があります。


ブラウザRPGエンジンを書いています。 すべてのゲームロジック(場所間の遷移、購入など)はTomcat 6によって処理されます。ページはJSONオブジェクトを要求し、サーバーは要求を処理し、結果を返します。 最初は、アクションのグループごとに個別のサーブレットがありましたが、多くのコードと重複がありました。 一般的に、私は好きではなかった。







package engine.core.obj;

import org.json.JSONObject;



* @author chernser

* Interface used to work with core objects



public interface ICoreObject {


* Should implement encoding into

* JSON notation

* @param context TODO


* @return returns object in JSON notation

* @return null if error


public JSONObject toJSON(Context context);



* Should implement getting object's class

* name


* @return returns object class name

* @return null if error


public String getClassName();


* Should find child object by name

* and return it

* @param context TODO


* @return returns child object

* @return null if error


public ICoreObject getChild(String name, Context context);


* Should find child object

* by name and index then return it

* @param context TODO


* @return returns child object

* @return null if error


public ICoreObject getChild(String name, Integer index, Context context);


* Should return parameter's value


* @param name - parameter name

* @param context - current context

* @return returns value of parameter

* @return null if no such parameter



public Object getParameter(String name, Context context);


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public ICoreObject getChild(String name, Context context) {

if (name.equals(AvatarBaseParams.CORE_OBJ_NAME)) {

return itsBaseParams;

} else if (name.equals(Location.CORE_OBJ_NAME)) {

return itsLocation;

} else if (name.equals(AvatarInventory.CORE_OBJ_NAME))


return itsInventory;

} else if (name.equals(AvatarSkills.CORE_OBJ_NAME))


return itsSkills;

} else if (name.equals(AvatarModifications.CORE_OBJ_NAME))


return itsModifications;


return null ;


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public ICoreObject getChild(String name, Context context) {

if (name.equals(AvatarBaseParams.CORE_OBJ_NAME)) {

return itsBaseParams;

} else if (name.equals(Location.CORE_OBJ_NAME)) {

return itsLocation;

} else if (name.equals(AvatarInventory.CORE_OBJ_NAME))


return itsInventory;

} else if (name.equals(AvatarSkills.CORE_OBJ_NAME))


return itsSkills;

} else if (name.equals(AvatarModifications.CORE_OBJ_NAME))


return itsModifications;


return null ;


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通常、このメソッドは単純なディスパッチャです。 この方法のおかげで、任意の階層を構築できます。


public JSONObject toJSON(Context context) {

JSONObject result = new JSONObject();

try {

result.put( "name" , itsName);

result.put( "bparams" , itsBaseParams.toJSON(context));

} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO: handle exception



return result;


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public JSONObject toJSON(Context context) {

JSONObject result = new JSONObject();

try {

result.put( "name" , itsName);

result.put( "bparams" , itsBaseParams.toJSON(context));

} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO: handle exception



return result;


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public JSONObject toJSON(Context context) {

JSONObject result = new JSONObject();

try {

result.put( "name" , itsName);

result.put( "bparams" , itsBaseParams.toJSON(context));

} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO: handle exception



return result;


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したがって、一般的なルールに従うオブジェクトがあります。 チェーン全体をすばやくトラバースし、結果を返すためのアルゴリズムが必要です。 ここで、おそらく、最も難しい瞬間:-)


user.avatar:name-アバターオブジェクトの名前を返します。 パラメーターへのアクセスにはコロンが使用されます。


user.avatar.inventory.slot [4]-プレーヤーのインベントリの4番目のスロットのJSON表現を返します。



protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

/* Set encoding for request to properly parse parameters */

request.setCharacterEncoding( "UTF-8" );

// get user from session

User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(


// save query and prelimenary result

String query = request.getParameter( "query" );

String result = "{error: -1}" ;

// check if we have user

if (user != null )


Context context = user.itsContext;

// Check parameters

if (query != null )


// process query

result = ParseAndExecuteQuery(query, request.getSession(), context);



/* tune response to avoid problem with Russian */

response.setContentType( "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8" );

response.setHeader( "Cache-Control" , "no-cache" ); //HTTP 1.1

response.setHeader( "Pragma" , "no-cache" ); //HTTP 1.0

response.setDateHeader( "Expires" , 0); //prevents caching at the proxy server



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protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

/* Set encoding for request to properly parse parameters */

request.setCharacterEncoding( "UTF-8" );

// get user from session

User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(


// save query and prelimenary result

String query = request.getParameter( "query" );

String result = "{error: -1}" ;

// check if we have user

if (user != null )


Context context = user.itsContext;

// Check parameters

if (query != null )


// process query

result = ParseAndExecuteQuery(query, request.getSession(), context);



/* tune response to avoid problem with Russian */

response.setContentType( "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8" );

response.setHeader( "Cache-Control" , "no-cache" ); //HTTP 1.1

response.setHeader( "Pragma" , "no-cache" ); //HTTP 1.0

response.setDateHeader( "Expires" , 0); //prevents caching at the proxy server



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private String ParseAndExecuteQuery(String query, HttpSession session, Context context)


ICoreObject rootObject = null ;

// if query starts from "user." Also check syntax

if (query.matches( "user\\.([a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*(:[a-zA-Z_]+)*\\.{0,1})+" ))


rootObject = (User) session.getAttribute(CommonConstants.USER);


// if query starts from "world." Also check syntax

else if (query.matches( "world\\.([a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*(:[a-zA-Z_]+)*\\.{0,1})+" ))


rootObject = (World)session.getServletContext().



// Check if we have root object

if (rootObject != null )


// Start processing

ICoreObject result = getObject(rootObject, query, context);

if (result != null )


// Here we got result

JSONObject jsonObj = result.toJSON(context);

if (jsonObj != null )


// return it

return jsonObj.toString();




return "" ;


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private String ParseAndExecuteQuery(String query, HttpSession session, Context context)


ICoreObject rootObject = null ;

// if query starts from "user." Also check syntax

if (query.matches( "user\\.([a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*(:[a-zA-Z_]+)*\\.{0,1})+" ))


rootObject = (User) session.getAttribute(CommonConstants.USER);


// if query starts from "world." Also check syntax

else if (query.matches( "world\\.([a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*(:[a-zA-Z_]+)*\\.{0,1})+" ))


rootObject = (World)session.getServletContext().



// Check if we have root object

if (rootObject != null )


// Start processing

ICoreObject result = getObject(rootObject, query, context);

if (result != null )


// Here we got result

JSONObject jsonObj = result.toJSON(context);

if (jsonObj != null )


// return it

return jsonObj.toString();




return "" ;


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private String ParseAndExecuteQuery(String query, HttpSession session, Context context)


ICoreObject rootObject = null ;

// if query starts from "user." Also check syntax

if (query.matches( "user\\.([a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*(:[a-zA-Z_]+)*\\.{0,1})+" ))


rootObject = (User) session.getAttribute(CommonConstants.USER);


// if query starts from "world." Also check syntax

else if (query.matches( "world\\.([a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*(:[a-zA-Z_]+)*\\.{0,1})+" ))


rootObject = (World)session.getServletContext().



// Check if we have root object

if (rootObject != null )


// Start processing

ICoreObject result = getObject(rootObject, query, context);

if (result != null )


// Here we got result

JSONObject jsonObj = result.toJSON(context);

if (jsonObj != null )


// return it

return jsonObj.toString();




return "" ;


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private ICoreObject getObject(ICoreObject rootObject, String query, Context context)


ICoreObject curObject = rootObject; // current object

query = query.substring(query.indexOf( "." ) + 1) + "." ; // query

Integer dotIndex = query.indexOf( "." );

String tmpObjName = "" ; // object name

do {

String objName = query.substring(0, dotIndex); // get first object in chain

// if by index

if (objName.matches( "[a-zA-Z_]+\\[[0-9]+\\](:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*" ))


Integer index = new Integer(objName.substring(objName.indexOf( "[" ) + 1,

objName.indexOf( "]" )));

tmpObjName = objName.substring(0, objName.indexOf( "[" ));

curObject = curObject.getChild(tmpObjName, index, context);


else // if not by index


Integer semiIndex = 0;

if ((semiIndex = objName.indexOf( ":" )) > -1)

curObject = curObject.getChild(objName.substring(0, semiIndex), context);


curObject = curObject.getChild(objName, context);


// If current object in chain contains ':' - then proccess it as parameter

if (objName.matches( "[a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" ))


// get parameter name

String param = objName.substring(objName.indexOf( ":" ) + 1);

return new CoreObjectParameter(param, curObject.getParameter(param, context));


// cut off current object name and step forward

query = query.substring(dotIndex + 1);

dotIndex = query.indexOf( "." );

} while ((dotIndex > -1) && (curObject != null ));

return curObject;


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private ICoreObject getObject(ICoreObject rootObject, String query, Context context)


ICoreObject curObject = rootObject; // current object

query = query.substring(query.indexOf( "." ) + 1) + "." ; // query

Integer dotIndex = query.indexOf( "." );

String tmpObjName = "" ; // object name

do {

String objName = query.substring(0, dotIndex); // get first object in chain

// if by index

if (objName.matches( "[a-zA-Z_]+\\[[0-9]+\\](:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*" ))


Integer index = new Integer(objName.substring(objName.indexOf( "[" ) + 1,

objName.indexOf( "]" )));

tmpObjName = objName.substring(0, objName.indexOf( "[" ));

curObject = curObject.getChild(tmpObjName, index, context);


else // if not by index


Integer semiIndex = 0;

if ((semiIndex = objName.indexOf( ":" )) > -1)

curObject = curObject.getChild(objName.substring(0, semiIndex), context);


curObject = curObject.getChild(objName, context);


// If current object in chain contains ':' - then proccess it as parameter

if (objName.matches( "[a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" ))


// get parameter name

String param = objName.substring(objName.indexOf( ":" ) + 1);

return new CoreObjectParameter(param, curObject.getParameter(param, context));


// cut off current object name and step forward

query = query.substring(dotIndex + 1);

dotIndex = query.indexOf( "." );

} while ((dotIndex > -1) && (curObject != null ));

return curObject;


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private ICoreObject getObject(ICoreObject rootObject, String query, Context context)


ICoreObject curObject = rootObject; // current object

query = query.substring(query.indexOf( "." ) + 1) + "." ; // query

Integer dotIndex = query.indexOf( "." );

String tmpObjName = "" ; // object name

do {

String objName = query.substring(0, dotIndex); // get first object in chain

// if by index

if (objName.matches( "[a-zA-Z_]+\\[[0-9]+\\](:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*" ))


Integer index = new Integer(objName.substring(objName.indexOf( "[" ) + 1,

objName.indexOf( "]" )));

tmpObjName = objName.substring(0, objName.indexOf( "[" ));

curObject = curObject.getChild(tmpObjName, index, context);


else // if not by index


Integer semiIndex = 0;

if ((semiIndex = objName.indexOf( ":" )) > -1)

curObject = curObject.getChild(objName.substring(0, semiIndex), context);


curObject = curObject.getChild(objName, context);


// If current object in chain contains ':' - then proccess it as parameter

if (objName.matches( "[a-zA-Z_]+(\\[[0-9]+\\])*:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" ))


// get parameter name

String param = objName.substring(objName.indexOf( ":" ) + 1);

return new CoreObjectParameter(param, curObject.getParameter(param, context));


// cut off current object name and step forward

query = query.substring(dotIndex + 1);

dotIndex = query.indexOf( "." );

} while ((dotIndex > -1) && (curObject != null ));

return curObject;


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