
どういうわけか最近、現在の日付に応じて異なる期間、データベースからサンプルを作成するという問題が発生しました。 これらの目的のために、必要な時間間隔の終了セクションを定義する特定の関数セットを持つクラスを実装しました。

私の意見では、このようなタスクは非常に頻繁に発生し、1つのツールを使用すると非常に便利です。その後、さまざまな時間間隔に対応する新しい機能を追加できます。 もちろん、これは難しくありませんが、これは誰かがこのルーチン作業の時間を節約するのに役立つと思います。 さらに、ネットでは、準備ができているものが見つかりませんでした。


* Class for making different periods of date without time.


* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


class DatePeriod



* Unix timestamp for date without time.


* @var int


private $_timestamp;


* Year.


* @var int


private $_year;


* Month.


* @var int


private $_month;


* Day.


* @var int


private $_day;


* Number of seconds for one day.


const DAY_SECONDS = 86400;


* Constructor.


* @param string $date String containing a US English date format (used in function strtotime).

* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


public function __construct($date = null )


// Using today

if ($date == null ) {

$ this ->_timestamp = strtotime(date( 'Ym-d' ));

} else {

$ this ->_timestamp = strtotime($date);


$ this ->_day = date( 'j' , $ this ->_timestamp);

$ this ->_month = date( 'n' , $ this ->_timestamp);

$ this ->_year = date( 'Y' , $ this ->_timestamp);



* Calculates start and end date of week.

* Returns array with two values: from date and to date.


* @param string $format Format of the date (used in function date).

* @return array Array with two keys: from and to. Example:

* array(

* 'from' => ...

* 'to' => ...

* )

* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


public function getWeek($format)


$dayOfWeek = date( 'w' , $ this ->_timestamp);

return array(

'from' => date($format, $ this ->_timestamp - $dayOfWeek*self::DAY_SECONDS),

'to' => date($format, $ this ->_timestamp + (6 - $dayOfWeek)*self::DAY_SECONDS)




* Calculates start and end date of month.

* Return array with two values: from date and to date.


* @param string $format Format of the date (used in function date).

* @return array Array with two keys: from and to. Example:

* array(

* 'from' => ...

* 'to' => ...

* )

* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


public function getMonth($format)


$monthDays = date( 't' , $ this ->_timestamp);

return array(

'from' => date($format, strtotime($ this ->_year . '-' . $ this ->_month . '-01' )),

'to' => date($format, strtotime($ this ->_year . '-' . $ this ->_month . '-' . $monthDays))




* Calculates start and end date of current quarter.

* Return array with two values: from date and to date.


* @param string $format Format of the date (used in function date).

* @return array Array with two keys: from and to. Example:

* array(

* 'from' => ...

* 'to' => ...

* )

* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


public function getCurrentQuarter($format)


$quarter = ( int )($ this ->_month/4) + 1;

$fromMonth = ($quarter - 1)*3 + 1;

$toMonth = $quarter*3;

// Number of days in last quarter month.

$daysInToMonth = date( 't' , strtotime($ this ->_year . '-' . $toMonth . '-01' ));

return array(

'from' => date($format, strtotime($ this ->_year . '-' . $fromMonth . '-01' )),

'to' => date($format, strtotime($ this ->_year . '-' . $toMonth . '-' . $daysInToMonth))




* Calculates start and end date of previous quarter.

* Return array with two values: from date and to date.


* @param string $format Format of the date (used in function date).

* @return array Array with two keys: from and to. Example:

* array(

* 'from' => ...

* 'to' => ...

* )

* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


public function getPrevQuarter($format)


$quarter = ( int )($ this ->_month/4) + 1;

if ($quarter == 1) {

$quarter = 4;

$year = $ this ->_year - 1;

} else {

$quarter -= 1;

$year = $ this ->_year;


$fromMonth = ($quarter - 1)*3 + 1;

$toMonth = $quarter*3;

// Number of days in last quarter month.

$daysInToMonth = date( 't' , strtotime($year . '-' . $toMonth . '-01' ));

return array(

'from' => date($format, strtotime($year . '-' . $fromMonth . '-01' )),

'to' => date($format, strtotime($year . '-' . $toMonth . '-' . $daysInToMonth))




* Calculates start and end date of current calendar year to date.

* Return array with two values: from date and to date.


* @param string $format Format of the date (used in function date).

* @return array Array with two keys: from and to. Example:

* array(

* 'from' => ...

* 'to' => ...

* )

* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


public function getYearToDate($format)


return array(

'from' => date($format, strtotime($ this ->_year . '-01-01' )),

'to' => date($format, $ this ->_timestamp)




* Calculates start and end date of the last calendar year.

* Return array with two values: from date and to date.


* @param string $format Format of the date (used in function date).

* @return array Array with two keys: from and to. Example:

* array(

* 'from' => ...

* 'to' => ...

* )

* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


public function getLastYear($format)


return array(

'from' => date($format, strtotime($ this ->_year - 1 . '-01-01' )),

'to' => date($format, strtotime($ this ->_year - 1 . '-12-31' ))




* Calculates start and end date of last calendar year to date.

* Return array with two values: from date and to date.


* @param string $format Format of the date (used in function date).

* @return array Array with two keys: from and to. Example:

* array(

* 'from' => ...

* 'to' => ...

* )

* @author Anton Vasilyev <anton.vasilyev@gtmdevelopments.com>


public function getTwelveMonths($format)


$fromMonth = (12 + ($ this ->_month - 11))%12 == 0 ? 1 : (12 + ($ this ->_month - 11))%12;

if ($fromMonth > 1) {

$year = $ this ->_year - 1;

} else {

$year = $ this ->_year;


// Number of days in last quarter month.

$daysInToMonth = date( 't' , strtotime($ this ->_year . '-' . $ this ->_month . '-01' ));

return array(

'from' => date($format, strtotime($year . '-' . $fromMonth . '-01' )),

'to' => date($format, $ this ->_timestamp)




* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

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