長い間舌を振りません。 カットの下に行った誰もが明らかに彼が来た理由を知っています。 したがって、...コードは次のとおりです。
次のリンクのphpclasses.orgからダウンロードすることもできます: http ://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/4969.html<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
<?php class console { const TARGET_OUTPUT = "php://output" ; const TARGET_STDOUT = "php://stdout" ; const TARGET_STDERR = "php://stderr" ; const TARGET_STDIN = "php://stdin" ; protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); protected static $bgcolor = array( 'gray' => 40, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0' , 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); private $text = "" ; // Outputing public function draw($text= '' ) { echo $ this ->text.$text; $ this ->text = '' ; return $ this ; } // Input public function readNumeric() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%d\n" , $number); return $number; } public function readString() { $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin' , 'r' ); $line = trim(fgets($stdin)); fscanf($stdin, "%s\n" , $ string ); return $ string ; } // Sound public function beep() { echo "\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundHerz($herz=100) { echo "\033[10;{$herz}]" ; return $ this ; } public function setSoundLong($milliseconds=500) { echo "'033[11;{$milliseconds}]" ; return $ this ; } // Cursor position public function toPos( $row = 1, $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$row};{$column}H" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorUp($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}A" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorDown($lines=1) { echo "\033[{$lines}B" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorRight($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}C" ; return $ this ; } public function cursorLeft($columns=1) { echo "\033[{$columns}D" ; return $ this ; } // Text colors public function setStyle($style= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->style[$style]. "m" ; return $ this ; } public function setColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->color[$style]; return $ this ; } public function setBgColor($color= 'default' ) { $ this ->text .= "\033[" .$ this ->bgcolor[$style]; return $ this ; } // Application public function setAppName($name= '' ) { echo "\033]0;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setTitle($name= '' ) { echo "\033]2;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } public function setIcon($name= '' ) { echo "\033]1;{$name}\007" ; return $ this ; } // Other public function clear() { echo "\033c" ; return $ this ; } public function console($num=1) { echo "\033[12;{$num}]" ; return $ this ; } } ?> * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
そして、私のブログのクロスポストを参照してください : http : //alexsnet.ru/2008/11/how-to-work-with-ansi-console/