しかし、残念ながら、私が理解していなかった理由(「X-Wf-」ヘッダーが届きますが、「Firebugコンソールにメッセージがありません」*)のため、うまくいきませんでした。 私はインターネットを見ました-失敗しました、私は自分で問題を解決しなければなりませんでした。
class debug {
private $code = "<script type="text/javascript" id="debug">(function(){",
$timers = array (),
$counter = 0,
$vars = array();
function debug() {
$ this ->allow = true ;
/* */
public function end() {
if ($ this ->allow){
if ( sizeof ($ this ->vars) > 0){
$dump = 'function dump(a,b){var c="";if(!b)b=0;var d="";for(var j=0;j++<=b;)d+=" ";if(typeof(a)==\'object\'){for(var e in a){var f=a[e];if(typeof(f)==\'object\'){c+=d+"\'"+e+"\' ...\n";c+=dump(f,b+1)}else{c+=d+"\'"+e+"\' => \""+f+"\"\n"}}}return c}' ;
$ this ->code .= $dump;
echo $ this ->code. "})();</script>" ;
} else return null ;
public function group($name) {
$ this ->code .= "console.group('" .$name. "');" ;
return $ this ;
public function groupEnd() {
$ this ->code .= "console.groupEnd();" ;
return $ this ;
public function time($name) {
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode( ' ' , $mtime);
$mtime = $mtime[1]+$mtime[0];
$ this ->timers[$name] = $mtime;
return $ this ;
public function timeEnd($name) {
$timeStart = $ this ->timers[$name];
if ($timeStart) {
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode( " " , $mtime);
$mtime = $mtime[1]+$mtime[0];
$endtime = $mtime;
$totaltime = $endtime-$timeStart;
$ this ->info( "$name: $totaltime seconds" );
$ this ->timers[$name] = null ;
return $ this ;
private function consoleType($msg, $mode) {
if (is_string($msg))
$msg = "'$msg'" ;
if (is_array($msg)){
$name = "o" .($ this ->counter++);
$ this ->code .= $ this ->js_hash($msg,$name);
$ this ->code .= "console." .$mode. "(dump(" .$name. "));" ;
if (!$name)
$ this ->code .= "console." .$mode. "(" .$msg. ");" ;
public function log($msg) {
$ this ->consoleType($msg, "log" );
return $ this ;
public function error($msg) {
$ this ->consoleType($msg, "error" );
return $ this ;
public function warn($msg) {
$ this ->consoleType($msg, "warn" );
return $ this ;
public function info($msg) {
$ this ->consoleType($msg, "info" );
return $ this ;
private function js_hash($arr, $name, & $code = '' ) {
if (!$ this ->vars[$ this ->counter]) {
$code .= "var " ;
$ this ->vars[$ this ->counter] = true ;
$code .= $name. "={};" ;
foreach ($arr as $key=>$value) {
$outKey = (is_int($key))? '[' .$key. ']' : ".$key" ;
if (is_array($value)) {
$ this ->js_hash($value, $name.$outKey, $code);
continue ;
$code .= $name.$outKey. "=" ;
if (is_string($value)) {
$code .= "'" .$value. "';" ;
} else if ($value === false ) {
$code .= "false;" ;
} else if ($value === NULL) {
$code .= "null;" ;
} else if ($value === true ) {
$code .= "true;" ;
} else {
$code .= $value. ";" ;
return $code;
$d = new debug();
$d->time( 'Timer' );
// :)
$d->log( "WELCOME!" );
$arr = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++){
$arr[] = "line #" . $i;
$name = "Evgeny" ;
$age = 18;
$myHobbies = array (
"films" ,
"music" => array( "full on" , "psy" , "dark" ),
"sports" => array(
"extreme" => array( "climbing" , "snowboard" ),
"diving" ,
array(1,2,3,5, "sometxt" )
// About
$d->group( "About" );
$d->log( "Hello, my name is $name" );
$d->log( "and i am $age" );
/* :
* $d->group("About")
* ->log("Hello, my name is $name")
* ->log("and i am $age")
* ->groupEnd();
$d->group( "My hobbies" );
$d->info( "list of my hobbies" );
// info
$d->timeEnd( 'Timer' );
// $d->timeEnd('Timer')->end();
* end(),
* ,
* .
( function (){console.log( 'WELCOME!' ); var o0={};o0[0]= 'line #0' ;o0[1]= 'line #1' ;o0[2]= 'line #2' ;o0[3]= 'line #3' ;o0[4]= 'line #4' ;o0[5]= 'line #5' ;console.log(dump(o0));console.group( 'About' );console.log( 'Hello, my name is Evgeny' );console.log( 'and i am 18' );console.groupEnd();console.group( 'My hobbies' );console.info( 'list of my hobbies' ); var o1={};o1[0]= 'films' ;o1.music={};o1.music[0]= 'full on' ;o1.music[1]= 'psy' ;o1.music[2]= 'dark' ;o1.sports={};o1.sports.extreme={};o1.sports.extreme[0]= 'climbing' ;o1.sports.extreme[1]= 'snowboard' ;o1.sports[0]= 'diving' ;o1.sports[1]= 'karting' ;o1[1]={};o1[1][0]=1;o1[1][1]=2;o1[1][2]=3;o1[1][3]=5;o1[1][4]= 'sometxt' ;console.log(dump(o1));console.groupEnd();console.info( 'Timer: 0.000530004501343 seconds' ); function dump(a,b){ var c= "" ; if (!b)b=0; var d= "" ; for ( var j=0;j++<=b;)d+= " " ; if ( typeof (a)== 'object' ){ for ( var e in a){ var f=a[e]; if ( typeof (f)== 'object' ){c+=d+ "'" +e+ "' ...\n" ;c+=dump(f,b+1)} else {c+=d+ "'" +e+ "' => \"" +f+ "\"\n" }}} return c}})();

これらすべてが機能するには、 firefoxとfirebugが必要です