- ShorewallでのQoS
- Shorewallのより詳細なセットアップ
- プロトコルに従ってチャネルを介してトラフィックを拡散する
- 松葉杖、それらなしで、どこにも
そして、 最初の部分で考慮されました:
- 最もシンプルなShorewallセットアップ
- 非常に複雑なdnsmasqセットアップ
- それほど複雑ではないOpenVPNセットアップ
- そして、多くの継続的な管理者にとって、非定型の動的ルーティング、例えばOSPF
そして二番目に :
- Shorewallのより詳細なセットアップ
- 怖くて理解できないQoS
- 負荷分散と冗長性
4番目の部分では :
- 自動イベント
- マクロ
- サービストラフィック(DNS、ICMP、TCP / ACK)
- トンネルトラフィック
- VoIPトラフィック
- 管理(SSHなど)
- カスタム
- 優先度が高い
- 普通
- 低優先度
- VPNトラフィック

1 Mbpsのそれほど高速ではないチャネルでトラフィックを駆動します(それほど昔ではなく、128 kbpsがクールだったと考えてください)。
ルールは次のように機能します。クラスに同じ優先度の子クラスが複数ある場合、制限を超えるストリップの量を誰に計算するかは、これらのクラスの最低速度の割合が使用されます。 優先順位が同じでない場合、それらは追加の重み係数として計算に含まれます。 クラスに割り当てられた最小帯域に加えて、まだ特定の未割り当て帯域があり、チャネルが十分に空いている場合に使用できます。 ほとんどの場合、このストリップに完全なキー値(親クラスの最大値)を指定しました。
チャネルの使用効率を向上させるために、使用可能な最小速度ですべてのクラス間でチャネルを共有しないでください。 この構成では、速度の再配布に非常に大きな遅延が発生します(SIP、またはむしろRTPはこれに満足します)。 いずれにせよ、速度は多少の遅延を伴って再配布され、ユーザーが使用するプロトコルのタイプに最も依存します。 たとえば、利用可能な最大値を消費したトレントは、非常にゆっくりと占有帯域を離れます(最大数分)。問題は、サーバーへの大量のトラフィックソースによるものです(これまでのところ、すべてが速度の低下に応答します...)。
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/params # # Assign any variables that you need here. # # It is suggested that variable names begin with an upper case letter # to distinguish them from variables used internally within the # Shorewall programs # # Example: # # NET_IF=eth0 # NET_BCAST= # NET_OPTIONS=routefilter,norfc1918 # # Example (/etc/shorewall/interfaces record): # # net $NET_IF $NET_BCAST $NET_OPTIONS # # The result will be the same as if the record had been written # # net eth0 routefilter,norfc1918 # ############################################################################### IF_RED1=eth0 # , , GW_RED1= IF_RED2=eth2 GW_RED2= IF_GRN=eth1 NET_GRN= IF_TUN=tap+ # - ipset , IP_SLOW= IP_SLOW_SPEC= IP_VIP= IP_VIP_SPEC= IP_NORMAL=$NET_GRN IP_NORMAL_SPEC= #LAST LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/providers # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-providers" # # For additional information, see http://shorewall.net/MultiISP.html # ############################################################################################ #NAME NUMBER MARK DUPLICATE INTERFACE GATEWAY OPTIONS COPY pr1 1 0x10000 - $IF_RED1 GW_RED1 track,balance=1 pr2 2 0x20000 - $IF_RED2 GW_RED2 track,balance=1 # . :) tap0 4 0x30000 - tap0 - loose tap1 3 0x40000 - tap1 - loose
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/interfaces # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-interfaces" # # The manpage is also online at # http://www.shorewall.net/manpages/shorewall-interfaces.html # ############################################################################### ?FORMAT 2 ############################################################################### #ZONE INTERFACE OPTIONS red $IF_RED1 dhcp,routeback,optional red $IF_RED2 dhcp,routeback,optional grn $IF_GRN dhcp,routeback,optional tun tap0 dhcp,routeback,optional tun tap1 dhcp,routeback,optional
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/init # # Add commands below that you want to be executed at the beginning of # a "shorewall start", "shorewall-reload" or "shorewall restart" command. # # For additional information, see # http://shorewall.net/shorewall_extension_scripts.htm # ############################################################################### modprobe ifb numifbs=3 ip link set ifb0 up ip link set ifb1 up ip link set ifb2 up ipset -N ip_vip iphash ipset -N ip_vip_spec iphash ipset -N ip_normal iphash ipset -A ip_normal $NET_GRN ipset -N ip_normal_spec iphash ipset -N ip_slow iphash ipset -N ip_slow_spec iphash
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/started # # Add commands below that you want to be executed after shorewall has # been completely started, reloaded or restarted. The difference between # this extension script and /etc/shorewall/start is that this one is # invoked after the 'shorewall' chain has been created (thus # signaling that the firewall is completely up). # # This script should not change the firewall configuration directly but # may do so indirectly by running /sbin/shorewall with the 'nolock' # option. # # See http://shorewall.net/shorewall_extension_scripts.htm for additional # information. # ############################################################################### IPROUTE='/usr/sbin/ip' IFS=$'\n' for line in $(grep tap /etc/shorewall/providers | grep loose);do IFS=$' \t\n' read -r -a line_ <<< "$line" $IPROUTE route del default table ${line_[1]} >/dev/null 2>&1 done
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/rtrules # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-rtrules" # # For additional information, see http://www.shorewall.net/MultiISP.html # #################################################################################### #SOURCE DEST PROVIDER PRIORITY MASK tap0 19001 tap1 19002
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcclasses # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcclasses" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ############################################################################### #INTERFACE:CLASS MARK RATE: CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS # DMAX:UMAX INCLUDE tcclasses.1 INCLUDE tcclasses.2 INCLUDE tcclasses.3 INCLUDE tcclasses.4 INCLUDE tcclasses.5 INCLUDE tcclasses.6
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcclasses # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcclasses" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ############################################################################### #INTERFACE:CLASS MARK RATE: CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS # DMAX:UMAX # , # 1:1:2 - 1mbit 2mbit 1 # 1:1:3 - 998mbit 999mbit 2 # ACK . , # TCP MTU ( ACK), # , MTU ( ACK ), # 1:2:4 - full*64/1500 full*64*4/1500 1 tcp-ack # SSH , , ( ) 1:2:5 - 32kbit 128kbit 2 # ( ) 1:2:6 - 32kbit full*9/10 5 flow=dst # DNS ICMP, 1:2:7 - 32kbit 128kbit 3 # DNS 1:7:8 - 16kbit full 1 # PING 1:7:9 - 16kbit full 1 # VoIP 1:2:A - 180kbit 180kbit 1 # SIP ( u(a)law), nf_conntrack_sip 1:A:B 1 90kbit full 1 # SIP VPN ( ) 1:A:C - 90kbit full 1 # 1:2:D - 252kbit full 4 # 1:D:E - 100kbit full 2 # VPN ( ) 1:D:F - 32kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) 1:E:10 - 25kbit full 1 flow=dst # RDP 1:E:12 - 15kbit full 2 flow=dst # HTTP(S) , 1:E:13 - 15kbit full 3 flow=dst # 1:E:14 - 10kbit full 4 flow=dst # ( , Webinar) 1:E:16 - 25kbit full 2 flow=dst # , 1:E:17 - 10kbit full 5 default,flow=dst # VIP (VIP- ), 1:D:18 - 60kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) 1:18:19 - 20kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , 1:18:1A - 10kbit full 3 # 1:18:1B - 10kbit full 4 # VIP 1:18:1C - 20kbit full 2 # 1:D:1D - 60kbit full 3 # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) 1:1D:1E - 20kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , 1:1D:1F - 10kbit full 3 # 1:1D:20 - 10kbit full 4 # , 1:1D:21 - 20kbit full 2
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcclasses.2 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcclasses" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ############################################################################### #INTERFACE:CLASS MARK RATE: CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS # DMAX:UMAX # , # 2:1:2 - 1mbit 1mbit 1 # 2:1:3 - 999mbit 999mbit 2 # ACK . , # TCP MTU ( ACK), # , MTU ( ACK ), # 2:2:4 - full*64/1500 full*64*4/1500 1 tcp-ack # SSH , , ( ) 2:2:5 - 32kbit 128kbit 2 # ( ) 2:2:6 - 32kbit full*9/10 5 flow=nfct-src # DNS ICMP, 2:2:7 - 32kbit 128kbit 3 # DNS 2:7:8 - 16kbit full 1 # PING 2:7:9 - 16kbit full 1 # VoIP 2:2:A - 180kbit 180kbit 1 # SIP ( u(a)law), nf_conntrack_sip 2:A:B 1 90kbit full 1 # SIP VPN ( ) 2:A:C - 90kbit full 1 # 2:2:D - 252kbit full 4 # 2:D:E - 100kbit full 2 # VPN ( ) 2:D:F - 32kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) 2:E:10 - 25kbit full 1 flow=nfct-src # RDP 2:E:12 - 15kbit full 2 flow=nfct-src # HTTP(S) , 2:E:13 - 15kbit full 3 flow=nfct-src # 2:E:14 - 10kbit full 4 flow=nfct-src # ( , Webinar) 2:E:16 - 25kbit full 2 flow=nfct-src # , 2:E:17 - 10kbit full 5 default,flow=nfct-src # VIP (VIP- ), 2:D:18 - 60kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) 2:18:19 - 20kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , 2:18:1A - 10kbit full 3 # 2:18:1B - 10kbit full 4 # VIP 2:18:1C - 20kbit full 2 # 2:D:1D - 60kbit full 3 # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) 2:1D:1E - 20kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , 2:1D:1F - 10kbit full 3 # 2:1D:20 - 10kbit full 4 # , 2:1D:21 - 20kbit full 2
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcclasses.3 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcclasses" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ############################################################################### #INTERFACE:CLASS MARK RATE: CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS # DMAX:UMAX # ACK . , # TCP MTU ( ACK), # , MTU ( ACK ), # 3:1:4 - full*64/1500 full*64*4/1500 1 tcp-ack # SSH , , ( ) 3:1:5 - 32kbit 128kbit 2 # ( ) 3:1:6 - 32kbit full*9/10 5 flow=dst # DNS ICMP, 3:1:7 - 32kbit 128kbit 3 # DNS 3:7:8 - 16kbit full 1 # PING 3:7:9 - 16kbit full 1 # VoIP 3:1:A - 180kbit 180kbit 1 # SIP ( u(a)law), nf_conntrack_sip 3:A:B 1 90kbit full 1 # SIP VPN ( ) 3:A:C - 90kbit full 1 # 3:1:D - 252kbit full 4 # 3:D:E - 100kbit full 2 # VPN ( ) 3:D:F - 32kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) 3:E:10 - 25kbit full 1 flow=dst # RDP 3:E:12 - 15kbit full 2 flow=dst # HTTP(S) , 3:E:13 - 15kbit full 3 flow=dst # 3:E:14 - 10kbit full 4 flow=dst # ( , Webinar) 3:E:16 - 25kbit full 2 flow=dst # , 3:E:17 - 10kbit full 5 default,flow=dst
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcclasses.4 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcclasses" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ############################################################################### #INTERFACE:CLASS MARK RATE: CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS # DMAX:UMAX # ACK . , # TCP MTU ( ACK), # , MTU ( ACK ), # 4:1:4 - full*64/1500 full*64*4/1500 1 tcp-ack # SSH 4:1:6 - 32kbit full*9/10 5 flow=nfct-src # DNS ICMP, 4:1:7 - 32kbit 128kbit 3 # DNS 4:7:8 - 16kbit full 1 # PING 4:7:9 - 16kbit full 1 # VoIP 4:1:A - 180kbit 180kbit 1 # SIP ( u(a)law), nf_conntrack_sip 4:A:B 1 90kbit full 1 # SIP VPN ( ) 4:A:C - 90kbit full 1 # 4:1:D - 252kbit full 4 # , . 4:D:E - 100kbit full 2 # VPN ( ) 4:D:F - 32kbit full 1 # RDP 4:E:12 - 15kbit full 2 flow=nfct-src # HTTP(S) 4:E:13 - 25kbit full 3 flow=nfct-src # 4:E:14 - 15kbit full 4 flow=nfct-src # ( , Webinar) 4:E:16 - 25kbit full 2 flow=nfct-src # , 4:E:17 - 10kbit full 5 default,flow=nfct-src
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcclasses.5 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcclasses" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ############################################################################### #INTERFACE:CLASS MARK RATE: CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS # DMAX:UMAX # ACK . , # TCP MTU ( ACK), # , MTU ( ACK ), # 5:1:4 - full*64/1500 full*64*4/1500 1 tcp-ack # SSH , , ( ) 5:1:5 - 32kbit 128kbit 2 # ( ) 5:1:6 - 32kbit full*9/10 5 flow=dst # DNS ICMP, 5:1:7 - 32kbit 128kbit 3 # DNS 5:7:8 - 16kbit full 1 # PING 5:7:9 - 16kbit full 1 # VoIP 5:1:A - 180kbit 180kbit 1 # SIP ( u(a)law), nf_conntrack_sip 5:A:B 1 90kbit full 1 # SIP VPN ( ) 5:A:C - 90kbit full 1 # 5:1:D - 252kbit full 4 # 5:D:E - 100kbit full 2 # VPN ( ) 5:D:F - 32kbit full 1 # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) 5:E:10 - 25kbit full 1 flow=dst # RDP 5:E:12 - 15kbit full 2 flow=dst # HTTP(S) , 5:E:13 - 15kbit full 3 flow=dst # 5:E:14 - 10kbit full 4 flow=dst # ( , Webinar) 5:E:16 - 25kbit full 2 flow=dst # , 5:E:17 - 10kbit full 5 default,flow=dst
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcclasses.6 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcclasses" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ############################################################################### #INTERFACE:CLASS MARK RATE: CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS # DMAX:UMAX # ACK . , # TCP MTU ( ACK), # , MTU ( ACK ), # 6:1:4 - full*64/1500 full*64*4/1500 1 tcp-ack # SSH 6:1:6 - 32kbit full*9/10 5 flow=nfct-src # DNS ICMP, 6:1:7 - 32kbit 128kbit 3 # DNS 6:7:8 - 16kbit full 1 # PING 6:7:9 - 16kbit full 1 # VoIP 6:1:A - 180kbit 180kbit 1 # SIP ( u(a)law), nf_conntrack_sip 6:A:B 1 90kbit full 1 # SIP VPN ( ) 6:A:C - 90kbit full 1 # 6:1:D - 252kbit full 4 # , . 6:D:E - 100kbit full 2 # VPN ( ) 6:D:F - 32kbit full 1 # RDP 6:E:12 - 15kbit full 2 flow=nfct-src # HTTP(S) 6:E:13 - 25kbit full 3 flow=nfct-src # 6:E:14 - 15kbit full 4 flow=nfct-src # ( , Webinar) 6:E:16 - 25kbit full 2 flow=nfct-src # , 6:E:17 - 10kbit full 5 default,flow=nfct-src
説明を見ると、同じことがたくさんあることに気付くでしょう。 フローの使用におけるわずかな違い(フローへのトラフィックのグループ化)。 ストリーム自体により、この現象に対処できます。1人のユーザーが異なるアドレスで多数の接続を確立し、クラス内でストリームを使用せずに、他の全員からのトラフィックを絞り込みます。 全体のトピックは、フローがなければ、共有は直接的な接続を介して行われ、より多くの人がいる場合は、全体として、彼は毛布を自分の上に引っ張って引き離しました。

# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/mangle # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-mangle" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # For usage in selecting among multiple ISPs, see # http://shorewall.net/MultiISP.html # # See http://shorewall.net/PacketMarking.html for a detailed description of # the Netfilter/Shorewall packet marking mechanism. # #################################################################################################################################################### #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE USER TEST LENGTH TOS CONNBYTES HELPER PROBABILITY DSCP # PORT(S) PORT(S) # , ! # ( 0) RESTORE all - - - 0 # , CONTINUE all - - - !0 # SIP , RTP MARK(1) all - - - - - - - sip # SIP ( ), MARK(|0x40000) all - - - - - - - sip MARK(|0x40000) udp 4569 SAVE all - - - !0 INCLUDE mangle.1 INCLUDE mangle.3 INCLUDE mangle.5
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/mangle.1 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-mangle" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # For usage in selecting among multiple ISPs, see # http://shorewall.net/MultiISP.html # # See http://shorewall.net/PacketMarking.html for a detailed description of # the Netfilter/Shorewall packet marking mechanism. # #################################################################################################################################################### #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE USER TEST LENGTH TOS CONNBYTES HELPER PROBABILITY DSCP # PORT(S) PORT(S) # , ! # # HTTP(S) , ( , # ), , 0 256kb CLASSIFY(1:10) - +ip_normal tcp - 80,443 - - - - 0:262144 # HTTP(S) , , # , 256kb CLASSIFY(1:13) - +ip_normal tcp - 80,443 - - - - 262145: # CLASSIFY(1:14) - +ip_normal tcp - 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # ( , Webinar, 32765) CLASSIFY(1:16) - +ip_normal_spec tcp - 32765 # VIP (VIP- ), # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) CLASSIFY(1:19) - +ip_vip tcp - 80,443 - - - - 0:262144 # HTTP(S) , CLASSIFY(1:1A) - +ip_vip tcp - 80,443 - - - - 262145: # CLASSIFY(1:1B) - +ip_vip tcp - 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # VIP CLASSIFY(1:1C) - +ip_vip_spec tcp - 32765 # # HTTP(S) , ( , # ) CLASSIFY(1:1E) - +ip_slow tcp - 80,443 - - - - 0:262144 # HTTP(S) , CLASSIFY(1:1F) - +ip_slow tcp - 80,443 - - - - 262145: # CLASSIFY(1:20) - +ip_slow tcp - 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # , CLASSIFY(1:21) - +ip_slow_spec tcp - 32765 # VPN ( ) CLASSIFY(1:F) - - udp - 1194 # IAX2 CLASSIFY(1:B) - - udp - 4569 # SIP VPN ( ) CLASSIFY(1:C) - - udp - 40032 # RDP CLASSIFY(1:12) - - tcp - 3389 CLASSIFY(1:12) - - udp - 3389 # DNS CLASSIFY(1:8) - - udp - 53 CLASSIFY(1:8) - - tcp - 53 # PING CLASSIFY(1:9) - - icmp echo-request,echo-reply # SSH , , ( ) CLASSIFY(1:5) - - tcp - 22 - - 0:512 # ( ) CLASSIFY(1:6) - - tcp - 22 - - 513: CLASSIFY(1:3) $NET_GRN $NET_GRN
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/mangle.3 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-mangle" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # For usage in selecting among multiple ISPs, see # http://shorewall.net/MultiISP.html # # See http://shorewall.net/PacketMarking.html for a detailed description of # the Netfilter/Shorewall packet marking mechanism. # #################################################################################################################################################### #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE USER TEST LENGTH TOS CONNBYTES HELPER PROBABILITY DSCP # PORT(S) PORT(S) # , ! # # HTTP(S) , ( , # ), , 0 256kb CLASSIFY(3:10) - - tcp 80,443 - - - - - 0:262144 # HTTP(S) , , # , 256kb CLASSIFY(3:13) - - tcp 80,443 - - - - - 262145: # CLASSIFY(3:14) - - tcp 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # ( , Webinar, 32765) CLASSIFY(3:16) - - tcp 32765 # VPN ( ) CLASSIFY(3:F) - - udp 1194 # IAX2 CLASSIFY(3:B) - - udp 4569 # SIP VPN ( ) CLASSIFY(3:C) - - udp 40032 # RDP CLASSIFY(3:12) - - tcp 3389 CLASSIFY(3:12) - - udp 3389 # DNS CLASSIFY(3:8) - - udp 53 CLASSIFY(3:8) - - tcp 53 # PING CLASSIFY(3:9) - - icmp echo-request,echo-reply # SSH , , ( ) CLASSIFY(3:5) - - tcp 22 - - - 0:512 # ( ) CLASSIFY(3:6) - - tcp 22 - - - 513:
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/mangle.5 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-mangle" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # For usage in selecting among multiple ISPs, see # http://shorewall.net/MultiISP.html # # See http://shorewall.net/PacketMarking.html for a detailed description of # the Netfilter/Shorewall packet marking mechanism. # #################################################################################################################################################### #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE USER TEST LENGTH TOS CONNBYTES HELPER PROBABILITY DSCP # PORT(S) PORT(S) # , ! # # HTTP(S) , ( , # ), , 0 256kb CLASSIFY(5:10) - - tcp 80,443 - - - - - 0:262144 # HTTP(S) , , # , 256kb CLASSIFY(5:13) - - tcp 80,443 - - - - - 262145: # CLASSIFY(5:14) - - tcp 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # ( , Webinar, 32765) CLASSIFY(5:16) - - tcp 32765 # VPN ( ) CLASSIFY(5:F) - - udp 1194 # IAX2 CLASSIFY(5:B) - - udp 4569 # SIP VPN ( ) CLASSIFY(5:C) - - udp 40032 # RDP CLASSIFY(5:12) - - tcp 3389 CLASSIFY(5:12) - - udp 3389 # DNS CLASSIFY(5:8) - - udp 53 CLASSIFY(5:8) - - tcp 53 # PING CLASSIFY(5:9) - - icmp echo-request,echo-reply # SSH , , ( ) CLASSIFY(5:5) - - tcp 22 - - - 0:512 # ( ) CLASSIFY(5:6) - - tcp 22 - - - 513:
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcfilters # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcfilters" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ######################################################################################################## #INTERFACE: SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE TOS LENGTH PRIORITY #CLASS PORT(S) PORT(S) # , ! INCLUDE tcfilters.2 INCLUDE tcfilters.4 INCLUDE tcfilters.6
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcfilters.2 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcfilters" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ######################################################################################################## #INTERFACE: SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE TOS LENGTH PRIORITY #CLASS PORT(S) PORT(S) # , ! 2:3 $NET_GRN $NET_GRN # SSH 2:6 - - tcp 22 # DNS 2:8 - - udp 53 2:8 - - tcp 53 # PING 2:9 - - icmp echo-request,echo-reply # RDP 2:12 - - tcp 3389 2:12 - - udp 3389 # IAX2 2:B - - udp 4569 # SIP VPN ( ) 2:C - - udp 40032 # VPN ( ) 2:F - - udp 1194 # # HTTP(S) 2:1F $IP_SLOW tcp 80,443 # 2:20 $IP_SLOW - tcp 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # , 2:21 $IP_SLOW_SPEC - tcp 32765 # VIP (VIP- ), # HTTP(S) 2:1A $IP_VIP - tcp 80,443 # 2:1B $IP_VIP - tcp 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # VIP 2:1C $IP_VIP_SPEC - tcp 32765 # # HTTP(S) 2:13 $IP_NORMAL - tcp 80,443 # 2:14 $IP_NORMAL - tcp 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # ( , Webinar, 32765) 2:16 $IP_NORMAL_SPEC - tcp 32765
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcfilters.4 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcfilters" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ######################################################################################################## #INTERFACE: SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE TOS LENGTH PRIORITY #CLASS PORT(S) PORT(S) # , ! # tcfilters , 4:6 - - tcp - 22 # DNS 4:8 - - udp - 53 4:8 - - tcp - 53 # PING 4:9 - - icmp echo-request,echo-reply # RDP 4:12 - - tcp - 3389 4:12 - - udp - 3389 # IAX2 4:B - - udp - 4569 # SIP VPN ( ) 4:C - - udp - 40032 # VPN ( ) 4:F - - udp - 1194 # , -, , # . HTTP(S) 4:13 - - tcp - 80,443 # 4:14 - - tcp - 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # ( , Webinar, 32765) 4:16 - - tcp - 32765
# # Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/tcfilters.6 # # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-tcfilters" # # See http://shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm for additional information. # ######################################################################################################## #INTERFACE: SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE TOS LENGTH PRIORITY #CLASS PORT(S) PORT(S) # , ! # tcfilters , 6:6 - - tcp - 22 # DNS 6:8 - - udp - 53 6:8 - - tcp - 53 # PING 6:9 - - icmp echo-request,echo-reply # RDP 6:12 - - tcp - 3389 6:12 - - udp - 3389 # IAX2 6:B - - udp - 4569 # SIP VPN ( ) 6:C - - udp - 40032 # VPN ( ) 6:F - - udp - 1194 # , -, , # . HTTP(S) 6:13 - - tcp - 80,443 # 6:14 - - tcp - 25,110,143,465,587,993,995,2525,4190 # ( , Webinar, 32765) 6:16 - - tcp - 32765
OSPF , ! VoIP . VPN , , ( OSPF), VoIP, , - , , , , ( Cisco )? VoIP , ( IAX2 ). VoIP ! OSPF, ( ), , ( , ).
#!/bin/bash METRIC_BOOST=$1 IP_INTERVAL=$2 IPROUTE='/usr/sbin/ip' function search_and_del() { # $1 - TABLE # $2 - DST # $3 - VIA # $4 - METRIC TABLE=$1 declare -a DST=("${!2}") declare -a VIA=("${!3}") declare -a METRIC=("${!4}") # , OSPF IFS=$'\n' for line in $(${IPROUTE} route show table $TABLE);do IFS=$' \t' read -r -a line_ <<< "$line" CONT=0 for i in "${!DST[@]}"; do if [ "${line_[0]}" = "${DST[$i]}" ]; then if [ "${line_[6]}" -eq "${METRIC[$i]}" ] && [ "${line_[2]}" = "${VIA[$i]}" ];then CONT=1 continue fi fi done [ "$CONT" -eq "0" ] && eval "${IPROUTE} route del $line table $TABLE" done } DST_='' METRIC_='' DEV_='' DST='' VIA_PRIM='' VIA_SEC='' METRIC_PRIM='' METRCI_SEC='' TABLE_PRIM='' TABLE_SEC='' COUNT=0 # while IFS=$' \t' read -r -a line_; do if [[ $(( $(echo ${line_[4]} | sed -e 's/[a-zA-Z]*//') % 2)) == 0 ]];then TABLE_PRIM=${line_[1]} else TABLE_SEC=${line_[1]} fi done < <(grep tap /etc/shorewall/providers | grep loose) # , [ -z "$TABLE_PRIM" ] || [ -z "$TABLE_SEC" ] && exit 0 # OSPF while IFS=$' \t' read -r -a line_; do # ( via) if [ "${line_[3]}" == "via" ]; then # DST_=${line_[1]} METRIC_=${line_[2]} # if [ "${line_[$(( ${#line_[@]} -2 ))]}" != "inactive," ]; then DEV_=$(echo ${line_[$(( ${#line_[@]} -2 ))]} | sed -e "s/,//") if [[ $(( $(echo $DEV_ | sed -e 's/[a-zA-Z]*//') % 2)) == 0 ]];then DST[$COUNT]=$(echo ${line_[1]} | sed -e "s/\/32//") VIA_PRIM[$COUNT]=$(echo ${line_[$(( ${#line_[@]} -3 ))]} | sed -e "s/,//") METRIC_PRIM[$COUNT]=$(echo ${line_[2]} | sed -e "s/\[[0-p]*\///" | sed -e "s/\]//") # OpenVPN , , # , 128 ( /25) IFS=$'.' read -r -a IP <<< ${VIA_PRIM[$COUNT]} VIA_SEC[$COUNT]="${IP[0]}.${IP[1]}.${IP[2]}.$(( ${IP[3]} + $IP_INTERVAL ))" METRIC_SEC[$COUNT]=$(( ${METRIC_PRIM[$COUNT]} + $METRIC_BOOST )) COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1 )) fi fi else # , if [ "${line_[$(( ${#line_[@]} -2 ))]}" != "inactive," ]; then DEV_=$(echo ${line_[$(( ${#line_[@]} -2 ))]} | sed -e "s/,//") if [[ $(( $(echo $DEV_ | sed -e 's/[a-zA-Z]*//') % 2)) == 0 ]];then DST[$COUNT]=$(echo $DST_ | sed -e "s/\/32//") if [ "${line_[0]}" == "via" ]; then VIA_PRIM[$COUNT]=$(echo ${line_[1]} | sed -e "s/,//") else VIA_PRIM[$COUNT]=$(echo ${line_[2]} | sed -e "s/,//") fi METRIC_PRIM[$COUNT]=$(echo $METRIC_ | sed -e "s/\[[0-p]*\///" | sed -e "s/\]//") IFS=$'.' read -r -a IP <<< ${VIA_PRIM[$COUNT]} VIA_SEC[$COUNT]="${IP[0]}.${IP[1]}.${IP[2]}.$(( ${IP[3]} + $IP_INTERVAL ))" METRIC_SEC[$COUNT]=$(( ${METRIC_PRIM[$COUNT]} + $METRIC_BOOST )) COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1 )) fi fi fi done < <(/usr/bin/vtysh -c 'show ip route ospf' | grep via | grep tap | grep -v -e 'directly connected') # search_and_del $TABLE_PRIM DST[@] VIA_PRIM[@] METRIC_PRIM[@] search_and_del $TABLE_SEC DST[@] VIA_SEC[@] METRIC_SEC[@] # ${IPROUTE} route del default table $TABLE_PRIM >/dev/null 2>&1 ${IPROUTE} route del default table $TABLE_SEC >/dev/null 2>&1 # , for i in "${!DST[@]}"; do [ -z ${DST[$i]} ] || [ -z ${VIA_PRIM[$i]} ] || [ -z ${METRIC_PRIM[$i]} ] && continue ${IPROUTE} route replace ${DST[$i]} via ${VIA_PRIM[$i]} table $TABLE_PRIM metric ${METRIC_PRIM[$i]} >/dev/null 2>&1 # OSPF , " " if [ "${DST[$i]}" = "${VIA_SEC[$i]}" ]; then # "" ${IPROUTE} route replace ${VIA_PRIM[$i]} via ${DST[$i]} table $TABLE_SEC metric ${METRIC_SEC[$i]} >/dev/null 2>&1 else ${IPROUTE} route replace ${DST[$i]} via ${VIA_SEC[$i]} table $TABLE_SEC metric ${METRIC_SEC[$i]} >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # main ${IPROUTE} route del ${DST[$i]} via ${VIA_PRIM[$i]} metric ${METRIC_PRIM[$i]} >/dev/null 2>&1 done
, OSPF , , , - , OSPF. Shorewall . - , .
policy routing :
Routing Rules 0: from all lookup local 999: from all lookup main 10000: from all fwmark 0x10000/0xff0000 lookup pr1 10001: from all fwmark 0x20000/0xff0000 lookup pr2 10002: from all fwmark 0x40000/0xff0000 lookup tap1 10003: from all fwmark 0x30000/0xff0000 lookup tap0 19001: from all lookup tap0 20000: from lookup pr1 20000: from lookup pr2 32765: from all lookup balance 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default
, ( ), ( ).
# For details see man 4 crontabs
# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 — 59)
# | .------------- hour (0 — 23)
# | | .---------- day of month (1 — 31)
# | | | .------- month (1 — 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr…
# | | | | .---- day of week (0 — 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# | | | | |
# * * * * * user-name command to be executed
*/1 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/ospf_alt_route.sh 1 128
# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 — 59)
# | .------------- hour (0 — 23)
# | | .---------- day of month (1 — 31)
# | | | .------- month (1 — 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr…
# | | | | .---- day of week (0 — 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# | | | | |
# * * * * * user-name command to be executed
*/1 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/ospf_alt_route.sh 1 128
- cron
- rtrules
- started