PHPで2年間勉強した後、私は短い休憩をとり、Java EEプラットフォーム上でスピンするColdFusionを学びました。 実際、ColdFusionはJavaコンポーネントを使用して拡張できるため、私もJavaについて詳しく調べました。
それからもちろん、CSS、セマンティックWebテクノロジー( RDF 、 OWLおよびSPARQL )、XML、XPathおよびXSL(XSL:FOおよびXSLT)の適切な部分で味付けされたJavaScriptに必然的に没頭しました。SQLを忘れないでください。 地獄、私はDTDを書く(そして書く)ことができる( 文書型定義 - 翻訳者注 )!
少し前まで、EngineYardでOrchestra PHPプラットフォームを使用し始めた後、Pythonを学びました。 (はい、私たちはPHPスタックの一部にPythonを使用しています。なぜですか?それはいくつかの問題を解決するための最良のツールだからです。)
履歴書をクールに見せるために、たくさんのキーワードを履歴書に追加しませんでした。 私がこれを決めたのは、現時点では自分を多声だと思っているからです。
- ツールはどれくらいうまく書かれていますか?
- 彼のセキュリティは何ですか?
- 未解決のバグはいくつありますか?
- コミュニティは以前の問題にどのように反応しましたか(彼らは(コミュニティメンバー)、オープンで、フレンドリーで、礼儀正しく、効率的でしたか)
- 問題を解決するのに十分な機能はありますか?
- 機能が冗長すぎて問題を解決できませんか?
そのため、最終的にWebサイトを作成するときにPHPを選択します。 はい、あなたの楽器をよく知っていて、それがあなたに見事に報いるようにしてください!
EngineYardで1年以上過ごした今でも、RubyやRailsについて何かを学びます。 もちろん、私はコードレビューの過程で、または興味のない、何かがどのように実装されたかについて、多くのRubyコードを読みました。 Railsも少しダウンロードしましたが、それは基本的にコピーアンドペーストでした。
その後、 Distillが到着し、サイトが必要になりました。 主要なタスクを中断することなく、使用するテクノロジの仕様を指定することなく、すべてを行うために約3週間。 通常の状況では、PHPを選択し、おそらくZend Framework 2を選択し、数日ですべてを実行します。
代わりに、今後数か月でDistillと(技術ではなくソリューションに焦点を当てて)達成したいことについての議論を考えると、Rails(まあ、Ruby)を試す機会を保持することにしました。 それは機能が制限された小さなプロジェクトでした。さらに、RoRで多くの問題に遭遇した場合、すぐにPHPにロールバックできました。 幸いなことに、文字通り数十人の驚くほど経験豊富な開発者に囲まれて、私はいつでも質問できる人を見つけることができました。 しかし、後で見るように、私は特に助けを必要としませんでした。
この記事のポイントは、RubyやRailsをどのように学んだかではなく、その経験から学んだことです。 RoRについて何か言いたいのですが、私も言いたいです。
PHPの後、間違いなくWTFの原因になりました! 反応:
- ブラケットはメソッドを呼び出すときはオプションであり、多くの場合使用されませんが、場合によっては(ネストされた呼び出しなど)必要になります。
- 多くの「ない場合」オプション。 例:
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .
if !, if not unless .
, ,?
. . , ,foo.empty?
, ..foo.downcase!
, .
: .
, - ( Distill, ):
class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :proposals attr_accessible :user, :bio, :email, :name, :id, :website, :photo has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/ validates :bio, :email, :name, :photo, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/, :message => "Must be a valid email address" } end
, (<
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: .
15: (end
", , ?"
" ! !"
(, ! ^_^ - . )
, , Rubyself
, ,self::
PHP, ( ). ,belongs_to :user
self.belongs_to :user
. , , (, , ) . (,def self.foo
) ( ) , . .
: , - , , EngineYard mkb , ; - : , , , .
, , , (validates
), , - , . ( Poetry mode , - - " - !" - . )
, . , (), . , PHP, , .
CRUD. , , , . , , - . Ruby/Rails PHP/Zend Framework 2 - , . , ***bash-*** .
Getting Started with Rails , .
OAuth (Github, Facebook Twitter).
, . , Devise Omniauth ; , OAuth, .
, Ruby Rails, , , , , . OAuth, , , , - . , , (, email), .
, Google, Paperclip . Active Record .
Paperclip, Ruby/Rails, : , S3, . , ( S3, ), rake, :
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "120x120>" } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /^image\/(png|gif|jpeg)/
"photo", (300x300 120x120) , png, gif jpeg.
, . Ruby , Python. , , , Rails PHP-.
- , Rails , , PHP , - Rails Ruby , - , . , OAuth Zend Framework 2 , , ZF2 /, , , , . , , Rails ( Ruby), . ( , The Ruby Toolbox , , !)
, . PHP Python, Ruby - . PHP -, , - (GET/POST/Cookies, , PUT/POST , , ..) , Distill .
, PHP , , ( Shared nothing architecture ) , , , - Ruby ( , rubinius jruby). , Ruby Python , , , , , . , Engine Yard Cloud ( , ) .
, , ? -, ZF2? . ? - , , Ruby Rails. , OAuth S3 . , ZF2, , , , , , .., , .
, Ruby/Rails? . PHP , , , .
Ruby/Rails ? - , , PHP . , Engine Yard - ! , Ruby/Rails, , . , - , , - , .
- , , , , , , -... , - ("The PHP Way" "The Ruby Way"); , , , .
- - ; , - , . , , .
, - Engine Yard, , .