また、サービスの義務に加えて、週/月ごとに複数のサーバーを構成する必要がある場合、思わずこのプロセスの自動化を検討し始めます。 RedHat / CentOSサーバーの初期セットアップに使用するbashスクリプトを共有したい。
私はこのスクリプトのアイデアをずっと前に、現在放棄されているCentminプロジェクトでスパイしました。 このスクリプトは、RedHat Enterprise Linux(CentOS)バージョン5および6を構成するように設計されていますが、他のシステムに簡単に適合させることができます。
- リポジトリの接続epel 、 ius 、 nginx 。 パッケージの更新
- システムの通常の動作に必要なユーティリティの最小セットと、新しいプログラムの依存関係の設定
- SSHDセットアップ
- NTPD設定、タイムゾーン選択、日付同期
- noexecおよびnosuid属性を使用して/ tmpおよび/ dev / shmをマウントする
- Virtualmin 、 CSF Firewall 、 MySQL 5.5、 PHP 5.4、 Nginx 、 Postfix 、SaslAuth、phpMyAdminのインストールと設定
- CPANの代替としてのCPANminusのインストールと更新
- スタートアップから不要なサービスを無効にする
スクリプトはそれ自体でほとんどの操作を実行しますが、ユーザー側のいくつかのアクションが依然として必要です。 たとえば、データを入力してSSL証明書を作成し、Virtualminのインストールを確認します。
同時に彼は同じスクリプトを追加しましたが、ロシア語のコメントを付けました。 誰かが理解しやすいかもしれません。
#!/bin/sh # Author: sam2kb ROOT_ALIAS='vasya@pupkin.ru' # Set your email here CENTOS_VERSION='6' # Major RedHat version eg 5 or 6 ZONEINFO='America/New_York' SET_TIMEZONE=y UPDATE_PACKAGES=y ADD_REPOS=y ALTER_KERNEL_PARAMS=y SECURE_TMP=y SECURE_SHM=y SECURE_SSHD=y SSHD_PORT=11022 SSHD_USERS='root' # Allowed IPs CSF_IGNORE=' # Sape.ru # Sape.ru'; # Allowed IPs WEBMIN_ALLOW='' # Separate with space WEBMIN_PORT=11033 INSTALL_WEBMIN=y INSTALL_CPANMIN=y INSTALL_CSF=y INSTALL_NTP=y # Install Network time protocol daemon INSTALL_PMNV=y # PHP, MYSQL, NGINX, VIRTUALMIN INSTALL_PMA=y # Install phpMyAdmin PMA_VERSION='3.5.3' # YOU SHOULD NOT NEED TO MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE +++++++++++++++++++ # JUST RUN "sh /server-init.sh" # ############################################################### SCRIPT_NAME='Initial server setup script' DIR_TMP="/server-init" # Working directory to be created by installer KEYPRESS_PARAM='-s -n1 -p' # Read a keypress without hitting ENTER # -s means do not echo input # -n means accept only N characters of input # -p means echo the following prompt before reading input ASKCMD="read $KEYPRESS_PARAM " CUR_DIR=`pwd` # Get current directory MACHINE_TYPE=`uname -m` # Used to detect if OS is 64bit or not if [ "${MACHINE_TYPE}" == 'i686' ]; then MACHINE_TYPE='i386' fi ############################################################### # FUNCTIONS ASK () { keystroke='' while [[ "$keystroke" != [yYnNaA] ]]; do $ASKCMD "$1" keystroke echo "$keystroke"; done key=$(echo $keystroke) } # Setup colors black='\E[30;40m' red='\E[31;40m' green='\E[32;40m' yellow='\E[33;40m' blue='\E[34;40m' magenta='\E[35;40m' cyan='\E[36;40m' white='\E[37;40m' boldblack='\E[1;30;40m' boldred='\E[1;31;40m' green='\E[1;32;40m' boldyellow='\E[1;33;40m' boldblue='\E[1;34;40m' boldmagenta='\E[1;35;40m' boldcyan='\E[1;36;40m' boldwhite='\E[1;37;40m' reset="tput sgr0" # Reset text attributes to normal without clearing screen cecho () # Colored-echo. # $1 = message # $2 = color # if $3 not set, print stars { message=$1 color=$2 if [[ $3 == '' ]]; then echo " "; echo -e "$color********************************************************"; $reset; fi echo -e "$color* $message" ; $reset if [[ $3 == '' ]]; then echo -e "$color********************************************************"; $reset; echo " "; fi sleep 0.3 # sleep for two seconds return } run_the_script () { # If OpenVZ user add user/group 500 - else various folders and devices # will end up with an odd user/group name for some reason if [ -f /proc/user_beancounters ]; then groupadd 500 useradd -g 500 -s /sbin/nologin -M 500 fi if [ "${ROOT_ALIAS}" != '' ]; then cecho "Adding root alias" $green sed -i 's/#root:\s*marc/root:\t\t'"${ROOT_ALIAS}"'/g' /etc/aliases newaliases fi if [[ "$UPDATE_PACKAGES" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Updating packages" $green yum clean all yum -y update glibc\* yum -y update yum\* rpm\* python\* yum clean all yum -y update fi if [[ "$ADD_REPOS" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "* Adding repositories" $green yum install -y wget rpm if [ "${CENTOS_VERSION}" == '5' ]; then wget -c http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/5/${MACHINE_TYPE}/ius-release-1.0-10.ius.el5.noarch.rpm --tries=3 wget -c http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/5/${MACHINE_TYPE}/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm --tries=3 wget -c http://nginx.org/packages/centos/5/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-centos-5-0.el5.ngx.noarch.rpm --tries=3 else wget -c http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/6/${MACHINE_TYPE}/ius-release-1.0-10.ius.el6.noarch.rpm --tries=3 wget -c http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/6/${MACHINE_TYPE}/epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm --tries=3 wget -c http://nginx.org/packages/centos/6/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-centos-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm --tries=3 fi rpm -ivh epel-release-* rpm -ivh ius-release-* rpm -ivh nginx-release-centos-* yum -y update epel-release ius-release nginx-release-centos fi if [[ "$UPDATE_PACKAGES" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Updating packages (new repos)..." $green yum clean all yum -y update fi cecho "Installing Development Tools" $green yum -y install wget perl perl-CPAN perl-devel perl-YAML perl-Time-HiRes perl-DBD-MySQL perl-libwww-perl perl-Net-SSLeay python gcc make automake autoconf patch mlocate libtool nano rsync sysstat lsof curl xterm dbus-x11 libXt-devel unzip zip zlib bzip2 openssh* file e2fsprogs iptables* libjpeg libpng freetype pam-devel if [[ "$ALTER_KERNEL_PARAMS" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Altering kernel params" $green echo 30 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout; echo 3000 > /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog; echo 3000 > /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn; echo 10 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl; echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes; echo 300000 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max; cat >> /etc/security/limits.conf <<EOF * soft nofile 20000 * hard nofile 150000 EOF fi if [[ "$SECURE_SSHD" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Securing SSHD" $green cat >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config <<EOF UseDNS no Port $SSHD_PORT Protocol 2 AllowUsers $SSHD_USERS EOF fi if [[ "$SECURE_TMP" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Secured /tmp and /var/tmp" $green rm -rf /tmp; mkdir /tmp; mount -t tmpfs -o rw,noexec,nosuid tmpfs /tmp chmod 1777 /tmp echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,noexec,nosuid 0 0" >> /etc/fstab rm -rf /var/tmp; ln -s /tmp /var/tmp fi if [[ "$SECURE_SHM" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Secured /dev/shm" $green umount /dev/shm; rm -rf /dev/shm; mkdir /dev/shm mount -t tmpfs -o rw,noexec,nosuid tmpfs /dev/shm chmod 1777 /dev/shm; echo "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,noexec,nosuid 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi if [[ "$SET_TIMEZONE" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Setting preferred timezone" $green rm -f /etc/localtime ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$ZONEINFO /etc/localtime cecho "Current date & time for the zone you selected is: " $green "-" date fi if [[ "$INSTALL_PMNV" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Removing old mysql package" $green service mysqld stop rpm -e --nodeps mysql-libs cecho "Installing MYSQL" $green yum -y install mysql55-server mysql55-devel mysql55-libs mysqlclient16 cecho "Installing PHP" $green yum -y install php54 php54-bcmath php54-cli php54-common php54-devel php54-fpm php54-gd php54-imap php54-ioncube-loader php54-mbstring php54-mcrypt php54-mysql php54-pear php54-pecl-geoip php54-pecl-apc php54-process php54-xml php54-xmlrpc cecho "Installing NGINX" $green yum -y install nginx fi if [[ "$INSTALL_CPANMIN" = [yY] ]]; then # Install and upgrade cpanmin curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --self-upgrade # Install system modules cpanm Authen::Libwrap Authen::PAM Time:HiRes IO::Pty Getopt::Long Digest::SHA1 Net::SSLeay fi if [[ "$INSTALL_WEBMIN" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Installing Webmin" $green wget -c http://www.webmin.com/download/rpm/webmin-current.rpm --tries=3 rpm -ivh webmin-* sed -i "s/port=10000/port=$WEBMIN_PORT/g" /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf sed -i "s/listen=10000/listen=$WEBMIN_PORT/g" /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf sed -i "s/ssl=0/ssl=1/g" /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf if [ "${WEBMIN_ALLOW}" != '' ]; then cat >> /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf<<EOF allow=$WEBMIN_ALLOW EOF fi service webmin restart fi if [[ "$INSTALL_PMNV" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Installing Virtualmin" $green cd /usr/local/src wget -c http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh --tries=3 # Skip obsolete packages (we already installed latest versions of PHP and MySQL) sed -i 's/mysql mysql-server mysql-devel //g' /usr/local/src/install.sh sed -i 's/php php-xml php-gd php-imap php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-pgsql php-snmp php-xmlrpc php-mbstring //g' /usr/local/src/install.sh # Virtualmin requires insecure /tmp mount -o remount,exec /tmp sh install.sh mount -o remount /tmp # Stop useless services service mailman stop; chkconfig mailman off service usermin stop; chkconfig usermin off cecho "Setting up Postfix" $green mkdir /etc/postfix/ssl POSTFIX_SSL='/etc/postfix/ssl' # Generate SSL certificate for Postfix openssl genrsa -des3 -rand /etc/hosts -out $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.key 1024 chmod 600 $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.key openssl req -new -key $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.key -out $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.csr openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.csr -signkey $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.key -out $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.crt openssl rsa -in $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.key -out $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.key.unencrypted mv -f $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.key.unencrypted $POSTFIX_SSL/smtpd.key openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout $POSTFIX_SSL/cakey.pem -out $POSTFIX_SSL/cacert.pem -days 3650 # TODO: postfix config, dovecot config # Fix saslauthd path mkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd chown postfix.root -R /var/spool/postfix/var/ sed -i 's~SOCKETDIR=.*$~SOCKETDIR=/var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd~g' /etc/sysconfig/saslauthd service saslauthd restart # Copy postfix certificate over to nginx cecho "Setting up nginx" $green mkdir -p /var/nginx/temp; mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl cp /etc/postfix/ssl/smtpd.crt /etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt cp /etc/postfix/ssl/smtpd.key /etc/nginx/ssl/server.key if [[ "$INSTALL_PMA" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Installing phpMyAdmin" $green mkdir /home/www; wget -c http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin/${PMA_VERSION}/phpMyAdmin-${PMA_VERSION}-english.zip --tries=3 unzip phpMyAdmin-${PMA_VERSION}-english.zip; mv phpMyAdmin-${PMA_VERSION}-english /home/www/pma rm -rf /home/www/pma/setup # Random blowfish secret BLOWFISH=`tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c 30` cat >/home/www/pma/config.inc.php<<EOF <?php \$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '$BLOWFISH'; ?> EOF chown apache.apache -R /home/www/pma; fi cecho "Setting up installed services" $green service proftpd stop; chkconfig proftpd off service httpd stop; chkconfig httpd off service nginx start; chkconfig nginx on service mysqld start; chkconfig mysqld on service php-fpm start; chkconfig php-fpm on fi if [[ "$INSTALL_CSF" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Installing CSF firewall" $green wget -c http://www.configserver.com/free/csf.tgz --tries=3 tar zxf csf.tgz -C $DIR_TMP/; cd $DIR_TMP/csf sh install.sh cd $DIR_TMP # Make sure log file exists touch /var/log/lfd.log cecho "Testing IP Tables Modules" $green perl /etc/csf/csftest.pl CCONF='/etc/csf/csf.conf' cecho "Configuring CSF, step 1" $green sed -i 's/TESTING_INTERVAL = "[^"]*"/TESTING_INTERVAL = "10"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/AUTO_UPDATES = "0"/AUTO_UPDATES = "1"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/ICMP_OUT_RATE = "[^"]*"/ICMP_OUT_RATE = "2\/s"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/DENY_IP_LIMIT = "[^"]*"/DENY_IP_LIMIT = "200"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/PS_EMAIL_ALERT = "1"/PS_EMAIL_ALERT = "0"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/DROP_NOLOG = "[^"]*"/DROP_NOLOG = "21,22,67,68,82,111,113,135:139,445,513,520,1433,3306"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/SAFECHAINUPDATE = "0"/SAFECHAINUPDATE = "1"/g' $CCONF cecho "Configuring CSF, step 2" $green if [ ! -f /proc/user_beancounters ]; then # Flood protection. Not available in OpenVZ sed -i 's/SYNFLOOD = "0"/SYNFLOOD = "1"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/SYNFLOOD_RATE = "[^"]*\/s"/SYNFLOOD_RATE = "100\/s"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/SYNFLOOD_BURST = "[^"]*"/SYNFLOOD_BURST = "150"/g' $CCONF fi sed -i 's/TCP_IN = "[^"]*"/TCP_IN = "25,53,80,143,443,465,587,993,995,'"${WEBMIN_PORT}"','"${SSHD_PORT}"'"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_DSHIELD = "0"/LF_DSHIELD = "86400"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_SPAMHAUS = "0"/LF_SPAMHAUS = "86400"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_DIRWATCH = "[^"]*"/LF_DIRWATCH = "0"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_INTEGRITY = "[^"]*"/LF_INTEGRITY = "0"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_DISTATTACK = "0"/LF_DISTATTACK = "1"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_DISTATTACK_UNIQ = "[^"]*"/LF_DISTATTACK_UNIQ = "3"/g' $CCONF cecho "Configuring CSF, step 3" $green sed -i 's/LF_NETBLOCK = "0"/LF_NETBLOCK = "1"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_NETBLOCK_COUNT = "[^"]*"/LF_NETBLOCK_COUNT = "6"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_SSHD = "[^"]*"/LF_SSHD = "2"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_FTPD = "[^"]*"/LF_FTPD = "3"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_SMTPAUTH = "[^"]*"/LF_SMTPAUTH = "3"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_POP3D = "[^"]*"/LF_POP3D = "3"/g' $CCONF sed -i 's/LF_IMAPD = "[^"]*"/LF_IMAPD = "3"/g' $CCONF cd $DIR_TMP cecho "Adding Applications/Users to CSF ignore list" $green cat >>/etc/csf/csf.pignore<<EOF exe:/usr/libexec/mysqld exe:/usr/sbin/php-fpm exe:/usr/sbin/nginx user:postfix user:dovecot user:dovenull user:haldaemon EOF cat >>/etc/csf/csf.ignore<<EOF # Google # Yandex $CSF_IGNORE EOF cat >>/etc/csf/csf.rignore<<EOF .googlebot.com .google.com .1e100.net .yahoo.net .msn.com .mail.ru .yandex.ru EOF chkconfig --levels 235 csf on service csf restart if [[ "$INSTALL_WEBMIN" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Installing Webmin CSF module" $green perl /usr/libexec/webmin/install-module.pl /etc/csf/csfwebmin.tgz fi fi if [ -f /proc/user_beancounters ]; then cecho "OpenVZ system detected, NTP not installed" $green else if [[ "$INSTALL_NTP" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Installing NTP (and syncing time)" $green yum -y install ntp chkconfig --levels 235 ntpd on ntpdate pool.ntp.org cecho "The date/time is now:" $green date cecho "If this is correct, then everything is working properly" $green service ntpd restart fi fi # Final yum update yum -y update } ################################################################ # SCRIPT START # clear cecho "********************************************************" $boldyellow "-" cecho "$SCRIPT_NAME" $green "-" cecho "********************************************************" $boldyellow "-" echo " " ASK "Would you like to continue? [y/n] " if [[ "$key" = [nN] ]]; then exit 0 fi if [ -d "$DIR_TMP" ]; then ASK "It seems that you have run this script before. Do you want to exit? [y/n]" if [[ "$key" = [yY] ]]; then cecho "Installation aborted " $green exit fi else mkdir $DIR_TMP; cd $DIR_TMP run_the_script fi cd $DIR_TMP cecho "**********************************************************************" $green "-" cecho "* Installation complete, congratulations!" $green "-" cecho "* Enjoy CentOS!" $green "-" cecho "**********************************************************************" $green "-" cecho "Temporary files/folders removed" $green cd; rm -rf $DIR_TMP cecho "Running updatedb command. Please wait..." $green updatedb cecho "Deleting $SCRIPT_NAME" $green rm -f $0 cecho "Disabling services" $green if [ "${CENTOS_VERSION}" == '5' ]; then # Add services you want to disable chkconfig xfs off; service xfs stop chkconfig atd off; service atd stop chkconfig nfslock off; service nfslock stop chkconfig rpcidmapd off; service rpcidmapd stop chkconfig anacron off; service anacron stop chkconfig avahi-daemon off; service avahi-daemon stop chkconfig hidd off; service hidd stop chkconfig pcscd off; service pcscd stop else # Add services you want to disable chkconfig avahi-daemon off; service avahi-daemon stop fi if [[ "$SECURE_SSHD" = [yY] ]]; then service sshd restart fi cecho "All done! It's recommended to reboot the server now." $green exit;