Today I will briefly talk about the PocketBook 740 Pro reader - the latest model with a diagonal of 7.8 inches. She largely repeats PocketBook 740, which the blog has a long sheet about . Therefore, I will not repeat myself, but I will highlight the main thing and talk about the differences between PocketBook 740 Pro and the previous model.

In short and mathematical terms: PocketBook 740 Pro = PocketBook 740 + water protection + audio support + new case color + 1,500 rubles to the price.
However, the first and most important thing you need to know about the “firmware” is that it has exactly the same big screen as the PocketBook 740. For PDF with tablets, musical notes or comics, the “7.8-inch” format is better than the typical reader 6 inch format. Just because the smaller elements on the screen are larger and clearer. So, let's say, I opened the Nokia financial report on the screens of PocketBook 740 Pro (7.8 inches, 1872 x 1404) and PocketBook 626 Plus (6 inches, 1024 x 758). The difference in display quality, in my opinion, is quite obvious.

About Gordon Freeman (translation into Russian of the book Half-Life: Rising The Bar in PDF) on a 7.8-inch screen is also more pleasant to read than on a 6-inch one. The letters are larger and clearer; you do not have to scale the image to make out the small text.

Well, you need to understand that if you set the same font size on 7.8- and 6-inch screens, then in the first case more text will fit on the display. This is useful for two reasons. The first - you need to turn the pages less often, which is just nice. The second - the need to turn pages less often leads to battery saving, since E Ink screens consume battery power only at the moment of image change. Immediately, I note that the PocketBook 740 Pro worked for me in the region of a month and a half. Wi-Fi was used sporadically, the backlight brightness was set to 30%, I read an hour or two a day.

For all this, the concept of a "small large reader" migrated to PocketBook 740 Pro from PocketBook 740 without changes. This should be understood as a reader with a large screen, which due to the rather narrow frames around the display is not much larger than 6-inch models.
The second important feature (and at the same time the first key difference from 740) is its protection against water . In the PocketBook 641 Aqua 2 , let me remind you, it was used tuning - read, complete sealing of the case. PocketBook 632 Aqua is protected with HZO Gel. In other words, water can get inside the case, but is not able to disable the reader. The PocketBook 740 Pro went the same way, but instead of HZO they used Plazma Coating technology. It involves the application of the thinnest (within 1 nm) plasma coating on the surface of electronic components. And this coating also repels water. As a result, PocketBook 740 Pro complies with the IPX8 standard (diving up to two meters is possible).

It should not be forgotten that the reader is not sealed. He is not afraid of water, but it is better not to water it with a soup. Will flow inside - and start to smell there. So the protection of the PocketBook 740 Pro, by and large, is only from fresh water. Maximum - from tea.
PocketBook 740 Pro has a range of audio related features . These are: a) playing music in MP3 and OGG, b) playing audio books in M4B, and c) translating text into speech (Text-to-Speech function) in Russian, English, German, and a dozen more languages. Let me remind you that at one time a blog conducted a survey on the topic "Do I need audio in the reader." Basically, users spoke in the spirit of "no, not necessary." So I'm not sure that this feature will impress readers of this post, although there were those who spoke out for preserving audio capabilities in pocketbooks. I note the following. For the audio, in fact, you need to pay 500 rubles. Where did I get this figure? The difference between the PocketBook 632 and 632 Aqua models is only waterproof. At the same time, the second costs 1,000 rubles more. So the defense is actually estimated at 1,000 rubles. The difference between PocketBook 740 and PocketBook 740 Pro is in water protection and audio capabilities, which are only in the second model. Moreover, it is more expensive by 1,500 rubles. So it turns out that “music” costs only five hundred.
Here's a video where the PocketBook 740 Pro plays music, then an audiobook, and then translates text into speech. Just to make it clear what is at stake and how it all happens. I’ll add from myself that I don’t need audio in readers from the word “completely”. Therefore, I am indifferent to these options.
There are no speakers in the model, so there are two options for audio output. The first is for wired headphones and speakers through the complete adapter "MicroUSB -> 3.5 mm". The second is for wireless audio devices using Bluetooth. It can be headphones, speakers, car stereo.

Other features of PocketBook 740 Pro I will list very briefly:
- backlight with color temperature adjustment;
- firmware based on Linux OS, which, unlike Android, is very undemanding to hardware resources and does not eat battery charge for both cheeks;
- dual-core processor and 1 GB of RAM;
- Wi-Fi support and a bunch of Internet services (Dropbox, PocketBook Cloud, Books by Email);
- dual control system (buttons + touch screen);
- 3 years warranty in case of purchase on;
- Support for 20 e-book formats, including comic CBR and CBZ.

Everything here is about the same as in other modern PocketBook readers, including PocketBook 740. The only thing worth noting is that PocketBook 740 Pro has 16 GB of internal memory and no microSD slot, while PocketBook 740 has 8 GB of memory and a slot there is. I don’t see any particular problems in the absence of a slot for a memory card, given the sufficient capacity of the drive.

Well, about the money . PocketBook 740 Pro costs 17,490 rubles. The same PocketBook 740, for comparison, will cost 15,990. Both devices are by no means classified as cheap, so they are aimed at those who are sure that they need to buy a reader with a huge screen. And I must say that I personally would rather have a PocketBook 740, since I don’t really need either water protection or music. So it’s not a sin to save.
It will be interesting to find out on which models readers of this post would stop and why.