In principle, any admin panel with forms and input fields is a simple thing in itself, but not only everyone can make it convenient. Comfortable regular data entry is influenced by many things - navigation between sections, the order of fields in the form, interactive responses to user actions, input widgets of special formats (for example, date or time), the location and color of buttons, etc.
In the bitrix admin area, in my subjective opinion, the topic of usability has not been fully developed. Why, when adding a product, the first number is the activity of the product and the start-end date of the activity? Are these the essentials for a new product? Once a product is added for the first time, it goes without saying that in the vast majority of cases it will be an active product, so the tick of activity can be moved down the list. We come to the editing of a product from a table where activity information already exists, only the yes / no values ​​in the table are poorly read, as for me it is better to change it to designed checkmarks. And the dates of activity in the form of entering the goods should be pushed lower, whoever needs it will put it. The first number should be the “Product name” input field and immediately click on it when adding a new product. And in general, the cursor should be automatically placed in the main input field in all forms of 1C-Bitrix when creating something, be it a discount or a section. Next, the base price and currency from the Trade Catalog tab, unit of measure and available quantity (for a simple product), and right here, and not somewhere else on another tab - a detailed description and a detailed picture, as well as a description for the announcement. That is, on the principle of making all the most important and sought-after product data in one place. Now they are scattered in 5 tabs, you have grouped them programmatically. But we must look from the perspective of a content manager who enjoys all this happiness; he does not have a complete picture on the “Product” tab. Perhaps it’s worth adding the property groups for grouping on the “Product” page for the product’s properties in their parameters in the information block, now they go in sort order and can only be grouped on tabs. I do not pretend to be true in this matter, but the paradox is that not one of the developers of the 1C-Bitrix admin admin added himself in it with handles at least for a hundred products. You will say that the admin panel can be customized as you wish, to which I will answer that you need to immediately make the most convenient interface.
In discounts when choosing specific products in general trouble. The selection of goods in the same form is not canceled. Like once clicked and missed - make a discount. The same goods may be included in the discount in duplicates - please check the goods for uniqueness. When you click on the “Select” link, “Expand” is always triggered, because the reversal of trading offers is configured for a single click on the entire line. And the hint hint is blatantly lying to us, which is double. The “Select” link itself without padding type padding, that is, for it to work, you must directly hit the word with the mouse, miss a bit - “Expand” will be executed. It was me who, in my youth, set records in the Minesweeper game, and ordinary people simply beat their innocent mice. In the selection list of specific products for discounts, it is necessary to mark products that fall under existing discounts. Directly a column with the numbers of the rules of the basket and tips-names of the rules when you hover over each product. So that the user does not add up discounts to existing ones. And where at pagination the product entry window runs away? And it runs well, right down the edge of the screen. When you re-enter the selection of goods for a discount, highlight previously selected goods.
And why is the cache being cleaned for so long through the admin panel? I do not delete files via FTP, in fact, but directly on the server. Reorganize it somehow, let it possibly be instantly all the contents of the folders with the cache bang without affecting the operation of the site. I don’t have so much time to wait for its reset to finally see the actual data on the site.
Why does the discount action group not work? Type the order amount is more than 5 thousand rubles. - a discount of 500 rubles, more than 10 thousand rubles. - a discount of 1 thousand rubles, more than 15 thousand rubles. - discount 1500 rubles. How difficult is it to program everything, is fractal math used?
By the way, here in the screenshot not “Add action”, but “Add condition”. Do not confuse cause and effect, especially do not confuse the effect.

And now applied-objective. Properties in GetList D7 - when are they? Why are respectable programmers forced to use old methods? A good thing, bring it to its logical conclusion. Customization of Sale Order AJAX - they are still hung up and almost downloaded by bots - remake this template for people, now it is a ditch with water and stakes on the way to a ready online store. Start with a complete and clear documentation for the current Sale Order AJAX template, with detailed examples. And then you are like my dad, he brought me things up to 18 years old in an orderless manner, they say to, son, carry on health. And what tastes and desires I have there, he did not care. In general, the “eat what they give” approach is wrong. Why does the bitrixsetup.php installer fall off in the middle of the installation with an array syntax error in PHP of old version 5.3 (which, for example, by default on REG.RU for new sites), and does not check the PHP version itself at startup with the appropriate warning? Well, or the arrays are there to rewrite everything in the old syntax, if you want to maintain compatibility. I know that somewhere on your site somewhere there is a minimum of 7.1 written about PHP, you do the installer, taking into account the presence of beginners to master 1C-Bitrix.
And how do you respond to external challenges. So I wrote a negative article on Habré, 20 thousand watched it. Someone more, someone less carefully. And no one has unsubscribed from your company, as if you weren’t in nature. Habr is your glade, here are your programmers, on whom everything rests. True, Yuri Voloshin (the head of the product management department of 1C-Bitrix) came to VC on a similar publication, wrote a couple of comments in the style of “yes, everything is working for us,” but then jumped off the discussion. I sincerely hope that he went to set goals for the read product management department. Once, on a personal page on Facebook, I described how MTS connected some garbage to me and stole money, and that I went with Tele2 along with the number. On Facebook, I only have 42 friends, no one really reads my fabrications. Duck immediately ran a manager, let's in a personal, let's in a personal, discuss everything, let's in a personal. Try to write something on VC about the Tinkov bank - a representative will instantly jump in - give your details, we will understand. This means that they monitor and work closely with the administration of social networks and media resources in real time. Why don’t you react, do you think it will resolve itself, as after Kashpirovsky’s sessions?
Where is your tech support? People bring you information on improving the product for free, find bugs, here, edit, improve. Here my friend found a cant in the work of your feature - tagged cache. Which does not plow with multisite and memcached enabled. More precisely, it plows only for the main site, and all the rest are updated as you want. He wrote to you about the error at the end of June, you recognized the problem in a week and transferred it to development. Now it’s November, and it seems to me it's time to update the cache for your developers, otherwise they are looking at old and ready-made tasks, but they don’t seem to see new ones. You are there in 1C-Bitrix, I think you can guess what the state of the body is called when a very important organ ceases to work in it.
I understand that you got into the development and promotion of Bitrix24 there, but, as they say, you haven’t served time yet. That, by the way, with the interaction between 1C-Bitrix and Bitrix24. Why should I purchase as many as 2 third-party modules for synchronizing properties and statuses of orders? You are one office, so make a bow, build bridges between the products. Do you want to promote Bitrix24, here and plant citizens on it indirectly. And recently, these modules have begun to reset all discounts on orders in 1C-Bitrix when changing the status of an order in Bitrix24. Maybe this is of course a new customer monetization strategy like this.
Total You have 1C-Bitrix and you will not run away from it in any new and carefree Bitrix24 in the next 5 or even 10 years. Therefore, you need to make an effort on yourself and finish it, the start list is attached. I myself know that when I have done 95% of the task, it’s very, very difficult to complete the remaining 5%. But it is necessary, dear Kaliningrad Bitrixoids, it is necessary.
PS Specially changed to the full brand name, maybe Moscow will catch up.
PPS And more. Without all the jambs of your platform listed by me in both articles, you can live, people of course suffer, grumble, but somehow manage. But I do not get tired of repeating if you do image size optimization without loss of quality at the platform level, with real-time conversion and close in result to - then the 1C-Bitrix brand and your surnames will echo forever.