50 shades of matplotlib - The Master Plots (with full Python code)

Those who work with data are well aware that happiness is not in the neural network, but in how to process the data correctly. But in order to process them, you must first analyze the correlations, select the necessary data, throw out the unnecessary, and so on. For such purposes, visualization using the matplotlib library is often used.

Meet me "inside"!


Run the following code to configure. Individual charts, however, override their settings themselves.

# !pip install brewer2mpl import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings(action='once') large = 22; med = 16; small = 12 params = {'axes.titlesize': large, 'legend.fontsize': med, 'figure.figsize': (16, 10), 'axes.labelsize': med, 'axes.titlesize': med, 'xtick.labelsize': med, 'ytick.labelsize': med, 'figure.titlesize': large} plt.rcParams.update(params) plt.style.use('seaborn-whitegrid') sns.set_style("white") %matplotlib inline # Version print(mpl.__version__) #> 3.0.0 print(sns.__version__) #> 0.9.0


Correlation plots are used to visualize the relationship between 2 or more variables. That is, how one variable changes in relation to another.

1. Scatter plot

Scatteplot is a classic and fundamental chart view used to examine the relationship between two variables. If you have several groups in your data, you can visualize each group in a different color. In matplotlib you can easily do this using plt.scatterplot ().

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 # Import dataset midwest = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/midwest_filter.csv") # Prepare Data # Create as many colors as there are unique midwest['category'] categories = np.unique(midwest['category']) colors = [plt.cm.tab10(i/float(len(categories)-1)) for i in range(len(categories))] # Draw Plot for Each Category plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') for i, category in enumerate(categories): plt.scatter('area', 'poptotal', data=midwest.loc[midwest.category==category, :], s=20, c=colors[i], label=str(category)) # Decorations plt.gca().set(xlim=(0.0, 0.1), ylim=(0, 90000), xlabel='Area', ylabel='Population') plt.xticks(fontsize=12); plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.title("Scatterplot of Midwest Area vs Population", fontsize=22) plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.show()

2. Bubble chart with group capture

Sometimes you want to show a group of points inside the border to emphasize their importance. In this example, we get the records from the data frame to be allocated, and pass them to encircle () described in the code below.

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 from matplotlib import patches from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore') sns.set_style("white") # Step 1: Prepare Data midwest = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/midwest_filter.csv") # As many colors as there are unique midwest['category'] categories = np.unique(midwest['category']) colors = [plt.cm.tab10(i/float(len(categories)-1)) for i in range(len(categories))] # Step 2: Draw Scatterplot with unique color for each category fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') for i, category in enumerate(categories): plt.scatter('area', 'poptotal', data=midwest.loc[midwest.category==category, :], s='dot_size', c=colors[i], label=str(category), edgecolors='black', linewidths=.5) # Step 3: Encircling # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44575681/how-do-i-encircle-different-data-sets-in-scatter-plot def encircle(x,y, ax=None, **kw): if not ax: ax=plt.gca() p = np.c_[x,y] hull = ConvexHull(p) poly = plt.Polygon(p[hull.vertices,:], **kw) ax.add_patch(poly) # Select data to be encircled midwest_encircle_data = midwest.loc[midwest.state=='IN', :] # Draw polygon surrounding vertices encircle(midwest_encircle_data.area, midwest_encircle_data.poptotal, ec="k", fc="gold", alpha=0.1) encircle(midwest_encircle_data.area, midwest_encircle_data.poptotal, ec="firebrick", fc="none", linewidth=1.5) # Step 4: Decorations plt.gca().set(xlim=(0.0, 0.1), ylim=(0, 90000), xlabel='Area', ylabel='Population') plt.xticks(fontsize=12); plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.title("Bubble Plot with Encircling", fontsize=22) plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.show()

3. Best fit linear regression graph

If you want to understand how two variables change in relation to each other, the best fit line is best. The graph below shows how best fit differs among different data groups. To disable groupings and simply draw one best fit line for the entire dataset, remove the hue = 'cyl' parameter from sns.lmplot () below.

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") df_select = df.loc[df.cyl.isin([4,8]), :] # Plot sns.set_style("white") gridobj = sns.lmplot(x="displ", y="hwy", hue="cyl", data=df_select, height=7, aspect=1.6, robust=True, palette='tab10', scatter_kws=dict(s=60, linewidths=.7, edgecolors='black')) # Decorations gridobj.set(xlim=(0.5, 7.5), ylim=(0, 50)) plt.title("Scatterplot with line of best fit grouped by number of cylinders", fontsize=20) plt.show()

Each regression row in its own column

In addition, you can show the best fit line for each group in a separate column. You want to do this by setting the col = groupingcolumn parameter inside sns.lmplot ().

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") df_select = df.loc[df.cyl.isin([4,8]), :] # Each line in its own column sns.set_style("white") gridobj = sns.lmplot(x="displ", y="hwy", data=df_select, height=7, robust=True, palette='Set1', col="cyl", scatter_kws=dict(s=60, linewidths=.7, edgecolors='black')) # Decorations gridobj.set(xlim=(0.5, 7.5), ylim=(0, 50)) plt.show()

4. Stripplot

Often multiple data points have the same X and Y values. As a result, multiple data points are plotted on top of each other and hidden. To avoid this, move the dots slightly apart so you can see them visually. This is conveniently done using stripplot ().

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Draw Stripplot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) sns.stripplot(df.cty, df.hwy, jitter=0.25, size=8, ax=ax, linewidth=.5) # Decorations plt.title('Use jittered plots to avoid overlapping of points', fontsize=22) plt.show()

5. Counting Plot

Another option to avoid the problem of overlapping points is to increase the size of the point depending on how many points lie in this place. Thus, the larger the point size, the greater the concentration of points around it.

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") df_counts = df.groupby(['hwy', 'cty']).size().reset_index(name='counts') # Draw Stripplot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) sns.stripplot(df_counts.cty, df_counts.hwy, size=df_counts.counts*2, ax=ax) # Decorations plt.title('Counts Plot - Size of circle is bigger as more points overlap', fontsize=22) plt.show()

6. A bar chart

Line histograms have a histogram along the X and Y axis variables. This is used to visualize the relationship between X and Y together with the one-dimensional distribution of X and Y individually. This graph is often used in data analysis (EDA).

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Create Fig and gridspec fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi= 80) grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.2) # Define the axes ax_main = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, :-1]) ax_right = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, -1], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) ax_bottom = fig.add_subplot(grid[-1, 0:-1], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) # Scatterplot on main ax ax_main.scatter('displ', 'hwy', s=df.cty*4, c=df.manufacturer.astype('category').cat.codes, alpha=.9, data=df, cmap="tab10", edgecolors='gray', linewidths=.5) # histogram on the right ax_bottom.hist(df.displ, 40, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='vertical', color='deeppink') ax_bottom.invert_yaxis() # histogram in the bottom ax_right.hist(df.hwy, 40, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal', color='deeppink') # Decorations ax_main.set(title='Scatterplot with Histograms \n displ vs hwy', xlabel='displ', ylabel='hwy') ax_main.title.set_fontsize(20) for item in ([ax_main.xaxis.label, ax_main.yaxis.label] + ax_main.get_xticklabels() + ax_main.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(14) xlabels = ax_main.get_xticks().tolist() ax_main.set_xticklabels(xlabels) plt.show()

7. Boxplot

Boxplot serves the same purpose as a line-by-line histogram. However, this graph helps pinpoint the median, 25th and 75th percentiles of X and Y.

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Create Fig and gridspec fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi= 80) grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.2) # Define the axes ax_main = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, :-1]) ax_right = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, -1], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) ax_bottom = fig.add_subplot(grid[-1, 0:-1], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) # Scatterplot on main ax ax_main.scatter('displ', 'hwy', s=df.cty*5, c=df.manufacturer.astype('category').cat.codes, alpha=.9, data=df, cmap="Set1", edgecolors='black', linewidths=.5) # Add a graph in each part sns.boxplot(df.hwy, ax=ax_right, orient="v") sns.boxplot(df.displ, ax=ax_bottom, orient="h") # Decorations ------------------ # Remove x axis name for the boxplot ax_bottom.set(xlabel='') ax_right.set(ylabel='') # Main Title, Xlabel and YLabel ax_main.set(title='Scatterplot with Histograms \n displ vs hwy', xlabel='displ', ylabel='hwy') # Set font size of different components ax_main.title.set_fontsize(20) for item in ([ax_main.xaxis.label, ax_main.yaxis.label] + ax_main.get_xticklabels() + ax_main.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(14) plt.show()

8. The correlation diagram

The correlation diagram is used to visually view the correlation metric between all possible pairs of numeric variables in a given dataset (or two-dimensional array).

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 # Import Dataset df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mtcars.csv") # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(12,10), dpi= 80) sns.heatmap(df.corr(), xticklabels=df.corr().columns, yticklabels=df.corr().columns, cmap='RdYlGn', center=0, annot=True) # Decorations plt.title('Correlogram of mtcars', fontsize=22) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.show()

9. Pair schedule

Often used in research analysis to understand the relationship between all possible pairs of numeric variables. This is a required tool for two-dimensional analysis.

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 # Load Dataset df = sns.load_dataset('iris') # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(10,8), dpi= 80) sns.pairplot(df, kind="scatter", hue="species", plot_kws=dict(s=80, edgecolor="white", linewidth=2.5)) plt.show()

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 # Load Dataset df = sns.load_dataset('iris') # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(10,8), dpi= 80) sns.pairplot(df, kind="reg", hue="species") plt.show()


10. Diverging columns

If you want to see how the elements change depending on one metric, and to visualize the order and magnitude of this dispersion, diverging columns are a great tool. It helps to quickly differentiate the performance of groups in your data, is quite intuitive and instantly conveys meaning.

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 # Prepare Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mtcars.csv") x = df.loc[:, ['mpg']] df['mpg_z'] = (x - x.mean())/x.std() df['colors'] = ['red' if x < 0 else 'green' for x in df['mpg_z']] df.sort_values('mpg_z', inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Draw plot plt.figure(figsize=(14,10), dpi= 80) plt.hlines(y=df.index, xmin=0, xmax=df.mpg_z, color=df.colors, alpha=0.4, linewidth=5) # Decorations plt.gca().set(ylabel='$Model$', xlabel='$Mileage$') plt.yticks(df.index, df.cars, fontsize=12) plt.title('Diverging Bars of Car Mileage', fontdict={'size':20}) plt.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) plt.show()

11. Diverging columns with text

- similar to diverging columns, and it is preferable if you want to show the significance of each element in the diagram in a good and presentable form.

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 # Prepare Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mtcars.csv") x = df.loc[:, ['mpg']] df['mpg_z'] = (x - x.mean())/x.std() df['colors'] = ['red' if x < 0 else 'green' for x in df['mpg_z']] df.sort_values('mpg_z', inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Draw plot plt.figure(figsize=(14,14), dpi= 80) plt.hlines(y=df.index, xmin=0, xmax=df.mpg_z) for x, y, tex in zip(df.mpg_z, df.index, df.mpg_z): t = plt.text(x, y, round(tex, 2), horizontalalignment='right' if x < 0 else 'left', verticalalignment='center', fontdict={'color':'red' if x < 0 else 'green', 'size':14}) # Decorations plt.yticks(df.index, df.cars, fontsize=12) plt.title('Diverging Text Bars of Car Mileage', fontdict={'size':20}) plt.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) plt.xlim(-2.5, 2.5) plt.show()

12. Divergent points

The graph of diverging points is also similar to diverging columns. However, compared to diverging columns, the absence of columns reduces the degree of contrast and discrepancy between the groups.

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 # Prepare Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mtcars.csv") x = df.loc[:, ['mpg']] df['mpg_z'] = (x - x.mean())/x.std() df['colors'] = ['red' if x < 0 else 'darkgreen' for x in df['mpg_z']] df.sort_values('mpg_z', inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Draw plot plt.figure(figsize=(14,16), dpi= 80) plt.scatter(df.mpg_z, df.index, s=450, alpha=.6, color=df.colors) for x, y, tex in zip(df.mpg_z, df.index, df.mpg_z): t = plt.text(x, y, round(tex, 1), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontdict={'color':'white'}) # Decorations # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) plt.yticks(df.index, df.cars) plt.title('Diverging Dotplot of Car Mileage', fontdict={'size':20}) plt.xlabel('$Mileage$') plt.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) plt.xlim(-2.5, 2.5) plt.show()

13. Divergent Lollipop chart with markers

Lollipop provides a flexible way to visualize discrepancies, focusing on any relevant data points that you want to pay attention to.

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 # Prepare Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mtcars.csv") x = df.loc[:, ['mpg']] df['mpg_z'] = (x - x.mean())/x.std() df['colors'] = 'black' # color fiat differently df.loc[df.cars == 'Fiat X1-9', 'colors'] = 'darkorange' df.sort_values('mpg_z', inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Draw plot import matplotlib.patches as patches plt.figure(figsize=(14,16), dpi= 80) plt.hlines(y=df.index, xmin=0, xmax=df.mpg_z, color=df.colors, alpha=0.4, linewidth=1) plt.scatter(df.mpg_z, df.index, color=df.colors, s=[600 if x == 'Fiat X1-9' else 300 for x in df.cars], alpha=0.6) plt.yticks(df.index, df.cars) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) # Annotate plt.annotate('Mercedes Models', xy=(0.0, 11.0), xytext=(1.0, 11), xycoords='data', fontsize=15, ha='center', va='center', bbox=dict(boxstyle='square', fc='firebrick'), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-[, widthB=2.0, lengthB=1.5', lw=2.0, color='steelblue'), color='white') # Add Patches p1 = patches.Rectangle((-2.0, -1), width=.3, height=3, alpha=.2, facecolor='red') p2 = patches.Rectangle((1.5, 27), width=.8, height=5, alpha=.2, facecolor='green') plt.gca().add_patch(p1) plt.gca().add_patch(p2) # Decorate plt.title('Diverging Bars of Car Mileage', fontdict={'size':20}) plt.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) plt.show()

14. Area chart

Coloring the area between the axis and the lines, the area diagram emphasizes the peaks and troughs, but also on the duration of the highs and lows. The longer the peaks, the larger the area under the line.

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 import numpy as np import pandas as pd # Prepare Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/economics.csv", parse_dates=['date']).head(100) x = np.arange(df.shape[0]) y_returns = (df.psavert.diff().fillna(0)/df.psavert.shift(1)).fillna(0) * 100 # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) plt.fill_between(x[1:], y_returns[1:], 0, where=y_returns[1:] >= 0, facecolor='green', interpolate=True, alpha=0.7) plt.fill_between(x[1:], y_returns[1:], 0, where=y_returns[1:] <= 0, facecolor='red', interpolate=True, alpha=0.7) # Annotate plt.annotate('Peak \n1975', xy=(94.0, 21.0), xytext=(88.0, 28), bbox=dict(boxstyle='square', fc='firebrick'), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='steelblue', shrink=0.05), fontsize=15, color='white') # Decorations xtickvals = [str(m)[:3].upper()+"-"+str(y) for y,m in zip(df.date.dt.year, df.date.dt.month_name())] plt.gca().set_xticks(x[::6]) plt.gca().set_xticklabels(xtickvals[::6], rotation=90, fontdict={'horizontalalignment': 'center', 'verticalalignment': 'center_baseline'}) plt.ylim(-35,35) plt.xlim(1,100) plt.title("Month Economics Return %", fontsize=22) plt.ylabel('Monthly returns %') plt.grid(alpha=0.5) plt.show()


15. Ordered histogram

An ordered histogram effectively conveys the ranking order of elements. But by adding a metric value above the chart, the user receives accurate information from the chart itself.

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 # Prepare Data df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") df = df_raw[['cty', 'manufacturer']].groupby('manufacturer').apply(lambda x: x.mean()) df.sort_values('cty', inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Draw plot import matplotlib.patches as patches fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10), facecolor='white', dpi= 80) ax.vlines(x=df.index, ymin=0, ymax=df.cty, color='firebrick', alpha=0.7, linewidth=20) # Annotate Text for i, cty in enumerate(df.cty): ax.text(i, cty+0.5, round(cty, 1), horizontalalignment='center') # Title, Label, Ticks and Ylim ax.set_title('Bar Chart for Highway Mileage', fontdict={'size':22}) ax.set(ylabel='Miles Per Gallon', ylim=(0, 30)) plt.xticks(df.index, df.manufacturer.str.upper(), rotation=60, horizontalalignment='right', fontsize=12) # Add patches to color the X axis labels p1 = patches.Rectangle((.57, -0.005), width=.33, height=.13, alpha=.1, facecolor='green', transform=fig.transFigure) p2 = patches.Rectangle((.124, -0.005), width=.446, height=.13, alpha=.1, facecolor='red', transform=fig.transFigure) fig.add_artist(p1) fig.add_artist(p2) plt.show()

16. Lollipop chart

The Lollipop chart serves a similar purpose as an ordered histogram in a visually pleasing way.

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 # Prepare Data df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") df = df_raw[['cty', 'manufacturer']].groupby('manufacturer').apply(lambda x: x.mean()) df.sort_values('cty', inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Draw plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) ax.vlines(x=df.index, ymin=0, ymax=df.cty, color='firebrick', alpha=0.7, linewidth=2) ax.scatter(x=df.index, y=df.cty, s=75, color='firebrick', alpha=0.7) # Title, Label, Ticks and Ylim ax.set_title('Lollipop Chart for Highway Mileage', fontdict={'size':22}) ax.set_ylabel('Miles Per Gallon') ax.set_xticks(df.index) ax.set_xticklabels(df.manufacturer.str.upper(), rotation=60, fontdict={'horizontalalignment': 'right', 'size':12}) ax.set_ylim(0, 30) # Annotate for row in df.itertuples(): ax.text(row.Index, row.cty+.5, s=round(row.cty, 2), horizontalalignment= 'center', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=14) plt.show()

17. Dotted chart with signatures

A scatter plot conveys the ranking of items. And since it is aligned along the horizontal axis, you can visually assess how far the points are from each other.

Show code
 # Prepare Data df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") df = df_raw[['cty', 'manufacturer']].groupby('manufacturer').apply(lambda x: x.mean()) df.sort_values('cty', inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Draw plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) ax.hlines(y=df.index, xmin=11, xmax=26, color='gray', alpha=0.7, linewidth=1, linestyles='dashdot') ax.scatter(y=df.index, x=df.cty, s=75, color='firebrick', alpha=0.7) # Title, Label, Ticks and Ylim ax.set_title('Dot Plot for Highway Mileage', fontdict={'size':22}) ax.set_xlabel('Miles Per Gallon') ax.set_yticks(df.index) ax.set_yticklabels(df.manufacturer.str.title(), fontdict={'horizontalalignment': 'right'}) ax.set_xlim(10, 27) plt.show()

18. Inclined map

The slope chart is most suitable for comparing the โ€œBeforeโ€ and โ€œAfterโ€ positions of a given person / subject.

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 import matplotlib.lines as mlines # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/gdppercap.csv") left_label = [str(c) + ', '+ str(round(y)) for c, y in zip(df.continent, df['1952'])] right_label = [str(c) + ', '+ str(round(y)) for c, y in zip(df.continent, df['1957'])] klass = ['red' if (y1-y2) < 0 else 'green' for y1, y2 in zip(df['1952'], df['1957'])] # draw line # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36470343/how-to-draw-a-line-with-matplotlib/36479941 def newline(p1, p2, color='black'): ax = plt.gca() l = mlines.Line2D([p1[0],p2[0]], [p1[1],p2[1]], color='red' if p1[1]-p2[1] > 0 else 'green', marker='o', markersize=6) ax.add_line(l) return l fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(14,14), dpi= 80) # Vertical Lines ax.vlines(x=1, ymin=500, ymax=13000, color='black', alpha=0.7, linewidth=1, linestyles='dotted') ax.vlines(x=3, ymin=500, ymax=13000, color='black', alpha=0.7, linewidth=1, linestyles='dotted') # Points ax.scatter(y=df['1952'], x=np.repeat(1, df.shape[0]), s=10, color='black', alpha=0.7) ax.scatter(y=df['1957'], x=np.repeat(3, df.shape[0]), s=10, color='black', alpha=0.7) # Line Segmentsand Annotation for p1, p2, c in zip(df['1952'], df['1957'], df['continent']): newline([1,p1], [3,p2]) ax.text(1-0.05, p1, c + ', ' + str(round(p1)), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', fontdict={'size':14}) ax.text(3+0.05, p2, c + ', ' + str(round(p2)), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontdict={'size':14}) # 'Before' and 'After' Annotations ax.text(1-0.05, 13000, 'BEFORE', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', fontdict={'size':18, 'weight':700}) ax.text(3+0.05, 13000, 'AFTER', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontdict={'size':18, 'weight':700}) # Decoration ax.set_title("Slopechart: Comparing GDP Per Capita between 1952 vs 1957", fontdict={'size':22}) ax.set(xlim=(0,4), ylim=(0,14000), ylabel='Mean GDP Per Capita') ax.set_xticks([1,3]) ax.set_xticklabels(["1952", "1957"]) plt.yticks(np.arange(500, 13000, 2000), fontsize=12) # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(.0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.0) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(.0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(.0) plt.show()

19. "Dumbbells"

The โ€œDumbbellโ€ graph conveys the โ€œbeforeโ€ and โ€œafterโ€ positions of various influences, as well as the ranking order of items. This is very useful if you want to visualize the effect of something on different objects.

Show code
 import matplotlib.lines as mlines # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/health.csv") df.sort_values('pct_2014', inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Func to draw line segment def newline(p1, p2, color='black'): ax = plt.gca() l = mlines.Line2D([p1[0],p2[0]], [p1[1],p2[1]], color='skyblue') ax.add_line(l) return l # Figure and Axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(14,14), facecolor='#f7f7f7', dpi= 80) # Vertical Lines ax.vlines(x=.05, ymin=0, ymax=26, color='black', alpha=1, linewidth=1, linestyles='dotted') ax.vlines(x=.10, ymin=0, ymax=26, color='black', alpha=1, linewidth=1, linestyles='dotted') ax.vlines(x=.15, ymin=0, ymax=26, color='black', alpha=1, linewidth=1, linestyles='dotted') ax.vlines(x=.20, ymin=0, ymax=26, color='black', alpha=1, linewidth=1, linestyles='dotted') # Points ax.scatter(y=df['index'], x=df['pct_2013'], s=50, color='#0e668b', alpha=0.7) ax.scatter(y=df['index'], x=df['pct_2014'], s=50, color='#a3c4dc', alpha=0.7) # Line Segments for i, p1, p2 in zip(df['index'], df['pct_2013'], df['pct_2014']): newline([p1, i], [p2, i]) # Decoration ax.set_facecolor('#f7f7f7') ax.set_title("Dumbell Chart: Pct Change - 2013 vs 2014", fontdict={'size':22}) ax.set(xlim=(0,.25), ylim=(-1, 27), ylabel='Mean GDP Per Capita') ax.set_xticks([.05, .1, .15, .20]) ax.set_xticklabels(['5%', '15%', '20%', '25%']) ax.set_xticklabels(['5%', '15%', '20%', '25%']) plt.show()


20. Histogram for a continuous variable

The histogram shows the frequency distribution of this variable. The following presentation groups frequency bands based on a categorical variable.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Prepare data x_var = 'displ' groupby_var = 'class' df_agg = df.loc[:, [x_var, groupby_var]].groupby(groupby_var) vals = [df[x_var].values.tolist() for i, df in df_agg] # Draw plt.figure(figsize=(16,9), dpi= 80) colors = [plt.cm.Spectral(i/float(len(vals)-1)) for i in range(len(vals))] n, bins, patches = plt.hist(vals, 30, stacked=True, density=False, color=colors[:len(vals)]) # Decoration plt.legend({group:col for group, col in zip(np.unique(df[groupby_var]).tolist(), colors[:len(vals)])}) plt.title(f"Stacked Histogram of ${x_var}$ colored by ${groupby_var}$", fontsize=22) plt.xlabel(x_var) plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.ylim(0, 25) plt.xticks(ticks=bins[::3], labels=[round(b,1) for b in bins[::3]]) plt.show()

21. Histogram for a categorical variable

The histogram of a categorical variable shows the frequency distribution of this variable. By coloring the columns, you can visualize the distribution in relation to another categorical variable representing colors.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Prepare data x_var = 'manufacturer' groupby_var = 'class' df_agg = df.loc[:, [x_var, groupby_var]].groupby(groupby_var) vals = [df[x_var].values.tolist() for i, df in df_agg] # Draw plt.figure(figsize=(16,9), dpi= 80) colors = [plt.cm.Spectral(i/float(len(vals)-1)) for i in range(len(vals))] n, bins, patches = plt.hist(vals, df[x_var].unique().__len__(), stacked=True, density=False, color=colors[:len(vals)]) # Decoration plt.legend({group:col for group, col in zip(np.unique(df[groupby_var]).tolist(), colors[:len(vals)])}) plt.title(f"Stacked Histogram of ${x_var}$ colored by ${groupby_var}$", fontsize=22) plt.xlabel(x_var) plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.ylim(0, 40) plt.xticks(ticks=bins, labels=np.unique(df[x_var]).tolist(), rotation=90, horizontalalignment='left') plt.show()

22. Density graph

Density graphs are a widely used tool for visualizing the distribution of a continuous variable. Having grouped them by the variable โ€œresponseโ€, you can check the relationship between X and Y. The following is an example if, for clarity, we describe how the distribution of mileage in the city varies depending on the number of cylinders.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) sns.kdeplot(df.loc[df['cyl'] == 4, "cty"], shade=True, color="g", label="Cyl=4", alpha=.7) sns.kdeplot(df.loc[df['cyl'] == 5, "cty"], shade=True, color="deeppink", label="Cyl=5", alpha=.7) sns.kdeplot(df.loc[df['cyl'] == 6, "cty"], shade=True, color="dodgerblue", label="Cyl=6", alpha=.7) sns.kdeplot(df.loc[df['cyl'] == 8, "cty"], shade=True, color="orange", label="Cyl=8", alpha=.7) # Decoration plt.title('Density Plot of City Mileage by n_Cylinders', fontsize=22) plt.legend() plt.show()

23. Density Curves with a Histogram

The density curve with a histogram combines the summary information transmitted by the two graphs, so you can see both in one place.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(13,10), dpi= 80) sns.distplot(df.loc[df['class'] == 'compact', "cty"], color="dodgerblue", label="Compact", hist_kws={'alpha':.7}, kde_kws={'linewidth':3}) sns.distplot(df.loc[df['class'] == 'suv', "cty"], color="orange", label="SUV", hist_kws={'alpha':.7}, kde_kws={'linewidth':3}) sns.distplot(df.loc[df['class'] == 'minivan', "cty"], color="g", label="minivan", hist_kws={'alpha':.7}, kde_kws={'linewidth':3}) plt.ylim(0, 0.35) # Decoration plt.title('Density Plot of City Mileage by Vehicle Type', fontsize=22) plt.legend() plt.show()

24. Joy chart

Joy chart allows you to overlap the density curves of different groups, this is a great way to visualize the distribution of a large number of groups in relation to each other. It looks pleasing to the eye and clearly conveys only the correct information.

Show code
 # !pip install joypy # Import Data mpg = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) fig, axes = joypy.joyplot(mpg, column=['hwy', 'cty'], by="class", ylim='own', figsize=(14,10)) # Decoration plt.title('Joy Plot of City and Highway Mileage by Class', fontsize=22) plt.show()

25. Distributed Scatter Chart

The distributed scatter plot shows a one-dimensional distribution of points segmented into groups. The darker the points, the greater the concentration of data points in this region. In different ways, coloring the median, the real arrangement of groups becomes obvious instantly.

Show code
 import matplotlib.patches as mpatches # Prepare Data df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") cyl_colors = {4:'tab:red', 5:'tab:green', 6:'tab:blue', 8:'tab:orange'} df_raw['cyl_color'] = df_raw.cyl.map(cyl_colors) # Mean and Median city mileage by make df = df_raw[['cty', 'manufacturer']].groupby('manufacturer').apply(lambda x: x.mean()) df.sort_values('cty', ascending=False, inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df_median = df_raw[['cty', 'manufacturer']].groupby('manufacturer').apply(lambda x: x.median()) # Draw horizontal lines fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) ax.hlines(y=df.index, xmin=0, xmax=40, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linewidth=.5, linestyles='dashdot') # Draw the Dots for i, make in enumerate(df.manufacturer): df_make = df_raw.loc[df_raw.manufacturer==make, :] ax.scatter(y=np.repeat(i, df_make.shape[0]), x='cty', data=df_make, s=75, edgecolors='gray', c='w', alpha=0.5) ax.scatter(y=i, x='cty', data=df_median.loc[df_median.index==make, :], s=75, c='firebrick') # Annotate ax.text(33, 13, "$red \; dots \; are \; the \: median$", fontdict={'size':12}, color='firebrick') # Decorations red_patch = plt.plot([],[], marker="o", ms=10, ls="", mec=None, color='firebrick', label="Median") plt.legend(handles=red_patch) ax.set_title('Distribution of City Mileage by Make', fontdict={'size':22}) ax.set_xlabel('Miles Per Gallon (City)', alpha=0.7) ax.set_yticks(df.index) ax.set_yticklabels(df.manufacturer.str.title(), fontdict={'horizontalalignment': 'right'}, alpha=0.7) ax.set_xlim(1, 40) plt.xticks(alpha=0.7) plt.gca().spines["top"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_visible(False) plt.grid(axis='both', alpha=.4, linewidth=.1) plt.show()

26. Charts with rectangles

Such graphs are a great way to visualize the distribution, knowing the median, the 25th, 75th quartiles and highs with lows. However, you should be careful when interpreting the size of the fields, which can potentially distort the number of points contained in this group. Thus, manual indication of the number of observations in each cell will help to overcome this drawback.

For example, the first two rectangles on the left are the same size, although they have 5 and 47 data elements, respectively. Therefore, it is necessary to note the number of observations.

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(13,10), dpi= 80) sns.boxplot(x='class', y='hwy', data=df, notch=False) # Add N Obs inside boxplot (optional) def add_n_obs(df,group_col,y): medians_dict = {grp[0]:grp[1][y].median() for grp in df.groupby(group_col)} xticklabels = [x.get_text() for x in plt.gca().get_xticklabels()] n_obs = df.groupby(group_col)[y].size().values for (x, xticklabel), n_ob in zip(enumerate(xticklabels), n_obs): plt.text(x, medians_dict[xticklabel]*1.01, "#obs : "+str(n_ob), horizontalalignment='center', fontdict={'size':14}, color='white') add_n_obs(df,group_col='class',y='hwy') # Decoration plt.title('Box Plot of Highway Mileage by Vehicle Class', fontsize=22) plt.ylim(10, 40) plt.show()

27. Charts with rectangles and dots

Dot + Box plot transmits similar information, like boxplot, divided into groups. In addition, dots give an idea of โ€‹โ€‹the number of data items in each group.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(13,10), dpi= 80) sns.boxplot(x='class', y='hwy', data=df, hue='cyl') sns.stripplot(x='class', y='hwy', data=df, color='black', size=3, jitter=1) for i in range(len(df['class'].unique())-1): plt.vlines(i+.5, 10, 45, linestyles='solid', colors='gray', alpha=0.2) # Decoration plt.title('Box Plot of Highway Mileage by Vehicle Class', fontsize=22) plt.legend(title='Cylinders') plt.show()

28. Schedule โ€œviolinsโ€

Such a schedule is a visually pleasing alternative to boxplot. The shape or area of โ€‹โ€‹the โ€œviolinโ€ depends on the amount of data in this group. However, such graphics can be more difficult to read, and they are usually not used in professional settings.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(13,10), dpi= 80) sns.violinplot(x='class', y='hwy', data=df, scale='width', inner='quartile') # Decoration plt.title('Violin Plot of Highway Mileage by Vehicle Class', fontsize=22) plt.show()

29. Pyramid of population

A population pyramid can be used to show the distribution of groups ordered by volume, or to show phased filtering of the population, as shown below, to visualize how many people go through each stage of the marketing funnel.

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 # Read data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/email_campaign_funnel.csv") # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(13,10), dpi= 80) group_col = 'Gender' order_of_bars = df.Stage.unique()[::-1] colors = [plt.cm.Spectral(i/float(len(df[group_col].unique())-1)) for i in range(len(df[group_col].unique()))] for c, group in zip(colors, df[group_col].unique()): sns.barplot(x='Users', y='Stage', data=df.loc[df[group_col]==group, :], order=order_of_bars, color=c, label=group) # Decorations plt.xlabel("$Users$") plt.ylabel("Stage of Purchase") plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.title("Population Pyramid of the Marketing Funnel", fontsize=22) plt.legend() plt.show()

30. Categorical charts

The categorical graphs provided by the seaborn library can be used to visualize the distribution of the number of two or more categorical variables relative to each other.

Show code
 # Load Dataset titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic") # Plot g = sns.catplot("alive", col="deck", col_wrap=4, data=titanic[titanic.deck.notnull()], kind="count", height=3.5, aspect=.8, palette='tab20') fig.suptitle('sf') plt.show()

Show code
 # Load Dataset titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic") # Plot sns.catplot(x="age", y="embark_town", hue="sex", col="class", data=titanic[titanic.embark_town.notnull()], orient="h", height=5, aspect=1, palette="tab10", kind="violin", dodge=True, cut=0, bw=.2)

Assembly, composition

31. Waffle diagram

A waffle graph can be created using the pywaffle package and is used to display group compositions in most of the population.

Show code
 #! pip install pywaffle # Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41400136/how-to-do-waffle-charts-in-python-square-piechart from pywaffle import Waffle # Import df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Prepare Data df = df_raw.groupby('class').size().reset_index(name='counts') n_categories = df.shape[0] colors = [plt.cm.inferno_r(i/float(n_categories)) for i in range(n_categories)] # Draw Plot and Decorate fig = plt.figure( FigureClass=Waffle, plots={ '111': { 'values': df['counts'], 'labels': ["{0} ({1})".format(n[0], n[1]) for n in df[['class', 'counts']].itertuples()], 'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1), 'fontsize': 12}, 'title': {'label': '# Vehicles by Class', 'loc': 'center', 'fontsize':18} }, }, rows=7, colors=colors, figsize=(16, 9) )

Show code
 #! pip install pywaffle from pywaffle import Waffle # Import # df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Prepare Data # By Class Data df_class = df_raw.groupby('class').size().reset_index(name='counts_class') n_categories = df_class.shape[0] colors_class = [plt.cm.Set3(i/float(n_categories)) for i in range(n_categories)] # By Cylinders Data df_cyl = df_raw.groupby('cyl').size().reset_index(name='counts_cyl') n_categories = df_cyl.shape[0] colors_cyl = [plt.cm.Spectral(i/float(n_categories)) for i in range(n_categories)] # By Make Data df_make = df_raw.groupby('manufacturer').size().reset_index(name='counts_make') n_categories = df_make.shape[0] colors_make = [plt.cm.tab20b(i/float(n_categories)) for i in range(n_categories)] # Draw Plot and Decorate fig = plt.figure( FigureClass=Waffle, plots={ '311': { 'values': df_class['counts_class'], 'labels': ["{1}".format(n[0], n[1]) for n in df_class[['class', 'counts_class']].itertuples()], 'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1), 'fontsize': 12, 'title':'Class'}, 'title': {'label': '# Vehicles by Class', 'loc': 'center', 'fontsize':18}, 'colors': colors_class }, '312': { 'values': df_cyl['counts_cyl'], 'labels': ["{1}".format(n[0], n[1]) for n in df_cyl[['cyl', 'counts_cyl']].itertuples()], 'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1), 'fontsize': 12, 'title':'Cyl'}, 'title': {'label': '# Vehicles by Cyl', 'loc': 'center', 'fontsize':18}, 'colors': colors_cyl }, '313': { 'values': df_make['counts_make'], 'labels': ["{1}".format(n[0], n[1]) for n in df_make[['manufacturer', 'counts_make']].itertuples()], 'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1), 'fontsize': 12, 'title':'Manufacturer'}, 'title': {'label': '# Vehicles by Make', 'loc': 'center', 'fontsize':18}, 'colors': colors_make } }, rows=9, figsize=(16, 14) )

32. Pie chart

Pie chart is a classic way to show the composition of groups. However, it is currently generally not recommended to use this graph because the area of โ€‹โ€‹the segments can sometimes be misleading. Therefore, if you want to use a pie chart, it is strongly recommended that you explicitly record the percentage or number for each part of the pie chart.

Show code
 # Import df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Prepare Data df = df_raw.groupby('class').size() # Make the plot with pandas df.plot(kind='pie', subplots=True, figsize=(8, 8), dpi= 80) plt.title("Pie Chart of Vehicle Class - Bad") plt.ylabel("") plt.show()

Show code
 # Import df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Prepare Data df = df_raw.groupby('class').size().reset_index(name='counts') # Draw Plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7), subplot_kw=dict(aspect="equal"), dpi= 80) data = df['counts'] categories = df['class'] explode = [0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0] def func(pct, allvals): absolute = int(pct/100.*np.sum(allvals)) return "{:.1f}% ({:d} )".format(pct, absolute) wedges, texts, autotexts = ax.pie(data, autopct=lambda pct: func(pct, data), textprops=dict(color="w"), colors=plt.cm.Dark2.colors, startangle=140, explode=explode) # Decoration ax.legend(wedges, categories, title="Vehicle Class", loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0, 0.5, 1)) plt.setp(autotexts, size=10, weight=700) ax.set_title("Class of Vehicles: Pie Chart") plt.show()

33. Tree map

A tree map is similar to a pie chart and works better without misleading the share of each group.

Show code
 # pip install squarify import squarify # Import Data df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Prepare Data df = df_raw.groupby('class').size().reset_index(name='counts') labels = df.apply(lambda x: str(x[0]) + "\n (" + str(x[1]) + ")", axis=1) sizes = df['counts'].values.tolist() colors = [plt.cm.Spectral(i/float(len(labels))) for i in range(len(labels))] # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(12,8), dpi= 80) squarify.plot(sizes=sizes, label=labels, color=colors, alpha=.8) # Decorate plt.title('Treemap of Vechile Class') plt.axis('off') plt.show()

34. Histogram

A histogram is a classic way to visualize elements based on quantity or any given metric. In the diagram below, I used different colors for each element, but you can choose one color for all elements if you do not want to colorize them in groups. The color names are stored inside all_colors in the code below. You can change the color of the stripes by setting the color parameter in .plt.plot ()

Show code
 import random # Import Data df_raw = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mpg_ggplot2.csv") # Prepare Data df = df_raw.groupby('manufacturer').size().reset_index(name='counts') n = df['manufacturer'].unique().__len__()+1 all_colors = list(plt.cm.colors.cnames.keys()) random.seed(100) c = random.choices(all_colors, k=n) # Plot Bars plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) plt.bar(df['manufacturer'], df['counts'], color=c, width=.5) for i, val in enumerate(df['counts'].values): plt.text(i, val, float(val), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', fontdict={'fontweight':500, 'size':12}) # Decoration plt.gca().set_xticklabels(df['manufacturer'], rotation=60, horizontalalignment= 'right') plt.title("Number of Vehicles by Manaufacturers", fontsize=22) plt.ylabel('# Vehicles') plt.ylim(0, 45) plt.show()

Change tracking

35. Time series chart

A time series chart is used to visualize how a given indicator changes over time. Here you can see how passenger flow has changed from 1949 to 1969.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/AirPassengers.csv') # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) plt.plot('date', 'traffic', data=df, color='tab:red') # Decoration plt.ylim(50, 750) xtick_location = df.index.tolist()[::12] xtick_labels = [x[-4:] for x in df.date.tolist()[::12]] plt.xticks(ticks=xtick_location, labels=xtick_labels, rotation=0, fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', alpha=.7) plt.yticks(fontsize=12, alpha=.7) plt.title("Air Passengers Traffic (1949 - 1969)", fontsize=22) plt.grid(axis='both', alpha=.3) # Remove borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(0.0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(0.3) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(0.0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(0.3) plt.show()

36. Time series with peaks and troughs

The time series below shows all peaks and troughs and marks the occurrence of individual special events.

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/AirPassengers.csv') # Get the Peaks and Troughs data = df['traffic'].values doublediff = np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(data))) peak_locations = np.where(doublediff == -2)[0] + 1 doublediff2 = np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(-1*data))) trough_locations = np.where(doublediff2 == -2)[0] + 1 # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) plt.plot('date', 'traffic', data=df, color='tab:blue', label='Air Traffic') plt.scatter(df.date[peak_locations], df.traffic[peak_locations], marker=mpl.markers.CARETUPBASE, color='tab:green', s=100, label='Peaks') plt.scatter(df.date[trough_locations], df.traffic[trough_locations], marker=mpl.markers.CARETDOWNBASE, color='tab:red', s=100, label='Troughs') # Annotate for t, p in zip(trough_locations[1::5], peak_locations[::3]): plt.text(df.date[p], df.traffic[p]+15, df.date[p], horizontalalignment='center', color='darkgreen') plt.text(df.date[t], df.traffic[t]-35, df.date[t], horizontalalignment='center', color='darkred') # Decoration plt.ylim(50,750) xtick_location = df.index.tolist()[::6] xtick_labels = df.date.tolist()[::6] plt.xticks(ticks=xtick_location, labels=xtick_labels, rotation=90, fontsize=12, alpha=.7) plt.title("Peak and Troughs of Air Passengers Traffic (1949 - 1969)", fontsize=22) plt.yticks(fontsize=12, alpha=.7) # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(.0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(.0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=.3) plt.show()

37. (ACF) (PACF)

The ACF graph shows the correlation of a time series with its own time. Each vertical line (on the autocorrelation graph) represents a correlation between the series and its time, starting at time 0. The blue shaded area on the graph is a significance level. Those moments that lie above the blue line are significant.

So how do you interpret this?

For AirPassengers, we see that at x = 14, the โ€œlollipopsโ€ crossed the blue line and are thus of great importance. This means that passenger traffic observed up to 14 years ago has an impact on the traffic observed today.

PACF, on the other hand, shows autocorrelation of any given time (time series) with the current series, but with the removal of influences between them.

Show code
 from statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots import plot_acf, plot_pacf # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/AirPassengers.csv') # Draw Plot fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2,figsize=(16,6), dpi= 80) plot_acf(df.traffic.tolist(), ax=ax1, lags=50) plot_pacf(df.traffic.tolist(), ax=ax2, lags=20) # Decorate # lighten the borders ax1.spines["top"].set_alpha(.3); ax2.spines["top"].set_alpha(.3) ax1.spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3); ax2.spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) ax1.spines["right"].set_alpha(.3); ax2.spines["right"].set_alpha(.3) ax1.spines["left"].set_alpha(.3); ax2.spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) # font size of tick labels ax1.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=12) ax2.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=12) plt.show()

38. Cross-correlation graph

The cross-correlation graph shows the delays of two time series with each other.

Show code
 import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as stattools # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mortality.csv') x = df['mdeaths'] y = df['fdeaths'] # Compute Cross Correlations ccs = stattools.ccf(x, y)[:100] nlags = len(ccs) # Compute the Significance level # ref: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/3115/cross-correlation-significance-in-r/3128#3128 conf_level = 2 / np.sqrt(nlags) # Draw Plot plt.figure(figsize=(12,7), dpi= 80) plt.hlines(0, xmin=0, xmax=100, color='gray') # 0 axis plt.hlines(conf_level, xmin=0, xmax=100, color='gray') plt.hlines(-conf_level, xmin=0, xmax=100, color='gray') plt.bar(x=np.arange(len(ccs)), height=ccs, width=.3) # Decoration plt.title('$Cross\; Correlation\; Plot:\; mdeaths\; vs\; fdeaths$', fontsize=22) plt.xlim(0,len(ccs)) plt.show()

39. Expansion of time series

The time series expansion chart shows the breakdown of time series into trend, seasonal and residual components.

Show code
 from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose from dateutil.parser import parse # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/AirPassengers.csv') dates = pd.DatetimeIndex([parse(d).strftime('%Y-%m-01') for d in df['date']]) df.set_index(dates, inplace=True) # Decompose result = seasonal_decompose(df['traffic'], model='multiplicative') # Plot plt.rcParams.update({'figure.figsize': (10,10)}) result.plot().suptitle('Time Series Decomposition of Air Passengers') plt.show()

40. Several time series

You can build multiple time series that measure the same value on a single graph, as shown below.

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mortality.csv') # Define the upper limit, lower limit, interval of Y axis and colors y_LL = 100 y_UL = int(df.iloc[:, 1:].max().max()*1.1) y_interval = 400 mycolors = ['tab:red', 'tab:blue', 'tab:green', 'tab:orange'] # Draw Plot and Annotate fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(16, 9), dpi= 80) columns = df.columns[1:] for i, column in enumerate(columns): plt.plot(df.date.values, df .values, lw=1.5, color=mycolors[i]) plt.text(df.shape[0]+1, df .values[-1], column, fontsize=14, color=mycolors[i]) # Draw Tick lines for y in range(y_LL, y_UL, y_interval): plt.hlines(y, xmin=0, xmax=71, colors='black', alpha=0.3, linestyles="--", lw=0.5) # Decorations plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=True, left=False, right=False, labelleft=True) # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) plt.title('Number of Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK (1974-1979)', fontsize=22) plt.yticks(range(y_LL, y_UL, y_interval), [str(y) for y in range(y_LL, y_UL, y_interval)], fontsize=12) plt.xticks(range(0, df.shape[0], 12), df.date.values[::12], horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=12) plt.ylim(y_LL, y_UL) plt.xlim(-2, 80) plt.show()

41. Construction at different scales using the secondary axis Y

If you want to show two time series that measure two different quantities at the same time, you can build the second series again on the secondary Y axis on the right.

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 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/economics.csv") x = df['date'] y1 = df['psavert'] y2 = df['unemploy'] # Plot Line1 (Left Y Axis) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(16,9), dpi= 80) ax1.plot(x, y1, color='tab:red') # Plot Line2 (Right Y Axis) ax2 = ax1.twinx() # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis ax2.plot(x, y2, color='tab:blue') # Decorations # ax1 (left Y axis) ax1.set_xlabel('Year', fontsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=0, labelsize=12) ax1.set_ylabel('Personal Savings Rate', color='tab:red', fontsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='y', rotation=0, labelcolor='tab:red' ) ax1.grid(alpha=.4) # ax2 (right Y axis) ax2.set_ylabel("# Unemployed (1000's)", color='tab:blue', fontsize=20) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='tab:blue') ax2.set_xticks(np.arange(0, len(x), 60)) ax2.set_xticklabels(x[::60], rotation=90, fontdict={'fontsize':10}) ax2.set_title("Personal Savings Rate vs Unemployed: Plotting in Secondary Y Axis", fontsize=22) fig.tight_layout() plt.show()

42. Time series with error bars

Time series with error bars can be constructed if you have a time series data set with several observations for each time point (date / time stamp). Below you can see some examples based on the receipt of orders at different times of the day. And another example of the number of orders received within 45 days.

With this approach, the average number of orders is indicated by a white line. And 95% intervals are calculated and plotted around the average.

Show code
 from scipy.stats import sem # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/user_orders_hourofday.csv") df_mean = df.groupby('order_hour_of_day').quantity.mean() df_se = df.groupby('order_hour_of_day').quantity.apply(sem).mul(1.96) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) plt.ylabel("# Orders", fontsize=16) x = df_mean.index plt.plot(x, df_mean, color="white", lw=2) plt.fill_between(x, df_mean - df_se, df_mean + df_se, color="#3F5D7D") # Decorations # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(1) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(1) plt.xticks(x[::2], [str(d) for d in x[::2]] , fontsize=12) plt.title("User Orders by Hour of Day (95% confidence)", fontsize=22) plt.xlabel("Hour of Day") s, e = plt.gca().get_xlim() plt.xlim(s, e) # Draw Horizontal Tick lines for y in range(8, 20, 2): plt.hlines(y, xmin=s, xmax=e, colors='black', alpha=0.5, linestyles="--", lw=0.5) plt.show()

Show code
 "Data Source: https://www.kaggle.com/olistbr/brazilian-ecommerce#olist_orders_dataset.csv" from dateutil.parser import parse from scipy.stats import sem # Import Data df_raw = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/orders_45d.csv', parse_dates=['purchase_time', 'purchase_date']) # Prepare Data: Daily Mean and SE Bands df_mean = df_raw.groupby('purchase_date').quantity.mean() df_se = df_raw.groupby('purchase_date').quantity.apply(sem).mul(1.96) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) plt.ylabel("# Daily Orders", fontsize=16) x = [d.date().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for d in df_mean.index] plt.plot(x, df_mean, color="white", lw=2) plt.fill_between(x, df_mean - df_se, df_mean + df_se, color="#3F5D7D") # Decorations # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(1) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(1) plt.xticks(x[::6], [str(d) for d in x[::6]] , fontsize=12) plt.title("Daily Order Quantity of Brazilian Retail with Error Bands (95% confidence)", fontsize=20) # Axis limits s, e = plt.gca().get_xlim() plt.xlim(s, e-2) plt.ylim(4, 10) # Draw Horizontal Tick lines for y in range(5, 10, 1): plt.hlines(y, xmin=s, xmax=e, colors='black', alpha=0.5, linestyles="--", lw=0.5) plt.show()

43. Chart with accumulation

The stacked area chart provides a visual representation of the degree of contribution from multiple time series.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/nightvisitors.csv') # Decide Colors mycolors = ['tab:red', 'tab:blue', 'tab:green', 'tab:orange', 'tab:brown', 'tab:grey', 'tab:pink', 'tab:olive'] # Draw Plot and Annotate fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(16, 9), dpi= 80) columns = df.columns[1:] labs = columns.values.tolist() # Prepare data x = df['yearmon'].values.tolist() y0 = df[columns[0]].values.tolist() y1 = df[columns[1]].values.tolist() y2 = df[columns[2]].values.tolist() y3 = df[columns[3]].values.tolist() y4 = df[columns[4]].values.tolist() y5 = df[columns[5]].values.tolist() y6 = df[columns[6]].values.tolist() y7 = df[columns[7]].values.tolist() y = np.vstack([y0, y2, y4, y6, y7, y5, y1, y3]) # Plot for each column labs = columns.values.tolist() ax = plt.gca() ax.stackplot(x, y, labels=labs, colors=mycolors, alpha=0.8) # Decorations ax.set_title('Night Visitors in Australian Regions', fontsize=18) ax.set(ylim=[0, 100000]) ax.legend(fontsize=10, ncol=4) plt.xticks(x[::5], fontsize=10, horizontalalignment='center') plt.yticks(np.arange(10000, 100000, 20000), fontsize=10) plt.xlim(x[0], x[-1]) # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) plt.show()

44. Unstacked Area Chart

An open area chart is used to visualize the progress (ups and downs) of two or more rows relative to each other. In the diagram below, you can clearly see how the personal savings rate decreases with an increase in the average duration of unemployment. A diagram with open sections shows this phenomenon well.

Show code
 # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/economics.csv") # Prepare Data x = df['date'].values.tolist() y1 = df['psavert'].values.tolist() y2 = df['uempmed'].values.tolist() mycolors = ['tab:red', 'tab:blue', 'tab:green', 'tab:orange', 'tab:brown', 'tab:grey', 'tab:pink', 'tab:olive'] columns = ['psavert', 'uempmed'] # Draw Plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16,9), dpi= 80) ax.fill_between(x, y1=y1, y2=0, label=columns[1], alpha=0.5, color=mycolors[1], linewidth=2) ax.fill_between(x, y1=y2, y2=0, label=columns[0], alpha=0.5, color=mycolors[0], linewidth=2) # Decorations ax.set_title('Personal Savings Rate vs Median Duration of Unemployment', fontsize=18) ax.set(ylim=[0, 30]) ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=12) plt.xticks(x[::50], fontsize=10, horizontalalignment='center') plt.yticks(np.arange(2.5, 30.0, 2.5), fontsize=10) plt.xlim(-10, x[-1]) # Draw Tick lines for y in np.arange(2.5, 30.0, 2.5): plt.hlines(y, xmin=0, xmax=len(x), colors='black', alpha=0.3, linestyles="--", lw=0.5) # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) plt.show()

45. Calendar heatmap

A calendar map is an alternative and less preferred option for visualizing data based on time compared to a time series. Although they may be visually appealing, the numerical values โ€‹โ€‹are not entirely obvious.

Show code
 import matplotlib as mpl import calmap # Import Data df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/yahoo.csv", parse_dates=['date']) df.set_index('date', inplace=True) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) calmap.calendarplot(df['2014']['VIX.Close'], fig_kws={'figsize': (16,10)}, yearlabel_kws={'color':'black', 'fontsize':14}, subplot_kws={'title':'Yahoo Stock Prices'}) plt.show()

46. โ€‹โ€‹Season chart

A seasonal schedule can be used to compare time series performed on the same day in the previous season (year / month / week, etc.).

Show code
 from dateutil.parser import parse # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/AirPassengers.csv') # Prepare data df['year'] = [parse(d).year for d in df.date] df['month'] = [parse(d).strftime('%b') for d in df.date] years = df['year'].unique() # Draw Plot mycolors = ['tab:red', 'tab:blue', 'tab:green', 'tab:orange', 'tab:brown', 'tab:grey', 'tab:pink', 'tab:olive', 'deeppink', 'steelblue', 'firebrick', 'mediumseagreen'] plt.figure(figsize=(16,10), dpi= 80) for i, y in enumerate(years): plt.plot('month', 'traffic', data=df.loc[df.year==y, :], color=mycolors[i], label=y) plt.text(df.loc[df.year==y, :].shape[0]-.9, df.loc[df.year==y, 'traffic'][-1:].values[0], y, fontsize=12, color=mycolors[i]) # Decoration plt.ylim(50,750) plt.xlim(-0.3, 11) plt.ylabel('$Air Traffic$') plt.yticks(fontsize=12, alpha=.7) plt.title("Monthly Seasonal Plot: Air Passengers Traffic (1949 - 1969)", fontsize=22) plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=.3) # Remove borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(0.0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(0.5) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(0.0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(0.5) # plt.legend(loc='upper right', ncol=2, fontsize=12) plt.show()


47. Dendrogram

The dendrogram groups similar points on the basis of a given distance metric and arranges them in the form of tree links based on the similarity of points.

Show code
 import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as shc # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/USArrests.csv') # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi= 80) plt.title("USArrests Dendograms", fontsize=22) dend = shc.dendrogram(shc.linkage(df[['Murder', 'Assault', 'UrbanPop', 'Rape']], method='ward'), labels=df.State.values, color_threshold=100) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.show()

48. Cluster diagram

The cluster graph can be used to distinguish points belonging to one cluster. The following is an illustrative example of grouping US states into 5 groups based on the USArrests dataset. This cluster graph uses the โ€œkillโ€ and โ€œattackโ€ columns as the X and Y axes. Alternatively, you can use the first to main components as the X and Y axes.

Show code
 from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull # Import Data df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/USArrests.csv') # Agglomerative Clustering cluster = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=5, affinity='euclidean', linkage='ward') cluster.fit_predict(df[['Murder', 'Assault', 'UrbanPop', 'Rape']]) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10), dpi= 80) plt.scatter(df.iloc[:,0], df.iloc[:,1], c=cluster.labels_, cmap='tab10') # Encircle def encircle(x,y, ax=None, **kw): if not ax: ax=plt.gca() p = np.c_[x,y] hull = ConvexHull(p) poly = plt.Polygon(p[hull.vertices,:], **kw) ax.add_patch(poly) # Draw polygon surrounding vertices encircle(df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 0, 'Murder'], df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 0, 'Assault'], ec="k", fc="gold", alpha=0.2, linewidth=0) encircle(df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 1, 'Murder'], df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 1, 'Assault'], ec="k", fc="tab:blue", alpha=0.2, linewidth=0) encircle(df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 2, 'Murder'], df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 2, 'Assault'], ec="k", fc="tab:red", alpha=0.2, linewidth=0) encircle(df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 3, 'Murder'], df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 3, 'Assault'], ec="k", fc="tab:green", alpha=0.2, linewidth=0) encircle(df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 4, 'Murder'], df.loc[cluster.labels_ == 4, 'Assault'], ec="k", fc="tab:orange", alpha=0.2, linewidth=0) # Decorations plt.xlabel('Murder'); plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Assault'); plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.title('Agglomerative Clustering of USArrests (5 Groups)', fontsize=22) plt.show()

49. Andrews Curve

The Andrews curve helps to visualize whether there are numerical characteristics inherent in the group based on the group. If the objects (columns in the dataset) do not help distinguish the group, then the lines will not be well separated, as shown below

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 from pandas.plotting import andrews_curves # Import df = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/selva86/datasets/raw/master/mtcars.csv") df.drop(['cars', 'carname'], axis=1, inplace=True) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(12,9), dpi= 80) andrews_curves(df, 'cyl', colormap='Set1') # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) plt.title('Andrews Curves of mtcars', fontsize=22) plt.xlim(-3,3) plt.grid(alpha=0.3) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.show()

50. Parallel coordinates

Parallel coordinates help visualize whether a function helps to effectively separate groups. If segregation occurs, this feature is likely to be very useful for predicting this group.

Show code
 from pandas.plotting import parallel_coordinates # Import Data df_final = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/diamonds_filter.csv") # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(12,9), dpi= 80) parallel_coordinates(df_final, 'cut', colormap='Dark2') # Lighten borders plt.gca().spines["top"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_alpha(0) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) plt.title('Parallel Coordinated of Diamonds', fontsize=22) plt.grid(alpha=0.3) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.show()

Bonus code in Jupiter

Goose, you promised vibes!
, . , , , .

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