Due to the novelty of the topic and the incomplete testing period, the article may contain errors. Criticism and comments are strongly encouraged and expected.
CREATE TABLE archive_locking ( timepoint timestamp without time zone , locktype text , relation oid , mode text , tid xid , vtid text , pid integer , blocking_pids integer[] , granted boolean , queryid bigint );
--update_history_locking_by_queryid.sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_history_locking_by_queryid() RETURNS boolean AS $$ DECLARE result boolean ; current_minute double precision ; start_minute integer ; finish_minute integer ; start_period timestamp without time zone ; finish_period timestamp without time zone ; lock_rec record ; endpoint_rec record ; current_hour_diff double precision ; BEGIN RAISE NOTICE '***update_history_locking_by_queryid'; result = TRUE ; current_minute = extract ( minute from now() ); SELECT * FROM endpoint WHERE is_need_monitoring INTO endpoint_rec ; current_hour_diff = endpoint_rec.hour_diff ; IF current_minute < 5 THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Current time is less than 5 minute.'; start_period = date_trunc('hour',now()) + (current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour'); finish_period = start_period - interval '5 minute' ; ELSE finish_minute = extract ( minute from now() ) / 5 ; start_minute = finish_minute - 1 ; start_period = date_trunc('hour',now()) + interval '1 minute'*start_minute*5+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour'); finish_period = date_trunc('hour',now()) + interval '1 minute'*finish_minute*5+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') ; END IF ; RAISE NOTICE 'start_period = %', start_period; RAISE NOTICE 'finish_period = %', finish_period; FOR lock_rec IN WITH act_queryid AS ( SELECT pid , timepoint , query_start AS started , MAX(timepoint) OVER (PARTITION BY pid , query_start ) AS finished , queryid FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity WHERE timepoint BETWEEN start_period and finish_period GROUP BY pid , timepoint , query_start , queryid ), lock_pids AS ( SELECT hl.pid , hl.locktype , hl.mode , hl.timepoint , MIN ( timepoint ) OVER (PARTITION BY pid , locktype ,mode ) as started FROM activity_hist.history_locking hl WHERE hl.timepoint between start_period and finish_period GROUP BY hl.pid , hl.locktype , hl.mode , hl.timepoint ) SELECT lp.pid , lp.locktype , lp.mode , lp.timepoint , aq.queryid FROM lock_pids lp LEFT OUTER JOIN act_queryid aq ON ( lp.pid = aq.pid AND lp.started BETWEEN aq.started AND aq.finished ) WHERE aq.queryid IS NOT NULL GROUP BY lp.pid , lp.locktype , lp.mode , lp.timepoint , aq.queryid LOOP UPDATE activity_hist.history_locking SET queryid = lock_rec.queryid WHERE pid = lock_rec.pid AND locktype = lock_rec.locktype AND mode = lock_rec.mode AND timepoint = lock_rec.timepoint ; END LOOP; RETURN result ; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
WITH t AS ( SELECT locktype , mode , count(*) as total FROM activity_hist.archive_locking WHERE timepoint between pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND NOT granted GROUP BY locktype , mode ) SELECT locktype , mode , total * interval '1 second' as duration FROM t ORDER BY 3 DESC
| WAITING FOR LOCKS BY LOCKTYPES + -------------------- + ---------------------------- - + -------------------- | locktype | mode | duration + -------------------- + ---------------------------- - + -------------------- | transactionid | ShareLock | 19:39:26 | tuple | AccessExclusiveLock | 00:03:35 + -------------------- + ---------------------------- - + --------------------
WITH t AS ( SELECT locktype , mode , count(*) as total FROM activity_hist.archive_locking WHERE timepoint between pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND granted GROUP BY locktype , mode ) SELECT locktype , mode , total * interval '1 second' as duration FROM t ORDER BY 3 DESC
| TAKINGS OF LOCKS BY LOCKTYPES + -------------------- + ---------------------------- - + -------------------- | locktype | mode | duration + -------------------- + ---------------------------- - + -------------------- | relation | RowExclusiveLock | 51:11:10 | virtualxid | ExclusiveLock | 48:10:43 | transactionid | ExclusiveLock | 44:24:53 | relation | AccessShareLock | 20:06:13 | tuple | AccessExclusiveLock | 17:58:47 | tuple | ExclusiveLock | 01:40:41 | relation | ShareUpdateExclusiveLock | 00:26:41 | object | RowExclusiveLock | 00:00:01 | transactionid | ShareLock | 00:00:01 | extend | ExclusiveLock | 00:00:01 + -------------------- + ---------------------------- - + --------------------
WITH lt AS ( SELECT pid , locktype , mode , timepoint , queryid , blocking_pids , MIN ( timepoint ) OVER (PARTITION BY pid , locktype ,mode ) as started FROM activity_hist.archive_locking WHERE timepoint between pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND NOT granted AND queryid IS NOT NULL GROUP BY pid , locktype , mode , timepoint , queryid , blocking_pids ) SELECT lt.pid , lt.locktype , lt.mode , lt.started , lt.queryid , lt.blocking_pids , COUNT(*) * interval '1 second' as duration FROM lt GROUP BY lt.pid , lt.locktype , lt.mode , lt.started , lt.queryid , lt.blocking_pids ORDER BY 4
| WAITING FOR LOCKS BY LOCKTYPES BY QUERYID + ---------- + ------------------------- + ------------ -------- + ------------------------------ + ---------- ---------- + -------------------- + ------------------ - | pid | locktype | mode | started | queryid | blocking_pids | duration + ---------- + ------------------------- + ------------ -------- + ------------------------------ + ---------- ---------- + -------------------- + ------------------ - | 11288 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {11092} | 00:03:34 | 11626 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 21.380921 | 389015618226997618 | {12380} | 00:00:29 | 11626 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 21.380921 | 389015618226997618 | {11092} | 00:03:25 | 11626 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 21.380921 | 389015618226997618 | {12213} | 00:01:55 | 11626 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 21.380921 | 389015618226997618 | {12751} | 00:00:01 | 11629 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 24.331935 | 389015618226997618 | {11092} | 00:03:22 | 11629 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 24.331935 | 389015618226997618 | {12007} | 00:00:01 | 12007 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 05: 03.327933 | 389015618226997618 | {11629} | 00:00:13 | 12007 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 05: 03.327933 | 389015618226997618 | {11092} | 00:01:10 | 12007 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 05: 03.327933 | 389015618226997618 | {11288} | 00:00:05 | 12213 | transactionid | ShareLock | 2019-09-17 10: 06: 07.328019 | 389015618226997618 | {12007} | 00:00:10
WITH lt AS ( SELECT pid , locktype , mode , timepoint , queryid , blocking_pids , MIN ( timepoint ) OVER (PARTITION BY pid , locktype ,mode ) as started FROM activity_hist.archive_locking WHERE timepoint between pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND granted AND queryid IS NOT NULL GROUP BY pid , locktype , mode , timepoint , queryid , blocking_pids ) SELECT lt.pid , lt.locktype , lt.mode , lt.started , lt.queryid , lt.blocking_pids , COUNT(*) * interval '1 second' as duration FROM lt GROUP BY lt.pid , lt.locktype , lt.mode , lt.started , lt.queryid , lt.blocking_pids ORDER BY 4
| TAKING LOCKS BY LOCKTYPES BY QUERYID + ---------- + ------------------------- + ------------ -------- + ------------------------------ + ---------- ---------- + -------------------- + ------------------ - | pid | locktype | mode | started | queryid | blocking_pids | duration + ---------- + ------------------------- + ------------ -------- + ------------------------------ + ---------- ---------- + -------------------- + ------------------ - | 11288 | relation | RowExclusiveLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {11092} | 00:03:34 | 11092 | transactionid | ExclusiveLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {} | 00:03:34 | 11288 | relation | RowExclusiveLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {} | 00:00:10 | 11092 | relation | RowExclusiveLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {} | 00:03:34 | 11092 | virtualxid | ExclusiveLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {} | 00:03:34 | 11288 | virtualxid | ExclusiveLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {11092} | 00:03:34 | 11288 | transactionid | ExclusiveLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {11092} | 00:03:34 | 11288 | tuple | AccessExclusiveLock | 2019-09-17 10: 00: 00.302936 | 389015618226997618 | {11092} | 00:03:34