Extravaganza Context

Dragon labyrinths, elven gardens, shadow star ships, ancient vampire castles - wherever you end up playing role-playing games. But what if the global role-playing game comes to reality, combining it with augmented reality?

Good day to all.

This article is essentially a search for like-minded people. Who are interested in the concept of a social-role universe, a kind of open community, consisting of guilds that control the development of the worlds of virtual games.

Mixed reality is gradually penetrating the life of mankind, and, it seems to me, the phenomenon itself is a good reason to build various social and game models that correspond to these new directions. Imaginary reality can give the real world unusual meanings and perspectives. At the same time, reality can add to the unreal worlds a certain amount of certainty, endowing them with part of their materiality and linking it with their familiar environment.

On the other hand, why not bring together representatives of the role movement, participants in urban quests, IT developers, journalists, and various other creative groups in a global gaming organization, with an internal division into certain “guilds” and “classes”.

Thus, the idea of ​​the interpenetration of the material and virtual worlds appeared, presented as a kind of social organization that looks after an imaginary fairy-tale fantasy universe. Social trend for those who are passionate about the gamification of the life of like-minded people. Members of such an organization are in some powerful magic or knightly orders, if you translate this into the language of role-playing games.

Great Homes

Now more about the internal structure of this organization. It’s more convenient for me to imagine it as a social environment from the near future, where all kinds of role-playing games have become incredibly popular, and at a new technical level have grown into some fractions, with their own ratings, points, deep training courses, institutes ... Houses that they "observe" and they “look after” a certain parallel reality, filling it with meanings.

Currently, instead of “classes”, we have a set of four Forces, and the role of “guilds” is played by the four Great Houses.

Let us dwell on the Force. Each is responsible for a certain type of activity of the participant within the community:

The emitter is a creative beginning, the search for new concepts, public relations, conducting actions, experiments, training.

Battery - accumulation of best practices and their classification, research, project development, cataloging, analytical groups.

Transformer - inspiration, maintenance of the internal structure, creation and supervision of platforms for dialogue, experiments with existing developments, cultural events.

Solvent - hierarchy, settlement of conflicts and disputes, psychological research and practice, resolving issues of promotion and restrictions on rights, launching and closing projects.

On the other hand, we have a second block, these are already peculiar fractions - the House of Spring, the House of Summer, the House of Autumn and the House of Winter. Houses are pairwise opposed. Each House sets the rules for representatives of the opposite House - describes the details of the hierarchy, career growth steps, and other moments, down to the list of available “spells” (if it comes to that).


Each newly arrived participant automatically enters one of the Houses and belongs to one of the Forces. This is determined by the month of birth:

March - Spring House, Solvent

April - Spring House, Emitter

May - Spring House, Battery

June - Summer House, Transformer

July - Summer House, Solvent

August - Summer House, Emitter

September - Autumn House, Battery

October - Autumn House, Transformer

November - Autumn House, Solvent

December - Winter House, Emitter

January - Winter House, Battery

February - Winter House, Transformer

Thus, any person is classified in our “big game”, even if he does not know about its existence. And not only a person, but everything that somehow has a "date of birth" can be involved in the game through this connection.

Flying ship "Ballad"

Extravaganza, or the general imaginary

As it always seemed to me - fantasies should be in some way separated from the real world, which, however, does not prevent them from touching reality in any form. For this reason, I like board role-playing games (the author of several systems himself), but they are not very attracted to various historical games reconstructed at special training grounds. Although the latter have their positive aspects - they are more, so to speak, “materially manifested”.

For the same reasons, I was always more impressed with the idea of ​​augmented reality woven into everyday life than isolation from the material world in the helmet of virtual reality. Augmented reality is a manifestation of the magic of parallel space here and now, when there is a sense of connection between two different universes, but you will not be carried away into some completely personal escapism.

In the course of thinking about the social-role organization playing its own global game, the idea arose that the game space itself should be somehow connected with reality, but not be part of it. The line between those worlds and ours should nevertheless be present, even if thin. How can this look in practice?

Imagine that in your city there are certain “places of power”: various sights, interesting architectural structures, parks, squares and so on. It may not even be popular places with the public, but something remarkable for you personally: visually, historically, energetically. What if we imagine that each such place is a point of contact between reality and a parallel imaginary dimension. It is as if there is a huge virtual Matrix, quite closely repeating the geography and architecture of the real world, but filled with fabulously fantastic things, their own laws and meanings. It turns out that we kind of “ground” imaginary worlds in real space. This is Extravaganza - a special space connected with ours through special points, “places of power”.

In the real world, the “place of power” has its own background, its causes, its natural purpose. In the augmented irreality, Extravaganza, each such “place of power” will correspond to a visually similar object, but with its own background, its purpose, and its own characteristics. The familiar square in its augmented version becomes a garden of fairies who look after the fairies of the mother's Living Tree. Cinema becomes an alien spaceship. The Conservatory is home to musical ghosts. Abandoned high-rise buildings - palaces of techno-dryads. Any options become possible inside this virtual surrealism.

Alien spaceship



Musical Dragon's Lair

Abode of the business devil

Magic school

Hearing the words "augmented reality", most likely you imagine some specialized applications for smartphones, glasses and so on. Which is generally true if you think about the long run. Nevertheless, I want to note that such a “augmented world” may very well (and will) exist simply in the form of records, as a certain set of descriptions and objects. That is, having a developed basic concept populated by a variety of different imaginary entities, things and objects, you can already start thinking about how to show this virtuality by technical means and how you can interact with it through various applications. In other words, we are not talking about any specific program, but referring to the creation of the environment for which you can make various tools using it, including related software applications.

Symbols of Homes and Forces

Unusual societies are often described in various literature, shown in games and films. As a rule, they are served very brightly and in contrast - non-standard orders, fantasy races, complex castes, schools of philosophy and so on. In ordinary life, this is not often seen, unless it is a costume show and other types of cosplay. That is also an interesting thing, but in cosplay the element of reincarnation is too large, and there are more subtle ways to achieve unusual color. For example, foreign cultures with their national costumes are a more “grounded” version of unusualness. Well, the most common example is fashion - brands, styles, trends. It just develops somewhere near the boundaries of the permissible. Thus, thinking about how to combine the brightness of a fairy tale and the practicality of reality in a social role organization, we come to the conclusion that we need at least some kind of symbolism, and at the very least, a colorful style of clothes and other accessories. In other words - not attached to the elven ears, but a print of the runes on the jacket. Although, ears are also useful, as part of special events.

Thus, if Extravaganza refers to an imaginary world, fixed in reality through "places of power", then the organization itself is currently called the Context. It is open, independent, supporting formal and informal levels of immersion, and is rather a kind of creative laboratory, rather than a finished structure or product. I mean, there is nothing to consume here yet, but if a person is looking for an application point for his creative abilities, then there is where to turn around.

Below are pictures with icons for groups included in the Context, that is, for Homes And Forces. Each specific person is described by a combination of two characters.

Spring House, Summer House, Autumn House, Winter House

Forces: Emitter, Battery, Transformer, Solvent

Battery from Autumn House, Solvent from Summer House and Winter House Emitter

Places of power

As for the locations that are embodied both in the material world and inside Extravaganza - identifying such relationships is precisely one of the basic tasks of the Context participants. As well as building the internal architecture of the organization itself.

It is understood that the virtual extravaganza is “grounded” on real architectural structures, “places of power”. Each such location (s) is supervised by a certain House. Places can be taken as those that are in the immediate vicinity of you, or more remote, including foreign ones - in general, any that somehow aroused interest.

For example, I modeled several such locations for Fairies. The very first is based on the Novosibirsk Opera House, and one of the others on a picturesque spot in Rio. Each place is associated with certain emanations, laws and meanings, which it broadcasts to the expanses of Extravaganza. These concepts may not be related at all to what each of these structures is in real life. Each place imposes its own rules on the surrounding space, and at the same time is a deposit of ideas.

Thus, the first “place of power” is the Lair of the musical dragon, and the second is the Magic School. 9 key concepts are selected for each, characterizing their enchanting essence. I picked up the following:

Musical Dragon's Lair

Magic school

The concepts will be used in game mechanics, which through associative thinking and operations with identifiers of virtual heroes and / or objects generates new virtual entities and events. In this article I will not dwell on this point in detail, but you can read the article “Computed plot or role-playing infection” to get an approximate idea of ​​how this will work approximately.


Opening the white door

Of course, it would be nice to watch manifestations of magical surrealism with the help of some equipment, for example, through a special application on a smartphone. But, as already mentioned, the development of the concept itself first follows, and specific technical solutions are a matter of time.

One of the tasks that the Houses are occupied with is to find out which “places of power” exist geographically nearby. They offer their vision of what such a place is "beyond the border." There is no single answer here, any additional options are equivalent and cataloged, since virtuality can contain an infinite number of dimensions.

Around visiting “places of power”, revealing their “secrets” and completing related “quests” and spinning a global game in which our organization participates.

The primary task is to start a discussion of the concept, thereby “joining the club” and begin to populate augmented reality, speaking from the position of an observer. In the end, any person can be asked about how he would see this or that building, if it were, say, in a world flooded with water, what creatures would live in it, what functions such a building would perform. Or maybe it would not be a building at all, but a means of transportation, or a huge creature. You can immerse yourself in the concept from conversations of this kind. If you are interested, you can share your thoughts in the “official” telegram group of the Context:


When a community is more or less formed (or several independent communities - the concept, as already mentioned, is open), then the next step is to start bringing it to the form of the planned organization, distributing tasks and inventing content for virtual surrealism, and outline related projects.

At this level, it is already possible to begin to somehow play a role-playing dimension with the help of improvised means. How exactly - at the discretion of a specific game group. That is, according to any existing desktop role-playing system of rules. If at the same time it will be possible to somehow integrate the story received on the game into the mythology of surrealism, thereby expanding the information on a certain “place of power” is good. If not, it’s also not scary.

The next steps are the development of the previous ones, as well as a more elaborate study of the imaginary world / worlds: what classes are there, what kind of races, what kind of magic, what technologies, what kind of creatures inhabit it, how from one dimension of unreality to go to another, what runes people the lizards write their programs, for which the race of reasonable clothing needs owners, what color is the blood of a stranger from the royal family, how many elves do you need to curtail space-time and so on. Here we have an understanding of how to connect the observed virtual universe with the participants of the organization itself, what is a virtual character, how can it be developed and by what rules. While I am inclined to believe that every real player may not have a mandatory personal digital alter ego at all, instead he will be able to somehow influence the life of a limited number of existing virtual personalities by taking part in their in-game history.

In the next phase, already having some foundation, we get many options and directions where you can develop. Firstly, participation in the global game of Homes in itself, according to the developed rules. Secondly, it becomes possible to issue “official” desktop role-playing systems of rules that use the worlds of unreality as a setting and / or game-mechanical basis. Related stories, comics, music, applications, clothing design with the symbols of Homes and Forces, special media covering events occurring in virtuality - you never know what you can think of. In addition, we get a great base for a game application that already directly shows this augmented reality of ours and allows us to fully play it - to get special abilities from "places of power", get together in a group of "adventurers", participate in a global "quest" and local "missions "Where the real and the virtual are tied into a bizarre tandem.

Speaking specifically about the application for augmented reality, then a whole range of possibilities opens up: for example, such as hunting for virtual artifacts, the ability to see lines of magic penetrating the surrounding space, to observe a divine source of light, a super-mind that is constantly in the sky augmented reality and around which there were various virtual cults.

Season One. At the gates of September

Below you will find the Extravaganza calendar - these are daily “events” with the help of which you can now “touch” the concept and take part in the very initial stage of the Context’s life. To begin with, the first 15 days of September are painted. This is a kind of "quests" for independent passage.

September 1. Day of magic make-up.

Get yourself a special diary (notepad, notebook or at least a text file), on the same day or later.

Give it a name as if it were a magic book. Draw on it the sign of your House. In this book you can record further events.

September 2. Day of concentration on the ideal.

Remember one of the places in your city, located not far from you. Imagine a different, fantastic fantasy world in which this place could also be present, but would be different from its real prototype.

Come up with a new name for this place from another world. Pick up 9 related concepts.

September 3rd. Day of insight at a place of power.

Go to the place you chose yesterday. Inspect it carefully.

After returning home, cross out three (or more) concepts from the list that describes a different version of the place of power you visited, and replace them with others. You might also want to change the name you previously coined.

4 September. Day of the autumn portal.

Do a little cleaning and find extra things, garbage that you should get rid of right now, without putting it off for the winter.

If you are from Autumn House, instead or at the same time draw a diagram of the ritual with which the guild of your House meets the onset of its season. No need to make inscriptions, just draw something sketchy, no matter how it looks from the outside.

September 5th. Day of another life.

In the afternoon, find and open the horoscope for your sign for the current day. Try to imagine such a development of events that could happen to you on this day and would be fully consistent with this forecast. Then open the forecast for any other sign and come up with the same story again, as if it were you and the forecast would be completely accurate.

6 September. Day of intersecting waves.

Enjoy listening to completely new music for yourself. When you find a catchy track, think about where in your city there might be a musical place of power and which composition, of those that you know, would correspond to it.

September 7th. Day travel to the guild.

Go to the place where you picked up the song yesterday. In another world, this is the residence of one of the Houses, possibly yours. Come up with a new name for her and pick up nine related concepts. If the residence is too far from you, then just go for a walk.

Come up with an unusual means of transportation on which heroes from another world could get from the first place of power you visited to the residence of the guild. Pick him a name and an arbitrary two-digit number.

8 September. Awakening Day

Look around - one of the objects surrounding you is a sleeping artifact, a gift from your guild that needs to be awakened. If you are a Transformer, then you can do it yourself, if not, then for this you need to contact any Emitter.

The awakening person must come up with how this object looks in another world, pick up a name for it and an arbitrary two-digit number. Then the thing wakes up and becomes an artifact.

9th of September. Day of the bystander.

Analyze which Houses different members of your family belong to and identify the main House or Houses your family is in.

Watch a film, the theme of which corresponds to that season or the meanings indicated by the main House. Full viewing can be postponed, but for now, watch a movie in part, or at least read the annotation and see the frames.

10 September. Day of personal interest.

Choose one of the main or secondary characters of the picture that you watched yesterday. Determine the House of the selected person, focusing on the date of birth of the corresponding actor / actress. Choose any of the activated places of power (created earlier by you or other representatives of the Context, or one of the proposed base ones), this hero will live there. Give him / her a new name, race, and a specific game class or profession.

11 September. Day of expressive history.

In the afternoon, find and open today's horoscope for the sign of the hero you invented yesterday. Make up a story with this hero based on the forecast of what happened to him on that day. An artifact can also appear in history if you woke it in the 8th day.

12-th of September. Day search for a different life.

Find images of some interesting architectural structures located in other countries. Choose one of them and think of what unusual creatures could inhabit this building inside Extravaganza. What would their race be called, what could they do, what role does this particular structure play in their life (which may well be not a building at all, but something else).

Take a closer look: there are 4 hidden combinations of Strength and House, for example, House of Winter does not have its Solvent, House of Summer does not have a Battery and so on. Come up with a hero from Extravaganza who would belong to one of these "unreal" combinations and belong to that race you invented. His name, appearance, occupation, position, ability.

September 13th. Day of healing transformation.

On this day, inside the Fairyland, there were some changes (the nature of which you have to come up with) that affected one of the places of power of your choice (created by you or other participants in the Context), removing its meanings and name. Give this place of power a new name and 9 related concepts.

September 14th. Day of ownership.

Think of what the clothes of an adept of the Context should look like from your point of view. You can simply write down your thoughts on this subject or look for images of various elements of the wardrobe.

September 15th. Day of Initiation in Context.

On this day, take a walk to some place where clothes are purchased. You just need to try on something from the elements of the wardrobe that is close in class to those things that you thought up or looked at yesterday.

When you return home, find the artifact that you found on the 8th day and put it on your daily grimoire. After that, the first two digits that you will hear further during the day become the number of your book and thereby you awaken it.

A few more words

Well, thanks for watching. If possible, mark your own “classes” and “guilds” in the polls. And write your thoughts, of course. Your Spring Home Emitter.

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