It is worth emphasizing that of all dried fruits, it is prunes, the use of which is beyond doubt, that is really very good for people of all ages and taste preferences. And this is really the most useful product in its line, much more useful than figs and dried apricots. Prunes are made from plums, but not from all available, but only from several varieties. This is a variety, first of all, greengage, homemade or Italian Hungarian. A conscientious producer will take only the most juicy, cutest and ripe fruits, from which it is easy to remove the stone. Only from such plums will an excellent black prune be obtained. Benefit, pleasant sweet and sour taste and softness will be immediately appreciated by customers.
Prunes contain a lot of useful things. These are, first of all, valuable fiber, proteins, organic acids, minerals, pectin and vitamins. Of the minerals - potassium, magnesium, of course, phosphorus with sodium and iron. Despite the relatively high calorie content, prune has bactericidal properties and even helps to remove unnecessary and harmful substances from the body, eliminates digestion problems. The iron contained in it is indicated for people with anemia, vitamin deficiency. Many nutritionists recommend consuming prunes, a diet that only requires a few berries per day. But this is a laxative, and a cleanser, and a valuable source of minerals. Prunes for constipation are an indispensable product. This was appreciated by many.

But not only this is good prunes. Its advantage is one more: it absorbs free radicals, that is , it serves as a tasty, inexpensive and effective natural antioxidant, affecting the general condition of the body and helping it to remain strong and young. In addition, this dry treat is very useful during pregnancy, because it has many useful elements that are very important for a woman in position. In addition, prunes can be found and bought in any month of the year, even in winter, at an affordable price, unlike other sources of vitamins.
You can eat prunes and just like that, without anything. However, if you want and thirst for variety, you can make a decoction of berries or add to compote. Prunes are often combined with meat dishes and desserts. The most delicious, by the way, is considered to be a home- cooked duck in the sleeve, stuffed with prunes and apples. This dish can be safely put on any holiday table. Of the sweet dishes, puff rolls are very tasty, the filling for which is prunes and pieces of marmalade.

However, this wonderful product also has contraindications. First of all, it is by no means worth eating to diabetics, but also to those people who are suffering from obesity or being overweight. It is also impossible for lactating women, since it can cause allergies, upsets in the babyβs stomach and even, in especially severe cases, seizures.
It is important to consider how the prunes were harvested and processed. Its benefit, otherwise, will be zero. The fact is that to give a pleasant shine, prunes are often rubbed with fat or glycerin, which is not at all useful. Therefore, when buying, you should pay attention to the presentation and not take shiny moist berries. In addition, good prunes should not be bitter.