In order for an athlete to achieve good results, he needs not only motivation, but also a high level of endurance, which directly depends on how well his nutrition is organized. This is very important, because with weakened immunity and problems with well-being, the body is unlikely to cope with the great physical exertion experienced by athletes. Nutrition helps maintain the body in good shape and achieve high results.

Healthy eating in sports
The organization of a proper diet depends on what kind of sport a person is engaged in. It is very important that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, which can provide not only immune protection, but also increase the overall tone of the body. It should also be borne in mind that physical activity requires a large amount of energy, so it is important to monitor what the calorie intake of an athlete is.
The following requirements are presented to the nutrition of people involved in sports:
- it should contain enough calories;
- minerals necessary for bones and muscles, as well as vitamins that support the proper functioning of the immune system, are required to enter the body;
- It is recommended to take special active supplements that activate metabolic processes;
- the diet is planned in such a way as to take into account the goal of the athlete - to reduce weight or increase;
- nutrition is organized in such a way as to reduce fat mass and increase muscle level.
In addition, when organizing proper nutrition for athletes, it is necessary to take into account the amount of fluid consumed, in particular, pure drinking water, a lack of which can lead to dehydration, fatigue and muscle spasms. And in the process of physical activity, the body intensively loses fluid, so it is very important to replenish these reserves.

At the heart of any diet are three vital elements - fats, carbohydrates and proteins, each of which performs special functions in the body. Proper nutrition for athletes should be planned so that these three elements satisfy the needs of the body, depending on the sport in which the person is engaged.
These substances form a group of compounds of organic origin. They are found in the cells of almost all living organisms. These compounds are necessary for normal life and are the main source of energy.
Carbohydrates are simple and complex. Complex - these are polysaccharides that represent fiber and starch, as well as some other substances. They break down slowly, which allows the level of sugar in a personβs blood to change gradually. Sources of complex carbohydrates are legumes, crops, pasta made from durum wheat. This also includes fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, berries. The nutrition menu for athletes is discussed below.
Simple carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates are disaccharides and monosaccharides, such as glucose and fructose. These carbohydrates quickly dissolve in water and break down in the body, which means they are quickly absorbed. Such substances are very useful after training, because they help to instantly restore energy. Before classes, it is better not to use them, because a person will quickly feel tired. What is the peculiarity of the nutrition of athletes?
Sources of simple carbohydrates are sugar, bananas, honey, potatoes, rice, corn, flour products and more.

A very important point when playing sports is that before training you need to eat foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates, and then simple. The total amount of these substances should be 10 grams per kilogram of weight, but this emphasizes complex carbohydrates. It is best to eat them in the morning, because in the evening, when the load is reduced, carbohydrates can be converted into fats.
The nutrition of athletes should include a large number of proteins, which are organic substances consisting of proteins, peptides and amino acids. These compounds play a very important role for the normal functioning of the immune and digestive systems.
The amount of protein consumed should also depend on what kind of activity the athlete is engaged in. On average, 1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of weight is recommended.
Sources of protein are foods for athletes such as chicken and turkey meat, fish, seafood, eggs, legumes, dairy products. In addition, a large amount of protein is in oatmeal and rice. This is the main building block for muscles. They are necessary in the athlete's diet.

The next component that is included in the diet of sports nutrition are fats. They are also organic compounds of natural origin. Fats perform two functions - structural and organic, and the norm of their use per day is 0.3-0.7 grams per kilogram of weight.
Fats come in two varieties - saturated and unsaturated, the first of which consists of molecules filled with hydrogen. In the heat, they soften, in this regard, it is believed that they are harmful, since they contribute to the formation of cholesterol growths in the vessels of a person. Fats slow down metabolic processes, which complicates the process of weight loss. Products containing a large amount of saturated fat include coconut oil, margarine, chicken skin, pastry creams, fast food dishes, and more.
Unsaturated fat molecules are not completely filled with hydrogen, and their sources are plant products. When heated, these fats can turn into a liquid state, so they are quickly processed by the human digestive system. Such fats are not harmful to health.
Fat restriction
Nutritionists believe that the intake of fats in the diet of athletes should be limited. However, they are necessary for life, if consumed in moderation. Lack of fat leads to hormonal imbalance, worsens the processes of muscle formation, reduces the functioning of the immune system. Unsaturated fats help the body absorb vitamins, so they should be included in the diet. Such substances are found in vegetable oil, nuts, seafood and fish.

Athletes Diet
The nutrition of people experiencing great physical exertion is significantly different from the diet of an ordinary person, so athletes should carefully plan their menu. The main aspects of this are as follows:
- Nutrition should be complete, fresh and of high quality. It is necessary to lay on only those products that benefit the body, and those that harm should be completely eliminated.
- The amount of food in the diet of athletes.
Everything here should depend on what kind of physical activity a person is involved in sports. Some people need a large amount of food in order to gain muscle mass, while others need to lose it, so nutrition should be significantly limited. That is, it is necessary to take into account the goals of training, draw up a healthy diet plan. Thus, sports will only strengthen the body, and not disrupt its work.
Nutritionists and doctors recommend that athletes eat small amounts, but often. That is, not 3-4 times a day, but 5-6 times. This helps not to overload the body before exercise and maintain a constant energy balance in it. In addition, in this way, food is better absorbed and processed faster, without a feeling of heaviness and discomfort. Consider the nutritional characteristics of athletes.

Sports Nutrition Options
As was said, nutrition options are directly dependent on the training regimen and type of physical activity. The athlete's nutrition for the day is designed for approximately 2500 calories, it can look like this:
- boiled eggs (2 pieces);
- low-fat cottage cheese (150-200 grams);
- oatmeal cooked in milk with a spoonful of olive oil;
- a piece of bread;
- tea.
- fruit (for example, 1 banana and an apple);
- low-fat yogurt (20 grams);
- bun.
- buckwheat porridge in milk;
- omelet made from two eggs;
- vegetable salad (200 grams);
- whole grain bread (2-3 slices);
- low-fat cheese (40-60 grams);
- a glass of tea.
- fat-free cottage cheese (100 grams);
- buckwheat porridge with fruits or berries (200 grams);
- a glass of orange juice (you can any other).
- fresh fruits or vegetables (300 grams);
- bran bread (2-3 slices);
- a glass of kefir or milk.
Before going to bed, athletes are allowed to eat an apple or drink a glass of unsweetened tea.
The following is a diet that is designed for 3500 calories:
- oatmeal (300 grams);
- omelet made from 4 eggs;
- toasts (2 pieces);
- orange.
- a glass of yogurt (any fat content);
- bananas (2 pieces);
- nuts (100 grams).
- boiled beef (300 grams);
- boiled potatoes (3-4 pieces);
- vegetable salad (200 grams);
- juice or tea.
- boiled rice (200 - 250 grams);
- fruit salad (150 grams);
- a glass of milk.
- boiled fish (250 grams);
- potatoes (4 pieces);
- salad made from grated carrots with vegetable oil (130 grams);
- tea or juice.
Shortly before bedtime, you can eat a bowl of oatmeal or drink a glass of milk.
Other nutritional guidelines
A diet that would suit every athlete, probably, has not yet been made by any nutritionist. This is due to the fact that each athlete needs a unique nutrition program that is suitable for him, depending on what type of load he is engaged in, what weight category he belongs to and what goals he pursues when playing sports. However, there is a list of general recommendations that will suit everyone, without exception, they will help maintain their tone and not harm their own body.

- The food is varied and of high quality. Food for athletes should be compatible, since the assimilation of some of them together is impossible.
- Cooking is necessary so that it is healthy. The fat content of the cooked dish, which should not exceed permissible norms, depends on this.
- Fractional nutrition. You can divide your diet into 6-7 meals, which will allow her to digest as much as possible and bring benefits.
- The last meal should be no more than two hours before bedtime, otherwise fats and carbohydrates will turn into unwanted deposits on the body.
- Only fresh foods prepared before meals should be consumed. Accordingly, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fast food and various types of convenience foods.
We reviewed the nutrition for athletes for every day.