“Vkontakte” will deprive the plagiarists of earnings


From June 15, the domestic social network Vkontakte introduces a new mode of operation for those who earn monetization, as reported by Vedomosti. Now all content will be checked for plagiarism, and if most of the texts are non-unique, such a community will be blocked.

According to Alexander Kruglov, Vkontakte Marketing Director, the social network is interested in working only with bona fide authors who create unique content. Therefore, from now on, the rights to intellectual property will be respected.

Information that the social network begins to fight copypasters and plagiarism six months ago. It was then that the working system “Prometheus” was launched, which checked every text before putting the content into the tape. The system determines the source of the publication in VK and promotes it, and not copies and duplicates, in the "Recommendations" section.

From now on, the requirements of "Vkontakte" to the emerging posts will be more stringent. Not only communities will control copying of content, but also users of the network. If it turns out that this material was previously placed elsewhere, any user will be able to file a complaint to the moderator with reference to the source. And the moderators, in turn, will deal with each individual case.

If the system recognizes that most of the material in the community is plagiarism, then this community will be disconnected from the profile monetization system and it will be denied access to advertising products / services. Only the content that appeared first on Vkontakte will be considered original. If the materials are taken from other sources on the Internet, then copy-paste will be required to put a link to the source.

The marketing director also said that complaints from network users will be accepted from June 1, and from June 15 sanctions will be imposed. It also became known, from September 2016 to September 2017, the company paid more than 1 billion rubles to the authors.

It is believed that this system will not be effective, since in most cases Vkontakte content is taken not from the network itself, but from other social networks and sites. In particular, the founder of the Breaking Mad website, Zalin Marshenkulov, believes so.

UPD. We are not talking about blocking: “... the Nemesis unique content protection system has been launched. Report on the secondary content and indicate the source inside VKontakte any user can. A special team of moderators will quickly review complaints and issue warnings to violators, while publishers will be able to reasonably challenge the decision. In the case of multiple violations, various penalties will be applied: from a warning to a ban on monetization. ”

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