The Central Bank and the Ministry of Communications are preparing changes to Article 15.1 of the Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information,” Izvestia
reports . Since January 2017, the Central Bank (Bank of Russia) has received from the Coordination Center of the national Internet domain the status of a “competent organization” and the right to pretrially ask registrars to block websites that distribute malware, websites with illegal content and phishing sites. But these powers apply only to zones .ru ".". The new powers will allow the Central Bank to block sites from any jurisdiction, along with Roskomnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Tax Service.
Each of the departments entrusted to monitor the sites of their subjects. So, Roskomnadzor finds and blocks sites with child pornography and suicide propaganda, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - sites with materials about drugs and trafficking in them, and the FTS is engaged in blocking online casinos. There is one nuance here. The fact is that, recently, the right of these departments can in the pretrial order
block anonymizers and VPN . For example, the Federal Tax Service has been instructed to stop the activities of illegal casinos, sweepstakes and bookmakers on the Internet. It would seem that the task is highly specialized. But in accordance with the
order No. 47207 of June 27, 2017 (
pdf ), the FTS is also entitled to block anonymizers and VPNs, with which you can get access to illegal casinos, sweepstakes and bookmakers. As you understand, these are
any anonymizers, VPNs and Tor nodes.
Article 15.1 is called “The
Unified Register of Domain Names, Website Indexes on the Internet” and network addresses that allow identification of websites on the Internet that contain information that is prohibited in the Russian Federation . ” It contains a link to the
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.10.2012 No. 1101 . It describes what types of information on the Internet are subject to blocking in the pretrial order, and which authority is responsible for this.
Now the list is going to add: the Bank of Russia will have the right to make decisions on the illegality of the activities of financial organizations. Probably, any illegal financial pyramids, “forex”, foreign cryptocurrency exchanges (the Central Bank is going to introduce
its own Russian cryptocurrency ), P2P lending exchanges, etc. will fall under the blocking. The addresses of the relevant sites of the Central Bank will be sent to Roskomnadzor for inclusion in the black list.
The draft law is now being discussed by the Bank of Russia with the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, the information was confirmed by the Central Bank: “Organizations that do not have Bank of Russia licenses, including those registered in foreign jurisdictions, are actively providing Internet services in the financial market,” explained the press service of the Central Bank. - First of all, it concerns the services of professional securities market participants, as well as forex dealers. In addition, the Internet is used to build financial pyramids. There are risks of violation of the rights and legitimate interests of Russian citizens. Trust in the activities of financial organizations and the domestic financial market as a whole is decreasing. ”