Hello, dear Habr!
Each of us wants to live in a free country, where his rights are not violated and his freedom is not limited, especially when it is within the framework of the concept of good and evil. The Internet in our time is an integral part of the life of any person. Many of us remember the "dashing zero" (2000s, and not what you might think). Yes, at that time the Internet already existed, moreover, it was highly developed even by the standards of Russia. At the same time, he was completely free and open to everyone. Perhaps this time should be called the golden time for the Internet in Russia (and in the world too). However, times change, and not always for the better, especially when freedom comes to an end.

We can no longer imagine our life without him, therefore any of his limitations is perceived as a limitation of his personal life. By the way, about restrictions: it is known that they exist not only in Russia, but also in other countries, although their list is somewhat hinting: China, North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Iran, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, and a couple of other similar ones. . Not the best list, I agree, although it is very, very predictable, and any inhabitant of our vast country would wish that our country’s name would be on completely different lists and stand on a par with several other countries, but that is - that is, all the more in almost all areas, we, not even looking at the status of the Great Power, have gone very far from them.
In Russia, the authority to control the Internet is entrusted to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), known to Habr users, and the rest, for its very odious activity: it is an erroneous blocking of many resources, and blocking themselves , and, and even briefly blocking google.com. News about all sorts of locks appear on the network with enviable popularity, and, of course, for good reason, they do not bypass Habr, invariably giving rise to extensive discussions in which it is proposed either to block something for himself or to throw it down. Actually, that's all. “Felling,” of course, is an excellent way out, but only if there is a way and / or to whom, however, in any case, if I, for example, do not like the work of my management company, will I change the house for this, even if they are waiting for me friend with open arms? No, I will organize a meeting of residents, where we will discuss these issues and decide together how to proceed. I love my country, I have lived here for a long time, and I would like to live here always, without migrating to where the level and quality of life is better (and this is actually so), trying, however, to improve the level and quality of life where I I live (What? No, in the photo below Germany, alas).
I came to a definite conclusion: the RKN imposes certain restrictions, this is a kind of filter. However, is it worth saying that any filter is installed at will? The situation is the same with antiviruses: their usefulness is invaluable, but each user has complete freedom in which anti-virus protection package to install, and on which device. What do we see in the pre-installed antivirus solutions in Windows? Attempt intrusive service, and in most cases, we either turn them off, or completely remove them, setting in return solutions that suit us. Complete freedom of choice and the lack of prevailing obsessive services are similar to the questions of sales assistants in any Russian electronics / clothing / footwear store: “Can I give you any advice?”. This intrusive service consists in the gradual integration of the RKN into our life, which, as it is supposed, should make it an integral part of it over time: this is the official VKontakte, in which representatives of this service post “memases” and communicate with its visitors in the language of schoolchildren (well, not mat), and the constant presence of the girls in the RKN form, specially created for such cases, at all anime festivals.
On the one hand, among other things, the limitations may be related to the fact that the number of children on the Internet and their overall level of technical readiness have sharply increased since then. However, on the other hand, I remember myself as a kid at that time, and I remember that even then I lived there very freely and looked for almost any information on any topic. So this topic is still debatable. But paradoxically, but I see a certain meaning in the work of the RKN for children. Judge for yourself: many of the same antivirus solutions offer the Parental Control option, which restricts children's access to certain resources by adding them to their list, or providing them with ready-made ones. It is assumed that the ILV should assume the same function, taking care of the safety of our children already out of the box without any programs and lotions. However, supporters of ecumenical conspiracies may object to me that I, supposedly, are too naive, in fact, the ultimate goal of controlling the Internet is to curb freethinking and calls for destabilization of the situation in the country. Maybe. However, if you look at the Registry of banned sites, you can see that in fact the resources listed above are not so many, although they are also not enough. And no matter what, but still a regular user is affected by the blocking of sites not at all by terrorists, pyramids, casinos and the like, but, for one reason or another, the resources that we use regularly.
I myself often stumble upon blocking one or another resource, often quite unexpected. And even the fact that many resources are not available, and even the World Wide Web is not necessarily frustrating, it is enough to take the same torrent trackers. I have a plasma panel and I love watching TV shows on the big screen in good quality. Alas, often this is not the kind of product that can be purchased for a fee, to which I would agree, I must say, therefore, torrents are for me personally simply an alternative. This includes Linux builds and more. The LinkedIn business social network was inaccessible to me “thanks to” the FZ-152 Law “On the“ Protection ”of Personal Data”, which personally does not concern me sideways, my data does not need protection, and I propose to decide where to store them on these decisions me. You will argue, they say, as long as (what a vile word) there is an opportunity to bypass the blocking, but we all know that there are already species on them, and any sane person has the right to realize the absurdity of this kind of using the Internet, because it’s all the same in the framework of smoking, prohibit, for example, the sale of tobacco products, but issue them in specially designated areas. As for the messengers, the terrorists use regular cellular phones for communication, which are then simply thrown away. The “Spring Law” implies the possibility of storing data in the Russian Federation, which entails tangible costs for mobile operators who are forced to reduce their costs, for example, by canceling unlimited tariffs, imposing certain restrictions on existing ones, and increasing the cost of communication services. But I will talk about something else. We all want to be taken seriously. Everyone knows that even children don’t like being treated like children, everyone wants freedom and independence. It is obvious that adults can be hurt by the fact that someone, moreover, forcibly points them to which sites you can go to, and which ones you can't. An adult differs from a child in the ability to make an informed choice on the basis of the concepts created by him because of his age and the education of good and evil, which he can feel when it is decided for him which sites to visit him, as if doubting that he has Will you not have enough willpower not to visit an online casino, to invest all your family’s money in a pyramid, to commit suicide, either all at once, or maybe to prepare a sickly brew and take it with friends in the garage? I believe that the answer is obvious.
Therefore, just as parents install programs for parental control on the computers of their children, I would also like the RKN services to be offered only when necessary, or, like the built-in Microsoft products, by default, but have the ability to turn off. And it will be fair. I would like to appeal to the public and find out if there are any familiar lawyers on Habré or in life, it makes sense to make an application to the RKN requesting the client to oblige providers not to block Internet resources and instant messengers, or perhaps send a request to your provider blocking resources that I leave from my IP address, since I myself decide which resources to visit and which do not, and all responsibility for further consequences lies solely with me, or even compose and subscribe sat on change.org petition and / or IC to the above requirements. And for my future children, I am ready to conclude an agreement with the RKN to service their computers. Saved will be.
Remember that our freedom depends solely on ourselves. Not from Trump, not from Mrs. Merkel, but from ourselves. The courtyard, which you could see in the photo above, looks like this (like any German courtyard, in fact) not thanks to the efforts of the municipality or the mayor’s office (the mayor’s office doesn’t enter the courtyards), but exclusively the efforts of the tenants. At the house meeting, they decide for themselves where to put the budget of the house and what their common courtyard, which is part of their common living space, will look like, and this, no matter how hard it is to guess, applies to all residents of the house without exception. It is also possible that someone already has experience with RKN in this direction, share it in the comments, in any case, you cannot be neutral in this matter, because, as they say in one sad joke, which, alas, concerns absolutely everyone : "... but when they came for me, there was no one to intercede for me."
Thank you for attention!