Modern life is turning into a constant race. Like squirrels in a wheel, women find themselves in a whirlpool of problems and stresses, which, of course, negatively affect their health.

Often, girls have reduced libido, which significantly affects the degree of pleasure received from intimate relationships. To correct this sad situation, they resort to various methods. The main among them is the use of any drugs that increase libido in women.
Reasons for this problem
Sexual desire may decrease in both men and women. Over time, passion fades, and intimate life turns into a joyless routine. Factors contributing to a decrease in female potency can be psychological and physiological in nature.

Among them:
- Changes in hormonal balance. It is no secret that the female body also contains the male sex hormone (testosterone). Usually, when it decreases, sexual desire also falls . The decline in libido is a consequence of the active production of the hormone prolactin, which neutralizes the effect of testosterone. The synthesis of this hormone is active during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In a normal situation, hormones come into balance, which significantly increases the libido of a woman.
- Menopause, age. Over time, the functioning of a woman's ovaries gradually fades. Active sex life is replaced by a menopause, accompanied by a decrease in the production of female sex hormones (estrogens), which is expressed in dry vagina. In such cases, having sex brings only pain. That is why many women calmly refuse an intimate life, without experiencing any psychological or physical discomfort.
- The disease. Somatic, gynecological diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, diabetes mellitus influence the power of attraction.
- The presence of bad habits. Smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction also reduce the activity of brain centers associated with arousal and sexual desire.
- Infectious diseases of the genitals. This includes colpitis, urethritis, cystitis. Such infections are usually accompanied by severe pain and inflammation.
- Vaginismus. It is expressed in a painful spasm of the vaginal muscles caused by psychological problems, for example, fright during sex, sexual violence. In this situation, sexual intercourse is impossible, a woman feels an aversion to intimate relationships.
- Psychological reasons. Chronic stress, fatigue, depression, fear of becoming pregnant, a complex of inexperience. All these are factors that contribute to a decrease in libido. Since the female psyche is very sensitive to any manifestations of a partner, improper actions, from her point of view, can cause rejection.
How to increase sexual desire?
There are several methods to increase libido in women. First of all, you need to determine the initial cause of this problem. The simplest and best measures to restore potency are:
- restoration of a diet;
- treatment of various diseases;
- to give up smoking;
- rejection of bad habits;
- intake of vitamin complexes.
To correct the situation, you should gain confidence in yourself, accept yourself, your body, come to terms with deficiencies, get rid of complexes, be sure to check the hormonal background and replenish hormones, if necessary, through the use of replacement therapy.
In advanced cases, the doctor prescribes drugs that increase libido in women. Often noted the positive impact of such drugs as: antidepressants, homeopathy, psychotherapy sessions.

Among medications that increase libido in women, dietary supplements and vitamins are in great demand. Such funds are aimed at restoring blood circulation in the female genital organs, which contributes to the excitation and abundant secretion of lubricant. Some drugs that increase libido in women have an instant and lasting effect (up to 8-9 hours). Since dietary supplements and vitamins contain natural components, after their administration no negative reactions from the reproductive system are observed.
How to increase libido in women quickly? Natural products allow you to get an almost instant effect. Also, due to the direct effect on the ovaries of a woman, they contribute to the production of estrogen in large quantities. Thanks to this effect, the girl manages to experience a vivid orgasm. Stimulation of the genitals after taking medications will only increase their sensitivity.

Before choosing a drug that increases female libido in a pharmacy, you should make sure that it is safe.
It is forbidden to use these funds for pregnant and lactating women, people under the age of 18 years, people with leukemia, diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, blood vessels, hemopoiesis, women with high blood pressure.
Forte love
“Forte Lav” is a natural drug that increases libido in women. It has a unique plant composition. Natural ingredients include:
- Raspberry extract - helps to improve the blood supply to the genitals.
- Ginseng - the so-called "root of life", which was widely used in ancient China. The root helps establish a sexual life and enhances blood flow to the genitals due to adaptogenic, tonic and stimulating effects.
- Green tea - increases the beneficial effects of other components, maintains tone, restores the immune system, provides greater sensitivity of intimate places.
- Caffeine - stimulates libido and vitality.
- L-arginine - is an essential amino acid that can increase blood flow to the vessels of the genitals, the sensitivity of erogenous zones, the release of natural lubrication during excitation.
If you believe the manufacturer, “Fort Love” is used in case of disorders of the sexual sphere, eliminates the difficulty of getting an orgasm, and helps to combat the manifestations of menopause.
This tool is contraindicated for allergies to components. Application: you need to open a bag of powder, dissolve it in a liquid, use a solution for 0-25 minutes before a love act. To eliminate the manifestations of menopause, you will need to use one sachet per day. The packaging of such a drug will cost you 1350 rubles.
Now it is not only the prerogative of the male population. The main difference between pills that increase libido in women is the color - for ladies it is pink. The active component of the drug "Viagra" - sildenafil, which raises libido, increases sexual pleasure, increases the amount of lubricant released during excitation, increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, and allows you to get a brighter orgasm. One pill can cost around 100 rubles or more.

Application: the tablet should be taken 40 minutes before intimacy, be sure to drink it with water. It is extremely dangerous to mix pills that increase libido in women with fatty foods and alcohol. Women's Viagra is able to hold a woman in non-stop mode for about 5 hours. According to reviews of pills that increase libido in women, the following side effects are noted:
- decreased visual acuity;
- headache;
- facial redness;
- nasal congestion;
- dizziness;
- indigestion.
Contraindications for use:
- age is less than 18 years;
- pregnancy, lactation;
- depression, neurosis;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- oncological diseases;
- diseases of the liver, kidneys.
"Spanish fly"
This drug is a homeopathic drops that play the role of a dietary supplement. Drops serve to improve sexual arousal, increase sexual energy. The remedy can indeed increase the libido of a woman. A non-hormonal drug not only improves sexual potency, but also gives a lasting result, since it includes animal and plant extracts from the group of aphrodisiacs. An insect called spaniard fly was used as the main component. Cantharidin extract is able to increase the production of vaginal secretions, activate blood circulation in the genitals.
Contraindications to the use of "Shpansky fly" include:
- individual intolerance to components;
- minority;
- pregnancy and lactation.
It is forbidden to use this remedy for high blood pressure, for gynecological, chronic heart, gastrointestinal diseases, mental disorders, renal dysfunction, increased nervous irritability, genital injuries, insomnia, and a predisposition to bleeding.
You can not combine drops with fatty foods and alcohol. Side effects are expressed in the following:
- flushed face;
- allergic edema;
- increase in body temperature;
- nausea;
- Dizziness
- malaise.
Application: you need to dissolve the drops in water and take them 15 minutes before intimacy.
How to increase libido in women with the drug? Reviews about the tool for increasing sexual desire indicate that drops can be used no more than 7 times a day. Doctors forbid their patients to use this drug on a daily basis - you need to access it rarely and only in order to increase libido.
Silver fox
One bag of funds can cost around 325 rubles.

If you need to know which drugs increase libido in women, then we can safely say that the Silver Fox is designed specifically for these purposes. The tool is not addictive, provides efficacy and duration of the result, helps with low libido, frigidity. Silver Fox contains natural extracts that improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, relieve gynecological problems, normalize hormonal levels, and increase the duration of sexual intercourse by several times.
The preparation contains lactic acid. Its action occurs after 15 minutes after administration.
- individual intolerance to components;
- age up to 18 years;
- allergies
- tendency to bleeding;
- gynecological diseases;
- inflammation
- hypertension;
- chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver;
- lactation, pregnancy;
- combination with fatty foods and alcohol.
Side effects:
- dizziness;
- drowsiness;
- redness of the skin of the face;
- apathy;
- irritability;
- dyspnea;
- malaise.
The tool is presented in the form of a powder. Application: dissolve the powder in water or juice, drink 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. You can not take more than one sachet per day. The shelf life of the product is not limited.
G female
What drug increase libido in women? A special pathogen G Female stimulates female erogenous zones and is designed to increase libido in women. A herbal preparation based on aphrodisiacs helps to free the body from toxins, normalize the production of female estrogen, and establish menstruation cycles.
Such components of the composition as extracts of roses, lilies, sheep placenta, lecithin, seed glands of Chinese deer provide a quick effect: the nipples become elastic almost immediately, during sexual intercourse there is an immediate release of a sufficient amount of lubricant.
The drug is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, with menstruation, with heart diseases, stomach ulcers, renal failure, diabetes mellitus. You can take the drug once a day.
Side effects: weakness, allergies, dizziness, discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, fever.
Pills that increase the libido in women (reviews about them are ambiguous - they help someone, but not to someone) are taken orally. You can drink only half of one thing a day with water. Reception should take place 15 minutes before entering into an intimate relationship. Five to six hours - this is the duration of the effect of tablets that increase libido in women. In pharmacies, this tool can be purchased for an amount in the region of 200-210 rubles. A small amount of alcohol is allowed.
What pills increase libido in women without hormones? Laveron. Tablets are available in 30 pieces per pack (250 mg). The cost of such a tool varies around 700 rubles.
The composition of the drug includes extracts of ginkgo biloba, rose, thuja, dodder, temptation, ginseng, ginseng, plantain, cinnamon, remmania, extracts of raspberry, lotus, eicommia, istoda, achirantes, garlic, sucker, astragalus.
Pills act only with sexual desire, do not affect reproductive function, increase sexual activity, normalize blood flow in the genitourinary system.

Tablets are forbidden to use:
- during pregnancy;
- when breastfeeding;
- with intolerance to the components.
You need to take them one at a time before intimate contact or an hour and a half after eating. In difficult cases, two tablets are allowed. A dietary supplement has no side effects. The drug is not toxic.
Hormonal drugs that increase libido in women
Often, cases of decreased potency are associated with an imbalance of hormones. With this diagnosis, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs to increase libido. Such drugs are able to resume the synthesis of female and male hormones. Funds are available in the form of capsules, creams, injections, sprays, gels, hormone pills that increase libido in women. Oral contraceptives are often the focus of attention. Pills improve libido, increase sexual activity, as well as the level of release of natural lubrication.
The most popular are the tablets "Jess", "Regulon", "Dimia", "Jeanine". The cost of these drugs is quite high - about 1000 rubles per package (21 pieces).
Take hormonal contraceptives from the first day of menstruation, one at a time. After which a break is made for menstrual bleeding. Then the course is repeated again. Reception will last as long as required in a particular case. Some diseases require continuous use of tablets for three months. After the course, female libido is restored.