A woman from the moment of conception begins to take care of the health of her baby. Therefore, its diet is extremely serious. He continues to follow a special diet after the birth of the baby, as not all products can be beneficial. This article will discuss whether it is possible for a nursing mother to rice. The properties of this cereal and how to properly prepare it will also be described.
What is the benefit of rice for nursing?
If we consider any product by utility, then everyone will be useful. The main thing is to observe the measure in its use. The same rule applies to rice.

Useful product features:
- low-calorie, will help a woman in labor quickly lose weight;
- quickly saturates the body;
- through mom’s milk helps the baby gain weight (as it contains a lot of carbohydrates);
- an allergy to rice is rare;
- does not irritate the digestive tract;
- positively affects the production of breast milk;
- fastens loose stools;
- contributes to the work of the kidneys;
- useful for the cardiovascular system;
- reduces the risk of developing diabetes, as it lowers blood glucose;
- cleanses the body of cholesterol;
- prevents the development of anemia;
- stabilizes pressure;
- reduces swelling in a nursing mother;
- calms nerve cells;
- strengthens bones and teeth;
- lowers blood pressure;
- prevents cancer cells from developing;
- helps strengthen hair and improve skin condition (combats acne and rashes);
- promotes cell growth in the baby.
Can I eat rice while breastfeeding? Judging by the number of useful properties, yes. But do not rush. The negative aspects of the product will be considered below.

How is rice harmful for mom and baby?
Despite the fact that rice seems almost safe, it can also harm the baby's health. What is the danger of the product:
- Excessive use (especially in pure form) can cause constipation. Therefore, if the baby has problems with bowel movements, rice is excluded from the diet.
- Sometimes it causes colic in a child.
- Causes bloating due to gas buildup.
- This is the cause of flatulence.
- Sometimes there is an allergic reaction.
- To give a more aesthetic appearance and increase the shelf life of the product, it can be subjected to harmful chemical processing, thereby becoming harmful to the child and mother.
We examined the negative properties. Based on this, we can say that rice during breastfeeding in the first month of a child’s life is not recommended. But from the following months is welcome.

When eating dishes containing rice (especially porridge or pilaf, casseroles), do not overdo it with the number of servings. Otherwise, the useful properties of the product will be replaced by negative ones. When abused, it can increase pressure, cause allergies and abdominal pain.
And the best thing a nursing mother can do, doubting whether it is possible to breastfeed rice, is to consult a pediatrician. He will give advice on when to start eating such porridge and in what quantities.
Which variety is considered the most useful?
Firstly, rice itself varies in shape (grains are long, medium, round). Secondly, it may be subjected to heat treatment. Due to different processing methods, rice is divided into:
- Brown. This species is not thoroughly cleaned. Flower peel is removed from it. He is most useful. It is in it that all the useful properties described above are stored.
- Steamed rice (it is yellowish). Purified from the original shell and scales. After cooking, it retains its structure, and also up to 80% of useful substances are stored in it.
- Classic white rice. It is completely cleaned. Because of this, few useful substances are stored in it. Also changed the natural taste of grain. It is undesirable to use for people with diabetes. Of the advantages: the most popular in stores and has a low price.
Which is better?

Is it possible to breastfeed rice and which is better to eat? Of these varieties, brown and steamed are more recommended. Thanks to its preserved beneficial properties, it will replenish the body of the mother and baby with all the necessary elements (which the cereal is rich in). But no matter what kind of rice is chosen, it is recommended to soak it for a while in cold water before cooking, so that all harmful substances come out and dirt is removed.
In what form can I eat?
In what form can I eat rice while breastfeeding? You can cook more than a dozen dishes from rice. But not all of them can be useful. If you are interested in whether rice can be breast-fed for women cooked with hot spices (for example, pilaf), then there will be a negative answer. Spices are generally better excluded from the diet, all the more acute.
There are several recommendations for eating rice dishes:
- You can’t eat rice very much. Constipation can occur in both (mom and baby), colic and allergies.
- For the first time, it is better to use rice when the child is at least a month old, and if the baby does not have constipation.
- First, it’s best to steam the rice and eat no more than two tablespoons after the main meal.
- If side effects are detected in the baby, it is better to postpone the use of rice for a month. Then start again in small portions.
- When preparing cereals from this cereal, fresh fruits or dried fruits should be added to the dish. Be sure to choose fruits that do not cause allergies. They will prevent constipation, improve taste and add goodness.
- Put rice in your diet gradually. Be sure to ensure that the child does not have allergies, colic does not increase, and so on. If everything is fine, the portion can be increased in a week, or better in two. The maximum allowable portion is considered no more than 200 g per day, not more than three times a week.
- Until the child is one month old, rice can only be used in soups. Their concentration is not great in them, and it is more easily absorbed by the body.
- Do not forget to sort and soak rice grains. To remove all nitrates.
- When preparing porridge from rice, take into account whether the child has lactose intolerance. If this is available, then cow's milk can be replaced with an analog or cook a dish on the water.
- When cooking, it is better to use brown rice. It is advisable not to use white. There is little use in it. But constipation can be earned.
- Be sure to test the purchased rice at home. To do this, soak a handful of grains in boiling water and wait a little time. If rice swells, then it can be eaten. But if it becomes slippery or even begins to turn into an incomprehensible slurry, resembling a paste, then such rice can be discarded. There is no benefit in it, but the chemistry that was added to improve the appearance is enough.

Many still wonder if rice can be breastfed. If a good cereal is selected and it is properly cooked, then yes. Choosing the right, unprocessed chemistry, rice is the most important task for a nursing mother.
How to cook cereals when breastfeeding?
If the child is still very small or this is the first dish that mom will eat when breastfeeding, then it is better to start with steamed or simply boiled rice on the water. When cooking, it is important not to overdo it with the amount of liquid (preferably water). Otherwise, you will have to drain the surplus. And in the broth will be useful substances from grains.
When a decision is made to add fruits to cereals or casseroles, it is best to start with apples or dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots). But it is better not to use a banana, as it will enhance the fixing effect of the dish.
Sometimes, checking with the doctor whether it is possible to breastfeed rice, the mother forgets to find out the correct preparation of the dish. Or rather, is it possible to cook porridge with milk, if you cook meat soup with rice, which meat is better to choose and so on. For the convenience of cooking boiled rice (different varieties), the table below.
Rice variety | Amount in g | The amount of water in ml | Cooking time, min |
White long grain | one hundred | 250 | 35 |
White round grain | one hundred | 200 | 25 |
Steamed | 150 | 250 | thirty |
Brown | 150 | 270 | 40 |
Mix of varieties | one hundred | 300 | fifty |
This table is convenient for preparing rice for a side dish or for making cereals. To leave excess starch from the cereal, rice is pre-soaked. It reduces the cooking time by 5 minutes. After cooking, the rice should brew and absorb all the liquid.
Tips for Cooking Pilaf for Nursing
If a nursing mother is interested in whether it is possible to eat pilaf and rice porridge during breastfeeding, then the answer will be yes. But when cooking pilaf, you need to take lean meat (you can use white chicken meat). Exclude fully spicy spices (the less spices, the better). But even such a dish can be eaten when the baby is at least 4 months old.

At first, do not add oil to porridge, it’s better to cook in water. Later it will be possible to cook on a mixture of milk and water. If assimilation is normal, then you can cook on milk. After that, you can start adding butter.
Recipe for Rice Soup
You will need:
- rice groats (steamed) - 50 g;
- potatoes - 2 medium tubers;
- carrots - 1 medium;
- onion - 1 head;
- water - 1.5 l;
- cooking oil.
Wash vegetables, peel, chop. Rinse and boil the rice (five minutes). Run the potatoes into boiling water. When the water boils again, start rice. At the same time, fry the carrots with onions (until the onions become golden brown). Add them to the pan when the rice is almost ready (10 minutes before the dish is ready). After cooking, the soup should stand for a while.
Rice cereal porridge recipe
Would need:
- rice (white, round-grain) - 130 g;
- cow's milk - 180 ml;
- water (settled or boiled) - 250 ml.
Rinse and let stand in water for 15-20 minutes. Gently drain the water. Thus, excess starch, nitrates and dirt are washed off. Also, the cooking time for porridge will be reduced. Add cereal to boiling water (sugar or salt depends on taste preferences), cook 1/3 hours. Add warmed milk and add porridge. Rice should be completely soft, but not cooked. Often, mothers worry whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat rice while breastfeeding. If the child behaves as usual and does not bother anything, then there is nothing to worry about. And this dish can be consumed several times a week (especially if a brown variety of rice is used), but in a limited amount, so as not to cause constipation.
Rice casserole
Would need:
- round white boiled rice - 320 g;
- white meat of chicken (boiled and chopped) - 370 g;
- cheese (grated, grated) - 120 g;
- low fat sour cream - 125 g;
- chicken egg - 2 pcs.
Pre-lubricate the preheated form with oil. Mix all ingredients (except cheese). Put gently on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. Then sprinkle with cheese and put in the oven for about 5 minutes. Let the finished dish cool.
Airy rice. Is it possible?
Sometimes a nursing mother is also concerned about the following question: is it possible to use air rice during breastfeeding? This delicacy is loved by everyone since childhood. This dish is not particularly harmful. On the contrary, it’s even useful (enhances milk production, has a number of useful properties). But it is important to consider what the finished dish will be with. Excess salt or sugar (usually rice is cooked with them) can harm the baby.
Brown rice dish
Is it possible to eat brown rice while breastfeeding? Yes, but not all mothers know such a simple and unusual recipe for making rice. Wash brown rice and boil (10 min). Water is drained. Stew sweet green peppers, carrots, onions, tomatoes in a pan, add rice and water to them (to hide the contents). Simmer until water is absorbed over low heat. The dish is incredibly tender, satisfying and healthy. Taste and healthy properties are just on top.
From all the above, we can conclude that eating rice is very useful for both mom and baby. It is important not to overdo it in portions. Add fruits and vegetables to dishes to reduce the fixative effect of rice. If there is lactose intolerance, do not use milk in the preparation of cereals. Do not eat until the child reaches a month. Introduce into the diet gradually.

Rice strengthens teeth, bones and nerves. And mom can help lose weight and bring your skin and hair in order. It also normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and the cardiovascular system. Cleans the body of toxins. It will prevent the development of anemia (both in the child and in the mother). Reduce puffiness. And most importantly, it normalizes the production of breast milk.
Is it possible for a nursing mother to rice? Many women are looking for the answer to this question. Some share their thoughts on this subject. Many girls say that they began to use rice almost from the first month their baby was born. After such meals, the ladies did not notice any negative manifestations in their children. Others noticed that babies have constipation. But, fortunately, such problems arise in units. As the girls say, this cannot but rejoice.
Now you know how useful and harmful rice porridge is during lactation for mother and baby. But if you still have doubts about whether rice can be breastfed, you can always get advice from a pediatrician. He will tell you a more accurate answer, knowing your individual characteristics.