Peas are one of those food products that absolutely everyone loves: both children and adults. It can be consumed fresh directly from the garden, boil fragrant soup with it and add to the salad in canned form. Peas, whose benefits to the body have been known since ancient times, give dishes a special taste.

Peas are considered to be a valuable source of protein of plant origin, carbohydrates and other vitamins. However, its main feature is the content in the composition of trace elements and mineral salts useful for the body.
You can list the composition for a very long time. In simpler words, in one pea is almost the entire periodic table. Vitamins in the composition: E, K, B, A, H and beta-carotene.
Calorie content of the product
Due to the fact that the composition of peas contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins, it surpasses certain types of meat in its caloric value. For example, if you take lean beef, it will be less high-calorie than peas.
Young peas, the use of which is undoubted for the body, contains about 298 kcal per 100 grams of product. The brain varieties of the product are much tastier than the canteens. They contain a lot of sugar and starch. However, when the peas begin to ripen, the amount of sugar decreases.
Fresh peas, the benefit for a person of which is more than canned, is recommended for children. At this time, it contains in its composition many useful substances, amino acids and vitamins.
Beneficial features

It is no secret to anyone that sprouted grain has a positive effect on the body. However, few people know what exactly is this benefit. When the pea sprouts, enzymes start to activate sharply in it, and this affects the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats. Thus, the amount of vitamins in the composition increases, the product is easily absorbed by the body. By the way, mineral salts, which are found in large quantities in peas, help to remove excess fluid.
By the way, peas are very appreciated by fishermen. It turns out that for fish itβs just the perfect bait (boiled).
Green peas: benefits and harm from a medical point of view
Any doctor will tell you that this product is very healthy to eat. However, one drawback can still be found. Due to the fact that peas contain a lot of coarse fiber and sugar, this product leads to increased flutulence. In simple terms, its use causes gas formation.
Product Advantages:
- Pea is a very powerful antioxidant. Its regular use minimizes the risk of cancer.
- This product is very useful for the prevention of obesity and anemia.
- Improves the functioning of blood vessels, heart, kidneys and liver.
- In summer, be sure to eat fresh green peas. Its use is not only a positive effect on the body, it also excellently removes swelling, therefore it is often used in cosmetology.
- It is recommended to use ulcers in the form of mashed potatoes because it lowers acidity.
- Used to prevent dermatitis and seizures.
- Cleanses the intestines from accumulated toxins.
- Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.
- Improves brain function and nourishes the body with energy.
- It supports muscle tone and has a beneficial effect on the development of mental abilities.
- Slows down the aging process.
- Pea tincture is used to eliminate toothache.
Use in cosmetology

What is still good peas? Its benefits have been noted in cosmetology. This product is often used as face masks. It has been proven that such procedures relieve acne, reduce swelling and improve skin color.
Even in ancient times, women used pea flour for cosmetic purposes . In ancient Rome, powder made on the basis of this product was very popular.
Effective weight loss
Peas are a great way to cleanse the body. For this reason, it is very often used in their diet by the fair sex, who want to lose weight.
You can take dry peas and soak them in cold water for about 12 hours. After that, pass it through the meat grinder. The course of weight loss is from 7 to 10 days. The cooked mass should be eaten every day for several tablespoons. Believe me, after a month of such a diet, you will not only normalize your bowels, but also lose weight.
Peas: good for the heart
With atherosclerosis and heart disease, doctors recommend that their patients eat pea dishes. This product leaches harmful cholesterol from the body and cleanses blood vessels. In addition, pea cleanses the blood and normalizes blood pressure, removes excess fluid from the body.
The seeds contain a large amount of antioxidants, which reduce the risk of tumors and hypertension. It is recommended to use it regularly for everyone, at any age.

This is useful to know
Peas must be able to choose the right one. The product that is not very large in diameter in dry form, about 3-4 mm, will be of higher quality. The color should be either bright yellow or green.
Now a little about what peas should be after cooking. Its benefit will remain the same if after soaking it is boiled for a maximum of 60 minutes. In the event that this does not happen, the product is better not to eat. It is either old or not of high quality.
If you like canned peas, then be sure to study the composition before you buy it. It should only contain sugar, salt, water and the product itself. In no case do not buy a can if the lid is at least slightly swollen.
How to cook peas?

- Before cooking, be sure to fill it with fresh cold water. At least three liters of water are consumed per kilogram of product.
- Regardless of the variety of peas, the optimal time for cooking is 1 hour. In rare cases, it can be 1.5 hours.
- During cooking, do not add cold water. If it boils, you can add a little boiling water.
- Peas need to be salted only after it is ready, because salt interferes with digestion.
- If you want to make mashed potatoes, knead the peas hot. When it cools down a bit, lumps form.
The use of boiled peas is no less than fresh, only if it is cooked correctly.
How long do you need to soak peas?
Cooking peas has one secret - first you need to soak it in cold water. The best option would be to do this overnight. This procedure significantly reduces cooking time. However, you should not think that the longer you soak the product, the better it will be for it. It's a delusion. If you overdo it, then the peas will simply turn sour. Calculate the time so that the product is in the water for no more than 12 hours. This is the most optimal period of time.
Before dipping peas, it must be sorted out. Then fold it into a deep container and rinse well. Sometimes in packages you can find small pieces of twigs, you need to get rid of them. Only then can peas be soaked in cold water. Do this so that the liquid covers the product for about two fingers.
By the way, it is worth noting the fact that if, after soaking, the peas swell well, then it will no longer cause strong gas formation. You can also add fresh dill to the finished soup or mashed potatoes, the effect will be the same.

Despite the fact that the benefits of peas for the human body are significant, there are some contraindications that are important to be aware of:
- With jade and gout, you can not use the product both fresh and cooked.
- With thrombophlebitis and cholecystitis, peas are contraindicated.
- If you have exacerbated gastrointestinal diseases, it is not recommended to use this product at this time.
- Peas are useful for older people because it normalizes the work of the heart. But too often you canβt add it to your diet.
- For bowel problems, be sure to consult your doctor before eating peas.
Of course, it is best to try fresh peas when they are only collected from the garden. At this time, the product is richest in vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of peas have been known since ancient times. It has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. However, you always need to remember how to cook and soak it correctly, what to look for when purchasing a canned product. Knowing these basic rules and contraindications, you can always cook for your family not only tasty, but also healthy dish.