When a woman becomes a nursing mother, many prohibitions and contentious issues arise for her. Everyone knows that the nutrition of the fairer sex, which leads to natural feeding, is reflected in the health and well-being of the baby. Immediately after birth, doctors and obstetricians tell the newly minted mother what to eat, and what is better to refuse. However, you cannot list and share all known products. There are a lot of them. That is why women are still puzzled by the question of whether to eat this or that dish, and, in particular, is it possible to use kefir when breastfeeding. In our article, we will just discuss this issue. You will learn about the benefits and dangers of this drink. We will also talk about kefir during breastfeeding. Different points of view will be discussed below.

Breastfeeding Kefir
There are several different opinions on this. Some experts do not limit the newly made mother from the use of dairy products. Other doctors believe that they are strictly contraindicated. The opinions of women are also divided. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to drink kefir while breastfeeding, and how to do it correctly.
What do gynecologists say?
Obstetricians claim that you can drink kefir with breastfeeding . Everything is explained quite simply. After the birth of a baby, a newly minted mother often has dysbiosis in the vagina. This is quite normal. Over time, microflora will recover. However, the use of fermented milk products, for example, kefir, will accelerate this process.
Gynecologists also report that regular use of the drink restores the intestines. Immediately after giving birth, women often suffer from constipation. Kefir, used regularly during breastfeeding, will help to solve this problem easily and gently. Doctors say that it is better to drink this product than to use drugs that will be harmful to the baby.

What do breastfeeding experts say?
This group of persons claims that a fermented milk drink is not only possible, but also necessary. Kefir during breastfeeding helps to enhance lactation. If a woman suffers from a lack of milk, then this sour-milk drink will help her. Regular consumption of kefir helps to saturate breastfeeding with useful trace elements for the baby.
Many mothers worry about the fact that kefir contains alcohol. The product is made during fermentation. Because of this, ethyl alcohol is formed. It is worth noting that a few decades ago the drink was produced using outdated technologies. The consequence of this was the discovery in kefir of up to 0.9% alcohol. Now technology has transformed. Currently, you can get from kefir from 0.1 to 0.5 percent alcohol. Breastfeeding experts say that such a quantity is quickly filtered by the liver and does not enter breast milk. That is why you can safely use the product.

What is the opinion of pediatricians?
Children's doctors believe that kefir can be used with breastfeeding . The drink contains vitamins of groups B, E, C and so on. Also, the product is rich in calcium, phosphorus, zinc and other trace elements. They are very necessary to the newly minted mother during this period.
However, doctors make a reservation regarding whether it is possible to drink kefir while breastfeeding. It is better to protect a newborn who suffers from colic from such nutrition. Sour-milk drink can cause fermentation in the motherβs stomach and intestines. All this has a definite effect on the health of the crumbs. The product can be safely consumed after the intestines of the crumbs are filled with beneficial microorganisms.

Mommy reviews
Women who are breastfeeding are divided into two categories in this matter. Some of them believe that kefir should not be consumed even in the first few months. After all, no one knows how the baby will react to the product. Perhaps the baby will have a tummy ache or an allergic reaction.
Other mothers say that you can drink kefir immediately after childbirth. However, this must be done very carefully. A varied diet of a mother not only contributes to the flow of beneficial substances into the baby's body, but also improves overall well-being.
Also, some mummies say that they want to lose weight after giving birth. Kefir helps them in this. One glass of the product, drunk in the evening, satisfies hunger and improves digestion.

How to drink kefir with natural feeding?
If you decide to introduce this product into your diet, then do not do it abruptly. To get started, take half a glass of drink. Do it in the morning. This will allow you to monitor the reaction of the crumbs during the day. If the baby is not worried, then in a few days you can increase the dosage of the product.
Doctors do not limit lactating women to use this product. However, a prerequisite is the well-being of the child. To do this, the first servings of the drink should be minimal.
Kefir can be introduced to children for feeding no earlier than 10-12 months. In this case, the drink may well replace breast milk at this age. However, you should choose only fresh goods, prepared according to all the rules. If you wish, you yourself can make kefir at home. Eat correctly and do not forget about the benefits for the baby!