Cereals are considered one of the most necessary elements for the proper development of the body, because they are produced from natural cereals - wheat, barley, buckwheat, oats, rice. From barley, after it is cleaned and polished, pearl barley is made . In itself, barley is a huge amount of useful substances. Benefit and harm will depend on in what doses to take it and how to do it.

Is pearl barley rich in vitamins and minerals
This cereal is very rich in elements such as calcium, potassium, iron. It contains a large number of trace elements that are important for humans: iodine, phosphorus, bromine. In it you can find a certain amount of manganese, nickel, chromium, copper, zinc, cobalt. Its useful qualities are mainly achieved due to vitamins PP, E, B. Protein, selenium, fiber - all this has a very beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, all of which can be pearl barley. The benefit and harm of this cereal is very great, especially the first factor, which can not be said about the harm to the body. The use of pearl barley leads to improved blood circulation, to improved bone formation, the supply of energy to the body.
Minerals, which are also present in its composition, help insulin to regulate sugar levels, maintain water balance in cells, prevent blood clots, and normally promote muscle and nerve functions. Barley porridge, the benefits and harms of this cereal - this will always be an open topic. However, for a long time, a wonderful inexhaustible source of strength and energy for the whole day - pearl barley. Benefit and harm, this groats is rich in everything.

Negative sides: are they
Barley, the benefits and harm that it is capable of doing are topics discussed. Much has been said about how it benefits people, but what are its disadvantages? In fact, there are absolutely no minuses for this grits. There are only some contraindications to its use. Do not recommend using it:
- People who have high stomach acidity.
- People who suffer from frequent constipation.
- Pregnant women due to the fact that they can not eat protein glutin, and it is part of this cereal.
- For men, with excessive consumption, it can disrupt the digestive functions and cause a decrease in libido.

Pearl barley diet and its effectiveness
In the modern world, pearl barley diet is put on a par with buckwheat. For a long time, pearl barley was equated with the number of high-calorie foods that are digested by the body for a very long time. But at the moment everyone is sure - the barley diet is effective. To prepare such a low-calorie diet, you need to soak this cereal in the evening, so that it stands until the very morning. After that, it can be boiled until it begins to crumble. Porridge can be consumed four times a day, but portions can be applied any size. It is not recommended to stay on this diet for more than one week, if the result suits you, then you can try to repeat it, but somewhere in a month. With such a diet, it is recommended that occasionally arrange fasting days for the body. It is worth remembering that after the diet is over, the dish needs to be replaced gradually, otherwise there is a risk of the return of the lost kilograms.